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Manifesting Happiness

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 26, 2008

I’m the happiest person I know.  How many people can actually say that?  And how many might describe themselves as the unhappiest person they know?  So just how do we manifest happiness?

For most people, it will take a dramatic shift in their mindset and core foundational beliefs...

It often means developing a life purpose for the first time, or replacing the one you have right now.  And that may mean you have to dramatically alter the view you have of yourself, and your role in this world.  If you’re like the herd, you define yourself by your roles (husband, engineer, symphony board member, etc.), and you view your purpose through the eyes of providing for others, and contributing to the greater good.

Which is absolute insanity.  Really.

If you define yourself by your roles (Roger’s wife, Nancy’s son, Becky’s husband), then you lose your personal identity.  Which creates low self-esteem and worthiness issues.

If you see your main purpose in life as serving others, you’re probably personally responsible for the founding of at least three Co-dependents Anonymous chapters.  Let me go on the record and say, if your main purpose in life is to “serve others” – you have an extremely low opinion of yourself, don’t believe you are worthy, and will experience a tremendous amount of lack and limitation in your life.

And if you tell me that your only purpose here on earth is to “serve God,” I think you’re crazier than those whacked out televangelists on late night TV.

Now some of you will probably dismiss me as a materialistic heathen who’s going to rot and burn in Hell with gnashing of teeth.  You might reply with something like, “I don’t care about money and material things.  I am happy to live in a hut in the rain forest and enlighten the savages about Christianity.  I am doing God’s work, and I will be rewarded in the afterlife.”

Now if that makes you happy, I’m happy for you.  I think you’re nuts, but my approval is not required.  But I don’t think a life like this will really make anyone very happy.  In fact, I would almost bet that a person living like this is riddled with guilt and worthiness issues, and desperately seeking escape and redemption through the lives of others.

I think they’d be a whole lot happier – and the world would be a whole lot better – if they were more selfish.  Which is where we’ll pick up on the next post.  Until then, please check in with your thoughts.


29 comments on “Manifesting Happiness”

  1. RG,

    Just listened to your Prosperity album again. The piece that really struck me this time...your ulitimate moral value should be your own happiness. So this post is right up there with me right now.

    Will you list or detail in a future post...things 'worth' reading, watching and listening to that give out positive affirmations, messages that being rich is brilliant or help strengh prosperous beliefs?

    I've just heard a classic negaitve belief from my own father, rather than "discuss"...I left the room. You don't win an arguement by shouting the loudest, which seems to be my father's approach. Time to leave my current environment!

    The underlying belief was "you can rich, but not that rich". I was shocked and started explaining and arguing. That just isn't true. I'm evidently on a different path to him and my family. Happy Days!

    After I'd calmed down, I did say to myself..dam. There must be part of me, that still thinks this, how did I create this situation? How can I release it and replace it with something more positive?

    Happy Travels


  2. Randy:
    I was sitting at my computer getting ready to write my New Year's message to the tribe I lead for the NSA (Coaches) and I happen to check your blog and read your latest post about manifesting happiness. As I looked at the various members of my tribe of four hundred or so speakers that coach, I realized that over the past month many of them while supposedly the best of the best coaches in the land are struggling with happiness issues and having a tough time coping with the economic situation because it has shifted them out of their comfort zone. One of the reasons is that is that they have been forced by circumstance to re-evaluate themselves. Over the years as a coach I've asked hundreds of people "what is the purpose of your life?" Very often the answer is "to be of service" in some way and I have come to the not so brilliant conclusion as I look at those in my tribe that those that are truly happy and prosperous are the ones that are not serving others first. They are serving themselves and in so doing they are able to be of service to others. I have long wrestled with just how selfish one should be or needs to be to be of service to themselves without being"self-absorbed. I would have to say in all candor (and not cause we have peer respect) that you Randy role model the right balance of doing what you love for yourself so that you may help others who might benefit from all that you have learned on your journey. You help often comes in the form of wisdom, teachings and even a donation here or there that you quietly because it is not about the donation as much as your understanding of the spiritual laws of giving and receiving. So as we get ready to head into a New Year I hoist my 'frosty cold mug of suds" to you and say "in your rants we trust and should trust." Thank you for being as you have been for years. A master teacher that makes us all think and sometime painfully go inside ourselves as you have with this latest post and realize that our happiness is rooted deeply in listening to our hearts and embracing the need to put ourselves first. It really true that the heart knows the way and the problem with most people is they pick life purposes that are rooted in doing what they think will please someone else or feed their lack of self-worth rather that truly stepping bolding into "doing what they really, really want to be doing in life." Let everyone in your tribe start the New Year with the inquiry "what serves me in 2009 so I may live my highest self?" In rants we and always, FAME GUY

