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The Problem with Just Fixing Gaps

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 26, 2018

It seems like everyone is creating plans to improve their performance in different areas.  The idea behind this is that you set up remedial routines that will “fix” gaps in your skills, leadership style, or habits.  I get this process, as there are certainly some good reasons for doing that.

The problem comes when you get defensive and become fixated on “proving” you’ve effectively dealt with the issue, by reaching a certain goal or performance result.

So how about you take it one step deeper?

And that would be creating a learning agenda.  A learning agenda actually shifts the focus to who you become.  You develop into the person who indeed does achieve the performance goals or accomplishments.  So the accomplishment is not a “one of” thing, but a transformational development for you.

Here’s an example of what the distinction between the two approaches would mean.  Instead of pursuing the accomplishment to crush the presentation with the Board of Directors – you actually are working to become a better communicator.  Now instead of just achieving a goal, you’re truly creating a lifelong change, and improving yourself in a meaningful way.

So what does a learning agenda look like?  We’ll explore that on tomorrow’s post.  Until then, please share your thoughts on the subject with the community.


2 comments on “The Problem with Just Fixing Gaps”

  1. This is probably the most important skill set there is. To create a learning agenda is to play detective in your life and recognize the weaknesses and gaps in your behavior and thought process. "Why isn't this working for me and how does this show up in other areas of my life?"
    For me personally, I'm learning to reverse engineer my behavior and look at my beliefs around that issue and rewrite or reframe that belief/story to create a more positive and healthy habit/outcome. Why am I always late? It creates stress for myself and everyone around me. My old story: I resent giving up my time. New Story: By planning ahead and starting earlier, I don't forget things, get in accidents and be a stress mess for the rest of the day. I win.
    It's a fail forward agenda that embraces the opportunity to become a person of integrity.

  2. Interesting don't just go at it as a one time fix, rather enhance the skill for all future Board of Directors meeting presentations or any presentation, not just this one. Great perspective!

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  • 2 comments on “The Problem with Just Fixing Gaps”

    1. This is probably the most important skill set there is. To create a learning agenda is to play detective in your life and recognize the weaknesses and gaps in your behavior and thought process. "Why isn't this working for me and how does this show up in other areas of my life?"
      For me personally, I'm learning to reverse engineer my behavior and look at my beliefs around that issue and rewrite or reframe that belief/story to create a more positive and healthy habit/outcome. Why am I always late? It creates stress for myself and everyone around me. My old story: I resent giving up my time. New Story: By planning ahead and starting earlier, I don't forget things, get in accidents and be a stress mess for the rest of the day. I win.
      It's a fail forward agenda that embraces the opportunity to become a person of integrity.

    2. Interesting don't just go at it as a one time fix, rather enhance the skill for all future Board of Directors meeting presentations or any presentation, not just this one. Great perspective!

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