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No Principles, No Philosophy

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 10, 2010

Well compromise is a good thing right?  I mean all reasonable people compromise now and then.

All good politicians learn the skill of compromise.  New legislation wouldn’t get passed unless both sides compromised and agreed to something in the middle.  People write books about the “art” of compromise.

But is compromise all it’s made out to be?

As we discussed in the last post, it is usually touted as an effective way to deal with complex issues, such as free trade, political unrest, or moral dilemmas.

But what would you think if I told you that in most cases, compromise solves the immediate problem, but actually creates more complexity, and more challenges for the future?

Ayn Rand once said that reason is our only means of perceiving reality.  She saw reason as our only source of knowledge, our only guide to action, and our basic means of survival.

Like Rand, I live my life based upon the values of reason, purpose, and self-esteem.  And that based on these values, I have formulated principles I live by.

Just before the publication of “Atlas Shrugged,” a publisher’s rep asked Rand whether she could present the essence of her philosophy while standing on one foot.  She hopped up and said:

1. Metaphysics: Objective Reality
2. Epistemology: Reason
3. Ethics: Self-interest
4. Politics: Capitalism

Some big words there.  What does it all mean?

If you pressed Rand to come up with simple words to describe the above, I believe it would be:

1.  Wishing won’t make it so.
2.  You can’t eat your cake and have it, too.
3.  Man is an end in himself.
4.  Give me liberty or give me death.

If you hold these concepts with total consistency, as the basis for your own convictions, you have a full philosophical system to guide your life by.  But to actually do this — to really understand, define, prove and apply them — requires a lot of intellectual exercise.

Which is why philosophy can’t be discussed while you’re standing on one foot.  And why it can’t be understood while you’re standing with one foot on each side of a fence.

And unfortunately, this seems to be the prominent philosophy in the world today.  So after centuries of this bad philosophy, most people actually have no principles they follow, or a philosophy to live by.

Give that some deep intellectual thought and share your thoughts below.  And we’ll pick up there on the next post.

P.S.  What a trip I’m on!  Six countries in six days.  Kazakhstan was a treat.  Very cool mix of Asian and Russian culture with really wonderful people.  Then today had more than 1,200 in Saint Petersburg, Russia.  Another wonderful crowd.  And the city is simply dripping with history everywhere you turn.  Going out to explore it more tonight, then head back to Riga, Latvia in the morning.  I’ll try and check in from there.


37 comments on “No Principles, No Philosophy”

  1. Randy, as soon as I got to your second question, I thought of Ayn Rand and knew that this would be another outstanding post by you.

    This is such a massive post, with such density of thought, that I'm going to carry this with me today and contemplate it.

    Thanks is an understatement. Your posts are taking me to the next level.

  2. A kompromisszumra valóban a politikában kell alkalmazni meg munka helyeken ahol az etiket és a a két fél közti megálapoldás kell, hogy érvényesüljön. Én ezt a két területet inkább nagyívben elkerülöm, mert semmi igazit nem hoz. Megalkuvás és érdekek füzödnek ezekhez. Szeretek olyonokról beszélni ami rólunk és emberi tapasztalatokról szól. Ezek pedig amit legfontosabbnak tartok az életben. Örüljunk annak amit tehetünk szivvel és lélekkel. Az önmegvalósítást kellene első perctől kezdve metanítani az iskolában, hogy elég önbecsülése lehessen az embereknek. Ez mindenre kiterjed az életünk során. s ehhez szoros összefüggésben van az önbizalom. Ha azt tehetjük amit szeretünk mennyivel jobb és összehangoltabb közösségben élhetnénk. Mindenki azt tehetné amit szeret. Ezért jók azok a lehetőségek amiben ezeket megtudjuk teremteni amiért Randy-t választottam, mert azt mondja amit gondol. Én is ezért fordultam ide, mert azokhoz vonzodom akiknek született inteligenciával rendelkeznek.

    1. My Hungarian is a little bit rusty, but I think you can translate your paragraph before you post it. - Ost Hiszem hogy te birsz megfordulatni as posztod angolban ezelut.

      1. Thank you for your comment, although this is possible to translate the page, but this time I thought, I prefer to translate it, that I immediately read.

