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Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 26, 2012

So many people fear change.  But change is the only way to grow.  And growing is the only way to live. 

Like the caterpillar that must endure the cocoon to emerge as a butterfly, you must be willing to let go of who you have been in the past, to become who you are meant to be in the future.

So here’s the million-dollar question…

What do you need to be letting go of?


34 comments on “Metamorphosis”

  1. The 100 point answer is: release everything which doesn´t serve you.
    = one of my 1st lessons I learned from you.
    Tough thou´, when it is the own original family..... but, OK! 🙂

    1.  @Leeloo
       Hey my friend - here's a question that might serve you ;>)  "How has my own original family served me?"
      When I started looking at their bad behaviors with this question in mind, I was quite amazed at how much I'd gained from being around them.  I started looking at what was GOOOD instead of always focussing on the bad.  I love the question, "What's good about this?" 

      1.  @MrsHealthandProsperity I am aware of what was good, and even VERY good, I am a  result of a lot of good things - but not in the end and this new Q came up 2 years ago, with "let go of what doesn´t serve me, say: ANYMORE" and I had to come to this result. fact. my friends all know and agree. But, good point my friend Mrs H&P!!  Thx. Appreciate it.

        1.  @Leeloo
           Oh I like that "....anymore"! That's a letting-go all by itself.  I'm letting go of emotional-involvement with these folks who don't serve me anymore; that allow me to be around them - as sometimes we need to be with family (especially in-law family, tee hee!) -  but they have no impact on me.   

        2.  @MrsHealthandProsperity an emotional entanglement is hard to cut off. it  "unfortunately" works best if you get hurt real bad, but to cut off  yourself without being hurt  > you need strong reasons (own pain) and it just takes longer.
          p.s. that my own family is blocking me where ever they can was hard to accept after realizing but how childish when parents aren´t pleased with their own results of their kids personalities. crazy.
          so I smile and go on and do MY STUFF. no pleasing them anymore. I learn to pleae me now! (tough awakening)

  2. The 100 point answer is: release everything which doesn´t serve you.
    = one of my 1st lessons I learned from you.
    Tough thou´, when it is the own original family..... but, OK! 🙂

  3. Hi Randy,
    I haven't made a comment for a long time. But I still do read all the posts. I have been thinking about this question for a week.
    My answer is: Let go of your beliefs.  I have learnt from you how to get rid of them and create new ones. There is really nothing more dangerous than destructive beliefs and more constructive than empowering ones.  I new from economics that money is just a medium of exchange, and intrinsically not woth than any piece of paper. But I believed I can only have a limited amount, very limited indeed. When I started believing the opposite, it started coming from sources I have never imagined and from people I have never met before.

  4. Hi Randy,
    I haven't made a comment for a long time. But I still do read all the posts. I have been thinking about this question for a week.
    My answer is: Let go of your beliefs.  I have learnt from you how to get rid of them and create new ones. There is really nothing more dangerous than destructive beliefs and more constructive than empowering ones.  I new from economics that money is just a medium of exchange, and intrinsically not woth than any piece of paper. But I believed I can only have a limited amount, very limited indeed. When I started believing the opposite, it started coming from sources I have never imagined and from people I have never met before.

  5.  @Leeloo
     Hey my friend - here's a question that might serve you ;>)  "How has my own original family served me?"
    When I started looking at their bad behaviors with this question in mind, I was quite amazed at how much I'd gained from being around them.  I started looking at what was GOOOD instead of always focussing on the bad.  I love the question, "What's good about this?" 

  6. I'm in the process of letting go of the idea that I don't have what it takes.
    I'm in the process of letting go of the fear that bad things might happen, things might not work out, etc etc - and learning to truly trust that God, the Universe and everything is supportive of Me 'n My Good.  Trusting the Goodness of God...oh my goodness, can I really do that? 

      1.  @Leeloo I'm not big on "try" - I learned that I can either Do  or not Do .... to say "I'm trying ..." feels weak & wishy-washy to me.  So - I'm in the process of doing it, I'm in the process of  trusting the Goodness, 100%  ... I'm at 75%, which is a HUGE improvement over my old 100% belief that badness might happen to me at any time.