  3. Awareness is the first step to eliminating negative beliefs, so you're on a great track. Regarding the reading suggestions, Alan asked for something similar in the last post. I think I'll do something on that for the New Year.
    Thanks, RG

  4. Hey dude,

    I am happy to read your thoughts. May I suggest you send an email to all 400 today with a link to this post? Have them read it and that can start the dialogue as they plan for the year ahead.

    There is no reason any of them should be struggling now. The world is desperately looking for coaches and leaders. The more we can get them exposed to these principles, the wider ripple effect the ideas can have across the world, and your clients are agents of change that can make that happen.


  5. Randy,

    I agree 1000%. Throughout my life there was always a gut feeling that I needed to take care of myself/my happiness first. I always felt at odds with the masses b/c although they were part of the "herd" they're quality & enjoyment of life was nonexistent.

    I went into a healing profession (chiropractic) b/c of the effect it had on my life/health & I thought it would be a really cool way of making a living. I was amazed at how many of the leaders in the profession espoused a "serve the masses" mentality. Being young & naive I believed these fools only to find out that many of them were serving themselves broke.

    It was a huge learning lesson for me & that is why I firmly believe in the messages that you are putting out. Life is what we make of it. The only one that is responsible for my life, happiness, finances, etc is ME. Thanx for the constant reminder! Keep up the great work!

    Joe Amoia

  6. Dear Randy, are the thoughts quoted below in line of what you said or are they opposite? Turiya

    "If things are not going well with you, begin your effort at correcting the situation by carefully examining the service you are rendering, and especially the spirit in which you are rendering it." -- Roger Babson, 1875-1967, Statistician and Columnist

    "We will receive not what we idly wish for but what we justly earn. Our rewards will always be in exact proportion to our service." -- Earl Nightingale

    Good service leads to multiple sales. If you take good care of your customers, they will open doors you could never open by yourself. -- Jim Rohn

    Whoever renders service to many puts himself in line for greatness - great wealth, great return, great satisfaction, great reputation and great joy. -- Jim Rohn

    "Good service leads to multiple sales. If you take good care of your customers, they will open doors you could never open by yourself." – Jim Rohn

    How do you deserve a fortune? Render fortunes of service. -- Jim Rohn

    Money is a servant; the more you earn, the more you can help others. – Bob Proctor

    Money is a reward you receive for the service you render; the more valuable the service, the greater the reward. -- Bob Proctor

    Business is a lot like a game of tennis. Those who don't serve well, end up losing. -- Doc Anklam

    "One thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve." -- Albert Schweitzer

    No one has learned the meaning of life until he has surrendered his ego to the service of his fellow men. -- Beran Wolfe

    All men seek one goal: success or happiness. The only way to achieve true success is to express yourself completely in service to society. First, have a definite, clear, practical ideal—a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends—wisdom, money, materials and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end. - Aristotle

    Life is a place of service, and in that service one has to suffer a great deal that is hard to bear, but more often to experience a great deal of joy. But that joy can be real only if people look upon their life as a service, and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness. — Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)

    Service to a just cause rewards one with more real happiness and satisfaction than any other venture of life. — Carrie Chapman Catt, American suffragist and peace advocate (1859-1947)

    Service is the rent we pay for being. It is the very purpose of life, and not something you do in your spare time. - Marion Wright Edelman

  7. So you think it is possible to define something without relating it to something else. How will you define yourself then without relating to your parents, your homeland, your native language, your Creator and .... (list is endless)

  8. I learned the lesson about the dangers of defining yourself through your work or your significant other in my twenties. As a television news anchor at the time, I defined myself through (what some thought was) a prestigious position. But then my boyfriend complained that I loved my job more than him, and said if I really loved him and wanted a future with him, I would quit my job and follow him to another city.

