Thank you Randy
Quite a debate raging on the last post about creating your life. I’ll admit, I’m not buying into all “the devil made me do it” school of thought. You have no enemy but self, no darkness but ignorance.
Get your thinking right, and you curb and direct your inclinations, overcome destructive temptation, and gain power over sin and sorrow. You don’t need the crutch of theologies, but prevail by right doing. You are designed for conquest. But not of territories, but the conquest of self.
That doesn't mean you won’t find spiritual guidance helpful. I do, and you can as well. But when you take responsibility for your thoughts, that is what will produce your actions. The greatest gift you receive from infinite Intelligence is free will.
When you reach self-mastery, no person or power can rob you of repose and prosperity.
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Thank you Randy
Taking the responsibility for our thoughts and turn them into action has so much power, that we are scared of it and hide.
If you can think it, it does exist and it is achievable. Now go for it. No buts anymore.
People can take your house and money, people can take your arms and legs ... but no one can take your will. Whoever and wherever you are ... it will stick with you. It is all up to you.
Thanks Randy for the reminder.
Curious what your thoughts are about the old addiction is a disease stuff... personally I think it's a load of shit... my dad was a miserable alcoholic who beat me... but it's my decision if I want to drink... and I like to drink.. but it's my decision and I don't cop to this oh it's a disease and it's because I came from this tough background.. it's your choice...
I think addiction is a disease, but more of a mental one than physical one. And one that can be cured if someone takes personal responsibility and gets the help they need.
The only pre-determination that exists is the one we allow when, day in and day out, we let our unconscious compulsions & drives stay hidden/unexamined/unchanged.
We have the most beautiful gift in the whole universe - we can choose to be who we want to be.
As for the devil, the same thing applies. You can say he made you eat that ninth Snickers bar by tempting you, ignoring the issue of your self-image, your habits and unconscious patterns. You've got free will, so if that's your choice, okay:-)
Hi Randy
I've had two emails off you singing the praises of something called Sonic Vitamins. I've had a look at the website and done a little bit of research and found that this product is a scam. There is no evidence to support the claims made by the makers of the product. Here's a link to article written by Dr Steven Novella talking about a similar product.
Dr. Novella is an academic clinical neurologist at Yale University School of Medicine.
Actually I've been through this research and debate quite a bit in the past. I've been studying autosuggestion since I first read "Think and Grow Rich" and seen how powerful it is, especially when I am in an alpha state. I've experienced too much proof in my own life that it works, so I'm all in on it. Thanks, RG
No worries mate, we'll have to agree to disagree.
On the subject of this post. Well said mate. I don't buy the spiritually gig but self mastery is the way.
Fantastic!!! Thanks Sensei
I'll debate this one with you Randy. Do you really believe that we have," no enemy but self"? Stop it. You are way to smart for this, theory, as you call it. How's life going for you with these beliefs? I'm going to pray for you too.
No need to debate, as I have no need to convince people of what I write. I share what's working for me and suggest people think about it. And in answer to your question, it's working wonderful for me. But I'll accept and appreciate the prayers.
Hi RG,
You choose your thoughts and feelings, which move you into certain actions, which helps co-create realities.
People who believe in this process, and take responsibility for their thoughts and feelings, become the winners in life. Those who don't, become victims.
You can use the idea of satan or any other force outside of yourself to blame your misfortune on. Or you can go within, which many religions call "heaven," and conquer any idea of self.
I love Jesus. I love Buddha too. But the one phrase that JC uttered that left an impress on me is, "Whatever I do, you shall do greater." He did want us to be like JC, he wanted us to overcome self, to conquer self, and discover the God in us as JC did.
These great sages stressed again and again that we control our destinies, and it's up to us to believe, achieve and receive how God, or the Universe, sees fit.
Thanks for sharing!
I love it. Simple words, great things.
I know that I'm my greatest asset and that I'm my greatest liability also.
I am responsible for all my successes and failures, buying a house in a bushfire area is a liabilty I was prepared to live with. Moving to a new country and starting a new business, my decision. Getting married, having children, my choice. Every day I make thousands of decisions consciously and otherwise that will impact my life today tomorrow or the future somewhere down the track, and the lives of those in my web. Everything is a choice.
One thing I know is that if I think I can then maybe I can. If I know I have to, then I do.