  3. I have to agree wholeheartedly about compromise only being a short term fix. I will look at free trade and how it has effected the province of Ontario, Canada. I think that the only businesses that really benefitted from free trade are those that make commodities and sell it to the USA. We used to have many US companies here in Canada, but they left and got absorbed back into the USA. Now a great deal of products are made off-shore and that means less and less things being manufactured here. Fewer and Fewer jobs is the result. Fewer and Fewer corporate revenues for the Ontario government so that's why the Brought in the HST. (harmonized sales tax 13% as opposed to 5%)
    So those of us who are still producing get to pay more tax. I have a thought of a political philosophy these past few days and came up with Democratic Socialism. That is you get to voluntarily choose which program you get to participate in - health care - pension plans - etc. And, the populace actually gets to make decisions by voting on them rather than the government being autonomous. Anyway - I could go on and on about this but will stop here.

    1. Democratic Socialism! LOL. How about the free market? You get to choose what services you want to use and forget the rest. This way the service will always be better than government run operations - who love to waste most of the cash.

      We always manage our own money better than someone else's.

      When I grew up, taking money from others by force was called stealing. I think that is an accurate description of it. Now it is just called Socialism, all for the greater good (rah rah rah)

      Socialism only works for the 'special interests' and all of the programmes that are created to help the people are almost always what cause the people the most harm.

      The Government is to protect from foreign threats and to provide justice systems to protect the third party. That is where they should stop. Let us decide who we want to trade with and how we want to spend our money.

      In Socialism 'He who has the largest supply of brown envelopes that go under the table - gets the most rewards'. In the free market 'he who provides the most service gets the most rewards'.

      1. What do you know about brown envelopes? And how they are moving under the table?
        People like to talk about things that they never have seen, never heard, never touched.

        1. I know a lot about brown envelopes. I have been building many companies over the last few years and while working with health inspectors, politicians, Job Centres the way most things are hurried up is with an nice fat envelope. It always gets favours.

          The people who don't use them get the system used against them. My friend has just worked a deal with politicians to pass a law that states only his company (housing association) can be used in the city. All others cannot enter the market. I think this is disgusting use of the publics money as many people were paid contributions to make this happen. The people who have companies in the same market who did not pay are now shut out of the market.

          It is like the mafia protection money. Pay and they work to help you and give favours. Don't pay and they put you out of business.

          Through a few good words the Job Centre is now going to pay 75% of all my new staffs wages. Many of my competitors are using this deal so if I don't then I can't compete.

          I would rather have the free market and tell them to piss off and let us trade freely but that isn't going to happen. I know many health and safety inspectors who have been given a few thousand to not look in a few places. I could go on all day with examples I personally know to be true.

          It is all about favours in a Socialist economy. The government is responsible for more monopolies than anything else in history. And they say they do it to protect the consumer.

          1. For more detail on how the Special interests use Socialism read Robert Kiyosaki's book 'Conspiracy of the Rich' And Study material of Milton Friedman.

            The Bankers are the perfect example of how to manipulate the Socialist laws. Bailout is the name of the game in Banking. Take the bank public, over lend and make the appearance of huge gains, pay huge bonuses based on the results, take as much out as possible just before the bank goes bust and then go to the government to nationalise the losses in the name of helping the economy.

            It wasn't a mistake the banking situation. It happens again and again. It is just how the game is played. The Socialists think they are winning by intervening but they are usually stupid or desperate and fall for the trap every time.

            The bigger the Government the bigger the corruption. In a free market corruption is not possible because no laws can be passed to create a monopoly and as soon as the customers don't like the company it will go bust.

          2. Your passion about lost deals in socialism is impressive. You sound like west culture man, who try to find out new markets.
            I have lived in socialism 25 years. And envelopes are not- big fat and brown. Maybe, sometimes, if made in US :))

      2. I should have thought about the subject more deeply before posting. I agree with the wastefulness and ineffeciency of government and the statement "you always manage your own money better than anyone else's". I see voluntarily purchasing (paying taxes for) health care as a procurement of health insurance. With the health care we have in Canada, you get it immediately, without question, and no tricks to back out of the deal. I see many stories about health insurance companies in the US playing legal tricks to avoid paying on a policy or stalling on payments for a long time. The poor consumer can't really do anything and would succumb to their illness before it ever got resolved in the court system.

      3. David:

        I have been waiting for 10 years for someone to explain why most of the wealth in the nation has been created in California and New York which higher goverment involvement than other states.