        1.  @MrsHealthandProsperity Now that´s a good improvement! I met or had so many "lucky felt" coincidences in my life that I thought: "someone is watching me very closely" (over years!) which was just a belief but that one grew very strong. 🙂
          check the saga of Murphy´s law (wikipedia...) which is originally from  the thermodynamics law and then get rid of the rest 25% percent.

  7. I'm in the process of letting go of the idea that I don't have what it takes.
    I'm in the process of letting go of the fear that bad things might happen, things might not work out, etc etc - and learning to truly trust that God, the Universe and everything is supportive of Me 'n My Good.  Trusting the Goodness of God...oh my goodness, can I really do that? 

  8.  @MrsHealthandProsperity I am aware of what was good, and even VERY good, I am a  result of a lot of good things - but not in the end and this new Q came up 2 years ago, with "let go of what doesn´t serve me, say: ANYMORE" and I had to come to this result. fact. my friends all know and agree. But, good point my friend Mrs H&P!!  Thx. Appreciate it.

  9.  @Leeloo
     Oh I like that "....anymore"! That's a letting-go all by itself.  I'm letting go of emotional-involvement with these folks who don't serve me anymore; that allow me to be around them - as sometimes we need to be with family (especially in-law family, tee hee!) -  but they have no impact on me.   

  10.  @Leeloo I'm not big on "try" - I learned that I can either Do  or not Do .... to say "I'm trying ..." feels weak & wishy-washy to me.  So - I'm in the process of doing it, I'm in the process of  trusting the Goodness, 100%  ... I'm at 75%, which is a HUGE improvement over my old 100% belief that badness might happen to me at any time.

  11. I am just coming out of a job I had for an year. I am having to let go of the security and ego associated with that. Not to mention the money. I don't think it's time to stop and ponder, it's that micro-pause between shifting gears. Things seem still, and it's hard to let-go of the comfort zone that I have been holding onto. I m damn sure this change propels me into higher orbit where I might not like for some time but if I do and adapt, I'll be flying higher than  before.

    1.  @Hersh Bhardwaj So why...if I may you believe you "might not like" the higher orbit?  That just seems like such a bizarre belief, Hersh!  I know that the Change from one orbit to another can be uncomfortable - there is often some chaos as we move out of one state-of-being and into another, and most of us are resistant to chaos.  (As the Buddhists remind us, it's actually the Resistance, not the chaos, that causes us to suffer.  We just moved to a new home, after 30 yrs in the previous one, due to financial pressure. Talk about Chaos! I decided not to resist it, so it was fun. Loved the old house, love the new one.)
      You could decide to believe that you are going to be happy as a clam in your new orbit.  That will cause you to look for & at Reasons to Like It.  The belief that "I might like" the new orbit would only cause you to look for & at Reasons to Not-Like-It.
      Forgive me if I am stepping on your toes with this comment, but since Randy's post is about Beliefs - well, it is easy to see other people's beliefs!  (Much harder to see my own....hmmm, I guess that is just a belief, too.)  At any rate, if I had someone who would kindly point out my non-serving beliefs, I would be grateful. 

  12. I am just coming out of a job I had for an year. I am having to let go of the security and ego associated with that. Not to mention the money. I don't think it's time to stop and ponder, it's that micro-pause between shifting gears. Things seem still, and it's hard to let-go of the comfort zone that I have been holding onto. I m damn sure this change propels me into higher orbit where I might not like for some time but if I do and adapt, I'll be flying higher than  before.

  13.  @MrsHealthandProsperity Now that´s a good improvement! I met or had so many "lucky felt" coincidences in my life that I thought: "someone is watching me very closely" (over years!) which was just a belief but that one grew very strong. 🙂
    check the saga of Murphy´s law (wikipedia...) which is originally from  the thermodynamics law and then get rid of the rest 25% percent.

