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Replacing Beliefs that Don’t Serve You

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 14, 2010

Wow, have we hit a goldmine of critical thought or what?  There are really some insightful and thoughtful comments on the last few posts.  Now we are really getting somewhere.  Namely, the deep down areas of your subconscious programming.  This is where the major breakthroughs are made.

We’re on the question of whether your beliefs serve you.  In particular, the belief that you are a sorry, pathetic sinner who is in a predetermined path of destiny, or, if you have the blessing of free choice (whether from a higher power or not).

I’ve stated all along that I reject the “sorry sinner” view for the very simple and practical reason that it doesn’t empower me.

This is a very easy thing for me to do, because I’m open to question all my beliefs, and I wasn’t raised in a religious environment, with all of the programming that entails.  This has been a challenging exercise for a number of you, but a great one nonetheless.

Much of organized religion has not allowed their followers to mature to adulthood. There is a parent/child relationship that supports a dependence and lack of maturity.  Organized religion works best (and gets more money in the collection basket) when you need it desperately.  You can see how many people on the blog have chosen not to participate in the faith they were taught at childhood because it leaves them no room for independent thought.

And it isn’t just the Christian belief in original sin that creates worthiness issues.  There is plenty of lack programming to go around from the other organized religions.

As I related in my book, “How to Get Smart, Healthy & Rich!," the same horrific manipulation of young minds is happening in many temples, mosques and synagogues around the world.  Millions more children are right now receiving the same negative programming which will relegate them to lives of suffering, limitation, and fear.

And what a despicable, tragic, and heinous crime that is.

The real problem is the fundamentalists in all organized religions.  They have highjacked the true message and distorted it to reflect their agenda.  So hateful bigots like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and Oral Roberts claim to teach the Bible.  Murderers like Osama bin Laden profess to represent true Islam.

I remember a few years ago.  The press was reporting that the Arab world was outraged because Israel killed Islamic cleric Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas.  I wondered what kind of world is it, when you can get a job running an organization that organizes and trains assassination squads and suicide bombers – and still be called a “cleric” or a “spiritual leader.”

Fundamentalism has today evolved into a code word for hate, persecution, and intolerance.  Idiots like Robertson, Falwell and Roberts no more teach the message of Jesus Christ than bin Laden, Yassin, and Saddam Hussein represented the true message of Islam.  They have simply highjacked the message and use it to manipulate their mindless followers.

And depending on the religion:  if you prostrate yourself enough, beg for forgiveness enough, say enough “Hail Mary’s,” ambush enough American GI’s, rub enough rosary beads, pray to Mecca enough times each day, blow up enough abortion clinics, kill enough Jews, or send enough money to the televangelist – you will be saved.

A lot of the world's organized religions are set up as cosmic frequent flier programs.

If you collect enough points, you win the free trip to paradise.  Whether we look at the Christian concept of original sin, the Buddhist 8-fold path, the Hindu doctrine of karma, the Jewish Covenant, or the Muslim Code of Law, they all are set up with the basic presupposition that you are a flawed being who needs salvation.

And if that’s what you are taught beginning at four or five years old, is it any wonder that you would grow up with worthiness issues?  Along with low self-esteem, fear-based consciousness, and a tendency to self-sabotage?

If you went to a private Catholic school and the nuns told you that you were born a sorry sinner, what are the odds you are going to grow up liking yourself?  If you are a Hindu who believes that this time around, you are reincarnated from an Egyptian horse thief to pay penance, what are the chances you’re going let yourself be successful?  If you’re a Buddhist who believes you must go through 129 lifetimes to find enlightenment – and you’re only on lifetime 57 -- what are the odds that you’re going to let yourself become wealthy this time?

If you believe that you’re a sorry wretch and God or Allah has predetermined your destiny - what’s the point of trying for greatness?  Better to get a six-pack of rancid, fermented hops, plop into the recliner, and rub the hair off the back of your head watching mindless drivel like CSI.

If instead you believe that your rational mind and free choice come from God (or the Universe) – you can then take responsibility for your own life.  By seeing yourself as a co-creator with God or the Universe, you have the reason and desire to grow and learn.

My philosophy is to question all of my beliefs.  If they serve me, I keep them.  If they don’t, I drop them like a hand grenade and replace them with ones that do.

So how you doing on that?


41 comments on “Replacing Beliefs that Don’t Serve You”

  1. The bible says very clear that God is the creator of All things. He is the absolute God. He is in control. We are created by him.But The world teaches us otherwise.God's word is the answer. not man's words.

  2. Very interesting "programming stuff"-hopefully you will spend time talking about other types of negative and lack programming, like schools.

    The one thing I always questioned or asked about, even as a boy, was why do the spiritual "leaders" tell the herd to do one thing, while often they live a different standard (I guess I was questioning the programming that was taking place at the time, without even knowing it).

    And while I consider myself to be Christian, I have always been asking why don't the leaders just "show" us instead of "tell" us. I have always found my religion to be a do as I say, not as I do club. On the Dozens of times I have met with church clergy, ministers or lay people, I always get the same answer to my questions...we are imperfect beings who must continue to TRY to redeem ourselves...and of course redemption doesn't come until I'm gone. So, in my feeble and insignificant mind (lol), I look at the lessons that Rabbi Jesus taught...his ministry was all about teaching people a way to overcome, a way up, how to prosper and then teach others the same.

    Another "thing" I have always asked the "leaders" is how come we are sorry-assed sinners, but we are made in the likeness of God -those two concepts seem counter-intuitive to me. Either, we are, in fact the sorry asses waiting for salvation or we are made perfectly in the likeness of God and have EVERYTHING we need inside to do ANYTHING we set our minds to...hmmmm. (And please folks, don't give me any religious lessons - I grew up the grandson of an Episcopal, we know where I got my programming from!!!lol.

