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Reaching Your Highest Good

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 22, 2009

Shit happens.  To everybody.  Even the things we don’t want to happen – especially the things we don’t want to happen – are in our highest good.  

Some of these things are meant to give us a wakeup call.  Some challenges make us stronger and help us become who we are meant to be.  And yet other challenges are meant to get us to redirect, and go another route.

So you know that challenge you’re facing right now?  Which one of these three is the reason for it?


24 comments on “Reaching Your Highest Good”

  1. Hey! Thanks 🙂

    I think one of the challenges - well the only one really - I'm facing... may contain all that you say here...

    And- I think it's also come into my life because most people wouldn't do anything about it... Most people want an easy life, and have lost their voice. So I've been "called" into this situation because I have (somewhere) the courage, willingness to be vulnerable and the care for others enough to get it handled... Not matter what it takes.

    While others may have given up before, or been too scared... This situation has come in to my life to be powerfuly and strong for others... And along the way its redirected my path; reminded me of who I am to become, wake me up to how essential the work is that I need to do for the planet.

    Thanks Gorgeous Randy.

    I appreciate you

  2. "Gorgeous Randy?"


    Maybe we should call him "Randy Gorge"?

    Fortunately, we get to decide what we're going through means. My wife is so used to me saying that that when something crappy happens she asks "So, is THIS going to be part of the story?"


  3. My current challenge involves working in Europe for two months to earn some extra money so that I can continue travelling for another 3 months and visit the last few countries on my wish list before heading home. The first casual job, which started 3 weeks ago, and the one I just started yesterday would both either have to be to make me stronger or get me to change course. I'm still evaluating which one is more likely, but I'm tipping the former one.

  4. In addition to asking "why?", I find it helpful to notice my underlying emotional response. For SH events, this is usually fight, flight or freeze. Then I evaluate whether it's the response I would want, and go from there...

  5. Randy,
    Thank you for these words for wake up call to many, who may be going down the easy lane or even the too fast lane. I have done both. I always believe in what you say and have faith that at the end of the tunnel, there is light and a jump to even higher level that allows us to see what the so-called "shit" may have meant to be. In my experience, even the "shit" is no longer "shit" but a sign to really grow to our highest level. I always consult the Holy Spirit or the Buddha nature within us. Instead of returning the shit with shit, if we are evolved enough to be thankful and transform ourselves, we find ourselves in an even better flow that allows us all the joy, love, and peace or "Heaven on Earth."
    Much appreciation,

  6. The challenge is to be YOU! That's what "warrior" really means!

    We ARE thought and what some have been conditioned to perceive as angels etc. are actually the multidimensional YOU! When people start to remember and acknowledge this, things can finally change on this planet after some 5000+ years of (self-imposed) total manipulation. Shit would then most likely happen much less, or at least on a higher level! 🙂

    People need to step out from the shadow of their own enlightenment.

  7. This has been the summer of redirects for me (or maybe they are just one big redirect).

    I am thankful for the redirect(s) & I am also thankful on the redirect on the order I was handling my redirect(s). The challenges were also wake-up calls and they are making me stronger.

    It is a new season - Happy Autumn!

  8. Sometimes its a challenge, wondering if you are subconsciously manifesting 'The heroes journey', or that this is the LOA moving you to a higher level towards your goals.
    Well, I believe the best attitude is to accept that everything's working towards your good, no matter what you're passing through..heroes journey or not...theres even a Bible verse for that, I believe.
    Great Post!

  9. hi Randy
    now I'm in big trouble that I lose my cocenteration on my work. now I try to reach it again.
    I think that it happens for me to make me stronger and make me who I meant to be.
    thanks for your first aid on my trouble.
    best regards Randy

  10. Shit happens! It pushes us out of our comfort zone and acts as fertilizer. It's up to us, however, to decide if we want to use the ferilizer.

    I think that it is always a wakeup call - but sometimes we sleep through it. It's also supposed to make us stronger but sometimes we don't accept it - we fight against it. And sometimes it pushes us from the track we're stuck on and onto a better one!

  11. I certainly agree with that.. But an interesting question here is how do you know that you've chosen the right path? Denial phase is extremely strong. In my previous life, I thought I chose the right way but the lack of self-esteem mixed with my hormones always hijacked my conscious and justified my actions. I ran towards the light and hoped it was the new way, but it was the train again..

    Regards Mattias

  12. Well... Bones,

    You gotta admit... he is Gorgeous - in body, heart, mind and spirit...

    One of the most uncontionally loving, go givers, and sweet hearts out there. That dishes out value continuously. Amazingly gorgeous!

    I have thrown my worst at him... and he gives such kindness, stability, consistency, belief and courage back...

    That's GORGEOUS.


  13. "Some challenges make us stronger and help us become who we are meant to be. " I have to keep telling myself this in order to keep moving forward. Thank you so much.

  14. Randy you are right! Shit happens. It is happening to someone right now, somewhere. What usually catches my attention is when it happens to me. I have noticed when I am present and conscious versus unconscious and awake what happened can make a difference and makes me stronger. It is when I am out of the moment and unconscious that I need the wakeup call or the redirection 'happening.' What I am challenged with now is I am living the life of my dreams. I have more than I imagined possible while those around me are still struggling against what they don’t want. It seems clear I have to get even bigger and grow more while I would be happy to remain exactly where I am. However, I want as many people as I know to have all their dreams come true too. Growing bigger dreams is both easy and difficult, imagine that?!