  14.  @MrsHealthandProsperity an emotional entanglement is hard to cut off. it  "unfortunately" works best if you get hurt real bad, but to cut off  yourself without being hurt  > you need strong reasons (own pain) and it just takes longer.
    p.s. that my own family is blocking me where ever they can was hard to accept after realizing but how childish when parents aren´t pleased with their own results of their kids personalities. crazy.
    so I smile and go on and do MY STUFF. no pleasing them anymore. I learn to pleae me now! (tough awakening)

  15.  @Hersh Bhardwaj So why...if I may you believe you "might not like" the higher orbit?  That just seems like such a bizarre belief, Hersh!  I know that the Change from one orbit to another can be uncomfortable - there is often some chaos as we move out of one state-of-being and into another, and most of us are resistant to chaos.  (As the Buddhists remind us, it's actually the Resistance, not the chaos, that causes us to suffer.  We just moved to a new home, after 30 yrs in the previous one, due to financial pressure. Talk about Chaos! I decided not to resist it, so it was fun. Loved the old house, love the new one.)
    You could decide to believe that you are going to be happy as a clam in your new orbit.  That will cause you to look for & at Reasons to Like It.  The belief that "I might like" the new orbit would only cause you to look for & at Reasons to Not-Like-It.
    Forgive me if I am stepping on your toes with this comment, but since Randy's post is about Beliefs - well, it is easy to see other people's beliefs!  (Much harder to see my own....hmmm, I guess that is just a belief, too.)  At any rate, if I had someone who would kindly point out my non-serving beliefs, I would be grateful. 

  16. Let go and let grow my dear friend Brian Biro always says. Letting go is the hardest thing to do sometimes. You are right Randy, when we come out e other side just like the butterfly, the world is a much more beautiful place to be. The million dollar question needs an answer: I need to let go of tasks that I should be delegating off. It is a fault that has been embedded into my subconscious for longer than I can remember. Starting today, I will start delegating.

  17. Let go and let grow my dear friend Brian Biro always says. Letting go is the hardest thing to do sometimes. You are right Randy, when we come out e other side just like the butterfly, the world is a much more beautiful place to be. The million dollar question needs an answer: I need to let go of tasks that I should be delegating off. It is a fault that has been embedded into my subconscious for longer than I can remember. Starting today, I will start delegating.

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  • 34 comments on “Metamorphosis”

    1. The 100 point answer is: release everything which doesn´t serve you.
      = one of my 1st lessons I learned from you.
      Tough thou´, when it is the own original family..... but, OK! 🙂

      1.  @Leeloo
         Hey my friend - here's a question that might serve you ;>)  "How has my own original family served me?"
        When I started looking at their bad behaviors with this question in mind, I was quite amazed at how much I'd gained from being around them.  I started looking at what was GOOOD instead of always focussing on the bad.  I love the question, "What's good about this?" 

        1.  @MrsHealthandProsperity I am aware of what was good, and even VERY good, I am a  result of a lot of good things - but not in the end and this new Q came up 2 years ago, with "let go of what doesn´t serve me, say: ANYMORE" and I had to come to this result. fact. my friends all know and agree. But, good point my friend Mrs H&P!!  Thx. Appreciate it.

          1.  @Leeloo
             Oh I like that "....anymore"! That's a letting-go all by itself.  I'm letting go of emotional-involvement with these folks who don't serve me anymore; that allow me to be around them - as sometimes we need to be with family (especially in-law family, tee hee!) -  but they have no impact on me.   

          2.  @MrsHealthandProsperity an emotional entanglement is hard to cut off. it  "unfortunately" works best if you get hurt real bad, but to cut off  yourself without being hurt  > you need strong reasons (own pain) and it just takes longer.
            p.s. that my own family is blocking me where ever they can was hard to accept after realizing but how childish when parents aren´t pleased with their own results of their kids personalities. crazy.
            so I smile and go on and do MY STUFF. no pleasing them anymore. I learn to pleae me now! (tough awakening)

    2. The 100 point answer is: release everything which doesn´t serve you.
      = one of my 1st lessons I learned from you.
      Tough thou´, when it is the own original family..... but, OK! 🙂

    3. Hi Randy,
      I haven't made a comment for a long time. But I still do read all the posts. I have been thinking about this question for a week.
      My answer is: Let go of your beliefs.  I have learnt from you how to get rid of them and create new ones. There is really nothing more dangerous than destructive beliefs and more constructive than empowering ones.  I new from economics that money is just a medium of exchange, and intrinsically not woth than any piece of paper. But I believed I can only have a limited amount, very limited indeed. When I started believing the opposite, it started coming from sources I have never imagined and from people I have never met before.

