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Play Big

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 12, 2011

Well 2011 is going to be ending fast.  And if you haven’t had any big failures yet this year, better get to it!

Because no one wins all the time.  Or probably more accurately, if they do, it’s because they’re just playing safe.  But safe isn’t where the breakthroughs are.

The worst things that ever happen to you are usually the best things that ever happen to you.  If you refuse to lose, and take the lessons they offer you.

Don’t worry about failing.  Worry about playing safe.


30 comments on “Play Big”

  1. Oh yeah! I've had some good ones for sure. But what they cost me financially was balanced by the new guidance I have received which has been amazing!

    I've had a life filled with flops but I have learned from them. And I ain't done yet! I have much to learn and I'm excited about it.

    Be patient. Be grateful. Be persistent. Be Here Now.

  2. My biggest leaps and accomplishments have always been after I was willing to step up and get out of my comfort zone. There were also painful lessons along the way, but that's what makes us grow, right? Go big or go home.
    By the way, 2011 is coming to an end... 2012 is around the corner.... and going to be even 10 times bigger!

  3. Love you Randy - what a great article 🙂 Now I feel better about my failing. And new opportunities ahead :)))))

  4. In order to succeed you have to be willing to fail. Those who put their neck out, who stand for something "different", who innovate... As a young entrepreneur, this is the toughest lesson of all. I've spent the first 1.5 years of my post-college years...unraveling the mindsets you develop while in school and not out in the real world. Thanks Randy for the counter-programming!

  5. Randy,
    Are you ready for 2012 to be over already?? 🙂
    We haven't even got there yet...
    I've learned a lot in 2011 and am looking forward to 2012 in some ways .... and not in others... LOL.
    Mayan calendar, anyone LOL
    You'll be there to guide us, so we'll be ok.

  6. Hi Randy,

    Is there another way? Than thinking big?

    Dream spectacular dreams and realize, the worst thing is the best thing to happen to you. Our darkest days teach us the most valuable lessons about us, and how we perceive the world.



  7. Oops, Randy made a mistake....What is that part of human nature...

    I felt like the point of the article was go big...but that typo of the year, gets humans going, "see, see, he made a mistake."

    Total opposite of playing big...

  8. Just when I think I am catching up to you...or at least beginning to get your drift...I learn that you have already been through 2012.

    Clearly, I need to get faster. And will! Hoping to two-time through my 2012 to meet you up at start of 2014.

    BTW, aren't dates a figment of our imagination?

    Very, very much appreciate the wisdom you share with us.

  9. Failing is better than vegetating - which is generally what playing safe feels to me.

    So hell yeah! Bringing it on because I'm in this game to play, not just to watch.

    To win you'll have to keep playing, and failing is just the steps in between here and winning while you're playing. And if you're gonna play anyway, might as well play big like you said! We only live once! Make it worthwhile! :)))

    Thx for this post! Much love!

  10. I would be interested if anyone would be interested in continuing the conversation...

    I totally agree with what is said here. Thomas Edison's experiments failed more than they succeeded. That was the reason for his success.

    However with personal relationships, our whole being is set up not to be rejected. It is proven ahead of time that having a bad social interaction is not going to be good on our system.

    I am sure it wouldn't be suggested to go ahead and do something stupid just to prove you're doing something...

    So often smart people are sitting back, watching others make mistakes and not making those mistakes. I get a little angry with those folks.

    So how do you know good risk versus bad risk, versus no risk.

    Okay, great day to everyone...I'm glad we're back to finishing 2011...


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  • 30 comments on “Play Big”

    1. Oh yeah! I've had some good ones for sure. But what they cost me financially was balanced by the new guidance I have received which has been amazing!

      I've had a life filled with flops but I have learned from them. And I ain't done yet! I have much to learn and I'm excited about it.

      Be patient. Be grateful. Be persistent. Be Here Now.

    2. My biggest leaps and accomplishments have always been after I was willing to step up and get out of my comfort zone. There were also painful lessons along the way, but that's what makes us grow, right? Go big or go home.
      By the way, 2011 is coming to an end... 2012 is around the corner.... and going to be even 10 times bigger!

    3. Love you Randy - what a great article 🙂 Now I feel better about my failing. And new opportunities ahead :)))))

    4. In order to succeed you have to be willing to fail. Those who put their neck out, who stand for something "different", who innovate... As a young entrepreneur, this is the toughest lesson of all. I've spent the first 1.5 years of my post-college years...unraveling the mindsets you develop while in school and not out in the real world. Thanks Randy for the counter-programming!

    5. Randy,
      Are you ready for 2012 to be over already?? 🙂
      We haven't even got there yet...
      I've learned a lot in 2011 and am looking forward to 2012 in some ways .... and not in others... LOL.
      Mayan calendar, anyone LOL
      You'll be there to guide us, so we'll be ok.

    6. Hi Randy,

      Is there another way? Than thinking big?

      Dream spectacular dreams and realize, the worst thing is the best thing to happen to you. Our darkest days teach us the most valuable lessons about us, and how we perceive the world.



    7. Oops, Randy made a mistake....What is that part of human nature...

      I felt like the point of the article was go big...but that typo of the year, gets humans going, "see, see, he made a mistake."

      Total opposite of playing big...

    8. Just when I think I am catching up to you...or at least beginning to get your drift...I learn that you have already been through 2012.

      Clearly, I need to get faster. And will! Hoping to two-time through my 2012 to meet you up at start of 2014.

      BTW, aren't dates a figment of our imagination?

      Very, very much appreciate the wisdom you share with us.

    9. Failing is better than vegetating - which is generally what playing safe feels to me.

      So hell yeah! Bringing it on because I'm in this game to play, not just to watch.

      To win you'll have to keep playing, and failing is just the steps in between here and winning while you're playing. And if you're gonna play anyway, might as well play big like you said! We only live once! Make it worthwhile! :)))

      Thx for this post! Much love!

    10. I would be interested if anyone would be interested in continuing the conversation...

      I totally agree with what is said here. Thomas Edison's experiments failed more than they succeeded. That was the reason for his success.

      However with personal relationships, our whole being is set up not to be rejected. It is proven ahead of time that having a bad social interaction is not going to be good on our system.

      I am sure it wouldn't be suggested to go ahead and do something stupid just to prove you're doing something...

      So often smart people are sitting back, watching others make mistakes and not making those mistakes. I get a little angry with those folks.

      So how do you know good risk versus bad risk, versus no risk.

      Okay, great day to everyone...I'm glad we're back to finishing 2011...


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