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Mental Aerobics Answers

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 15, 2010

I told you that this is a fun one.  I might have neglected to mention that it can also drive you insane!  Your challenge was to study these 15 uncommon letter sequences and see how many English words can you find that contain them.  

You guys did quite good actually.  A number of you got them all.  (Although a few of you need to back away from that bong, since a few of those submissions don’t actually work in any language!)   Here are the words I was thinking of:

1)    XYG  – OXYGEN

Most genius level people get about 50%.  If you did even 35 or 40%, you did quite well.  If you got more than 50%, you are way up there.  Give yourself bonus points if you got coxswain or cardamom.  (Unless of course if you are a boat captain or a chef.)

I’m back in Amsterdam, which is always wonderful.  It was great meeting many of you in Latvia.  My first seminar there, but definitely not my last!  Tomorrow we’ll look more at the issue of poverty consciousness programming and how to avoid it.


9 comments on “Mental Aerobics Answers”

  1. OK, I have to admit, a few of those had me completely stumped! But, I did get several of the answers.

    Not sure that I'm ready to start bragging about my "genius" level answers though...

    OK, I'm over it. I'm a genius!

    Great, fun post Randy. Looking forward to more.

    Mike Paul

  2. Hey! When you read such interesting and inspiring things from somebody, and you even can come up with thoughts against everything ever heard in the history of the mediocracy(which is GREAT!!!) then, if you are me, you really really want to know about that person.EVERYTHING.But some people are just famous and that´s where they give their life and some also share their personal with people (I guess you are not that last one).Off course, I do adore your words and are so happy I can read them here. So thank you anyway!!!I´m looking forward to listen to you live when you come to my country(which is not so far away)And I hope you will write things until you are 87 years.

  3. I liked this exercise. It took me about 40 minutes to do though. I do well on IQ tests but all that means is that I do well on IQ tests. The people who have what's called Practical Intelligence are the ones who are successful at Business or whatever. The other word for practical intelligence, I think, is Common Sense. I know people that only finished high school who became very successful and wealthy. I know people who have a graduate degree and could not organize a 2 car parade. Has it been proven that very intelligent people score 50% or more on this test? I got 12/15 so where does that put me?

  4. I will see you Thursday then. I was invited to the event. Look for a black guy with a bald head and glasses...and you're gonna sign my copy of "why you are dumb broke etc." 🙂

  5. I’m back in Amsterdam, which is always wonderful.
    No Laizee-faire type of goverment in the Netherelands. The Netherlelands is the most advance nation on Earth with its high taxation:unviersal health care,college education and alternative energy and liberal ideas about sex,drugs and death.

    Hey, when are you going to Mexico- the richest person in the world is Carlos Slim and half of the population lives in utteryly poverty.
    I love when people for less goverment enjoy the nations with the highest taxation in the world:Scandinavian,Germany,and the Netherlands.

  6. Hey, Sweden is actually more of a tax paradise for companies. Just not for private people, but there is also something called tax return. Look at the whole picture!

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  • 9 comments on “Mental Aerobics Answers”

    1. OK, I have to admit, a few of those had me completely stumped! But, I did get several of the answers.

      Not sure that I'm ready to start bragging about my "genius" level answers though...

      OK, I'm over it. I'm a genius!

      Great, fun post Randy. Looking forward to more.

      Mike Paul

    2. Hey! When you read such interesting and inspiring things from somebody, and you even can come up with thoughts against everything ever heard in the history of the mediocracy(which is GREAT!!!) then, if you are me, you really really want to know about that person.EVERYTHING.But some people are just famous and that´s where they give their life and some also share their personal with people (I guess you are not that last one).Off course, I do adore your words and are so happy I can read them here. So thank you anyway!!!I´m looking forward to listen to you live when you come to my country(which is not so far away)And I hope you will write things until you are 87 years.

    3. I liked this exercise. It took me about 40 minutes to do though. I do well on IQ tests but all that means is that I do well on IQ tests. The people who have what's called Practical Intelligence are the ones who are successful at Business or whatever. The other word for practical intelligence, I think, is Common Sense. I know people that only finished high school who became very successful and wealthy. I know people who have a graduate degree and could not organize a 2 car parade. Has it been proven that very intelligent people score 50% or more on this test? I got 12/15 so where does that put me?

    4. I will see you Thursday then. I was invited to the event. Look for a black guy with a bald head and glasses...and you're gonna sign my copy of "why you are dumb broke etc." 🙂

    5. I’m back in Amsterdam, which is always wonderful.
      No Laizee-faire type of goverment in the Netherelands. The Netherlelands is the most advance nation on Earth with its high taxation:unviersal health care,college education and alternative energy and liberal ideas about sex,drugs and death.

      Hey, when are you going to Mexico- the richest person in the world is Carlos Slim and half of the population lives in utteryly poverty.
      I love when people for less goverment enjoy the nations with the highest taxation in the world:Scandinavian,Germany,and the Netherlands.

    6. Hey, Sweden is actually more of a tax paradise for companies. Just not for private people, but there is also something called tax return. Look at the whole picture!

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