    4. Hi Randy,
      I haven't made a comment for a long time. But I still do read all the posts. I have been thinking about this question for a week.
      My answer is: Let go of your beliefs.  I have learnt from you how to get rid of them and create new ones. There is really nothing more dangerous than destructive beliefs and more constructive than empowering ones.  I new from economics that money is just a medium of exchange, and intrinsically not woth than any piece of paper. But I believed I can only have a limited amount, very limited indeed. When I started believing the opposite, it started coming from sources I have never imagined and from people I have never met before.

    5.  @Leeloo
       Hey my friend - here's a question that might serve you ;>)  "How has my own original family served me?"
      When I started looking at their bad behaviors with this question in mind, I was quite amazed at how much I'd gained from being around them.  I started looking at what was GOOOD instead of always focussing on the bad.  I love the question, "What's good about this?" 

    6. I'm in the process of letting go of the idea that I don't have what it takes.
      I'm in the process of letting go of the fear that bad things might happen, things might not work out, etc etc - and learning to truly trust that God, the Universe and everything is supportive of Me 'n My Good.  Trusting the Goodness of God...oh my goodness, can I really do that? 

        1.  @Leeloo I'm not big on "try" - I learned that I can either Do  or not Do .... to say "I'm trying ..." feels weak & wishy-washy to me.  So - I'm in the process of doing it, I'm in the process of  trusting the Goodness, 100%  ... I'm at 75%, which is a HUGE improvement over my old 100% belief that badness might happen to me at any time.

          1.  @MrsHealthandProsperity Now that´s a good improvement! I met or had so many "lucky felt" coincidences in my life that I thought: "someone is watching me very closely" (over years!) which was just a belief but that one grew very strong. 🙂
            check the saga of Murphy´s law (wikipedia...) which is originally from  the thermodynamics law and then get rid of the rest 25% percent.

    7. I'm in the process of letting go of the idea that I don't have what it takes.
      I'm in the process of letting go of the fear that bad things might happen, things might not work out, etc etc - and learning to truly trust that God, the Universe and everything is supportive of Me 'n My Good.  Trusting the Goodness of God...oh my goodness, can I really do that? 

    8.  @MrsHealthandProsperity I am aware of what was good, and even VERY good, I am a  result of a lot of good things - but not in the end and this new Q came up 2 years ago, with "let go of what doesn´t serve me, say: ANYMORE" and I had to come to this result. fact. my friends all know and agree. But, good point my friend Mrs H&P!!  Thx. Appreciate it.

    9.  @Leeloo
       Oh I like that "....anymore"! That's a letting-go all by itself.  I'm letting go of emotional-involvement with these folks who don't serve me anymore; that allow me to be around them - as sometimes we need to be with family (especially in-law family, tee hee!) -  but they have no impact on me.   

    10.  @Leeloo I'm not big on "try" - I learned that I can either Do  or not Do .... to say "I'm trying ..." feels weak & wishy-washy to me.  So - I'm in the process of doing it, I'm in the process of  trusting the Goodness, 100%  ... I'm at 75%, which is a HUGE improvement over my old 100% belief that badness might happen to me at any time.

    11. I am just coming out of a job I had for an year. I am having to let go of the security and ego associated with that. Not to mention the money. I don't think it's time to stop and ponder, it's that micro-pause between shifting gears. Things seem still, and it's hard to let-go of the comfort zone that I have been holding onto. I m damn sure this change propels me into higher orbit where I might not like for some time but if I do and adapt, I'll be flying higher than  before.