  15. YES Randy!

    many thing happend to us that stop us for few hours or days, but the most important thing is that we just find our positives and turn to these positives in our life , so we could pass bad situations.

    I always do this

    cheers to all

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  • 24 comments on “Reaching Your Highest Good”

    1. Hey! Thanks 🙂

      I think one of the challenges - well the only one really - I'm facing... may contain all that you say here...

      And- I think it's also come into my life because most people wouldn't do anything about it... Most people want an easy life, and have lost their voice. So I've been "called" into this situation because I have (somewhere) the courage, willingness to be vulnerable and the care for others enough to get it handled... Not matter what it takes.

      While others may have given up before, or been too scared... This situation has come in to my life to be powerfuly and strong for others... And along the way its redirected my path; reminded me of who I am to become, wake me up to how essential the work is that I need to do for the planet.

      Thanks Gorgeous Randy.

      I appreciate you

    2. "Gorgeous Randy?"


      Maybe we should call him "Randy Gorge"?

      Fortunately, we get to decide what we're going through means. My wife is so used to me saying that that when something crappy happens she asks "So, is THIS going to be part of the story?"


    3. My current challenge involves working in Europe for two months to earn some extra money so that I can continue travelling for another 3 months and visit the last few countries on my wish list before heading home. The first casual job, which started 3 weeks ago, and the one I just started yesterday would both either have to be to make me stronger or get me to change course. I'm still evaluating which one is more likely, but I'm tipping the former one.

    4. In addition to asking "why?", I find it helpful to notice my underlying emotional response. For SH events, this is usually fight, flight or freeze. Then I evaluate whether it's the response I would want, and go from there...

    5. Randy,
      Thank you for these words for wake up call to many, who may be going down the easy lane or even the too fast lane. I have done both. I always believe in what you say and have faith that at the end of the tunnel, there is light and a jump to even higher level that allows us to see what the so-called "shit" may have meant to be. In my experience, even the "shit" is no longer "shit" but a sign to really grow to our highest level. I always consult the Holy Spirit or the Buddha nature within us. Instead of returning the shit with shit, if we are evolved enough to be thankful and transform ourselves, we find ourselves in an even better flow that allows us all the joy, love, and peace or "Heaven on Earth."
      Much appreciation,

    6. The challenge is to be YOU! That's what "warrior" really means!

      We ARE thought and what some have been conditioned to perceive as angels etc. are actually the multidimensional YOU! When people start to remember and acknowledge this, things can finally change on this planet after some 5000+ years of (self-imposed) total manipulation. Shit would then most likely happen much less, or at least on a higher level! 🙂

      People need to step out from the shadow of their own enlightenment.

    7. This has been the summer of redirects for me (or maybe they are just one big redirect).

      I am thankful for the redirect(s) & I am also thankful on the redirect on the order I was handling my redirect(s). The challenges were also wake-up calls and they are making me stronger.

      It is a new season - Happy Autumn!

    8. Sometimes its a challenge, wondering if you are subconsciously manifesting 'The heroes journey', or that this is the LOA moving you to a higher level towards your goals.
      Well, I believe the best attitude is to accept that everything's working towards your good, no matter what you're passing through..heroes journey or not...theres even a Bible verse for that, I believe.
      Great Post!

    9. hi Randy
      now I'm in big trouble that I lose my cocenteration on my work. now I try to reach it again.
      I think that it happens for me to make me stronger and make me who I meant to be.
      thanks for your first aid on my trouble.
      best regards Randy

    10. Shit happens! It pushes us out of our comfort zone and acts as fertilizer. It's up to us, however, to decide if we want to use the ferilizer.

      I think that it is always a wakeup call - but sometimes we sleep through it. It's also supposed to make us stronger but sometimes we don't accept it - we fight against it. And sometimes it pushes us from the track we're stuck on and onto a better one!

    11. I certainly agree with that.. But an interesting question here is how do you know that you've chosen the right path? Denial phase is extremely strong. In my previous life, I thought I chose the right way but the lack of self-esteem mixed with my hormones always hijacked my conscious and justified my actions. I ran towards the light and hoped it was the new way, but it was the train again..

      Regards Mattias

    12. Well... Bones,

      You gotta admit... he is Gorgeous - in body, heart, mind and spirit...

      One of the most uncontionally loving, go givers, and sweet hearts out there. That dishes out value continuously. Amazingly gorgeous!

      I have thrown my worst at him... and he gives such kindness, stability, consistency, belief and courage back...

      That's GORGEOUS.


    13. "Some challenges make us stronger and help us become who we are meant to be. " I have to keep telling myself this in order to keep moving forward. Thank you so much.

    14. Randy you are right! Shit happens. It is happening to someone right now, somewhere. What usually catches my attention is when it happens to me. I have noticed when I am present and conscious versus unconscious and awake what happened can make a difference and makes me stronger. It is when I am out of the moment and unconscious that I need the wakeup call or the redirection 'happening.' What I am challenged with now is I am living the life of my dreams. I have more than I imagined possible while those around me are still struggling against what they don’t want. It seems clear I have to get even bigger and grow more while I would be happy to remain exactly where I am. However, I want as many people as I know to have all their dreams come true too. Growing bigger dreams is both easy and difficult, imagine that?!

    15. YES Randy!

      many thing happend to us that stop us for few hours or days, but the most important thing is that we just find our positives and turn to these positives in our life , so we could pass bad situations.

      I always do this

      cheers to all

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