  3. I did received a lot of lack beliefs from my all male catholic school, a lot of guilt. Not everything was bad, I was taught at the same to think critically. For that, I am very grateful for my catholic school teachings.
    There is a subset in the catholic church call the Jesuits. They are willing to challenge the Pople and conventional beliefs.

    I will take the co-creator belief and sink deeper to where there is no creator and nobody is creating which is beyond belief.
    Let the subject and object collapsed which is held by fear of terror, that the idea of me doesn't exit.

  4. There's God in every single person, there's more God in the people that surround us and in nature that enchantes us and The Bible is really nothing more than a good history book.

    Oh, when will the divine creatures break their chains of organized religion and finally find their divinity inside them? No guns and bombs would ever be fired if everybody was able to see the God they believe in in others. Ok, today I'll pray for that.

    Love, Natasa

  5. Great article Randy. I have questioned the orginal sin issue for many years as I read how we were made in the image of God. I have said for years when humans get in the mix of religion, we get a million different denominations proclaiming Jesus Christ with most, simply using that avenue to push along their twisted views. Humans love to promote themselves and it seems that they feel ok with that method as long as it is tied to God. The real teachings of Jesus from the Bible are greatly different from most organized religions. I look forward to more discussion on this subject. Thanks Randy!

  6. Wow Randy, I'm not often stuck for words but your article has me spinning. I LOVE your fire!

    As a "recovering" Catholic myself, I don't dispute your perspective. And while original sin is a keystone of their dogma, truthfully the message I received was positioned as "God loves you despite the fact that you are a sorry sinner", LOL. And not just from conception, but the cycle of sinning / repentence contributed to tremendous guilt as a young mind. I rejected it as soon as I found my independence.

    Like you I have examined and rejected beliefs instituted in man-made dogma (even with the claim of divine inspiration). I choose to believe that we are co-creators, limitless, and that our birthright is abundance, and an effortless life. And there is plenty of evidence to support that notion.

    In my experience with fundamentalists, what I see for the most part are well intentioned, positive people who believe they have found in the concept of God, freedom. It's an ironic concept.

    Well peace to them. Peace to you. Peace to all of us. And thank you for an inspired read.

  7. Thanks for the great post! This is an area that I have really struggled with because I grew up as the child of a poor Southern Baptist preacher and used to be a Southern Baptist pastor myself. But now my desire is to teach success principles, like Napoleon Hill and you. I just published an article on this topic in my website.

    The Fundamentalists are like the Pharisees in the Bible, the holier-than-thou religious leaders who were actually Jesus' biggest enemies. They say they believe that the Bible is the literal Word of God, but they show little of the character of God. Jesus said that all they do is for show, but inside they are dead.

    It all depends on how you interpret the Bible. If they were consistent, then all three of the Abrahamic religions should support slavery, religious wars, the massacre of innocent women and children, and polygamy -- because the Bible does.

    Instead, we need to see the Bible as the product of its time and culture. We need to take the best teachings of it -- God's love, our worth, the Golden Rule -- and leave the rest behind.

  8. Thanks for not pussy-footing around, Randy. I agree totally. There is divine energy, but most formal interpretations of it were designed to have control over the masses.

  9. Weren't we taught never discuss religion and politics in polite discussion? I guess it's ok when we're trying to provoke a response from people... I don't think I'm so brave as to discuss religion on my blog, politics are another matter.

    Good for you to bring this out into the open for people to talk about. Discussions about religious beliefs are productive I believe.

    Thank you, Brian.

  10. Well Said Randy! The bible says man was given the right to choose and it refers to the one path, for some reason I think the true path has been twisted by organized religion to serve itself by crippling the minds of its followers.
    I choose life, any religion that talks about the wrath of god or teaches bigotry etc must have been created by some other god than the one who gave us this wonderful universe to enjoy and prosper in.
    Keep up the thought provoking work!

  11. The Bible is the absolute word of God, written By God, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Faith, is the absence of doubt. If you think that the teachings of your faith are holding you back, or leaving you feel unworthy, then you are making excuses, and not taking full responsibility for your self, simply because you missed the boat, or the teachings. Jesus Christ didn't seek out the rich, or prominent figures of his time. He surrounded himself with sinners, thieves, murderers, the poor, including the 12 Apostles. They certainly had their faults. The point is he made their lives better. That's what we are supposed to do. That is what you do Randy, whether you know it or not. Help others get what they want, and you cannot help, but get what you want. Give to those, who are truly in need. Society, unfortunately tries to steer us away from all that. We spend a lot of time reading books, listening to self improvement CD's, and attending seminars, to make our lives better. I do all these things, but I always stop and ask myself, if this is enhancing, or extracting, from my faith. Why is it that the greats, Jim Rohn, John C. Maxwell, Jack Canfield, etc. say that their #1 personal development book, is the Bible. Just ask them. I am a born and raised Catholic. I do not at all feel that I am held back, or unworthy, because of my faith. I also am not waiting around for God's plan to just happen. The path that I am on, is the one God is leading me down, to make others lives better, and whether you know it or not, or care to admit it. You are too. My suggestion is that people, get into a good Church, & Bible study, and dig deep. The answers are there. The reality is, it is truly the only personal development book, you will ever need. I won't apologize for ranting. Choose for yourself. I feel disheartened by people that I admire, for their success, and leadership, choose to blame, or slam, organized religion. The fact is a strong positive relationship with God, is the Truth, for living a good, loving, giving, gratuitous, and prosperous life. God inspired me to respond to this. See you at the Top. Peace & Blessings.

  12. Randy-
    you state that you examined all the religions, however I think you failed in one case-study the Jewish Religion.
    David Brooks columinist of the New York Times wrote an editorial on Jan 12, 2009, in which he stated the the Jewish Faith encourages a belief in progress and personal accountability. It is a learning based, not rite based religion.