When I throw myself a pity party, I throw it, endure it and then get it out of the way and move on as it only produces undesireable results.
Ryan I agree, you hit it on the head. I think Jesus understood the human condition. Take a look around people cannot get out of their own way of crappy thinking. He and other sages simply said quit looking for something to save you like a house, wife or husband, child, or some other gadget. You can create a heavan on earth or hell on earth for yourself.
Off the topic but what gets me is people believing in the commercialized heavan and hell but not believing in spirits
I am a self-ish person who likes to apply what you teach to ME. So I ask myself, how does this apply to ME?
For me, the process is: identify non-supportive thoughts/ideas/beliefs. Do clearing-work on them, and at the same time, identify new thoughts/ideas/beliefs that would work better....and begin adopting them.
Both the clearing out of old thoughts, and adoption of the new, are processes that sometimes take a little time. Oh well.
My free will is the ability to Choose What I Want to Believe. As a pragmatist, I choose to choose the ones that support success, happiness and peace.
I hadn't actually considered this choosing as an exercise in Free Will, so thanks for making that intriguing connection for us, Randy.
Amen to that Mr Gage!
Another great post! Thank you Randy.
We often hear about people getting heart transplants and liver transplants but what most people need is a belief system transplant. This blog is probably the next best thing. Hopefully there will be a few less heart and liver transplants amongst hose who take the advice to heart.
An autosuggestion I find useful is " I believe all my thoughts are guided by divine love and wisdom."
Re David's post on alcoholism being a disease or not..... I had a girlfriend on the phone yesterday. She lives with a famous french perfumer. She was defending his alcoholic habits with 'but Hilary, you don't understand - it's genetic. It's been in the family for generations, I read about this on google.....etc etc etc!
I wonder how much better he would do if instead of pandering to his whims she would teach him the meaning of taking full responsability for everything in his life.
She knows he doesn't want to know this. He enjoys his glasses of "rouge" too much.
My dad used to say, "alcohol is insidious" but it is actually weak thinking ( and the actions that result from that) that is insidious.
I think David P may appreciate the below.
There were twin brothers who had an alcoholic father and one turned out to be a hugely successful doctor whereas the other one turned out to be unemployed and destitute. They were both asked the question.
" How did you turn out this way?"
And they both gave the same answer.
" You saw how my father turned out. What did you expect?"
I'm glad you brought up twins.
My thinking about this is a little different to most people's here. I believe that we certainly have some control over our thoughts, but there is some genetic wiring that also strongly influences what goes on in our mind, and thus the results we experience. I find it fasciniating that the idea that we can control our world by our thoughts has been around for a very long time. There are many, many people who believe they can attain health, prosperity etc... if they could just change their toughts, but the JUST DON'T DO IT! Why??? This intrigues me.
Interestingly, many of the studies on identical twins (genetically similar) show the opposite to what you just said, that if they are separated at birth and brought up in different environments, the outcomes in terms of career, happiness, wealth etc. is strikingly similar. Interesting... Personally, I'd like to find out more about this.
I partially agree with you Randy. I always find your entries encouraging and powerful. As far as enemies, I believe in the devil and that he wants us to fail... but, he only tempts, he does not cause certain things to happen. People choose to be tempted then fail. It all comes back to self, because we all choose our actions, but I believe in a supernatural enemy as well.
Ignorant people do devlish things. God centered people do heavenly things. Be like god and create your own reality. Right thinking, Right living! When your Right how can you go Wrong?
What happens when you are doing all the right things, reading the right stuff, being mindful of your intent, acknowledging your responsibility and consciously aware of mind viruses and victim chatter and still getting your butt kicked?
I'd really like to know 'cause we've been doing the work for years and yeah, not at all where we'd like to be, not anywhere close. What are we missing?
Of course I don't know you to answer specifically, but the first question I ask in situations like you describe is, "What are you holding on to that you should be releasing?' And question number two is, "Are you tithing?"
RG knows well.
Releasing precedes acquiring. Always. There's some part of you - some mindset, or some physical possessions you're attached to - which begs for release, and the universe has a very direct and clear way of conveying this message to you....namely, getting your rear end kicked with all types of uncomfortable situations.
Happened to me for quite a while. I had 4 cents to my name for weeks, was sued by creditors, filed for bankruptcy and almost went homeless during a rough patch. It all ended when I looked within for extended periods, took full responsibility for the madness I created, and released some poisonous states of mind, and people.
