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Overcoming Fear

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 8, 2012

Okay, I admit it.  I’ve led a charmed life, and accomplished some amazing things.  But I’m certainly not alone…

There are lots of people who have accomplished amazing things.  Millions of them in fact.  Some are more famous or better known, but everybody can do great things.

Here’s the funny thing…

Most people buy into their fears and wish they could be fearless like the people they admire.  But what they don’t know is that no one is fearless.  No one.

There are things that scare Sly Stallone.  I wish you could see me when I have to stand near the wall in a glass elevator.  Every great leader in the world faces some insecurity.  Every world-class athlete has had times when they wonder if they have what it takes.  The biggest, baddest, toughest Special Forces soldier you could ever meet will at some point experience fear.

Stop trying to find a life without fear.  It doesn’t exist, unless you’re willing to life a life of mediocrity and dejection.   Real life means taking real risks and facing real fears.

Top-level achievers aren’t fearless.  They just suck up their fears for 30 seconds and move through it.  And so can you...

Find a moment sometime today and face your fear.  Suck up 30 seconds of courage – and then jump out of your comfort zone.  Because that’s where the breakthroughs live!

- RG

39 comments on “Overcoming Fear”

  1. Humans fear. Can't escape fear living in a body. So all people you deem to be fearless have plenty of fears...some just as strong as you.
    Embrace the fear. Do it anyway. Make it your mantra. What you want resides on the other side of fears you reject embracing. Hug 'em. Live through them...they weaken, and eventually, some fears vanish.
    Other fears will arise but so what? Same deal. Face, embrace, move forward, release.
    Thanks RG!

  2. Humans fear. Can't escape fear living in a body. So all people you deem to be fearless have plenty of fears...some just as strong as you.
    Embrace the fear. Do it anyway. Make it your mantra. What you want resides on the other side of fears you reject embracing. Hug 'em. Live through them...they weaken, and eventually, some fears vanish.
    Other fears will arise but so what? Same deal. Face, embrace, move forward, release.
    Thanks RG!

  3. Thank's Randy! This is such a GREAT point. Most people are seaking a life without fears - and that's not possible if you want to LIVE and change circumstances for the better. Thank's for pointing this out. I believe too in confronting my fears, but we've been tought to avoid fear. Maybe that's why so many people drink, use drugs, watch so much TV and in many ways choose the mediocre - to "hide" from their fears.
    Hugs and love to you from Denmark 🙂

  4. Thank's Randy! This is such a GREAT point. Most people are seaking a life without fears - and that's not possible if you want to LIVE and change circumstances for the better. Thank's for pointing this out. I believe too in confronting my fears, but we've been tought to avoid fear. Maybe that's why so many people drink, use drugs, watch so much TV and in many ways choose the mediocre - to "hide" from their fears.
    Hugs and love to you from Denmark 🙂

  5. Okay, I do not like spiders, and yet I have learned to face that fear. Give me a scorpio any day. So, I have learned to see spiders as scorpions (sort of) and also learned to look at my lifetime of encounters with spiders and ask myself - what has the WORST experience ever been, how many have come close to that and what was the outcome?
    The reality is, I have never even been stung by a spider. I have made the entire fear up in my mind. The key is transferring this to other fears and realizing that in 100 encounters with something I fear, I will likely have no more than 5 really negative experiences. That means 95 were great! So, put the focus there!
    EXPECT Success!
    Jackie Ulmer

  6. Okay, I do not like spiders, and yet I have learned to face that fear. Give me a scorpio any day. So, I have learned to see spiders as scorpions (sort of) and also learned to look at my lifetime of encounters with spiders and ask myself - what has the WORST experience ever been, how many have come close to that and what was the outcome?
    The reality is, I have never even been stung by a spider. I have made the entire fear up in my mind. The key is transferring this to other fears and realizing that in 100 encounters with something I fear, I will likely have no more than 5 really negative experiences. That means 95 were great! So, put the focus there!
    EXPECT Success!
    Jackie Ulmer

  7. I guess it´s not only the hanging bridge which moves once you enter it (for crossing a valley down below) which scares me to death (No, I was never challenged in life by such an unsafe stage) but up ´til today it was also the potential "rejection"-reaction of people I meet once I open up and offer my story.
    Well, this weekend where i had to offer my story over and over again, I felt that NONE rejected me or my story - opposite: I met many people who approached again and again to actuall get in touch with me to talk even more. Just some minutes ago I met a woman and her friend who is only 1 day older than me. Same year, yes. And she had a message for me - we simply freaked out!
    ONE new breakthrough. One fear less.
    Important for my soul. Glad I am here. Glad I got here. Glad I got an Email in January about this course & event. Glad, Glad, Thankful.