    I am not a religious Jew, but have always learned that I am responsible for my actions, that I have never heard that we were born in sin, and that one of the tenets of our religion is to be the best we can be, to give to charity and live a life of good deeds.Never has there been to my knowledge of the religion that we live in sin-perhaps you should attend a service some time and get a better objective idea of how our religion and way of life is quite different that you state. Yes the Old Testement left much to be desired, and it is not practiced that way today.

  13. Here is a classic example of fundamentalist (emphasis on the MENTAL) idocracy from Pat Robertson. In this interview he refers to the tragedy unfolding in Haiti as "a blessing in disguise" and goes on to proclaim "Well, it's because they made a pact with the Devil, true story" as if IT"S ACTUALLY A FACT.

    William James (1842-1910) The father of modern Psychology "There's nothing so absurd that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it."

  14. Great stuff here. Something I have noticed is the human tendency to make God in our own image. Our personal image tends to create many group activities aligned with ego agreements. Does a fine job blowing things up and to some degree even works building some things. No God there [as an experience] however.

    Believing the truth makes it a lie. The truth has to be experienced or it is nonsense. I have been mystified my entire life that people ‘believe’ in a book. It’s akin to believing in a tool box. The tool box has various tools that used appropriately make a difference and used incorrectly can do real damage to the tools, the user and everything else.

    I see religions and various belief 'systems' originally designed to produce an experience with ‘God.’ Books and lists of rules all point to something but do not provide the something. Reading the encyclopedia and watching 3 hours of how to videos on being the best bicycle rider does not provide riding the bicycle or anything remotely close. You can be smart and have all the answers [one of my specialties actually] but doesn't give you balance on a bicycle any more than what most people take from their religion, their government, their schools, their work or their relationships.

    Do not believe anyone! That does not mean to discount or demean anything either. You have to try it on yourself. You have to sort it out for yourself. If it works for you, if it supports who you are, use it and if it doesn’t put it back on the shelf. Maybe someone else will be able to use it…. Some things do need to become fertilizer however.

    Here’s the rub. Og Mandino wrote “experience is comparable to fashion; an action that proved successful today will be unworkable and impractical tomorrow.” The reason is the instant you notice the experience it disappears. Noticing the experience is not the experience and what you are left with is a story about it, a prescription, a method, a plan, a list of rules to produce it again… While that may produce more and better results that is NOT what produces the experience.

    In many ways it is sad how many people choose to denigrate the ‘sandbox’ they came from. It really says nothing about the sandbox and it does say something about you. The beginning of a list of aphorisms I use is…

    The truth doesn’t mean anything. It just is. If you keep saying it the way it really is, eventually your word is law in the universe. Humans keep looking for a truth that fits their reality. Given our reality, the truth doesn’t fit. If you experience it, it’s the truth. The same thing believed is a lie. In life, understanding is the booby prize. Obviously the truth is what’s so, not so obviously, it’s also ‘So what.’ You don’t get to vote on the way it is. You already did.

  15. Hello Randy,
    it is the way you wrote. In my opinion the most interesting question is, how to remove the old beliefs. There can several techniques be used I think. How do you practice?
    Thank you and all the best from Germany!

  16. Beliefs are just thoughts and ideas to which people have become attached - and feel often feel compelled to defend as "the truth". Many identify themselves by their beliefs. Even questioning beliefs is sometimes viewed as a personal attack. While some beliefs can be beneficial and serve us, most don't - since they limit thinking in many ways. Beliefs would be better viewed as hypotheses from a particular perspective (or world view). Beliefs do NOT change as a result of people arguing (or even politely talking) about what they believe. Randy is right. There is a lot to be gained from questioning what we believe - and whether our life is better or worse a result.

  17. You stated that it religion is a "frequent flyer"-if you score enough points you make it to paradise-not so in the Jewish Faith-this is your paradise, you make it so in what you do, think, and become
    Charles Garber

  18. Amen. Thanks for finding the words that I have been looking for my entire life, to explain my discomfort with organized religions...that it doesn't allow people to grow up, be dependent upon themselves, and be accountable for their actions and affects on others. My husband's family is fundamentalist Baptist; they only ever saw me as Someone Who Needs to be Saved (never mind that I became a catholic, by choice, in 2002).

    Their only true mission in life is Saving others...what a waste. Isn't there SOMETHING else, ANYTHING else they'd like to do? It makes me so sad to think of all the potential wasted, keeping the sheep in the same old flock generation after generation.

    Hmmmm...on the other hand...more room for me at the top. See ya there!

  19. Reading some of these comments, I forgot what the post was about and had to go read it again.

    I agree. Question everything. The more you question them, the beliefs that serve you will only strengthen your roots in them. The beliefs that don't serve you, yes - the analogy of dropping them with a grenade is fantastic.

    By believing without question (although that's the teachings we receive), we are no better than someone who believes something because 'their parents told them' or because, if they don't, they won't go to heaven.

    I am constantly questioning myself today. Since the mentality of lack was exposed to me through studying, and the idea that 'to serve God' one has to stand behind a pulpit, host a Bible Study, or AT LEAST wipe some other parent's kids' butts in the cry room became an obvious fallacy, it's been an enlightening journey.

    I do it through more study, and removing myself from influences that follow the old programming.

    Great saying I continue to implement: Love your family, respect your family, but choose your peers.

    This place is full of peers that I am grateful to have.

    Blessings to all!


  20. I think that if leaders want their team to work, they have to lead the way and do the work instead of just managing people. Walking their talk & talking their walk...if that is what they want others to do. Then they will see duplication.

    I disagree that we "must continue to TRY to redeem ourselves". I believe God wants us to prosper and we have everything available to us if we ask.
    Have a plan & write the plan down, imagine the plan as fulfilled, and pray or affirm that it is fulfilled.

    Affirm: "What we can conceive, we can achieve with the help of God" C. Ponder.

