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Messy Ideas…

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 13, 2013

Ideas are liberating.  Ideas produce breakthroughs like innovation, inventions and cures for diseases.  And often ideas are messy. 

Very messy.

Because they bow up other pre-conceived ideas.  Force us to re-think things or think entirely differently.  Challenge our core beliefs about something.

But usually it is the messiest ideas that lead to the most elegant developments.  So nurture and celebrate ideas.  Especially the messy ones.


10 comments on “Messy Ideas…”

  1. Yes, new ideas messy or no, may mean changes.  CHANGES.  Change is messy, but I do love the idea of it leading us to an elegant place.  I hate change and love ideas, what a mess in my consciousness.  I love messes and hate messes, I will have to find a way to integrate this messiness.  I'm kinda confused now, but anyway I like the post.

  2. Yes, new ideas messy or no, may mean changes.  CHANGES.  Change is messy, but I do love the idea of it leading us to an elegant place.  I hate change and love ideas, what a mess in my consciousness.  I love messes and hate messes, I will have to find a way to integrate this messiness.  I'm kinda confused now, but anyway I like the post.

  3. Ideas are indeed messy, but the right mindset always makes them more clear.  If you're for a clear and simple recipe then ideas will make you uncomfortable.  But if you are a chef exploring new ways to create then ideas become your medium of choice and are the only place you can actually be comfortable.  Learning to be an idea chef is a secret pathway to success!

  4. Ideas are indeed messy, but the right mindset always makes them more clear.  If you're for a clear and simple recipe then ideas will make you uncomfortable.  But if you are a chef exploring new ways to create then ideas become your medium of choice and are the only place you can actually be comfortable.  Learning to be an idea chef is a secret pathway to success!

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  • 10 comments on “Messy Ideas…”

    1. Yes, new ideas messy or no, may mean changes.  CHANGES.  Change is messy, but I do love the idea of it leading us to an elegant place.  I hate change and love ideas, what a mess in my consciousness.  I love messes and hate messes, I will have to find a way to integrate this messiness.  I'm kinda confused now, but anyway I like the post.

    2. Yes, new ideas messy or no, may mean changes.  CHANGES.  Change is messy, but I do love the idea of it leading us to an elegant place.  I hate change and love ideas, what a mess in my consciousness.  I love messes and hate messes, I will have to find a way to integrate this messiness.  I'm kinda confused now, but anyway I like the post.

    3. Ideas are indeed messy, but the right mindset always makes them more clear.  If you're for a clear and simple recipe then ideas will make you uncomfortable.  But if you are a chef exploring new ways to create then ideas become your medium of choice and are the only place you can actually be comfortable.  Learning to be an idea chef is a secret pathway to success!

    4. Ideas are indeed messy, but the right mindset always makes them more clear.  If you're for a clear and simple recipe then ideas will make you uncomfortable.  But if you are a chef exploring new ways to create then ideas become your medium of choice and are the only place you can actually be comfortable.  Learning to be an idea chef is a secret pathway to success!

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