  8. I guess it´s not only the hanging bridge which moves once you enter it (for crossing a valley down below) which scares me to death (No, I was never challenged in life by such an unsafe stage) but up ´til today it was also the potential "rejection"-reaction of people I meet once I open up and offer my story.
    Well, this weekend where i had to offer my story over and over again, I felt that NONE rejected me or my story - opposite: I met many people who approached again and again to actuall get in touch with me to talk even more. Just some minutes ago I met a woman and her friend who is only 1 day older than me. Same year, yes. And she had a message for me - we simply freaked out!
    ONE new breakthrough. One fear less.
    Important for my soul. Glad I am here. Glad I got here. Glad I got an Email in January about this course & event. Glad, Glad, Thankful.

  9. Well it seems to me also ...
    The fear of something concrete  - spiders, height, speed. We learn how to get over them  when face with a specific situation.  But there is a general fear from :   to have own point of view, fear to start something new, fear of being unloved, fear of failure .. . They can not be  measured, it is like a cloud, without beginning or end.
    I've been adhering to your sleeve as a thistle, as a satellite to the spacecraft. My fear is dismiss  your hand.
    But satellite begins to live his true mission only when he is separated from the board.

  10. Well it seems to me also ...
    The fear of something concrete  - spiders, height, speed. We learn how to get over them  when face with a specific situation.  But there is a general fear from :   to have own point of view, fear to start something new, fear of being unloved, fear of failure .. . They can not be  measured, it is like a cloud, without beginning or end.
    I've been adhering to your sleeve as a thistle, as a satellite to the spacecraft. My fear is dismiss  your hand.
    But satellite begins to live his true mission only when he is separated from the board.

  11. Thanks Randy! In your last few posts you seem to have channelled my inner doubts! I'm standing on the edge of this cliff and I want to jump...I know I'll have the net and in fact fear I won't be ready for the next thing...and the next, more than I fear failure. I've picked up the right things, had the right messages drop into my box all week telling me... you have to do this. fitnessvoice 

  12. Thanks Randy! In your last few posts you seem to have channelled my inner doubts! I'm standing on the edge of this cliff and I want to jump...I know I'll have the net and in fact fear I won't be ready for the next thing...and the next, more than I fear failure. I've picked up the right things, had the right messages drop into my box all week telling me... you have to do this. fitnessvoice 

  13. Thanks Randy! Your last few posts have channelled my inner doubts- including this one! Standing on the edge of the cliff of change ...fearing not failure as much as fear of the next thing and the next as I succeed...a trade of secure, safety, and settling for inspired living and knowing I did what I was supposed to do here. fitnessvoice 

  14. Thanks Randy! Your last few posts have channelled my inner doubts- including this one! Standing on the edge of the cliff of change ...fearing not failure as much as fear of the next thing and the next as I succeed...a trade of secure, safety, and settling for inspired living and knowing I did what I was supposed to do here. fitnessvoice 

  15. Hey Randy.
    There is a saying like so:The real hero is the one who overcome his fears.There isn't anyone without some fears.The one who can't overcome his fears for to go on in his life,will stay stuck in,stagnated for ever.

  16. Hey Randy.
    There is a saying like so:The real hero is the one who overcome his fears.There isn't anyone without some fears.The one who can't overcome his fears for to go on in his life,will stay stuck in,stagnated for ever.