    Prosperity is the result of deliberate thought and action.
    If you aren't sure what you want, you need to think about it. List things you want to change in your life. I've made a lot of changes this past year and I have more to make. Sometimes you need to review & change your list or plans.

    Once you know what you want, you can begin to imagine it. Randy has a good video on the The Imaging Law of Prosperity.

  21. I actually rejected the Catholic faith before I became independent. I started questioning the religion at a very young age. For example, I remember questioning confession before I had to make my first confession in the third grade. I didn't believe in confession so I became very creative in avoiding confession, which is against what I was taught in the Catholic church. You could say that I was a failure in the Catholic Church because of my thoughts & actions.

  22. you have said exactly 100% what I true believe in my deepest self.It was a very lonely experience for me.

  23. "fundamentalist (emphasis on the MENTAL)" lol, love it!

    There is a show on I believe Thursday nights...early Friday morning around 4am.... Its been so long I can not remember exactly.. if you go to and look up Jack Van Impe you can see some of the shows. (Mind you I would watch this because there was NOTHING else on but infomercials and at the time I had no cable)

    They are full of brain washing Christian talk... mostly of news headlines and the coming of the end of the world.

    Jamie 😉

  24. I'm a Catholic here in the Philippines with 1,700 islands, rich with world's best beach resorts.

    What Randy mentioned is just his own perception of religions including Catholicism. We have millions of millionaire Catholics. Please visit the website being run by millionaire Catholics with multiple income streams!

    My our Lord God bless you all!


  25. OK: Here's more. Yes, I joined a Catholic Church as an adult. But I was raised by parents who wished me to make my own decisions regarding faith and organized religion. The discussions resulting from this line of questioning are fascinating to me.

    Best descibed, I am Humanist who's a semi-practicing Catholic. How does one justify THAT relationship? Easy: The only purpose religion serves in my practice is to make me a better HUMAN, not a better Christian.

    To me, God is a cheerleader. S/HE's rooting for US. Don't think s/he has the slightest interest in being worshipped...worship is a human creation, not a god's. A god that can create a universe like the one we are in is way, way, way too big to ever recognize worship...and what would a being that powerful need from worship anyway? StarTrek V: "Why does God need a spaceship?"

    Maybe, like the concept of 2001: A Space Oddessy...God planted the seed, and left the rest to Nature to evolve as it will...cheering for us, but staying out of the way.

    Fascinating stuff. Did you all hear Pat Robertson's completely medieval comment about the Hatian earthquake, akin to "decreasing the surplus population?" HOW does a mind like that get into a position of such power and influence??

    Star Trek, Stanley Kubrick, and Charles Dickens. Makes me want to watch a good movie.

  26. Yes, Randy! I can't agree with you more! Yes, we are programmed for failure! We are told so many times that we are sinners. That we are somehow flawed! That is not true! We are born in the image of God. We are blessed beyond measure!
    That is what I truly belive! I am a heart transplant recepient, and I know that God loves me just the way I am. He/She is all around us everyday to let us know that we are part of the infinite we are a part of God not apart from God. Thank you for your message of hope and glory. I just obtained your book on why we are dumb, sick and broke. And it is right on target. Thank Your for your writings Randy. You are a great teacher!

    Pete Wehle

  27. Do my beliefs serve me? I believe they do. Like I mentioned in another comment, I do not practice any religion, and religion was not forced upon me.

    The beliefs I have are derived from within... I simply believe if you are a good or a bad person that good or bad things will come your way. I am a co-creator with the Universe. (a bit of a tree hugger ;))

    Jamie 😉

  28. "Fascinating stuff. Did you all hear Pat Robertson’s completely medieval comment about the Hatian earthquake, akin to “decreasing the surplus population?” HOW does a mind like that get into a position of such power and influence??"

    Although I do not agree that he should have said something like that at a time like this... I would have to say that the Earth is over populated and we are using resources generations ahead of time. I do agree that it is natures way of 'taking back what belongs to it' so that it can survive. We are all taking the life out of this planet one human at a time.. (this is just the tree hugger soul in me)

    Jamie 😉

  29. I have taken a lot of science (physics, chemistry, biology, physiology, anatomy, etc.). When I was in grade school I had both religion & science classes. I questioned a Nun about the different views on creation. She finally told me it was ok if I believed in science as long as I believed God was responsible for creating everything. Of course I had to think about that and came up with my own interpretation.

    I believe we have choices so we are part of the creating process. Just as I chose not to believe in Confession and I was creative in avoiding it. I can take responsibility for my own life (both successes and failures). I have always had the desire to grow and learn. I spend time everyday focusing on growing & learning.

    I have been questioning my beliefs and, looking back, I realize I started questioning them at a young age. I know I need to replace some beliefs. With all the negative programming we get everyday it would be amazing if I didn't have any beliefs that I need to replace.

    One example is having to work on-call 24*7 in my career. I was not happy working that many hours and I looked for ways to change my career to one that allowed time to live life and enjoy life. Most of the people I worked with just accepted working that way as the way it is. I worked like that for too long so I know that was my choice and I am responsible. It was based on my beliefs. I was also responsible for deciding to change. That is also based on my beliefs.

    I am looking at my failures to see what thoughts/beliefs I have that caused my failures. Then I can replace them with new beliefs and not repeat the failures.

    I don't watch the news and I don't watch that much on TV. I also spend time doing daily self development (reading or listening to CDs) and affirmations. I am making time to question my beliefs.

  30. I did not know how else to reach you . I no longer read the papers, watch the news or TV. We know that have time to time there are tragedies. Sorry but I feel no feelings toward the incidents. People die every day.

    Life is full of tragedies, some by nature, some by the hand of man. When 5,000 die all at once, why are we more bothered it seems and take up collections, then when 5,000 die tragically one at a time in a year and receive no help. Its seems all media driven. Nothing but big news for the media.

