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Poverty Consciousness - The Lie of the Lowest Bid

Posted By: Randy GageNovember 14, 2018

Yes, part of being prosperous is being prudent with money.  It doesn’t make sense to pay 40 percent more for the same item because it has a certain brand logo on it.  Just don’t confuse being cheap with being savvy.  They’re not usually in sync.  And most of the time, they’re mutually exclusive. 

I am fascinated how many clients companies I work with that have a standing corporate policy that all purchases are made under the criteria of awarding the order to the lowest bidder.  It’s simply mindless and thoughtless, the standard default setting.   (It’s true that they hire me, but only because I have positioned myself in such a way, that I have no real competition in what I do.)

One company sells swag (t-shirts, sweatshirts, caps and the like) to their sales force.  Cheap zippers, slopping tailoring, ill fits. They save lots of money they think. But in reality, they’re losing a fortune.  Because only their most dim-witted people ever buy that shit from them a second time.

I went to an event and the VIP option was simply a cheap box lunch in a tacky banquet room.  It didn’t exactly have me feeling like a very important person.  More like a very gullible person.  That promoter made a few bucks extra off me once, but they'll never sell me again.

Remember the two ways prosperity is manifested.  Solving problems, or adding value.  It’s worth thinking about when you make almost any decision.  Usually making every decision based on the criteria of lowest bidder is not going to take you there.

And let’s talk about your personal life.  Are you living with prosperity consciousness, or poverty consciousness?  I’m appalled by how many people run their life on the lowest bid philosophy.

I know people who always book the cheapest airfare they can find.  (Forget First or Business Class, I mean they buy the absolute cheapest fare in economy.)  The math here is pretty simple.  Airlines price the most sought-after flight times higher.  The reason that ticket to Baltimore is $40 less, is because it leaves at 6:15 AM. Which means you have to be at the airport before 5 AM.  Which means you’re probably getting up at 3 AM to take it.

I’ve seen people flying to New York from Salt Lake City – and changing planes back the other way at LAX.  They add four hours to their trip and save $60.  If you do that, what is the message you’re sending yourself about your own self-worth?  (In fact, I would argue that carriers like Spirit Airlines and Ryanair couldn't exist if the majority of people didn't suffer from worthiness issues and low self-esteem.)

And imagine if instead of giving away that four hours of your life to Southwest that you will never give back – you spent that four hours actually earning money. Couldn’t you get a better ROI than sixty bucks?

Or let’s get really crazy here...

What if, instead of using that four hours to make more money, you simply used it to spend time doing something you love, or spending it with someone you love?


15 comments on “Poverty Consciousness - The Lie of the Lowest Bid”

  1. Great reminder RG. I struggle with this on a daily basis. Is it someone’s mindset that makes them wealthy, or do they have that prosperous mindset BECAUSE they’re wealthy? Meaning, did they not think differently when they were growing their wealth, like choosing the generic peanut butter? Would love other’s thoughts.

    1. Let's not affirm that you struggle with this every day. How about instead, you say that in the past you have struggled with this daily?

          1. Perhaps Tom might think about the number of lottery winners who end up broke - or in more debt than they were before the win - within two years of their winnings.

            The research in Britain shows that it is higher than 95%.

            They clearly did not develop the mindset and it shows they were not following your blog, YouTube or other offers...

            Thanks for keeping our mindsets on the right path.

  2. This is really a common mindset and very hard not to be infested with, being surrounded by zombie masses... I thank you for bringing the total opposite of prosperity conciousness to the table so we can see one or the other, and contrast... sometimes the best way to show a great mindset is showing what a lousy mindset is! Thank you Randy!!!

  3. BTW, I've been hired to perform next week at an event by some millionaire bankers (or I'd rather say poor people with money) that repeatedly asked me if I could give them "a better price", making me feel very cheap (needless to say that the huge amount they saved was $25 lol) and accepting to have a cheaper item I would bring. The banker's wife made the contract, and then someone told me that she's happening to be with that guy, she's inherited a fortune and that's all...
    What I'm trying to say is that there's a lot of people in the world with just money and not a prosperity consciousness! it is not equal...
    They think they are rich because of that? Have you dealt with this issue, Randy?


    1. 1962 John Glenn takes off from NASA launchpad. Afterward he was asked what it felt like. He said, "‘I felt exactly how you would feel if you were getting ready to launch and knew you were sitting on top of 2 million parts — all built by the lowest bidder on a government contract.’ -RG

  4. Much wisdom here. Always ask yourself before going for the “cheap” alternative exactly what you are giving up to save the few $$. More often than not the joy and pleasure of the higher price is a bargain when you balance the two on the scale of life. The long term impact on your prosperity conscious is an EXTRA BONUS!

  5. We learnt this concept over the summer wjilst visiting friends and watching every penny. They said just live with abundance mindset - stop checking babk balances, go out have fun, work hard each day when yiu can and trust your bank will have cash in it. Since we started to trust in abundance we have had more fun, more experiences and booked the good flights to get us there quickly, not cheaply because I know spending well can buy us time to make more cash 🙂

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  • 15 comments on “Poverty Consciousness - The Lie of the Lowest Bid”

    1. Great reminder RG. I struggle with this on a daily basis. Is it someone’s mindset that makes them wealthy, or do they have that prosperous mindset BECAUSE they’re wealthy? Meaning, did they not think differently when they were growing their wealth, like choosing the generic peanut butter? Would love other’s thoughts.

      1. Let's not affirm that you struggle with this every day. How about instead, you say that in the past you have struggled with this daily?

            1. Perhaps Tom might think about the number of lottery winners who end up broke - or in more debt than they were before the win - within two years of their winnings.

              The research in Britain shows that it is higher than 95%.

              They clearly did not develop the mindset and it shows they were not following your blog, YouTube or other offers...

              Thanks for keeping our mindsets on the right path.

    2. This is really a common mindset and very hard not to be infested with, being surrounded by zombie masses... I thank you for bringing the total opposite of prosperity conciousness to the table so we can see one or the other, and contrast... sometimes the best way to show a great mindset is showing what a lousy mindset is! Thank you Randy!!!

    3. BTW, I've been hired to perform next week at an event by some millionaire bankers (or I'd rather say poor people with money) that repeatedly asked me if I could give them "a better price", making me feel very cheap (needless to say that the huge amount they saved was $25 lol) and accepting to have a cheaper item I would bring. The banker's wife made the contract, and then someone told me that she's happening to be with that guy, she's inherited a fortune and that's all...
      What I'm trying to say is that there's a lot of people in the world with just money and not a prosperity consciousness! it is not equal...
      They think they are rich because of that? Have you dealt with this issue, Randy?


      1. 1962 John Glenn takes off from NASA launchpad. Afterward he was asked what it felt like. He said, "‘I felt exactly how you would feel if you were getting ready to launch and knew you were sitting on top of 2 million parts — all built by the lowest bidder on a government contract.’ -RG

    4. Much wisdom here. Always ask yourself before going for the “cheap” alternative exactly what you are giving up to save the few $$. More often than not the joy and pleasure of the higher price is a bargain when you balance the two on the scale of life. The long term impact on your prosperity conscious is an EXTRA BONUS!

    5. We learnt this concept over the summer wjilst visiting friends and watching every penny. They said just live with abundance mindset - stop checking babk balances, go out have fun, work hard each day when yiu can and trust your bank will have cash in it. Since we started to trust in abundance we have had more fun, more experiences and booked the good flights to get us there quickly, not cheaply because I know spending well can buy us time to make more cash 🙂

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