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Percolating in the Cosmic, Quantum Soup

Posted By: Randy GageNovember 24, 2010

“You need not leave your room.  Remain sitting at your table and listen.  You need not listen, simply wait.  You need not even wait, just learn to become quiet and still. And solitary.  The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked.  It has no choice; it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.”

Those words from Austrian philosopher Franz Kafka hold profound wisdom.  So what’s the lesson for you today?


30 comments on “Percolating in the Cosmic, Quantum Soup”

  1. I am not leaving my room. I am sitting at my table and listening. I am not listening, simply waiting. I am not even waiting, just learning... My world is freely offering itself to me to be unmasked. It has no choice; it's rolling in ecstasy at my feet...

    I am an Austrian philosopher Franz Kafka holding profound wisdom... That is my lesson today and not today...

  2. Just started to follow you on Facebook and there´s a high possibility I´ll become addicted to you! Love the inspiration!

  3. Just what I needed this morning! Woke up to more snow and ugly ideas about people in yesterday's incidents. Was able to clean that up slightly before getting out of bed, then did as above (before reading it here). Your information totally affirmed for me that we can move forward - into a beautiful, snowfilled day:)
    Thank you so much!

  4. "If the only prayer we say in our lifetime is ‘thank you’, that would suffice" Meister Eckhart

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  5. Be still. A lot.

    Surrender creates power.

    My lesson? Keep doing what I'm doing, taking a 5-10 break every hour to sit quietly. Keep playing the quantum field.

    Thanks for sharing and have a powerful day Randy!


  6. Randy, I agree with Kafka.
    I write quotes, and in this book back in 2004 I wrote "When life is not working, Be STILL." Even when life is working and you are seeking answers it will come to us in this act of silence.

    God/Intelligence/Spirit knows all things, and we just have to tap into this inner spiritual system that dwells within. It is an infinite Knowledge, limitless possibilities
    that awaken us in this vastness of silence to provide guidance.

  7. Greetings from Prague - Location Kafka, just sit aprox 200 meters from his house and museum, what said is very wise, instructive, and still valid, but otherwise quite sad as he was.

    btw - Kafka is Czech writer and philosopher , so Jewish too so as Austrian maybe because in that time Czech republic didn`t exist , only under ocupation of Austria


  8. Dear Randy. In today's post I see the coincidence with the experience these days vacation. I'm enjoying a few days of vacation from work (which I'm trying to get out for something better.) In the state where I am today, I can feel that there is a fluidity in the conversations I have with people in the various issues that arise in a chat. A beautiful state of flux with everyone. I realize that everything depends on one thing and one thing only ... my inner state. So today I can and will continue, within me, being silent and waiting. In this state always want to be inside, with peace and joy. A hug

  9. Wow, when we are open to learning we can bathe in LIFE, we can lap up the waves that the ocean rolls in, we can feel the breeze on our ears, and hear the sound of life growing around us and in us!

    Years back I lived in Franz Kafka's Prague and saw where he got his inspiration from.
    You should listen to Vltava by Smetana, it inspires me like the words you wrote from Kafka.

    Thanks for the insiration Randy,

    1. Symphony Vltava is also fantastic, and when you hear it in places where it was composed, close to origin source the Vltava river in beautiful countryside, you are forever a part of universe.....

      from Prague Wencel

        1. That`s honour for me,I sit on the opposite side of the river , against to hotel,when I will be Smart, Healthy and Rich, this hotel is booked for you when you wish.


  10. In our stillness we connect with the Universe's power. When thinking constantly we only connect with our mind's whirlwind thoughts. Being still is how we receive guidance towards manifesting what we want.

    As to waiting, it's my belief that this has to do with being patient while Trusting. Of course, we must ALWAYS be grateful in this process too.

    Happy Holiday to all!

  11. Randy, this is so true!
    When I do nothing, nothing happens. If I wanna increase sales and get new customers, I have to leave my chair, all my doubts and fears, and at least start offering people my products and services. The more people I speak the more chances to hear positive response.
    My lesson for today is to find three new clients!

  12. I was listening to Marianne Williamson lecture on a lesson from A Course In Miracles a few days ago, and the lesson was ... There is Nothing That My Holiness Cannot Do.

    The message (in short) was that when we are faced with a situation that is challenging or needs our action, the best and only 'sane' way to deal with it is to get quiet, go within and remember our holiness (whole - iness) - and shift into a higher thought form to find our own peace and then, the entire situation will instantly transform before our eyes.

    As Albert Einstein says ... problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.