    Am I wrong and do I need to rethink my feelings. I'm not even sure I am asking this right. Any thoughts. Can you figure out where I'm trying to go with this. Thank RG

  31. Yes

    The we have lovely people like Robertson saying Haiti happened because they made a pact with the devil... and I bet there are thousands who believe him.

    While I went to Sunday School - it was only so my mother could have a lie in when we were younger! Haha! I wasn't so much interested in the religion - but in the spirituality - so researched people like Buddha, Gandhi, Jesus... and all of them preached and loved the poor. SO I believed for me that i needed to be poor to heal and transform the cosnciousness of the planet to Love.

    I never minded wealth - nor have anything against it. I don't think that rich people are horrible.

    Interestingly tho whenever i have asked for an image of my future I always see spacious wealth.

    Those parts within me have struggled to reconcile each other...

  32. Yesterday, a long time, I sat down on the sofa and watched a movie. I looked at the writings of Dr. Wayne Dyer-based movie THE SHIFT. It was wonderful to say I'm now on the right track when I create it myself. I have the opportunity to create exactly what I want myself.


  33. Most of the great people in the Bible were prosperous: Jesus, Paul, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Nehemiah, Elijah, and Elisha.

  34. I am so glad you see the similarity of fundamentalist religions worldwide. I have realized this for a long time, but have had no success explaining it to others. We see jihadists as terrorists. People like that person who killed the abortion doctor as he was ushering at church are terrorists as well. So few see that.

  35. Well said. With regard to Judaism we're not taught that we are born as rotten sinners which is why we are not baptized. We are supposed to take on 613 commandments or mitzvoth at bar mitzvah age which is controlling in another way though.

  36. WOW!
    You have no idea how true all this is for me. I've been programmed from the time I was born on how unworthy and sinful I am etc.
    How refreshing and freeing it is, to now question all those beliefs and take on new ones that serve me.
    This is so timely for me and I look forward, with excitement to living a much freer life. I now believe that we are co creators with God and we are VERY deserving of all the health, wealth, love and prosperity and abundance that there is to have.
    Thank you so much Randy.
    You are making a real difference to so many lives.

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  • 41 comments on “Replacing Beliefs that Don’t Serve You”

    1. The bible says very clear that God is the creator of All things. He is the absolute God. He is in control. We are created by him.But The world teaches us otherwise.God's word is the answer. not man's words.

    2. Very interesting "programming stuff"-hopefully you will spend time talking about other types of negative and lack programming, like schools.

      The one thing I always questioned or asked about, even as a boy, was why do the spiritual "leaders" tell the herd to do one thing, while often they live a different standard (I guess I was questioning the programming that was taking place at the time, without even knowing it).

      And while I consider myself to be Christian, I have always been asking why don't the leaders just "show" us instead of "tell" us. I have always found my religion to be a do as I say, not as I do club. On the Dozens of times I have met with church clergy, ministers or lay people, I always get the same answer to my questions...we are imperfect beings who must continue to TRY to redeem ourselves...and of course redemption doesn't come until I'm gone. So, in my feeble and insignificant mind (lol), I look at the lessons that Rabbi Jesus taught...his ministry was all about teaching people a way to overcome, a way up, how to prosper and then teach others the same.

      Another "thing" I have always asked the "leaders" is how come we are sorry-assed sinners, but we are made in the likeness of God -those two concepts seem counter-intuitive to me. Either, we are, in fact the sorry asses waiting for salvation or we are made perfectly in the likeness of God and have EVERYTHING we need inside to do ANYTHING we set our minds to...hmmmm. (And please folks, don't give me any religious lessons - I grew up the grandson of an Episcopal, we know where I got my programming from!!!lol.

    3. I did received a lot of lack beliefs from my all male catholic school, a lot of guilt. Not everything was bad, I was taught at the same to think critically. For that, I am very grateful for my catholic school teachings.
      There is a subset in the catholic church call the Jesuits. They are willing to challenge the Pople and conventional beliefs.

      I will take the co-creator belief and sink deeper to where there is no creator and nobody is creating which is beyond belief.
      Let the subject and object collapsed which is held by fear of terror, that the idea of me doesn't exit.

    4. There's God in every single person, there's more God in the people that surround us and in nature that enchantes us and The Bible is really nothing more than a good history book.

      Oh, when will the divine creatures break their chains of organized religion and finally find their divinity inside them? No guns and bombs would ever be fired if everybody was able to see the God they believe in in others. Ok, today I'll pray for that.

      Love, Natasa

    5. Great article Randy. I have questioned the orginal sin issue for many years as I read how we were made in the image of God. I have said for years when humans get in the mix of religion, we get a million different denominations proclaiming Jesus Christ with most, simply using that avenue to push along their twisted views. Humans love to promote themselves and it seems that they feel ok with that method as long as it is tied to God. The real teachings of Jesus from the Bible are greatly different from most organized religions. I look forward to more discussion on this subject. Thanks Randy!

    6. Wow Randy, I'm not often stuck for words but your article has me spinning. I LOVE your fire!

      As a "recovering" Catholic myself, I don't dispute your perspective. And while original sin is a keystone of their dogma, truthfully the message I received was positioned as "God loves you despite the fact that you are a sorry sinner", LOL. And not just from conception, but the cycle of sinning / repentence contributed to tremendous guilt as a young mind. I rejected it as soon as I found my independence.

      Like you I have examined and rejected beliefs instituted in man-made dogma (even with the claim of divine inspiration). I choose to believe that we are co-creators, limitless, and that our birthright is abundance, and an effortless life. And there is plenty of evidence to support that notion.

      In my experience with fundamentalists, what I see for the most part are well intentioned, positive people who believe they have found in the concept of God, freedom. It's an ironic concept.

      Well peace to them. Peace to you. Peace to all of us. And thank you for an inspired read.