  4. Very well said. Compromise does indeed have its place, but most times it just postpones the pain for later and then it will be more magnified. Best to be firm right at the strat, feel the pain, nad move on to better things.

  5. Great post and I see compromise as a lose/lose instead of the win/win it is so commonly understood to be. And this is where the wonderful work of Dr. Marshall B Rosenberg's Non-Violent Communication is invaluable. His premise is that compromise - where either one or both parties gives something up or away in order to reach agreement is actually a negative way to a solution.
    This echo's this post about short term relief but over time resentment can build either against the other party or against ones self for letting go of a value or idea you hold dear.

    Dr Rosenberg's method is based on empathy, where you spend the time understanding why each has their point of view and what values underpin their viewpoint. Then the solution emerges, even if it looks like one is 'compromising' they are actually giving to the solution. The action may be similar but the energy and intent of the action is where the difference lies. No room for resentment, jealousy, manipulated, taken advantage of.

    Non-violent Communication has been used successfully with personal dilemmas, families, warring street gangs and countries to name a few. I encourage you to check it out. It does wonders for relationships of all kinds.

  6. Were you bored, Randy? This is like really stirring the pot, I see alot about the government and socialism which I am not going to address because I might not get off the soapbox in 10,000 words or less.

    My only difference, I guess it that I think intuition is key and I consider that to be metaphysical. Reason doesn't always serve because it's often based on conventional wisdom, IMHO.

    I think values are what's critical and not compromising them to make a sale, close a deal, get what you want is important.

    My number one is "do no harm", and that covers alot of ground. I believe in giving people the facts and letting them decide what they want to do based on the information. If I am purchasing, I want the truth about the product and some wiggle room on the price. It needs be a good deal for both.

    Obviously vision and action need to be combined but would consider that a value or a perspective on what works. Just curious.

    You can have your cake and eat it too, that's what abundance is. It's just a matter of not pigging out, to use a metaphor, I guess. Practicing balance around one's needs and wants, and invoking the "do no harm" when making decisions in this arena.

    Man is an end unto himself. Please expand. Is this agnostic, possibly narcissistic? I don't find you to be either, so please explain how that inteprets for you.

    I think I believe in capitolism but I also believe in government aid because society does not take care of and give a hand up to those in need, and so the government has to. I promised not to get on the soapbox so I won't. I believe whenever possible in one's daily needs to buy American, and to buy local. Most people look for the best price rather than how they are supporting their local and national economy. And when I say I think, it's because I believe in entrepreneurship, small business, freedom to choose what kind of work you will do and how you want to paid for it. I don't believe in greed. In the sense that if a person is doing incredibly well, I believe they have a responsibility to give back. I think the hedge-fund fiasco was a total misuse of brilliant minds for fast cash that hurt alot of people. I don't think that's okay, when you are smarter, you also have to be responsible about the outcomes you create.

    Those are my thoughts for now.


    1. If u think so, send me your money and I will give u nothing in return! I like people who have altruism as thier philosophy. If more people adopt this philosophy then I can have free staff and loyal servants 🙂

      I personally like the philosophy of perfect exchange in a free Market. And I do not want to be told who I have to help. I want to decide where to send my money and not be forced to be altruistic. The receiving part is just as important as the giving part.

  7. Hey Randy,

    This post reminds me of how the corporation I used to work for had there values and rhetoric all graphically laid out and on all the corporate merchandising - mugs, coasters, umbrellas, etc.

    What a load of bullsh*t it was, because the company couldn't live by their own written values. They just seemed to choose which value to live by whenever it was convenient.

    Take care,


  8. I am not really clear with this point:
    "Wishing won’t make it so."
    "Wishing" and "Making" are logically connected and one comes out of the another.

    And I don't see clear connection between this point and the "Metaphysics: Objective Reality"
    I would rather connect "Metaphysics: Objective Reality" with this "You can’t eat your cake and have it, too."

    I am glad you had a good experience in my home country Kazakhstan. Although somehow I see my future in another country to settle.

  9. As I'm traveling through former Russian territories now, I find the comments to brown envelopes quite funny. Yes I have seen this with my own eyes here and in Latin America. In fact, just yesterday Ukraine announced a huge crackdown on government corruption because it is so rampant it's now a detriment to admission to the EU. And I've seen it in Miami as well, although the envelopes are white there. When you have governments in the way of true free enterprise it becomes quite the mess.