    So, I shifted the definition of myself from "news anchor" to "Mr. X's fiance."

    Guess what? Two weeks after I quit my job, rented out my apartment, and headed to meet him in the new city he had been trasfered to, he announced he was really in love with another woman, and no longer wanted a future with me.

    So, there I was with no way of defininng myself: no job title to cling to, no fiance, and I was away from friends as I was in a completely new city.

    I didn't know it at the time, but dumping me was the best gift he ever could have given me. I was forced to define myself by who I was at my core -- not by some external factors or influencers.

    Your post hit the nail right on the head! I only wish that everyone could learn this lesson much earlier in life than most of us do.

  9. Randy:

    Thank you for you4 thoughts and wise sage suggestions.

    Unfortunately, I cannot do a direct like to the blog because it would be politically unwise as some of my members are still in the dark ages when it comes to enlightenment.

    However, their are no rules that say I can't quote you by attribution in my letter. So quote you I will to my hearts content. The greatest gift I can give my tribe is the gift of teaching them the universal truths of prosperity and more importantly that if there is going to be change they must take a long hard look at their core beliefs and the fundamental principles upon which they base their life.

    I too believe that we are our choices. I speak proudly of being of service to others and I showcase that service by choosing to being a leader. The key is that I choose not just to be a leader for the sake of title and power, but because my core essence is that of a trend setter and architect of change. I have the knowingness that my words and deeds can profoundly influence my profession through my members by my example. So I continue it a sacred responsibility to advance any wise teachings by others that can help members of my tribe better themselves. and help them gain clarity on what it truly means to be of service.

    I am a student of American history and if people would take the time to read, really read the Constitution of the United States they might realize something remarkable. It is a "strategic plan" that was brilliantly conceived and executed by leaders set out to be of service by birthing a new nation.

    It is for our tribe to teach others to leave the city of their comfort and learn to seek new ways of thinking so that they may enjoy prosperity and experience true happiness.

    In rants (and Randy) we trust,

  10. "Unfortunately, I cannot do a direct like to the blog because it would be politically unwise as some of my members are still in the dark ages when it comes to enlightenment."

    Dude, would you please stop worrying about politics! You will get a lot more done and ultimately help yourself and the people in your group a lot more by treating them as big kids and letting them be exposed to reality, instead of the politically sanitized vacuum at NSA. I think you need to lead here.



  11. I will try and figure out a creative way to advance your suggestions. Not the least bit worried about the politics. My contact on staff is out on maternity leave or it would be a non-problem. I will see what I can do. I think you know me well enough to know I'm already running the most progressive tribe in the organization. We are the fastest growing tribe too with a rate of 20% and climbing because I am pushing the envelope and saying "times are a changing and we need to change too."

  12. Hi Robert,

    I agree with Randy 100% don't figure out a creative way, just send the link and tell them you find Randy's articles amazingly helpful and insightful. Come out of the closet so to speak. You are not following the message in Randy's blog posts if you try to hide what this is all about.

    Come on we'll be here to catch you and you will be surprised at the response you get, I know I was and remember we get what we think we will get.

    So go on just put the link in, if it makes you feel more comfortable no explaination just put the link in and say I would like you to take a look at this.

    Love and Light
    Colleen The Crystal Dragon.

  13. Hi Turiya,

    I was reading all the quotes in your comment and the more I read the more I realised that I used to live by these same ideas, but for me at least they did not bring happiness, I was always at the beck and call of others and even though I honestly believed that I was doing what I wanted to do, I ultimately came to the conclusion that this was not making me happy.