    Here is to the silent movement of spirit. 🙂


  13. At first I wanted to be a smart ass and say, hey what about the secret message bullshit you hate.. etc.. but I get your message.. sit in silence.. I get an email from and in it was a five step on how to sit in silence... cheers....

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  • 30 comments on “Percolating in the Cosmic, Quantum Soup”

    1. I am not leaving my room. I am sitting at my table and listening. I am not listening, simply waiting. I am not even waiting, just learning... My world is freely offering itself to me to be unmasked. It has no choice; it's rolling in ecstasy at my feet...

      I am an Austrian philosopher Franz Kafka holding profound wisdom... That is my lesson today and not today...

    2. Just started to follow you on Facebook and there´s a high possibility I´ll become addicted to you! Love the inspiration!

    3. Just what I needed this morning! Woke up to more snow and ugly ideas about people in yesterday's incidents. Was able to clean that up slightly before getting out of bed, then did as above (before reading it here). Your information totally affirmed for me that we can move forward - into a beautiful, snowfilled day:)
      Thank you so much!

    4. "If the only prayer we say in our lifetime is ‘thank you’, that would suffice" Meister Eckhart

      Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    5. Be still. A lot.

      Surrender creates power.

      My lesson? Keep doing what I'm doing, taking a 5-10 break every hour to sit quietly. Keep playing the quantum field.

      Thanks for sharing and have a powerful day Randy!


    6. Randy, I agree with Kafka.
      I write quotes, and in this book back in 2004 I wrote "When life is not working, Be STILL." Even when life is working and you are seeking answers it will come to us in this act of silence.

      God/Intelligence/Spirit knows all things, and we just have to tap into this inner spiritual system that dwells within. It is an infinite Knowledge, limitless possibilities
      that awaken us in this vastness of silence to provide guidance.

    7. Greetings from Prague - Location Kafka, just sit aprox 200 meters from his house and museum, what said is very wise, instructive, and still valid, but otherwise quite sad as he was.

      btw - Kafka is Czech writer and philosopher , so Jewish too so as Austrian maybe because in that time Czech republic didn`t exist , only under ocupation of Austria


    8. Dear Randy. In today's post I see the coincidence with the experience these days vacation. I'm enjoying a few days of vacation from work (which I'm trying to get out for something better.) In the state where I am today, I can feel that there is a fluidity in the conversations I have with people in the various issues that arise in a chat. A beautiful state of flux with everyone. I realize that everything depends on one thing and one thing only ... my inner state. So today I can and will continue, within me, being silent and waiting. In this state always want to be inside, with peace and joy. A hug

    9. Wow, when we are open to learning we can bathe in LIFE, we can lap up the waves that the ocean rolls in, we can feel the breeze on our ears, and hear the sound of life growing around us and in us!

      Years back I lived in Franz Kafka's Prague and saw where he got his inspiration from.
      You should listen to Vltava by Smetana, it inspires me like the words you wrote from Kafka.

      Thanks for the insiration Randy,

      1. Symphony Vltava is also fantastic, and when you hear it in places where it was composed, close to origin source the Vltava river in beautiful countryside, you are forever a part of universe.....

        from Prague Wencel

          1. That`s honour for me,I sit on the opposite side of the river , against to hotel,when I will be Smart, Healthy and Rich, this hotel is booked for you when you wish.


    10. In our stillness we connect with the Universe's power. When thinking constantly we only connect with our mind's whirlwind thoughts. Being still is how we receive guidance towards manifesting what we want.

      As to waiting, it's my belief that this has to do with being patient while Trusting. Of course, we must ALWAYS be grateful in this process too.

      Happy Holiday to all!

    11. Randy, this is so true!
      When I do nothing, nothing happens. If I wanna increase sales and get new customers, I have to leave my chair, all my doubts and fears, and at least start offering people my products and services. The more people I speak the more chances to hear positive response.
      My lesson for today is to find three new clients!

    12. I was listening to Marianne Williamson lecture on a lesson from A Course In Miracles a few days ago, and the lesson was ... There is Nothing That My Holiness Cannot Do.

      The message (in short) was that when we are faced with a situation that is challenging or needs our action, the best and only 'sane' way to deal with it is to get quiet, go within and remember our holiness (whole - iness) - and shift into a higher thought form to find our own peace and then, the entire situation will instantly transform before our eyes.

      As Albert Einstein says ... problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.

      Here is to the silent movement of spirit. 🙂


    13. At first I wanted to be a smart ass and say, hey what about the secret message bullshit you hate.. etc.. but I get your message.. sit in silence.. I get an email from and in it was a five step on how to sit in silence... cheers....

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