  10. I think compromise is culturally embedded in us from the time we start expressing our individualism. It starts with our parents, with the first no. It continues with our teachers, with, that's not acceptable. It ends with our choice to change or keep our conditioned beliefs. Our ability to take inspired action gets so beat up by society that we forget it even exists. What ever happened to imagination? inspriation?Did God make a mistake when he gave them to us? I don't think so. They are gifts from the universe. Why is it that societies take such efforts to suck this individualism out of us and throw it into the vortex. If we say one thing and feel another, we are going to get what we feel, even if those feelings originate in our subconcious. Negative is the universes way of saying something is wrong. I think all the conditioned compromise disconnects us from our passion, hence why so many are disconnected with their true happiness.

  11. YAY!. I am very happy about this post. Objectivism is my favorite topic.
    Another Randian idea that would fit this post is when she speaks of moral grey. "Any compromise between good and evil leaves evil the victor"
    Basically, its like if you have a clean, pure glass of water. If you introduce poison to that water, be it a lot, or just a tiny drop, it is no longer potable.

  12. Coitado desse RG! Pelo vista ele nunca aprendeu nada de Filosofia. Tem uma vida tão vazia e sem visão nenhuma, que vive somente para ganhar dinheiro! Sem comentários!!!

  13. This is indeed a compromise in politics should be applied to places where work ethics and must be agreed between the two parties to prevail. On these two areas rather avoiding heavy drinker, because nothing real to. And interest in its opportunism. I like to talk about us and what is about human experience. These are what I consider most important in life. Rejoice in his heart and soul of what we can do. First moment of self-realization should metanítani the school to have enough self esteem to the people. This includes everything in our lives. and this is closely related to the self-confidence. If I can do what we like to live in the community much better and more coordinated. I could make everyone he loves. Therefore, they are good opportunities in which they now know why Randy was chosen because he says what he thinks. I can so I turned here because those who have been attracted to possess intelligence.

  14. It is Columbus Day in the USA. Christopher is not a guy associated with compromise.

    Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.
    - Christopher Columbus

    For the execution of the voyage to the Indies, I did not make use of intelligence, mathematics or maps.
    - Christopher Columbus [Before him there were no maps to what he thought was the Indies, the math or geometry of the day and intelligence said they would fall off the edge and all die.]

    By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination. - Christopher Columbus

    Compromise always delays arriving at the intended destination.

    You can't achieve anything without getting in someone's way. You can't be detached and effective. - Abba Eban

  15. But what would you think if I told you that in most cases, compromise solves the immediate problem, but actually creates more complexity, and more challenges for the future?
    Well that depends of what philosophy and values you are coming from.
    The biggest breakdown in logic I see with a libertarian mind is one that it compares-an individual power with power of a corporation.
    It equates economic or the ability to make money with freedom.
    So, if someone is not an entrepreneur, therefore he/she is part of the herd.
    I can guarantee you that the doctor that saved your life when your shot, the psychotherapist who helped deal with idea of lack and your dietician who help change your eating habits are not entrepreneurs in the sense that they make millions each year.

  16. Friend, do you belive those abaut an a "objetive reality"????  I don´t think so!!!!  Reality is wath you belive!!!  

  17. Friend, do you belive those abaut an a "objetive reality"????  I don´t think so!!!!  Reality is wath you belive!!!  

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  • 37 comments on “No Principles, No Philosophy”

    1. Randy, as soon as I got to your second question, I thought of Ayn Rand and knew that this would be another outstanding post by you.

      This is such a massive post, with such density of thought, that I'm going to carry this with me today and contemplate it.

      Thanks is an understatement. Your posts are taking me to the next level.

    2. A kompromisszumra valóban a politikában kell alkalmazni meg munka helyeken ahol az etiket és a a két fél közti megálapoldás kell, hogy érvényesüljön. Én ezt a két területet inkább nagyívben elkerülöm, mert semmi igazit nem hoz. Megalkuvás és érdekek füzödnek ezekhez. Szeretek olyonokról beszélni ami rólunk és emberi tapasztalatokról szól. Ezek pedig amit legfontosabbnak tartok az életben. Örüljunk annak amit tehetünk szivvel és lélekkel. Az önmegvalósítást kellene első perctől kezdve metanítani az iskolában, hogy elég önbecsülése lehessen az embereknek. Ez mindenre kiterjed az életünk során. s ehhez szoros összefüggésben van az önbizalom. Ha azt tehetjük amit szeretünk mennyivel jobb és összehangoltabb közösségben élhetnénk. Mindenki azt tehetné amit szeret. Ezért jók azok a lehetőségek amiben ezeket megtudjuk teremteni amiért Randy-t választottam, mert azt mondja amit gondol. Én is ezért fordultam ide, mert azokhoz vonzodom akiknek született inteligenciával rendelkeznek.