  17. the quoting of rocky when i was minding my own business was about 2:44p, my time if you got a chance to read my comment/writing under the i blow up limiting beliefs that i posted just a little bit ago (my favorite daily affirmation of your's so far)...again i am very sorry, but this writing of your's does mention mr sly stallone as i just read this.....the whole reason i got my laptop out before was to just document bcuz it got me laughing as i use his movies (rocky) as a guide and many analogies of them at times...Anyway Peace and Hugs 🙂 but then ended up writing that piece i posted but is on my wall as well....Peace

  18. the quoting of rocky when i was minding my own business was about 2:44p, my time if you got a chance to read my comment/writing under the i blow up limiting beliefs that i posted just a little bit ago (my favorite daily affirmation of your's so far)...again i am very sorry, but this writing of your's does mention mr sly stallone as i just read this.....the whole reason i got my laptop out before was to just document bcuz it got me laughing as i use his movies (rocky) as a guide and many analogies of them at times...Anyway Peace and Hugs 🙂 but then ended up writing that piece i posted but is on my wall as well....Peace

  19. @chereace @Randy_Gage - Great article. Very affirming. I realized a while ago I had to move towards my fears to really gain 🙂

  20. @chereace @Randy_Gage - Great article. Very affirming. I realized a while ago I had to move towards my fears to really gain 🙂

  21. most fears are learned... I heard that the only 2 fears we are born with is fear of loud noises and fear of heights. so we can unlearn all the fears we learned since birth.

  22. most fears are learned... I heard that the only 2 fears we are born with is fear of loud noises and fear of heights. so we can unlearn all the fears we learned since birth.

  23. So true.. Everything in life is a duality and the beauty of Fear is that its balanced by Love. And I totally agree about stepping from what's familiar and comfortable. In fact I'm working on an innovative production about the legends of music who all shared this same quality in order to inspire the world with the message. Thanks for the reminder as always Randy.. Good stuff. 

  24. So true.. Everything in life is a duality and the beauty of Fear is that its balanced by Love. And I totally agree about stepping from what's familiar and comfortable. In fact I'm working on an innovative production about the legends of music who all shared this same quality in order to inspire the world with the message. Thanks for the reminder as always Randy.. Good stuff. 

  25. It's all very well to say we need to override or overcome our fears - well, duh!  The question is, how to do that? How? How???
    There's a west Texas saying, so I've been told, to the affect that, 'if you find yourself in the uncomfortable position of having to swallow several large frogs, it's best to swallow the big one first.'
    For me, the frogs represent my Resistance to doing what I need to do. My frogs are not necessarily Fears; fear may be the biggest frog, but there are many forms of Resistance - multitudes of frogs, curse it. Fear is a big one, but not the only one.
     Whenever I am feeling Resistant to doing something....whether 'cause I'm afraid of some aspect of it, or for some other dumb reason, I know I'm looking at a frog, or a whole plate full of frogs. I've got to swallow the darn things if I want to get where I want to go -  and I DO.  What to do? What to do?  How can I motivate myself to get them done?
    I bought myself a bunch of silly-looking frog stickers .  Every day when I "swallow a frog" by doing something I don't want to do, I put a froggie-sticker on my calendar.  I love looking at all of them, they make me proud of myself, and they make me laugh, the silly things.  Good to laugh at our fears~  My calendar full of froggies is solid evidence & proof that FEARS (& other Resistances) don't stop me!  Who else wants a calendar full of frog stickers, representing Resistance & Fear, DEFEATED ?

  26. It's all very well to say we need to override or overcome our fears - well, duh!  The question is, how to do that? How? How???
    There's a west Texas saying, so I've been told, to the affect that, 'if you find yourself in the uncomfortable position of having to swallow several large frogs, it's best to swallow the big one first.'
    For me, the frogs represent my Resistance to doing what I need to do. My frogs are not necessarily Fears; fear may be the biggest frog, but there are many forms of Resistance - multitudes of frogs, curse it. Fear is a big one, but not the only one.
     Whenever I am feeling Resistant to doing something....whether 'cause I'm afraid of some aspect of it, or for some other dumb reason, I know I'm looking at a frog, or a whole plate full of frogs. I've got to swallow the darn things if I want to get where I want to go -  and I DO.  What to do? What to do?  How can I motivate myself to get them done?
    I bought myself a bunch of silly-looking frog stickers .  Every day when I "swallow a frog" by doing something I don't want to do, I put a froggie-sticker on my calendar.  I love looking at all of them, they make me proud of myself, and they make me laugh, the silly things.  Good to laugh at our fears~  My calendar full of froggies is solid evidence & proof that FEARS (& other Resistances) don't stop me!  Who else wants a calendar full of frog stickers, representing Resistance & Fear, DEFEATED ?

  27. I face fear daily. A new project, a new workshop, a new audience can send shivers up my nerve. And when it's showtime, I suck it up and step forward. Thank you for this great post. 