      1.  @Hersh Bhardwaj So why...if I may you believe you "might not like" the higher orbit?  That just seems like such a bizarre belief, Hersh!  I know that the Change from one orbit to another can be uncomfortable - there is often some chaos as we move out of one state-of-being and into another, and most of us are resistant to chaos.  (As the Buddhists remind us, it's actually the Resistance, not the chaos, that causes us to suffer.  We just moved to a new home, after 30 yrs in the previous one, due to financial pressure. Talk about Chaos! I decided not to resist it, so it was fun. Loved the old house, love the new one.)
        You could decide to believe that you are going to be happy as a clam in your new orbit.  That will cause you to look for & at Reasons to Like It.  The belief that "I might like" the new orbit would only cause you to look for & at Reasons to Not-Like-It.
        Forgive me if I am stepping on your toes with this comment, but since Randy's post is about Beliefs - well, it is easy to see other people's beliefs!  (Much harder to see my own....hmmm, I guess that is just a belief, too.)  At any rate, if I had someone who would kindly point out my non-serving beliefs, I would be grateful. 

    12. I am just coming out of a job I had for an year. I am having to let go of the security and ego associated with that. Not to mention the money. I don't think it's time to stop and ponder, it's that micro-pause between shifting gears. Things seem still, and it's hard to let-go of the comfort zone that I have been holding onto. I m damn sure this change propels me into higher orbit where I might not like for some time but if I do and adapt, I'll be flying higher than  before.

    13.  @MrsHealthandProsperity Now that´s a good improvement! I met or had so many "lucky felt" coincidences in my life that I thought: "someone is watching me very closely" (over years!) which was just a belief but that one grew very strong. 🙂
      check the saga of Murphy´s law (wikipedia...) which is originally from  the thermodynamics law and then get rid of the rest 25% percent.

    14.  @MrsHealthandProsperity an emotional entanglement is hard to cut off. it  "unfortunately" works best if you get hurt real bad, but to cut off  yourself without being hurt  > you need strong reasons (own pain) and it just takes longer.
      p.s. that my own family is blocking me where ever they can was hard to accept after realizing but how childish when parents aren´t pleased with their own results of their kids personalities. crazy.
      so I smile and go on and do MY STUFF. no pleasing them anymore. I learn to pleae me now! (tough awakening)

    15.  @Hersh Bhardwaj So why...if I may you believe you "might not like" the higher orbit?  That just seems like such a bizarre belief, Hersh!  I know that the Change from one orbit to another can be uncomfortable - there is often some chaos as we move out of one state-of-being and into another, and most of us are resistant to chaos.  (As the Buddhists remind us, it's actually the Resistance, not the chaos, that causes us to suffer.  We just moved to a new home, after 30 yrs in the previous one, due to financial pressure. Talk about Chaos! I decided not to resist it, so it was fun. Loved the old house, love the new one.)
      You could decide to believe that you are going to be happy as a clam in your new orbit.  That will cause you to look for & at Reasons to Like It.  The belief that "I might like" the new orbit would only cause you to look for & at Reasons to Not-Like-It.
      Forgive me if I am stepping on your toes with this comment, but since Randy's post is about Beliefs - well, it is easy to see other people's beliefs!  (Much harder to see my own....hmmm, I guess that is just a belief, too.)  At any rate, if I had someone who would kindly point out my non-serving beliefs, I would be grateful. 

    16. Let go and let grow my dear friend Brian Biro always says. Letting go is the hardest thing to do sometimes. You are right Randy, when we come out e other side just like the butterfly, the world is a much more beautiful place to be. The million dollar question needs an answer: I need to let go of tasks that I should be delegating off. It is a fault that has been embedded into my subconscious for longer than I can remember. Starting today, I will start delegating.

    17. Let go and let grow my dear friend Brian Biro always says. Letting go is the hardest thing to do sometimes. You are right Randy, when we come out e other side just like the butterfly, the world is a much more beautiful place to be. The million dollar question needs an answer: I need to let go of tasks that I should be delegating off. It is a fault that has been embedded into my subconscious for longer than I can remember. Starting today, I will start delegating.

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