      1. My Hungarian is a little bit rusty, but I think you can translate your paragraph before you post it. - Ost Hiszem hogy te birsz megfordulatni as posztod angolban ezelut.

        1. Thank you for your comment, although this is possible to translate the page, but this time I thought, I prefer to translate it, that I immediately read.

    3. I have to agree wholeheartedly about compromise only being a short term fix. I will look at free trade and how it has effected the province of Ontario, Canada. I think that the only businesses that really benefitted from free trade are those that make commodities and sell it to the USA. We used to have many US companies here in Canada, but they left and got absorbed back into the USA. Now a great deal of products are made off-shore and that means less and less things being manufactured here. Fewer and Fewer jobs is the result. Fewer and Fewer corporate revenues for the Ontario government so that's why the Brought in the HST. (harmonized sales tax 13% as opposed to 5%)
      So those of us who are still producing get to pay more tax. I have a thought of a political philosophy these past few days and came up with Democratic Socialism. That is you get to voluntarily choose which program you get to participate in - health care - pension plans - etc. And, the populace actually gets to make decisions by voting on them rather than the government being autonomous. Anyway - I could go on and on about this but will stop here.

      1. Democratic Socialism! LOL. How about the free market? You get to choose what services you want to use and forget the rest. This way the service will always be better than government run operations - who love to waste most of the cash.

        We always manage our own money better than someone else's.

        When I grew up, taking money from others by force was called stealing. I think that is an accurate description of it. Now it is just called Socialism, all for the greater good (rah rah rah)

        Socialism only works for the 'special interests' and all of the programmes that are created to help the people are almost always what cause the people the most harm.

        The Government is to protect from foreign threats and to provide justice systems to protect the third party. That is where they should stop. Let us decide who we want to trade with and how we want to spend our money.

        In Socialism 'He who has the largest supply of brown envelopes that go under the table - gets the most rewards'. In the free market 'he who provides the most service gets the most rewards'.

        1. What do you know about brown envelopes? And how they are moving under the table?
          People like to talk about things that they never have seen, never heard, never touched.

          1. I know a lot about brown envelopes. I have been building many companies over the last few years and while working with health inspectors, politicians, Job Centres the way most things are hurried up is with an nice fat envelope. It always gets favours.

            The people who don't use them get the system used against them. My friend has just worked a deal with politicians to pass a law that states only his company (housing association) can be used in the city. All others cannot enter the market. I think this is disgusting use of the publics money as many people were paid contributions to make this happen. The people who have companies in the same market who did not pay are now shut out of the market.

            It is like the mafia protection money. Pay and they work to help you and give favours. Don't pay and they put you out of business.

            Through a few good words the Job Centre is now going to pay 75% of all my new staffs wages. Many of my competitors are using this deal so if I don't then I can't compete.

            I would rather have the free market and tell them to piss off and let us trade freely but that isn't going to happen. I know many health and safety inspectors who have been given a few thousand to not look in a few places. I could go on all day with examples I personally know to be true.

            It is all about favours in a Socialist economy. The government is responsible for more monopolies than anything else in history. And they say they do it to protect the consumer.

            1. For more detail on how the Special interests use Socialism read Robert Kiyosaki's book 'Conspiracy of the Rich' And Study material of Milton Friedman.

              The Bankers are the perfect example of how to manipulate the Socialist laws. Bailout is the name of the game in Banking. Take the bank public, over lend and make the appearance of huge gains, pay huge bonuses based on the results, take as much out as possible just before the bank goes bust and then go to the government to nationalise the losses in the name of helping the economy.

              It wasn't a mistake the banking situation. It happens again and again. It is just how the game is played. The Socialists think they are winning by intervening but they are usually stupid or desperate and fall for the trap every time.