Thanks for sharing RG and all the best Tiffany!
Randy Randy Randy, wise beyond your years & your hair!
Kidding.... Thank you AGAIN so much for what you know & what you do & continue to do, even though you don't need to. You feed many of us on a daily bassis & we hopefuly turn & do the same for others.
Thank you Randy
Taking the responsibility for our thoughts and turn them into action has so much power, that we are scared of it and hide.
If you can think it, it does exist and it is achievable. Now go for it. No buts anymore.
People can take your house and money, people can take your arms and legs ... but no one can take your will. Whoever and wherever you are ... it will stick with you. It is all up to you.
Thanks Randy for the reminder.
Curious what your thoughts are about the old addiction is a disease stuff... personally I think it's a load of shit... my dad was a miserable alcoholic who beat me... but it's my decision if I want to drink... and I like to drink.. but it's my decision and I don't cop to this oh it's a disease and it's because I came from this tough background.. it's your choice...
I think addiction is a disease, but more of a mental one than physical one. And one that can be cured if someone takes personal responsibility and gets the help they need.
The only pre-determination that exists is the one we allow when, day in and day out, we let our unconscious compulsions & drives stay hidden/unexamined/unchanged.
We have the most beautiful gift in the whole universe - we can choose to be who we want to be.
As for the devil, the same thing applies. You can say he made you eat that ninth Snickers bar by tempting you, ignoring the issue of your self-image, your habits and unconscious patterns. You've got free will, so if that's your choice, okay:-)
Hi Randy
I've had two emails off you singing the praises of something called Sonic Vitamins. I've had a look at the website and done a little bit of research and found that this product is a scam. There is no evidence to support the claims made by the makers of the product. Here's a link to article written by Dr Steven Novella talking about a similar product.
Dr. Novella is an academic clinical neurologist at Yale University School of Medicine.
Actually I've been through this research and debate quite a bit in the past. I've been studying autosuggestion since I first read "Think and Grow Rich" and seen how powerful it is, especially when I am in an alpha state. I've experienced too much proof in my own life that it works, so I'm all in on it. Thanks, RG
No worries mate, we'll have to agree to disagree.
On the subject of this post. Well said mate. I don't buy the spiritually gig but self mastery is the way.
Fantastic!!! Thanks Sensei
I'll debate this one with you Randy. Do you really believe that we have," no enemy but self"? Stop it. You are way to smart for this, theory, as you call it. How's life going for you with these beliefs? I'm going to pray for you too.
No need to debate, as I have no need to convince people of what I write. I share what's working for me and suggest people think about it. And in answer to your question, it's working wonderful for me. But I'll accept and appreciate the prayers.
Hi RG,
You choose your thoughts and feelings, which move you into certain actions, which helps co-create realities.
People who believe in this process, and take responsibility for their thoughts and feelings, become the winners in life. Those who don't, become victims.
You can use the idea of satan or any other force outside of yourself to blame your misfortune on. Or you can go within, which many religions call "heaven," and conquer any idea of self.
I love Jesus. I love Buddha too. But the one phrase that JC uttered that left an impress on me is, "Whatever I do, you shall do greater." He did want us to be like JC, he wanted us to overcome self, to conquer self, and discover the God in us as JC did.
These great sages stressed again and again that we control our destinies, and it's up to us to believe, achieve and receive how God, or the Universe, sees fit.
Thanks for sharing!
I love it. Simple words, great things.
I know that I'm my greatest asset and that I'm my greatest liability also.
I am responsible for all my successes and failures, buying a house in a bushfire area is a liabilty I was prepared to live with. Moving to a new country and starting a new business, my decision. Getting married, having children, my choice. Every day I make thousands of decisions consciously and otherwise that will impact my life today tomorrow or the future somewhere down the track, and the lives of those in my web. Everything is a choice.
One thing I know is that if I think I can then maybe I can. If I know I have to, then I do.
When I throw myself a pity party, I throw it, endure it and then get it out of the way and move on as it only produces undesireable results.
Ryan I agree, you hit it on the head. I think Jesus understood the human condition. Take a look around people cannot get out of their own way of crappy thinking. He and other sages simply said quit looking for something to save you like a house, wife or husband, child, or some other gadget. You can create a heavan on earth or hell on earth for yourself.
