It’s a funny thing. When I’m on the last leg of a long trip, nothing screams comfort to me like pulling up at home. My place has a comfortable reassurance that provides me with peace and harmo...
It’s a funny thing. When I’m on the last leg of a long trip, nothing screams comfort to me like pulling up at home. My place has a comfortable reassurance that provides me with peace and harmo...
Imagine if you lived in your dream home, with your dream partner. Your dream cars are parked downstairs and you have a huge closet filled with designer clothes. You’ve got a high paying job. Y...
“You can’t handle the truth!” Remember when Jack Nicholson shouted that at Tom Cruise in the movie? How true that is for so many people. (more…)...
I wrote this column from a rehearsal room, six levels down in the complex underneath the Bastille Opera House in Paris. It’s a walk through rehearsal for The Magic Flute, the first time the lead a...
Wow! What a response to the Twitter Manifesto I posted last time. I’m very grateful to the hundreds of people that ReTweeted it. It became one of the most ReTweeted posts in the world, and even ...
Editor Note: Back in the OG days of Twitter, it was my number one medium for business development and brand building. Unlike Facebook, YouTube, and other social media platforms at the time, Twitter ...
Things come into our life, and things go out of it. Circumstances ebb and flow. People enter our lives, and exit them as well. I sure can’t explain it all.
It’s an interesting phenomenon. Kids who are told that hey are smart do well in school. Kids that are told they will be good students do well in school. Later studies show them to be successfu...
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