              The bigger the Government the bigger the corruption. In a free market corruption is not possible because no laws can be passed to create a monopoly and as soon as the customers don't like the company it will go bust.

            2. Your passion about lost deals in socialism is impressive. You sound like west culture man, who try to find out new markets.
              I have lived in socialism 25 years. And envelopes are not- big fat and brown. Maybe, sometimes, if made in US :))

        2. I should have thought about the subject more deeply before posting. I agree with the wastefulness and ineffeciency of government and the statement "you always manage your own money better than anyone else's". I see voluntarily purchasing (paying taxes for) health care as a procurement of health insurance. With the health care we have in Canada, you get it immediately, without question, and no tricks to back out of the deal. I see many stories about health insurance companies in the US playing legal tricks to avoid paying on a policy or stalling on payments for a long time. The poor consumer can't really do anything and would succumb to their illness before it ever got resolved in the court system.

        3. David:

          I have been waiting for 10 years for someone to explain why most of the wealth in the nation has been created in California and New York which higher goverment involvement than other states.

    4. Very well said. Compromise does indeed have its place, but most times it just postpones the pain for later and then it will be more magnified. Best to be firm right at the strat, feel the pain, nad move on to better things.

    5. Great post and I see compromise as a lose/lose instead of the win/win it is so commonly understood to be. And this is where the wonderful work of Dr. Marshall B Rosenberg's Non-Violent Communication is invaluable. His premise is that compromise - where either one or both parties gives something up or away in order to reach agreement is actually a negative way to a solution.
      This echo's this post about short term relief but over time resentment can build either against the other party or against ones self for letting go of a value or idea you hold dear.

      Dr Rosenberg's method is based on empathy, where you spend the time understanding why each has their point of view and what values underpin their viewpoint. Then the solution emerges, even if it looks like one is 'compromising' they are actually giving to the solution. The action may be similar but the energy and intent of the action is where the difference lies. No room for resentment, jealousy, manipulated, taken advantage of.

      Non-violent Communication has been used successfully with personal dilemmas, families, warring street gangs and countries to name a few. I encourage you to check it out. It does wonders for relationships of all kinds.

    6. Were you bored, Randy? This is like really stirring the pot, I see alot about the government and socialism which I am not going to address because I might not get off the soapbox in 10,000 words or less.

      My only difference, I guess it that I think intuition is key and I consider that to be metaphysical. Reason doesn't always serve because it's often based on conventional wisdom, IMHO.

      I think values are what's critical and not compromising them to make a sale, close a deal, get what you want is important.

      My number one is "do no harm", and that covers alot of ground. I believe in giving people the facts and letting them decide what they want to do based on the information. If I am purchasing, I want the truth about the product and some wiggle room on the price. It needs be a good deal for both.

      Obviously vision and action need to be combined but would consider that a value or a perspective on what works. Just curious.

      You can have your cake and eat it too, that's what abundance is. It's just a matter of not pigging out, to use a metaphor, I guess. Practicing balance around one's needs and wants, and invoking the "do no harm" when making decisions in this arena.

      Man is an end unto himself. Please expand. Is this agnostic, possibly narcissistic? I don't find you to be either, so please explain how that inteprets for you.

      I think I believe in capitolism but I also believe in government aid because society does not take care of and give a hand up to those in need, and so the government has to. I promised not to get on the soapbox so I won't. I believe whenever possible in one's daily needs to buy American, and to buy local. Most people look for the best price rather than how they are supporting their local and national economy. And when I say I think, it's because I believe in entrepreneurship, small business, freedom to choose what kind of work you will do and how you want to paid for it. I don't believe in greed. In the sense that if a person is doing incredibly well, I believe they have a responsibility to give back. I think the hedge-fund fiasco was a total misuse of brilliant minds for fast cash that hurt alot of people. I don't think that's okay, when you are smarter, you also have to be responsible about the outcomes you create.

      Those are my thoughts for now.


      1. If u think so, send me your money and I will give u nothing in return! I like people who have altruism as thier philosophy. If more people adopt this philosophy then I can have free staff and loyal servants 🙂

        I personally like the philosophy of perfect exchange in a free Market. And I do not want to be told who I have to help. I want to decide where to send my money and not be forced to be altruistic. The receiving part is just as important as the giving part.

    7. Hey Randy,

      This post reminds me of how the corporation I used to work for had there values and rhetoric all graphically laid out and on all the corporate merchandising - mugs, coasters, umbrellas, etc.

