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Predicting the Future

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 22, 2012

You really can predict the future with an uncanny degree of accuracy.  And no, you don't have to be a mystic, have “insider” information, or use a crystal ball.   There are some variables you can track and trends you can watch. 

Then, learn the difference between cyclical trends versus linear ones, hard trends versus soft ones, and it’s almost mind-boggling how precise you can forecast what is going to happen in hundreds of different areas.

And people who can do that – are the ones who create wealth…

And that’s why I wrote, Risky Is the New Safe.  It’s a book like none you have ever read before.  It really is a textbook on creating wealth in today’s world, in today’s conditions.

Disruptive technology, accelerating speed of change and economic upheaval are changing the game.  The euro is headed to collapse, governments will default, millions of jobs will be lost and millions more will require complete retraining to keep them.

But this is NOT a “gloom and doom” book – it’s a book about opportunity!

In it, I will take you through the tumultuous changes taking place in business, technology and the economy – and the extraordinary challenges they are creating.  But most importantly – I will show you how you turn those challenges into lucrative opportunities.

You’ll learn which jobs and business models will disappear forever, and how to position yourself in the ones that will thrive in the emerging cycles.   You’ll discover how to think differently and develop the same mindset the world’s highest level achievers harness for success.

This book is the culmination of my 33 years of studying success and prosperity.  And instead of making it a $10,000 Boot Camp (although there will be one of those), a $125,000 corporate consulting program (although there will be one of those), or a $5,000 audio program (and yes, there will be one of those too), I wanted to create a resource that anyone and everyone who was serious about success could afford and get and put into practice immediately.  So that’s how the book came about.

And here’s why.  And please read what I am about to tell you very, very carefully…

Almost everyone of you reading this right now will have the opportunity to vacation on the moon, purchase a home on the ocean floor with a coral reef garden, and do a duet with Elvis.  (Although this last one will be done via virtual reality in a holo-suite.)  We are living right now – this instant – in the greatest time in human history.  Really.  But MILLIONS of people don't know that.  They watch the news, read the newspapers, and buy into all the memes floating through social media every day.  They think they’re living in the most difficult time!

They bought into all the mind viruses: Money is bad, you got to have money to make money, you need an education, you need connections, etc., etc., etc.

They think it’s hard to succeed today.  But here’s what I know and want YOU to know…

There has NEVER been a better time to create wealth than now.  It has never been easier to go from broke to multi-millionaire than right now.  Things like the Internet, more accessible broadband, mobile, and social media have made it easier, cheaper and quicker to succeed than any time in human history.

And most of the world doesn’t know that yet…

But this book is going to show them.  And you.  Just take a quick peek at what you’re going to discover in this mind-bending, molar-rattling, thought-provoking book:

Page 5: the kinds of jobs that will be replaced by dolphins, dogs or monkeys;

Page 6: how cloning will impact the job market;

Page 14: what the third wave of tech companies means for you;

Page 17: what happens when 7 billion humans are each programming their own content channels;

Page 21: how mobile changes EVERYTHING about the Internet;

Page 25: what happens to relationships, families and marriage when virtual reality sex gets perfected;

Page 30:  when the euro will collapse and why – and what that means for the dollar, pound, yen peso, and all precious metals.

Page 35: the six most prevalent – and most destructive mind viruses circling the globe right now;

Page 44: what could cause gold to go to $15,000 an ounce – and what will bring it back down to earth – literally;

Page 46: the new “safe” mixture for your investment portfolio;

Page 52: the six-month online certification that could be worth more than an MBA or Ph.D.;

Page 56: the four things you have to bring to your own education;

Page 60: the new religion of ideas – how to declare as a “free agent” and solicit the best job offers;

Page 63: the new reality of marketing;

Page 66: the real truth on branding and how social media blows it up forever;

Page 71: what you can learn from Jimmy Buffet:

Page 76: the four secrets that made Gary Vaynerchuk and Wine Library an Internet phenomenon;

Page 81: why retail is dying and what’s going to replace it;

Page 85: the next dot-com bubble;

Page 95: how people like Ford, Firestone and Carnegie – and present day tycoons like Sir Richard Branson, Mark Cuban and Oprah channel ego for success (huge buzz on this chapter);

Page 100: the six-step process you follow to harness and direct your own ego;

Page 112: the big lie about staying in balance;

Page 120: why selfishness is good (yes this chapter is going to shock some people);

Page 128: the stunning but true fact about purpose that almost no one understands; and,

Page 139: the 12 “required reading” books for risk takers!