    7. Thanks for the great post! This is an area that I have really struggled with because I grew up as the child of a poor Southern Baptist preacher and used to be a Southern Baptist pastor myself. But now my desire is to teach success principles, like Napoleon Hill and you. I just published an article on this topic in my website.

      The Fundamentalists are like the Pharisees in the Bible, the holier-than-thou religious leaders who were actually Jesus' biggest enemies. They say they believe that the Bible is the literal Word of God, but they show little of the character of God. Jesus said that all they do is for show, but inside they are dead.

      It all depends on how you interpret the Bible. If they were consistent, then all three of the Abrahamic religions should support slavery, religious wars, the massacre of innocent women and children, and polygamy -- because the Bible does.

      Instead, we need to see the Bible as the product of its time and culture. We need to take the best teachings of it -- God's love, our worth, the Golden Rule -- and leave the rest behind.

    8. Thanks for not pussy-footing around, Randy. I agree totally. There is divine energy, but most formal interpretations of it were designed to have control over the masses.

    9. Weren't we taught never discuss religion and politics in polite discussion? I guess it's ok when we're trying to provoke a response from people... I don't think I'm so brave as to discuss religion on my blog, politics are another matter.

      Good for you to bring this out into the open for people to talk about. Discussions about religious beliefs are productive I believe.

      Thank you, Brian.

    10. Well Said Randy! The bible says man was given the right to choose and it refers to the one path, for some reason I think the true path has been twisted by organized religion to serve itself by crippling the minds of its followers.
      I choose life, any religion that talks about the wrath of god or teaches bigotry etc must have been created by some other god than the one who gave us this wonderful universe to enjoy and prosper in.
      Keep up the thought provoking work!

    11. The Bible is the absolute word of God, written By God, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Faith, is the absence of doubt. If you think that the teachings of your faith are holding you back, or leaving you feel unworthy, then you are making excuses, and not taking full responsibility for your self, simply because you missed the boat, or the teachings. Jesus Christ didn't seek out the rich, or prominent figures of his time. He surrounded himself with sinners, thieves, murderers, the poor, including the 12 Apostles. They certainly had their faults. The point is he made their lives better. That's what we are supposed to do. That is what you do Randy, whether you know it or not. Help others get what they want, and you cannot help, but get what you want. Give to those, who are truly in need. Society, unfortunately tries to steer us away from all that. We spend a lot of time reading books, listening to self improvement CD's, and attending seminars, to make our lives better. I do all these things, but I always stop and ask myself, if this is enhancing, or extracting, from my faith. Why is it that the greats, Jim Rohn, John C. Maxwell, Jack Canfield, etc. say that their #1 personal development book, is the Bible. Just ask them. I am a born and raised Catholic. I do not at all feel that I am held back, or unworthy, because of my faith. I also am not waiting around for God's plan to just happen. The path that I am on, is the one God is leading me down, to make others lives better, and whether you know it or not, or care to admit it. You are too. My suggestion is that people, get into a good Church, & Bible study, and dig deep. The answers are there. The reality is, it is truly the only personal development book, you will ever need. I won't apologize for ranting. Choose for yourself. I feel disheartened by people that I admire, for their success, and leadership, choose to blame, or slam, organized religion. The fact is a strong positive relationship with God, is the Truth, for living a good, loving, giving, gratuitous, and prosperous life. God inspired me to respond to this. See you at the Top. Peace & Blessings.

    12. Randy-
      you state that you examined all the religions, however I think you failed in one case-study the Jewish Religion.
      David Brooks columinist of the New York Times wrote an editorial on Jan 12, 2009, in which he stated the the Jewish Faith encourages a belief in progress and personal accountability. It is a learning based, not rite based religion.

      I am not a religious Jew, but have always learned that I am responsible for my actions, that I have never heard that we were born in sin, and that one of the tenets of our religion is to be the best we can be, to give to charity and live a life of good deeds.Never has there been to my knowledge of the religion that we live in sin-perhaps you should attend a service some time and get a better objective idea of how our religion and way of life is quite different that you state. Yes the Old Testement left much to be desired, and it is not practiced that way today.

    13. Here is a classic example of fundamentalist (emphasis on the MENTAL) idocracy from Pat Robertson. In this interview he refers to the tragedy unfolding in Haiti as "a blessing in disguise" and goes on to proclaim "Well, it's because they made a pact with the Devil, true story" as if IT"S ACTUALLY A FACT.

      William James (1842-1910) The father of modern Psychology "There's nothing so absurd that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it."

    14. Great stuff here. Something I have noticed is the human tendency to make God in our own image. Our personal image tends to create many group activities aligned with ego agreements. Does a fine job blowing things up and to some degree even works building some things. No God there [as an experience] however.

      Believing the truth makes it a lie. The truth has to be experienced or it is nonsense. I have been mystified my entire life that people ‘believe’ in a book. It’s akin to believing in a tool box. The tool box has various tools that used appropriately make a difference and used incorrectly can do real damage to the tools, the user and everything else.

      I see religions and various belief 'systems' originally designed to produce an experience with ‘God.’ Books and lists of rules all point to something but do not provide the something. Reading the encyclopedia and watching 3 hours of how to videos on being the best bicycle rider does not provide riding the bicycle or anything remotely close. You can be smart and have all the answers [one of my specialties actually] but doesn't give you balance on a bicycle any more than what most people take from their religion, their government, their schools, their work or their relationships.

      Do not believe anyone! That does not mean to discount or demean anything either. You have to try it on yourself. You have to sort it out for yourself. If it works for you, if it supports who you are, use it and if it doesn’t put it back on the shelf. Maybe someone else will be able to use it…. Some things do need to become fertilizer however.