  28. I face fear daily. A new project, a new workshop, a new audience can send shivers up my nerve. And when it's showtime, I suck it up and step forward. Thank you for this great post. 

  29. I couldn't agree more. The reality is that fear really is inevitable, and yes, real life means taking real risks and facing real fears. Being in our comfort zone keeps us safe, but we'll always have regrets if we don't face what we fear. Thank you for motivating us and making us understand that even if one could be fearless, life wouldn't be worth living because it would be boring. Taking risks and facing our fears is one of the most amazing and unforgettable moments in our lives. And even if I'm scared, I would definitely take a risk because that's what makes life worth living.

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  • 39 comments on “Overcoming Fear”

    1. Humans fear. Can't escape fear living in a body. So all people you deem to be fearless have plenty of fears...some just as strong as you.
      Embrace the fear. Do it anyway. Make it your mantra. What you want resides on the other side of fears you reject embracing. Hug 'em. Live through them...they weaken, and eventually, some fears vanish.
      Other fears will arise but so what? Same deal. Face, embrace, move forward, release.
      Thanks RG!

    2. Humans fear. Can't escape fear living in a body. So all people you deem to be fearless have plenty of fears...some just as strong as you.
      Embrace the fear. Do it anyway. Make it your mantra. What you want resides on the other side of fears you reject embracing. Hug 'em. Live through them...they weaken, and eventually, some fears vanish.
      Other fears will arise but so what? Same deal. Face, embrace, move forward, release.
      Thanks RG!

    3. Thank's Randy! This is such a GREAT point. Most people are seaking a life without fears - and that's not possible if you want to LIVE and change circumstances for the better. Thank's for pointing this out. I believe too in confronting my fears, but we've been tought to avoid fear. Maybe that's why so many people drink, use drugs, watch so much TV and in many ways choose the mediocre - to "hide" from their fears.
      Hugs and love to you from Denmark 🙂

    4. Thank's Randy! This is such a GREAT point. Most people are seaking a life without fears - and that's not possible if you want to LIVE and change circumstances for the better. Thank's for pointing this out. I believe too in confronting my fears, but we've been tought to avoid fear. Maybe that's why so many people drink, use drugs, watch so much TV and in many ways choose the mediocre - to "hide" from their fears.
      Hugs and love to you from Denmark 🙂

    5. Okay, I do not like spiders, and yet I have learned to face that fear. Give me a scorpio any day. So, I have learned to see spiders as scorpions (sort of) and also learned to look at my lifetime of encounters with spiders and ask myself - what has the WORST experience ever been, how many have come close to that and what was the outcome?
      The reality is, I have never even been stung by a spider. I have made the entire fear up in my mind. The key is transferring this to other fears and realizing that in 100 encounters with something I fear, I will likely have no more than 5 really negative experiences. That means 95 were great! So, put the focus there!
      EXPECT Success!
      Jackie Ulmer

    6. Okay, I do not like spiders, and yet I have learned to face that fear. Give me a scorpio any day. So, I have learned to see spiders as scorpions (sort of) and also learned to look at my lifetime of encounters with spiders and ask myself - what has the WORST experience ever been, how many have come close to that and what was the outcome?
      The reality is, I have never even been stung by a spider. I have made the entire fear up in my mind. The key is transferring this to other fears and realizing that in 100 encounters with something I fear, I will likely have no more than 5 really negative experiences. That means 95 were great! So, put the focus there!
      EXPECT Success!
      Jackie Ulmer

    7. I guess it´s not only the hanging bridge which moves once you enter it (for crossing a valley down below) which scares me to death (No, I was never challenged in life by such an unsafe stage) but up ´til today it was also the potential "rejection"-reaction of people I meet once I open up and offer my story.
      Well, this weekend where i had to offer my story over and over again, I felt that NONE rejected me or my story - opposite: I met many people who approached again and again to actuall get in touch with me to talk even more. Just some minutes ago I met a woman and her friend who is only 1 day older than me. Same year, yes. And she had a message for me - we simply freaked out!
      ONE new breakthrough. One fear less.
      Important for my soul. Glad I am here. Glad I got here. Glad I got an Email in January about this course & event. Glad, Glad, Thankful.