Like I told you, Risky Is the New Safe is like nothing you’ve ever read before!  Once you get pulled into the pages of this fascinating book, you’ll see why a “who’s who” of thought leaders – from Brian Tracy to Larry Winget, T. Harv Eker to Jeffrey Hayzlett, Bob Burg to Chris Widener, Ken Dychtwald to Joe Vitale, and literally dozens more – have been over the moon in their endorsements of this book.

I’ve created a video for you that takes you through each chapter and explains what you can get from the book.  Check it out here:

And please post your comments and use the share buttons.  As I said, there are millions of people who need this message of empowerment.  Please help me spread the word!

- RG

P.S.   The release date of the book isn’t until October 30th.  But I set up this special information page so you can pre-order your copy, and make sure you get the first ones shipped out in the first edition.

11 comments on “Predicting the Future”

  1. Uh, excuse me Nostrandyamus, let's say I believe all you say about the future.  Now, what if I want to do some research for myself, where do I start?  I don't want to just rely on the experts you know, you told us to think critically....  Question everything.......YA?
    Your "tribe" will love those future predicting chapters and they will not question a thing.  Some people who want to know how to earn a living in the future will pick up your book and read it, and think it is fabulous.  But, at some point they might think why should I believe it?  They will want evidence, they will want to see what you based your predictions on.  If it is just your experiences, that is fine, and I think you will be right about most things.  However, bestsellers and bibles tell their audiences where and how and from what their philosophies or theories  came from. 
    Still, I think it is so wonderful that you grace the topics and do some predicting, people need to hear it, and not just people wanting to build businesses or make money.  These subjects are extremely important and good for you for bringing them up.  I love the fact that you are always optimistic as well.

  2. Uh, excuse me Nostrandyamus, let's say I believe all you say about the future.  Now, what if I want to do some research for myself, where do I start?  I don't want to just rely on the experts you know, you told us to think critically....  Question everything.......YA?
    Your "tribe" will love those future predicting chapters and they will not question a thing.  Some people who want to know how to earn a living in the future will pick up your book and read it, and think it is fabulous.  But, at some point they might think why should I believe it?  They will want evidence, they will want to see what you based your predictions on.  If it is just your experiences, that is fine, and I think you will be right about most things.  However, bestsellers and bibles tell their audiences where and how and from what their philosophies or theories  came from. 
    Still, I think it is so wonderful that you grace the topics and do some predicting, people need to hear it, and not just people wanting to build businesses or make money.  These subjects are extremely important and good for you for bringing them up.  I love the fact that you are always optimistic as well.

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  • 11 comments on “Predicting the Future”

    1. Uh, excuse me Nostrandyamus, let's say I believe all you say about the future.  Now, what if I want to do some research for myself, where do I start?  I don't want to just rely on the experts you know, you told us to think critically....  Question everything.......YA?
      Your "tribe" will love those future predicting chapters and they will not question a thing.  Some people who want to know how to earn a living in the future will pick up your book and read it, and think it is fabulous.  But, at some point they might think why should I believe it?  They will want evidence, they will want to see what you based your predictions on.  If it is just your experiences, that is fine, and I think you will be right about most things.  However, bestsellers and bibles tell their audiences where and how and from what their philosophies or theories  came from. 
      Still, I think it is so wonderful that you grace the topics and do some predicting, people need to hear it, and not just people wanting to build businesses or make money.  These subjects are extremely important and good for you for bringing them up.  I love the fact that you are always optimistic as well.

    2. Uh, excuse me Nostrandyamus, let's say I believe all you say about the future.  Now, what if I want to do some research for myself, where do I start?  I don't want to just rely on the experts you know, you told us to think critically....  Question everything.......YA?
      Your "tribe" will love those future predicting chapters and they will not question a thing.  Some people who want to know how to earn a living in the future will pick up your book and read it, and think it is fabulous.  But, at some point they might think why should I believe it?  They will want evidence, they will want to see what you based your predictions on.  If it is just your experiences, that is fine, and I think you will be right about most things.  However, bestsellers and bibles tell their audiences where and how and from what their philosophies or theories  came from. 
      Still, I think it is so wonderful that you grace the topics and do some predicting, people need to hear it, and not just people wanting to build businesses or make money.  These subjects are extremely important and good for you for bringing them up.  I love the fact that you are always optimistic as well.

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