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Reaching the Impossible

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 8, 2012

We all have those days.  Days when things aren’t working well.  Days when things go terribly wrong.  And even days that are tragic.  And even some days when what you want to do seems impossible...

So how do you deal with them?

How do you get up, dust yourself off and get in the ring for another round?  A lot of people consider me a motivational speaker.  But there are days (like today) when I need motivation.  So I like to see speakers like W. Mitchell, Kyle Maynard, and Chad Hymas.

The lessons they share are so inspirational .  Not because they accomplish such great things.  (Although they do.)  Mostly because they help you realize that you can accomplish great things too.

And guess what?

Chad just released a new book yesterday.  It’s titled, Doing What Must Be DONE.  It chronicles Chad’s story being crushed by a one-ton bale of hay, which broke his neck.  It goes through his story of rehab, and putting his life back together.   He went on to become a wheelchair athlete and today shares his story with audiences around the world.

The book will show you how you can use even limitations to make your life better.  Grab a copy and let me know what you think.  You can find it here.

As Chad likes to say, who needs legs when you can fly?


P.S. To long-time readers.  If you’ve been here since the first blog, know that today’s post is number 800!  Just in case you wanted to send me some cupcakes or something…

44 comments on “Reaching the Impossible”

  1. DAMN ! Such great respect for a guy like Chad Hymas. I'm maby complaining about not being rich yet. But i can use my legs, this guy can not and he makes the best out of it. So what about prosperity for him , i'm confused ...

    1.  @million dollar Check out his book and you'll see, he's building an amazing life of prosperity, just in a different way than people with legs do.  - RG

  2. DAMN ! Such great respect for a guy like Chad Hymas. I'm maby complaining about not being rich yet. But i can use my legs, this guy can not and he makes the best out of it. So what about prosperity for him , i'm confused ...

  3. l look fwd to reading the next 800 blogs, it is fantastic and inspiring, keep the inspiration flowing.

  4. l look fwd to reading the next 800 blogs, it is fantastic and inspiring, keep the inspiration flowing.

  5. Hi Randy
    I have been feeling that way the last couple of days. In recent months, I have really ramped up my personal development work and I think I am really in a purging process where stuff that bothers me feels a lot more intense. It can feel paralyzing and frustrating. In these moments, it feels like no progress is being made. When I am feeling this way, I try to do things to lighten my mood.  I also make an extra effort to just increase my awareness and observe what is happening, reminding myself it is transitory. This helps remove that extra layer of discomfort that results from feeling upset because we are upset. 

  6. Hi Randy
    I have been feeling that way the last couple of days. In recent months, I have really ramped up my personal development work and I think I am really in a purging process where stuff that bothers me feels a lot more intense. It can feel paralyzing and frustrating. In these moments, it feels like no progress is being made. When I am feeling this way, I try to do things to lighten my mood.  I also make an extra effort to just increase my awareness and observe what is happening, reminding myself it is transitory. This helps remove that extra layer of discomfort that results from feeling upset because we are upset. 

  7.  @million dollar Check out his book and you'll see, he's building an amazing life of prosperity, just in a different way than people with legs do.  - RG

  8. Sometimes a hug helps too.  I like to be motivated by others when I'm more happy.  I just want  a hug. a kiss and sometimes my mama when I am having a bad day.   Although, if you are just needing some motivation out of stuckness, I guess hearing someone else's story can be motivating. 
    All I can say is living near farms I know about some really bad farm accidents.  My friends brother-in-law lost his leg on some kind of giant farm equipment.  So, I will take a moment today to say a silent prayer for farmers, the people who really keep us fed.
    Randy, for you I am thinking of a large cinnabon cinnamon roll with a lego yoda on top for your 800th blog.  There were a few blogs that I wasn't sure if we would make it, but well here we are. 🙂

  9. Sometimes a hug helps too.  I like to be motivated by others when I'm more happy.  I just want  a hug. a kiss and sometimes my mama when I am having a bad day.   Although, if you are just needing some motivation out of stuckness, I guess hearing someone else's story can be motivating. 
    All I can say is living near farms I know about some really bad farm accidents.  My friends brother-in-law lost his leg on some kind of giant farm equipment.  So, I will take a moment today to say a silent prayer for farmers, the people who really keep us fed.
    Randy, for you I am thinking of a large cinnabon cinnamon roll with a lego yoda on top for your 800th blog.  There were a few blogs that I wasn't sure if we would make it, but well here we are. 🙂

  10. Congrats on post #800! That's a good bit of thought provoking contribution right there.
    Thanks for the introduction to Chad Hymas, I'd not heard of him or his work before.