    It took me years to find my true path even though it had been with me since I was a child. I was still under the influence of the herd mentality and kept looking for something to define myself, something that I thought would make me happy. I did things like becoming a baker, a beauty therapist, caravan park owner, computer analyist and so much more.

    All my life my true path to happiness was constantly nudging me, but again I let the herd mentality stop me from doing it, because it said that the background I came from and the education that I had I would never be able to do that. Well one day with the support and encouragement of my family, I wrote my first book it was about
    Crystals and their healing properties. This is a subject that had always brought me happiness but I had hidden it away as the herd thought it was way out there and silly. When I made the decision to write my life began to change things come into it to help me complete my task.

    I self-published and one of the proudest and happiest moments of my life was when I had my first book in my hand, I have since written two more and I decided that these would be ebooks and you know what I did this because I wanted too and I may not be a number one selling author but everytime I sell one of my books I get a great sense of accomplishment that I did this for me and you know what the flow on effect of all this is, people who buy my books, DVD's and courses are being helped by them and that is my service to people. Doing what makes me happy helps others.
    If I had learnt this lesson long ago, I would not have wasted years of my life on trying to serve others and make them happy.

    So most of the quotes in your comment no longer resonate with me and maybe I am wrong but for me they do not make me feel comfortable when reading most of them, but if they make you happy following them then by all means do so. I cannot tell you what makes you happy only you can do that.

    Sorry Randy did not mean to make this reply so long, just couldn't stop writing.

    Love and Light
    Colleen The Crystal Dragon

  14. Let's just say this:

    I respect many of the people quoted above. And think many of those statements are very lack centered. They meet conventional wisdom, but are not actually true. I'll try and go through some of them in a future post.


  15. If I may, I'd like to provide a bit of a different perspective. Turiya's question seemed to be asking if the quotes - which all seemed to point at service (providing value) before reward - were contrary to Randy's premise about focusing on making oneself happy as a high value. (If I understood that correctly. If not, I apologize, as the rest of this will then not make any sense because it will be based on a false premise.)

    I suggest that each of those "provide service to others" quotes were totally in line with what we could call "selfishness."

    What?? How could that be when they are talking about focusing on serving others?

    Because (in my opinion), to think that “one must cancel out the other” is what is known as a "false dilemma" - which is defined as "the unnecessary use of the word 'or'" (examples would be, "do you want to be wealthy OR happy?" "Are you a giver OR a receiver?", "Are you a nice person OR do you finish first?").

    Of course, the answer to all three of the above questions is . . . "yes!" 🙂

    I believe it is the same with most of the quotes in Turiya's question.

    Each of these people are seeing the providing of excellent service (value) as being the best way to cause others to do business with them (to "know, like and trust" them, if you will).

    So, is focusing on providing service actually selfish? Yes, it is. And, is it also very beneficial to others? Yes, it is.

    Now, please don't think that because one truly desires to add value to others (as opposed to JUST a means to an end) means they are some kind of fool or “self-sacrificer.” Even the person who truly desires to serve . . . does so for selfish reasons; because it aligns with their value system and makes them feel good about themselves.

    I'm a lover of animals. When I donate money to my local Safe Harbor organization, I do it for totally selfish reasons. Though I don't make a penny for it, it gives me pleasure and joy (and you should get a look at Joy! – Groucho imitation not included). 🙂 The fact that I'm focusing on helping an animal who neither knows, cares nor can pay me back is still the most selfish thing I could ever do.

    And, in business, I truly love connecting good people with other good people and adding value to others' lives even if there is no tangible reward. And, it's truly selfish of me . . . I love doing it.

    And, yet, a funny thing seems to come into my life on a constant and continual basis . . . abundance!

    Go figure.

    So, just my thoughts, for what they're worth. (And, now, time to give Joy a call) 🙂

  16. Zhannur-
    I think there is a big difference between "describing" yourself and "defining" yourself.

    I happen to me a mother, and in my opinion, do a really great job being a parent. So, being a mother is one "description" people know about me, a great joy in my life and a responsiblity I take considerable care with.... BUT, "mother" is not how I "define" my worth or myself.