    8. I guess it´s not only the hanging bridge which moves once you enter it (for crossing a valley down below) which scares me to death (No, I was never challenged in life by such an unsafe stage) but up ´til today it was also the potential "rejection"-reaction of people I meet once I open up and offer my story.
      Well, this weekend where i had to offer my story over and over again, I felt that NONE rejected me or my story - opposite: I met many people who approached again and again to actuall get in touch with me to talk even more. Just some minutes ago I met a woman and her friend who is only 1 day older than me. Same year, yes. And she had a message for me - we simply freaked out!
      ONE new breakthrough. One fear less.
      Important for my soul. Glad I am here. Glad I got here. Glad I got an Email in January about this course & event. Glad, Glad, Thankful.

    9. Well it seems to me also ...
      The fear of something concrete  - spiders, height, speed. We learn how to get over them  when face with a specific situation.  But there is a general fear from :   to have own point of view, fear to start something new, fear of being unloved, fear of failure .. . They can not be  measured, it is like a cloud, without beginning or end.
      I've been adhering to your sleeve as a thistle, as a satellite to the spacecraft. My fear is dismiss  your hand.
      But satellite begins to live his true mission only when he is separated from the board.

    10. Well it seems to me also ...
      The fear of something concrete  - spiders, height, speed. We learn how to get over them  when face with a specific situation.  But there is a general fear from :   to have own point of view, fear to start something new, fear of being unloved, fear of failure .. . They can not be  measured, it is like a cloud, without beginning or end.
      I've been adhering to your sleeve as a thistle, as a satellite to the spacecraft. My fear is dismiss  your hand.
      But satellite begins to live his true mission only when he is separated from the board.

    11. Thanks Randy! In your last few posts you seem to have channelled my inner doubts! I'm standing on the edge of this cliff and I want to jump...I know I'll have the net and in fact fear I won't be ready for the next thing...and the next, more than I fear failure. I've picked up the right things, had the right messages drop into my box all week telling me... you have to do this. fitnessvoice 

    12. Thanks Randy! In your last few posts you seem to have channelled my inner doubts! I'm standing on the edge of this cliff and I want to jump...I know I'll have the net and in fact fear I won't be ready for the next thing...and the next, more than I fear failure. I've picked up the right things, had the right messages drop into my box all week telling me... you have to do this. fitnessvoice 

    13. Thanks Randy! Your last few posts have channelled my inner doubts- including this one! Standing on the edge of the cliff of change ...fearing not failure as much as fear of the next thing and the next as I succeed...a trade of secure, safety, and settling for inspired living and knowing I did what I was supposed to do here. fitnessvoice 

    14. Thanks Randy! Your last few posts have channelled my inner doubts- including this one! Standing on the edge of the cliff of change ...fearing not failure as much as fear of the next thing and the next as I succeed...a trade of secure, safety, and settling for inspired living and knowing I did what I was supposed to do here. fitnessvoice 

    15. Hey Randy.
      There is a saying like so:The real hero is the one who overcome his fears.There isn't anyone without some fears.The one who can't overcome his fears for to go on in his life,will stay stuck in,stagnated for ever.

    16. Hey Randy.
      There is a saying like so:The real hero is the one who overcome his fears.There isn't anyone without some fears.The one who can't overcome his fears for to go on in his life,will stay stuck in,stagnated for ever.

    17. the quoting of rocky when i was minding my own business was about 2:44p, my time if you got a chance to read my comment/writing under the i blow up limiting beliefs that i posted just a little bit ago (my favorite daily affirmation of your's so far)...again i am very sorry, but this writing of your's does mention mr sly stallone as i just read this.....the whole reason i got my laptop out before was to just document bcuz it got me laughing as i use his movies (rocky) as a guide and many analogies of them at times...Anyway Peace and Hugs 🙂 but then ended up writing that piece i posted but is on my wall as well....Peace

    18. the quoting of rocky when i was minding my own business was about 2:44p, my time if you got a chance to read my comment/writing under the i blow up limiting beliefs that i posted just a little bit ago (my favorite daily affirmation of your's so far)...again i am very sorry, but this writing of your's does mention mr sly stallone as i just read this.....the whole reason i got my laptop out before was to just document bcuz it got me laughing as i use his movies (rocky) as a guide and many analogies of them at times...Anyway Peace and Hugs 🙂 but then ended up writing that piece i posted but is on my wall as well....Peace

    19. @chereace @Randy_Gage - Great article. Very affirming. I realized a while ago I had to move towards my fears to really gain 🙂

    20. @chereace @Randy_Gage - Great article. Very affirming. I realized a while ago I had to move towards my fears to really gain 🙂

    21. most fears are learned... I heard that the only 2 fears we are born with is fear of loud noises and fear of heights. so we can unlearn all the fears we learned since birth.