      Here’s the rub. Og Mandino wrote “experience is comparable to fashion; an action that proved successful today will be unworkable and impractical tomorrow.” The reason is the instant you notice the experience it disappears. Noticing the experience is not the experience and what you are left with is a story about it, a prescription, a method, a plan, a list of rules to produce it again… While that may produce more and better results that is NOT what produces the experience.

      In many ways it is sad how many people choose to denigrate the ‘sandbox’ they came from. It really says nothing about the sandbox and it does say something about you. The beginning of a list of aphorisms I use is…

      The truth doesn’t mean anything. It just is. If you keep saying it the way it really is, eventually your word is law in the universe. Humans keep looking for a truth that fits their reality. Given our reality, the truth doesn’t fit. If you experience it, it’s the truth. The same thing believed is a lie. In life, understanding is the booby prize. Obviously the truth is what’s so, not so obviously, it’s also ‘So what.’ You don’t get to vote on the way it is. You already did.

    15. Hello Randy,
      it is the way you wrote. In my opinion the most interesting question is, how to remove the old beliefs. There can several techniques be used I think. How do you practice?
      Thank you and all the best from Germany!

    16. Beliefs are just thoughts and ideas to which people have become attached - and feel often feel compelled to defend as "the truth". Many identify themselves by their beliefs. Even questioning beliefs is sometimes viewed as a personal attack. While some beliefs can be beneficial and serve us, most don't - since they limit thinking in many ways. Beliefs would be better viewed as hypotheses from a particular perspective (or world view). Beliefs do NOT change as a result of people arguing (or even politely talking) about what they believe. Randy is right. There is a lot to be gained from questioning what we believe - and whether our life is better or worse a result.

    17. You stated that it religion is a "frequent flyer"-if you score enough points you make it to paradise-not so in the Jewish Faith-this is your paradise, you make it so in what you do, think, and become
      Charles Garber

    18. Amen. Thanks for finding the words that I have been looking for my entire life, to explain my discomfort with organized religions...that it doesn't allow people to grow up, be dependent upon themselves, and be accountable for their actions and affects on others. My husband's family is fundamentalist Baptist; they only ever saw me as Someone Who Needs to be Saved (never mind that I became a catholic, by choice, in 2002).

      Their only true mission in life is Saving others...what a waste. Isn't there SOMETHING else, ANYTHING else they'd like to do? It makes me so sad to think of all the potential wasted, keeping the sheep in the same old flock generation after generation.

      Hmmmm...on the other hand...more room for me at the top. See ya there!

    19. Reading some of these comments, I forgot what the post was about and had to go read it again.

      I agree. Question everything. The more you question them, the beliefs that serve you will only strengthen your roots in them. The beliefs that don't serve you, yes - the analogy of dropping them with a grenade is fantastic.

      By believing without question (although that's the teachings we receive), we are no better than someone who believes something because 'their parents told them' or because, if they don't, they won't go to heaven.

      I am constantly questioning myself today. Since the mentality of lack was exposed to me through studying, and the idea that 'to serve God' one has to stand behind a pulpit, host a Bible Study, or AT LEAST wipe some other parent's kids' butts in the cry room became an obvious fallacy, it's been an enlightening journey.

      I do it through more study, and removing myself from influences that follow the old programming.

      Great saying I continue to implement: Love your family, respect your family, but choose your peers.

      This place is full of peers that I am grateful to have.

      Blessings to all!


    20. I think that if leaders want their team to work, they have to lead the way and do the work instead of just managing people. Walking their talk & talking their walk...if that is what they want others to do. Then they will see duplication.

      I disagree that we "must continue to TRY to redeem ourselves". I believe God wants us to prosper and we have everything available to us if we ask.
      Have a plan & write the plan down, imagine the plan as fulfilled, and pray or affirm that it is fulfilled.

      Affirm: "What we can conceive, we can achieve with the help of God" C. Ponder.

      Prosperity is the result of deliberate thought and action.
      If you aren't sure what you want, you need to think about it. List things you want to change in your life. I've made a lot of changes this past year and I have more to make. Sometimes you need to review & change your list or plans.

      Once you know what you want, you can begin to imagine it. Randy has a good video on the The Imaging Law of Prosperity.

    21. I actually rejected the Catholic faith before I became independent. I started questioning the religion at a very young age. For example, I remember questioning confession before I had to make my first confession in the third grade. I didn't believe in confession so I became very creative in avoiding confession, which is against what I was taught in the Catholic church. You could say that I was a failure in the Catholic Church because of my thoughts & actions.

    22. you have said exactly 100% what I true believe in my deepest self.It was a very lonely experience for me.

    23. "fundamentalist (emphasis on the MENTAL)" lol, love it!

      There is a show on I believe Thursday nights...early Friday morning around 4am.... Its been so long I can not remember exactly.. if you go to and look up Jack Van Impe you can see some of the shows. (Mind you I would watch this because there was NOTHING else on but infomercials and at the time I had no cable)

      They are full of brain washing Christian talk... mostly of news headlines and the coming of the end of the world.

      Jamie 😉

    24. I'm a Catholic here in the Philippines with 1,700 islands, rich with world's best beach resorts.

      What Randy mentioned is just his own perception of religions including Catholicism. We have millions of millionaire Catholics. Please visit the website being run by millionaire Catholics with multiple income streams!

      My our Lord God bless you all!


    25. OK: Here's more. Yes, I joined a Catholic Church as an adult. But I was raised by parents who wished me to make my own decisions regarding faith and organized religion. The discussions resulting from this line of questioning are fascinating to me.

      Best descibed, I am Humanist who's a semi-practicing Catholic. How does one justify THAT relationship? Easy: The only purpose religion serves in my practice is to make me a better HUMAN, not a better Christian.

      To me, God is a cheerleader. S/HE's rooting for US. Don't think s/he has the slightest interest in being worshipped...worship is a human creation, not a god's. A god that can create a universe like the one we are in is way, way, way too big to ever recognize worship...and what would a being that powerful need from worship anyway? StarTrek V: "Why does God need a spaceship?"

