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Real Success

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 6, 2012

I’m all for goals.  You need something to drive yourself, and a measuring stick to know how you’re doing.  Just know that some goals you will reach, and some you will miss.  Because if you reach every one, you’re setting the standard way too low.

Real success is about having a dream, moving forward and becoming a better person along the way.  If you’re are learning lessons, developing wisdom, and gaining understanding – then you certainly are a success!


34 comments on “Real Success”

  1. Setting goals to high is not good also. Because that's to far away and you don't see when you making progess.

  2. Setting goals to high is not good also. Because that's to far away and you don't see when you making progess.

    1. @YENNYKELLYN Great day today. Do check the blog out. I found lots of gem from it, so would like to share with you.

      1. @warrenwwwong : ({})ŁђªϞk ن٥ﻻ....({})(°☆⌒ヮ⌒ ☆°) friend want share with me . Yesterday I'm very tired and go to sleep early .

        1. @warrenwwwong: ╔═.♥.════════════════╗ 。τнäπк чσυ。 (ʃƪˆヮˆ) (ˆヮˆʃƪ) ╚════════════════.♥.═╝

  3. "The Secret behind why some achieve their dreams and others don't... With an unbalanced brain most self-help or societal strategies to improve behavior do not work...In every walk of life a magnificent mind is tied to brain function, but because we never directly look at the brain and rarely think about its impact on our own lives, we often miss this most important puzzle piece in trying to realize our dreams...
    ...The first steps to a healthier brain...Most of us are never taught about how important the brain is, so we go through life thinking about everything (weight, skin care, finances, children, internet dating, vacations, careers, sports) but this critically important organ...
    1. Protect your amazing but fragile brain
    2. Do a better job of taking care of younger brains
    3. Boost blood flow (get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, avoid substances that dehydrate you such as caffeine and alcohol...stop smoking, consider taking supplements such as fish oil, gingko, ginseng and L-arginine to boost blood flow
    4. Increase your Brain's reserve... make positive social connections, engage in new learning, maintain a healthy diet, .... exercise regularly... engage in positive thinking, express gratitude, meditate.
    5. Maintain the Brain's hardware
    6. Your ability to control your life is directly tied to the health of your brain"
    from the book "Magnificent MIND At Any Age" by Dr Daniel Amen, M.D.

  4. @YENNYKELLYN Great day today. Do check the blog out. I found lots of gem from it, so would like to share with you.

  5. @warrenwwwong : ({})ŁђªϞk ن٥ﻻ....({})(°☆⌒ヮ⌒ ☆°) friend want share with me . Yesterday I'm very tired and go to sleep early .

  6. @warrenwwwong: ╔═.♥.════════════════╗ 。τнäπк чσυ。 (ʃƪˆヮˆ) (ˆヮˆʃƪ) ╚════════════════.♥.═╝

  7. In retrospect, I discovered that while it's important to pursue my goals, it's actually who have I become. I learned to live in integrity and make an honest living, not hurting anyone in the process. I've seen my fair share of friends selling off integrity for their goals. 

  8. In retrospect, I discovered that while it's important to pursue my goals, it's actually who have I become. I learned to live in integrity and make an honest living, not hurting anyone in the process. I've seen my fair share of friends selling off integrity for their goals. 

  9. It is very rare these days to find blogs that provide information someone is looking for. I am glad to see that your blog share valued information that can help to many readers. Thanks and keep writing!

  10. It is very rare these days to find blogs that provide information someone is looking for. I am glad to see that your blog share valued information that can help to many readers. Thanks and keep writing!

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  • 34 comments on “Real Success”

    1. Setting goals to high is not good also. Because that's to far away and you don't see when you making progess.

    2. Setting goals to high is not good also. Because that's to far away and you don't see when you making progess.

      1. @YENNYKELLYN Great day today. Do check the blog out. I found lots of gem from it, so would like to share with you.

        1. @warrenwwwong : ({})ŁђªϞk ن٥ﻻ....({})(°☆⌒ヮ⌒ ☆°) friend want share with me . Yesterday I'm very tired and go to sleep early .

          1. @warrenwwwong: ╔═.♥.════════════════╗ 。τнäπк чσυ。 (ʃƪˆヮˆ) (ˆヮˆʃƪ) ╚════════════════.♥.═╝

    3. "The Secret behind why some achieve their dreams and others don't... With an unbalanced brain most self-help or societal strategies to improve behavior do not work...In every walk of life a magnificent mind is tied to brain function, but because we never directly look at the brain and rarely think about its impact on our own lives, we often miss this most important puzzle piece in trying to realize our dreams...
      ...The first steps to a healthier brain...Most of us are never taught about how important the brain is, so we go through life thinking about everything (weight, skin care, finances, children, internet dating, vacations, careers, sports) but this critically important organ...
      1. Protect your amazing but fragile brain
      2. Do a better job of taking care of younger brains
      3. Boost blood flow (get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, avoid substances that dehydrate you such as caffeine and alcohol...stop smoking, consider taking supplements such as fish oil, gingko, ginseng and L-arginine to boost blood flow
      4. Increase your Brain's reserve... make positive social connections, engage in new learning, maintain a healthy diet, .... exercise regularly... engage in positive thinking, express gratitude, meditate.
      5. Maintain the Brain's hardware
      6. Your ability to control your life is directly tied to the health of your brain"
      from the book "Magnificent MIND At Any Age" by Dr Daniel Amen, M.D.

    4. @YENNYKELLYN Great day today. Do check the blog out. I found lots of gem from it, so would like to share with you.

    5. @warrenwwwong : ({})ŁђªϞk ن٥ﻻ....({})(°☆⌒ヮ⌒ ☆°) friend want share with me . Yesterday I'm very tired and go to sleep early .

    6. @warrenwwwong: ╔═.♥.════════════════╗ 。τнäπк чσυ。 (ʃƪˆヮˆ) (ˆヮˆʃƪ) ╚════════════════.♥.═╝

    7. In retrospect, I discovered that while it's important to pursue my goals, it's actually who have I become. I learned to live in integrity and make an honest living, not hurting anyone in the process. I've seen my fair share of friends selling off integrity for their goals. 

    8. In retrospect, I discovered that while it's important to pursue my goals, it's actually who have I become. I learned to live in integrity and make an honest living, not hurting anyone in the process. I've seen my fair share of friends selling off integrity for their goals. 

    9. It is very rare these days to find blogs that provide information someone is looking for. I am glad to see that your blog share valued information that can help to many readers. Thanks and keep writing!

    10. It is very rare these days to find blogs that provide information someone is looking for. I am glad to see that your blog share valued information that can help to many readers. Thanks and keep writing!

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