    22. most fears are learned... I heard that the only 2 fears we are born with is fear of loud noises and fear of heights. so we can unlearn all the fears we learned since birth.

    23. So true.. Everything in life is a duality and the beauty of Fear is that its balanced by Love. And I totally agree about stepping from what's familiar and comfortable. In fact I'm working on an innovative production about the legends of music who all shared this same quality in order to inspire the world with the message. Thanks for the reminder as always Randy.. Good stuff. 

    24. So true.. Everything in life is a duality and the beauty of Fear is that its balanced by Love. And I totally agree about stepping from what's familiar and comfortable. In fact I'm working on an innovative production about the legends of music who all shared this same quality in order to inspire the world with the message. Thanks for the reminder as always Randy.. Good stuff. 

    25. It's all very well to say we need to override or overcome our fears - well, duh!  The question is, how to do that? How? How???
      There's a west Texas saying, so I've been told, to the affect that, 'if you find yourself in the uncomfortable position of having to swallow several large frogs, it's best to swallow the big one first.'
      For me, the frogs represent my Resistance to doing what I need to do. My frogs are not necessarily Fears; fear may be the biggest frog, but there are many forms of Resistance - multitudes of frogs, curse it. Fear is a big one, but not the only one.
       Whenever I am feeling Resistant to doing something....whether 'cause I'm afraid of some aspect of it, or for some other dumb reason, I know I'm looking at a frog, or a whole plate full of frogs. I've got to swallow the darn things if I want to get where I want to go -  and I DO.  What to do? What to do?  How can I motivate myself to get them done?
      I bought myself a bunch of silly-looking frog stickers .  Every day when I "swallow a frog" by doing something I don't want to do, I put a froggie-sticker on my calendar.  I love looking at all of them, they make me proud of myself, and they make me laugh, the silly things.  Good to laugh at our fears~  My calendar full of froggies is solid evidence & proof that FEARS (& other Resistances) don't stop me!  Who else wants a calendar full of frog stickers, representing Resistance & Fear, DEFEATED ?

    26. It's all very well to say we need to override or overcome our fears - well, duh!  The question is, how to do that? How? How???
      There's a west Texas saying, so I've been told, to the affect that, 'if you find yourself in the uncomfortable position of having to swallow several large frogs, it's best to swallow the big one first.'
      For me, the frogs represent my Resistance to doing what I need to do. My frogs are not necessarily Fears; fear may be the biggest frog, but there are many forms of Resistance - multitudes of frogs, curse it. Fear is a big one, but not the only one.
       Whenever I am feeling Resistant to doing something....whether 'cause I'm afraid of some aspect of it, or for some other dumb reason, I know I'm looking at a frog, or a whole plate full of frogs. I've got to swallow the darn things if I want to get where I want to go -  and I DO.  What to do? What to do?  How can I motivate myself to get them done?
      I bought myself a bunch of silly-looking frog stickers .  Every day when I "swallow a frog" by doing something I don't want to do, I put a froggie-sticker on my calendar.  I love looking at all of them, they make me proud of myself, and they make me laugh, the silly things.  Good to laugh at our fears~  My calendar full of froggies is solid evidence & proof that FEARS (& other Resistances) don't stop me!  Who else wants a calendar full of frog stickers, representing Resistance & Fear, DEFEATED ?

    27. I face fear daily. A new project, a new workshop, a new audience can send shivers up my nerve. And when it's showtime, I suck it up and step forward. Thank you for this great post. 

    28. I face fear daily. A new project, a new workshop, a new audience can send shivers up my nerve. And when it's showtime, I suck it up and step forward. Thank you for this great post. 

    29. I couldn't agree more. The reality is that fear really is inevitable, and yes, real life means taking real risks and facing real fears. Being in our comfort zone keeps us safe, but we'll always have regrets if we don't face what we fear. Thank you for motivating us and making us understand that even if one could be fearless, life wouldn't be worth living because it would be boring. Taking risks and facing our fears is one of the most amazing and unforgettable moments in our lives. And even if I'm scared, I would definitely take a risk because that's what makes life worth living.

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