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Prosperity is Created in Your Mind First

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 9, 2021

All prosperity is created twice: First in the mind of a dreamer or visionary, and only secondarily on the physical plane.  We all have the blessing of experiencing random blessings, but the really important prosperity outcomes in your life will come as a result of envisioning them first.

In my experience, even the most bold, audacious goals I post on my Prosperity Manifestation Map are manifested within two years.  Many others happen much sooner. Speaking affirmations, having goal stickers on your mirror or computer, or writing a script for your perfect day and reviewing it frequently, all enhance and strengthen your vision and allow you to manifest it sooner. You’re actually programming your subconscious mind with the desired goal. And once something is programmed in your subconscious, it has to happen.



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