Off the topic but what gets me is people believing in the commercialized heavan and hell but not believing in spirits
I am a self-ish person who likes to apply what you teach to ME. So I ask myself, how does this apply to ME?
For me, the process is: identify non-supportive thoughts/ideas/beliefs. Do clearing-work on them, and at the same time, identify new thoughts/ideas/beliefs that would work better....and begin adopting them.
Both the clearing out of old thoughts, and adoption of the new, are processes that sometimes take a little time. Oh well.
My free will is the ability to Choose What I Want to Believe. As a pragmatist, I choose to choose the ones that support success, happiness and peace.
I hadn't actually considered this choosing as an exercise in Free Will, so thanks for making that intriguing connection for us, Randy.
Amen to that Mr Gage!
Another great post! Thank you Randy.
We often hear about people getting heart transplants and liver transplants but what most people need is a belief system transplant. This blog is probably the next best thing. Hopefully there will be a few less heart and liver transplants amongst hose who take the advice to heart.
An autosuggestion I find useful is " I believe all my thoughts are guided by divine love and wisdom."
Re David's post on alcoholism being a disease or not..... I had a girlfriend on the phone yesterday. She lives with a famous french perfumer. She was defending his alcoholic habits with 'but Hilary, you don't understand - it's genetic. It's been in the family for generations, I read about this on google.....etc etc etc!
I wonder how much better he would do if instead of pandering to his whims she would teach him the meaning of taking full responsability for everything in his life.
She knows he doesn't want to know this. He enjoys his glasses of "rouge" too much.
My dad used to say, "alcohol is insidious" but it is actually weak thinking ( and the actions that result from that) that is insidious.
I think David P may appreciate the below.
There were twin brothers who had an alcoholic father and one turned out to be a hugely successful doctor whereas the other one turned out to be unemployed and destitute. They were both asked the question.
" How did you turn out this way?"
And they both gave the same answer.
" You saw how my father turned out. What did you expect?"
I'm glad you brought up twins.
My thinking about this is a little different to most people's here. I believe that we certainly have some control over our thoughts, but there is some genetic wiring that also strongly influences what goes on in our mind, and thus the results we experience. I find it fasciniating that the idea that we can control our world by our thoughts has been around for a very long time. There are many, many people who believe they can attain health, prosperity etc... if they could just change their toughts, but the JUST DON'T DO IT! Why??? This intrigues me.
Interestingly, many of the studies on identical twins (genetically similar) show the opposite to what you just said, that if they are separated at birth and brought up in different environments, the outcomes in terms of career, happiness, wealth etc. is strikingly similar. Interesting... Personally, I'd like to find out more about this.
I partially agree with you Randy. I always find your entries encouraging and powerful. As far as enemies, I believe in the devil and that he wants us to fail... but, he only tempts, he does not cause certain things to happen. People choose to be tempted then fail. It all comes back to self, because we all choose our actions, but I believe in a supernatural enemy as well.
Ignorant people do devlish things. God centered people do heavenly things. Be like god and create your own reality. Right thinking, Right living! When your Right how can you go Wrong?
What happens when you are doing all the right things, reading the right stuff, being mindful of your intent, acknowledging your responsibility and consciously aware of mind viruses and victim chatter and still getting your butt kicked?
I'd really like to know 'cause we've been doing the work for years and yeah, not at all where we'd like to be, not anywhere close. What are we missing?
Of course I don't know you to answer specifically, but the first question I ask in situations like you describe is, "What are you holding on to that you should be releasing?' And question number two is, "Are you tithing?"
RG knows well.
Releasing precedes acquiring. Always. There's some part of you - some mindset, or some physical possessions you're attached to - which begs for release, and the universe has a very direct and clear way of conveying this message to you....namely, getting your rear end kicked with all types of uncomfortable situations.
Happened to me for quite a while. I had 4 cents to my name for weeks, was sued by creditors, filed for bankruptcy and almost went homeless during a rough patch. It all ended when I looked within for extended periods, took full responsibility for the madness I created, and released some poisonous states of mind, and people.
Thanks for sharing RG and all the best Tiffany!
Randy Randy Randy, wise beyond your years & your hair!
Kidding.... Thank you AGAIN so much for what you know & what you do & continue to do, even though you don't need to. You feed many of us on a daily bassis & we hopefuly turn & do the same for others.