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Mental Aerobics 7/03/09

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 3, 2009

Tomorrow is the day we celebrate our independence here in the States, so it’s a leisurely holiday weekend.  I’m in Atlanta playing in a softball tournament.  But before I head to the fields, here’s a little challenge to get your brain cells moving a little.

There are four cars – a red one, a blue one, a white one, and a green one.  They are owned by four different friends: Mary, Amy, John and David, and are parked next to each other on a street.  Amy’s car is to the right of the blue car, which is to the right of Mary’s.  John doesn’t like white or blue cars.  David’s car is not next to John’s car, and is next to a red car.  John and Mary are the only two who have letters in their name, which are also in the colors of their car.  Who drives which car?

Dazzle us with your brilliance.  First person to solve it gets fame and fortune, or at least a footnote at the bottom of the thread.


26 comments on “Mental Aerobics 7/03/09”

  1. From left to right:

    John/White; Mary/Red; David/Blue;Amy/Green

    I was thinking to when you used to come up with those puzzles --still searching to where you find them.

  2. Amy has the blue car,
    Mary the red,
    David the white,
    John the green.

    Please let me know
    that this is correct.

  3. mary/red car

    And they are in this order

  4. First time for everything:
    Mary - Red
    Amy - White
    John - Green
    David - Blue

    Here's to a great Independance celebration!

  5. John - Green Could be on either end of the cars (Next to Amy's white or next to Mary's red)
    Mary - Red
    David - Blue
    Amy - White

    Happy 4th of july for the North American Friends!

    Federico Ruiz

  6. Well done guys! I used to love those brain teasers!
    Enjoy Independence Day! We are joining US friends in Spain tonight where we live! It´s quite hot right now!!
    Randy, see you next week in Amsterdam.... Françoise

  7. John (White), Mary (Red), David (Blue), Amy (Green)

    Love your puzzles 🙂

    How about a weekly puzzle newsletter? 🙂

  8. Ok looks like I stumped a few of you. The correct answer is:

    John has the green car, Mary the Red, David the blue, and Amy drives the white one.

    Congratulations to Wess Ripley who solved it first!


  9. oh excuse me.
    I am so late .
    but I do it myself.
    John has the green car, Mary the Red, David the blue, and Amy drives the white one.
    thanks Randy

  10. LOL..sometime back I was on a conference call where they asked about the price of a brick and went thru all the details of the size of house, location yada yada answer was simple..."call the brick guy if you want to know what you're paying"..geeesssss

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  • 26 comments on “Mental Aerobics 7/03/09”

    1. From left to right:

      John/White; Mary/Red; David/Blue;Amy/Green

      I was thinking to when you used to come up with those puzzles --still searching to where you find them.

    2. Amy has the blue car,
      Mary the red,
      David the white,
      John the green.

      Please let me know
      that this is correct.

    3. mary/red car

      And they are in this order

    4. First time for everything:
      Mary - Red
      Amy - White
      John - Green
      David - Blue

      Here's to a great Independance celebration!

    5. John - Green Could be on either end of the cars (Next to Amy's white or next to Mary's red)
      Mary - Red
      David - Blue
      Amy - White

      Happy 4th of july for the North American Friends!

      Federico Ruiz

    6. Well done guys! I used to love those brain teasers!
      Enjoy Independence Day! We are joining US friends in Spain tonight where we live! It´s quite hot right now!!
      Randy, see you next week in Amsterdam.... Françoise

    7. John (White), Mary (Red), David (Blue), Amy (Green)

      Love your puzzles 🙂

      How about a weekly puzzle newsletter? 🙂

    8. Ok looks like I stumped a few of you. The correct answer is:

      John has the green car, Mary the Red, David the blue, and Amy drives the white one.

      Congratulations to Wess Ripley who solved it first!


    9. oh excuse me.
      I am so late .
      but I do it myself.
      John has the green car, Mary the Red, David the blue, and Amy drives the white one.
      thanks Randy

    10. LOL..sometime back I was on a conference call where they asked about the price of a brick and went thru all the details of the size of house, location yada yada answer was simple..."call the brick guy if you want to know what you're paying"..geeesssss

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