Jim Rohn famously said your income will be the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Randy suggest that your health, relationships, and overall h...
Jim Rohn famously said your income will be the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Randy suggest that your health, relationships, and overall h...
Would you refuse the chance to become the next Silicon Valley tech billionaire if it meant selling a little piece of your soul? Let’s find out…
[Article in TechCrunch April 23, 2023]
When I was growing up there was a British play titled, Stop the World – I Want to Get Off. It became a smash hit on the West End and Broadway. The title alone was probably a huge catalyst to ...
If you’re clenching something in your hand, you can’t extend it to receive another blessing. There are times when you must release something (or someone) in o...
(A Letter to My Younger Self...)
Do you remember your childhood as a time of joy, curiosity, and love? Hopefully you do, but I sure don’t. As an effeminate boy with social anxiety is...
Last post I introduced the concept of “botification” – a process part biological, part algorithmic, that can largely override the human thinking process. That discussion focused on how social...
This week’s lesson is a deep dive into how you ATTRACT or REPEL prosperity in your life. You can't just visualize a Lambo and expect it's going to drive itself...
My best friend is part-human, part-machine. Not in a cool way like Colonel Steve Austin in the $6 Million-Dollar Man. I mean part of his brain is controlled like a bot, kinda’ like when Capta...
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