      What a load of bullsh*t it was, because the company couldn't live by their own written values. They just seemed to choose which value to live by whenever it was convenient.

      Take care,


    8. I am not really clear with this point:
      "Wishing won’t make it so."
      "Wishing" and "Making" are logically connected and one comes out of the another.

      And I don't see clear connection between this point and the "Metaphysics: Objective Reality"
      I would rather connect "Metaphysics: Objective Reality" with this "You can’t eat your cake and have it, too."

      I am glad you had a good experience in my home country Kazakhstan. Although somehow I see my future in another country to settle.

    9. As I'm traveling through former Russian territories now, I find the comments to brown envelopes quite funny. Yes I have seen this with my own eyes here and in Latin America. In fact, just yesterday Ukraine announced a huge crackdown on government corruption because it is so rampant it's now a detriment to admission to the EU. And I've seen it in Miami as well, although the envelopes are white there. When you have governments in the way of true free enterprise it becomes quite the mess.


    10. I think compromise is culturally embedded in us from the time we start expressing our individualism. It starts with our parents, with the first no. It continues with our teachers, with, that's not acceptable. It ends with our choice to change or keep our conditioned beliefs. Our ability to take inspired action gets so beat up by society that we forget it even exists. What ever happened to imagination? inspriation?Did God make a mistake when he gave them to us? I don't think so. They are gifts from the universe. Why is it that societies take such efforts to suck this individualism out of us and throw it into the vortex. If we say one thing and feel another, we are going to get what we feel, even if those feelings originate in our subconcious. Negative is the universes way of saying something is wrong. I think all the conditioned compromise disconnects us from our passion, hence why so many are disconnected with their true happiness.

    11. YAY!. I am very happy about this post. Objectivism is my favorite topic.
      Another Randian idea that would fit this post is when she speaks of moral grey. "Any compromise between good and evil leaves evil the victor"
      Basically, its like if you have a clean, pure glass of water. If you introduce poison to that water, be it a lot, or just a tiny drop, it is no longer potable.

    12. Coitado desse RG! Pelo vista ele nunca aprendeu nada de Filosofia. Tem uma vida tão vazia e sem visão nenhuma, que vive somente para ganhar dinheiro! Sem comentários!!!

    13. This is indeed a compromise in politics should be applied to places where work ethics and must be agreed between the two parties to prevail. On these two areas rather avoiding heavy drinker, because nothing real to. And interest in its opportunism. I like to talk about us and what is about human experience. These are what I consider most important in life. Rejoice in his heart and soul of what we can do. First moment of self-realization should metanítani the school to have enough self esteem to the people. This includes everything in our lives. and this is closely related to the self-confidence. If I can do what we like to live in the community much better and more coordinated. I could make everyone he loves. Therefore, they are good opportunities in which they now know why Randy was chosen because he says what he thinks. I can so I turned here because those who have been attracted to possess intelligence.

    14. It is Columbus Day in the USA. Christopher is not a guy associated with compromise.

      Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.
      - Christopher Columbus

      For the execution of the voyage to the Indies, I did not make use of intelligence, mathematics or maps.
      - Christopher Columbus [Before him there were no maps to what he thought was the Indies, the math or geometry of the day and intelligence said they would fall off the edge and all die.]

      By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination. - Christopher Columbus

      Compromise always delays arriving at the intended destination.

      You can't achieve anything without getting in someone's way. You can't be detached and effective. - Abba Eban

    15. But what would you think if I told you that in most cases, compromise solves the immediate problem, but actually creates more complexity, and more challenges for the future?
      Well that depends of what philosophy and values you are coming from.
      The biggest breakdown in logic I see with a libertarian mind is one that it compares-an individual power with power of a corporation.
      It equates economic or the ability to make money with freedom.
      So, if someone is not an entrepreneur, therefore he/she is part of the herd.
      I can guarantee you that the doctor that saved your life when your shot, the psychotherapist who helped deal with idea of lack and your dietician who help change your eating habits are not entrepreneurs in the sense that they make millions each year.

    16. Friend, do you belive those abaut an a "objetive reality"????  I don´t think so!!!!  Reality is wath you belive!!!  

    17. Friend, do you belive those abaut an a "objetive reality"????  I don´t think so!!!!  Reality is wath you belive!!!  

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