      Maybe, like the concept of 2001: A Space Oddessy...God planted the seed, and left the rest to Nature to evolve as it will...cheering for us, but staying out of the way.

      Fascinating stuff. Did you all hear Pat Robertson's completely medieval comment about the Hatian earthquake, akin to "decreasing the surplus population?" HOW does a mind like that get into a position of such power and influence??

      Star Trek, Stanley Kubrick, and Charles Dickens. Makes me want to watch a good movie.

    26. Yes, Randy! I can't agree with you more! Yes, we are programmed for failure! We are told so many times that we are sinners. That we are somehow flawed! That is not true! We are born in the image of God. We are blessed beyond measure!
      That is what I truly belive! I am a heart transplant recepient, and I know that God loves me just the way I am. He/She is all around us everyday to let us know that we are part of the infinite we are a part of God not apart from God. Thank you for your message of hope and glory. I just obtained your book on why we are dumb, sick and broke. And it is right on target. Thank Your for your writings Randy. You are a great teacher!

      Pete Wehle

    27. Do my beliefs serve me? I believe they do. Like I mentioned in another comment, I do not practice any religion, and religion was not forced upon me.

      The beliefs I have are derived from within... I simply believe if you are a good or a bad person that good or bad things will come your way. I am a co-creator with the Universe. (a bit of a tree hugger ;))

      Jamie 😉

    28. "Fascinating stuff. Did you all hear Pat Robertson’s completely medieval comment about the Hatian earthquake, akin to “decreasing the surplus population?” HOW does a mind like that get into a position of such power and influence??"

      Although I do not agree that he should have said something like that at a time like this... I would have to say that the Earth is over populated and we are using resources generations ahead of time. I do agree that it is natures way of 'taking back what belongs to it' so that it can survive. We are all taking the life out of this planet one human at a time.. (this is just the tree hugger soul in me)

      Jamie 😉

    29. I have taken a lot of science (physics, chemistry, biology, physiology, anatomy, etc.). When I was in grade school I had both religion & science classes. I questioned a Nun about the different views on creation. She finally told me it was ok if I believed in science as long as I believed God was responsible for creating everything. Of course I had to think about that and came up with my own interpretation.

      I believe we have choices so we are part of the creating process. Just as I chose not to believe in Confession and I was creative in avoiding it. I can take responsibility for my own life (both successes and failures). I have always had the desire to grow and learn. I spend time everyday focusing on growing & learning.

      I have been questioning my beliefs and, looking back, I realize I started questioning them at a young age. I know I need to replace some beliefs. With all the negative programming we get everyday it would be amazing if I didn't have any beliefs that I need to replace.

      One example is having to work on-call 24*7 in my career. I was not happy working that many hours and I looked for ways to change my career to one that allowed time to live life and enjoy life. Most of the people I worked with just accepted working that way as the way it is. I worked like that for too long so I know that was my choice and I am responsible. It was based on my beliefs. I was also responsible for deciding to change. That is also based on my beliefs.

      I am looking at my failures to see what thoughts/beliefs I have that caused my failures. Then I can replace them with new beliefs and not repeat the failures.

      I don't watch the news and I don't watch that much on TV. I also spend time doing daily self development (reading or listening to CDs) and affirmations. I am making time to question my beliefs.

    30. I did not know how else to reach you . I no longer read the papers, watch the news or TV. We know that have time to time there are tragedies. Sorry but I feel no feelings toward the incidents. People die every day.

      Life is full of tragedies, some by nature, some by the hand of man. When 5,000 die all at once, why are we more bothered it seems and take up collections, then when 5,000 die tragically one at a time in a year and receive no help. Its seems all media driven. Nothing but big news for the media.

      Am I wrong and do I need to rethink my feelings. I'm not even sure I am asking this right. Any thoughts. Can you figure out where I'm trying to go with this. Thank RG

    31. Yes

      The we have lovely people like Robertson saying Haiti happened because they made a pact with the devil... and I bet there are thousands who believe him.

      While I went to Sunday School - it was only so my mother could have a lie in when we were younger! Haha! I wasn't so much interested in the religion - but in the spirituality - so researched people like Buddha, Gandhi, Jesus... and all of them preached and loved the poor. SO I believed for me that i needed to be poor to heal and transform the cosnciousness of the planet to Love.

      I never minded wealth - nor have anything against it. I don't think that rich people are horrible.

      Interestingly tho whenever i have asked for an image of my future I always see spacious wealth.

      Those parts within me have struggled to reconcile each other...

    32. Yesterday, a long time, I sat down on the sofa and watched a movie. I looked at the writings of Dr. Wayne Dyer-based movie THE SHIFT. It was wonderful to say I'm now on the right track when I create it myself. I have the opportunity to create exactly what I want myself.


    33. Most of the great people in the Bible were prosperous: Jesus, Paul, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Nehemiah, Elijah, and Elisha.

    34. I am so glad you see the similarity of fundamentalist religions worldwide. I have realized this for a long time, but have had no success explaining it to others. We see jihadists as terrorists. People like that person who killed the abortion doctor as he was ushering at church are terrorists as well. So few see that.

    35. Well said. With regard to Judaism we're not taught that we are born as rotten sinners which is why we are not baptized. We are supposed to take on 613 commandments or mitzvoth at bar mitzvah age which is controlling in another way though.

    36. WOW!
      You have no idea how true all this is for me. I've been programmed from the time I was born on how unworthy and sinful I am etc.
      How refreshing and freeing it is, to now question all those beliefs and take on new ones that serve me.
      This is so timely for me and I look forward, with excitement to living a much freer life. I now believe that we are co creators with God and we are VERY deserving of all the health, wealth, love and prosperity and abundance that there is to have.
      Thank you so much Randy.
      You are making a real difference to so many lives.

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