  11. Congrats on reaching 800 Randy.  I agree, we can do anything.  The only limitations are the ones we set for ourselves.

  12. Congrats on reaching 800 Randy.  I agree, we can do anything.  The only limitations are the ones we set for ourselves.

  13. His bicyce marathon from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas, is one of the most inspirational history that I ever heard ...  thanks tor share Randy.

  14. His bicyce marathon from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas, is one of the most inspirational history that I ever heard ...  thanks tor share Randy.

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  • 44 comments on “Reaching the Impossible”

    1. DAMN ! Such great respect for a guy like Chad Hymas. I'm maby complaining about not being rich yet. But i can use my legs, this guy can not and he makes the best out of it. So what about prosperity for him , i'm confused ...

      1.  @million dollar Check out his book and you'll see, he's building an amazing life of prosperity, just in a different way than people with legs do.  - RG

    2. DAMN ! Such great respect for a guy like Chad Hymas. I'm maby complaining about not being rich yet. But i can use my legs, this guy can not and he makes the best out of it. So what about prosperity for him , i'm confused ...

    3. l look fwd to reading the next 800 blogs, it is fantastic and inspiring, keep the inspiration flowing.

    4. l look fwd to reading the next 800 blogs, it is fantastic and inspiring, keep the inspiration flowing.

    5. Hi Randy
      I have been feeling that way the last couple of days. In recent months, I have really ramped up my personal development work and I think I am really in a purging process where stuff that bothers me feels a lot more intense. It can feel paralyzing and frustrating. In these moments, it feels like no progress is being made. When I am feeling this way, I try to do things to lighten my mood.  I also make an extra effort to just increase my awareness and observe what is happening, reminding myself it is transitory. This helps remove that extra layer of discomfort that results from feeling upset because we are upset. 

    6. Hi Randy
      I have been feeling that way the last couple of days. In recent months, I have really ramped up my personal development work and I think I am really in a purging process where stuff that bothers me feels a lot more intense. It can feel paralyzing and frustrating. In these moments, it feels like no progress is being made. When I am feeling this way, I try to do things to lighten my mood.  I also make an extra effort to just increase my awareness and observe what is happening, reminding myself it is transitory. This helps remove that extra layer of discomfort that results from feeling upset because we are upset. 

    7.  @million dollar Check out his book and you'll see, he's building an amazing life of prosperity, just in a different way than people with legs do.  - RG

    8. Sometimes a hug helps too.  I like to be motivated by others when I'm more happy.  I just want  a hug. a kiss and sometimes my mama when I am having a bad day.   Although, if you are just needing some motivation out of stuckness, I guess hearing someone else's story can be motivating. 
      All I can say is living near farms I know about some really bad farm accidents.  My friends brother-in-law lost his leg on some kind of giant farm equipment.  So, I will take a moment today to say a silent prayer for farmers, the people who really keep us fed.
      Randy, for you I am thinking of a large cinnabon cinnamon roll with a lego yoda on top for your 800th blog.  There were a few blogs that I wasn't sure if we would make it, but well here we are. 🙂

    9. Sometimes a hug helps too.  I like to be motivated by others when I'm more happy.  I just want  a hug. a kiss and sometimes my mama when I am having a bad day.   Although, if you are just needing some motivation out of stuckness, I guess hearing someone else's story can be motivating. 
      All I can say is living near farms I know about some really bad farm accidents.  My friends brother-in-law lost his leg on some kind of giant farm equipment.  So, I will take a moment today to say a silent prayer for farmers, the people who really keep us fed.
      Randy, for you I am thinking of a large cinnabon cinnamon roll with a lego yoda on top for your 800th blog.  There were a few blogs that I wasn't sure if we would make it, but well here we are. 🙂

    10. Congrats on post #800! That's a good bit of thought provoking contribution right there.
      Thanks for the introduction to Chad Hymas, I'd not heard of him or his work before.

    11. Congrats on reaching 800 Randy.  I agree, we can do anything.  The only limitations are the ones we set for ourselves.

    12. Congrats on reaching 800 Randy.  I agree, we can do anything.  The only limitations are the ones we set for ourselves.

    13. His bicyce marathon from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas, is one of the most inspirational history that I ever heard ...  thanks tor share Randy.

    14. His bicyce marathon from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas, is one of the most inspirational history that I ever heard ...  thanks tor share Randy.

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