    I grew up in NY and memories and things I love about that place bring me joy to think about, but that doesn't have much to do with who "I" am or what I want I to bring to the world.

    If we define ourself according to who is in our lives or where we come from then who are we when circumstances change?

    Hope that makes sense.

  17. The intersting thing is that the herd (if you take whole mankind not only US) do not define any life purpose at all. They follow sets of paths that predecessors or society has already have gone through before them. On the way they set some temporaly goals and try to achieve them.
    This is actually a herds mentality for real.

  18. What if we define ourselves in relation to an unchanging thing, the eternal. loving. parental - you know what I mean?

  19. I am Gods son. And God as my father granted me with limitless power to live any kind of life that I dream to live.

    I believe that inability to define oneself by one's role and to view one's purpose through that role is insanity. Really.

  20. Dear Bob,

    Your thoughts are well formulated and right to the point. You are absolutely right stating that by serving others one is actually selfish (especially s/he who gets high on serving others).

    There is one book "The Art of Being Kind", which explains that if we strive to be kind to others, we simply cannot avoid doing good to ourselves. In other words, by being kind to others, serving others one is creating success for him or herself.

  21. Life as ‘the struggle’ is the realm of the body program, which is part of the Matrix program, and it doesn’t have to be our struggle. A key to that is to do what the program wouldn’t do and doesn’t want us to do. Laughing in the face of adversity and laughing in the face of danger and intimidation are two examples of this. Amid the chaos and the challenges don't forget to smile! Try being serious or in fear – ‘tight and heavy’ - when you are laughing.

    The more you think limited possibility the more you know you are in the program and not in consciousness.

    After all, you are all that is, has been and ever will be. So that's not so bad, eh?

  22. Well, well- I didn't know that I would be missed!

    I caught a cold, and had a THRONG of family here the past few days, so I fell behind in my blog readings- but I must say that a lot of these posts were GREAT! I feel a little late to the party now, but I guess I'll have to add my submission now....

    There arose such a roar
    about all the different factions keeping score.

    The right hated the left, the left hated the right,
    and no one ever bothered to find out what'd happened in the night

    After a sit-down, a drink, and a few smoked joints,
    both sides realized the other made good points

    They both called Santa and made their pleas
    that Christmas come even to those who don't believe

    Santa's sleigh was full and brimmin'
    with copies of Captain Kirk's Guide To Women

    Others bought their copies right on Amazon,
    while some went to the website-

    And Bones Rodriguez Smiling and smug,
    Didn't mind writing a poem that was just a shameless plug.

    Hey everyone- was that selfish enough?

  23. Hi Randy

    I love your honesty and saying it as it is. 5 years ago, at a prosperity seminar in Sydney, you said "Today I am a Christian, tomorrow I may be a Buddhist ..." That single sentence set me on a path of questioning what I believe and why I believe it ... to cut a long story short, today I am the happiest person I know (beside you, I guess LOL). I have learnt to stop listening to others tell me what I should do and now I do what feels right for me, even if others don't agree with it.

    The freedom in that is unbelievable ... being open to Universal laws, I'm finding lots of "coincidences" happening in my life and I am so loving them!

    Thanks for that great lesson 5 years ago!!! When I walked out of your seminar I thought to myself "this is a lesson that will keep on giving" and it has indeed!

    You rock Randy!!!


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  • 29 comments on “Manifesting Happiness”

    1. RG,

      Just listened to your Prosperity album again. The piece that really struck me this time...your ulitimate moral value should be your own happiness. So this post is right up there with me right now.

      Will you list or detail in a future post...things 'worth' reading, watching and listening to that give out positive affirmations, messages that being rich is brilliant or help strengh prosperous beliefs?

      I've just heard a classic negaitve belief from my own father, rather than "discuss"...I left the room. You don't win an arguement by shouting the loudest, which seems to be my father's approach. Time to leave my current environment!

      The underlying belief was "you can rich, but not that rich". I was shocked and started explaining and arguing. That just isn't true. I'm evidently on a different path to him and my family. Happy Days!

      After I'd calmed down, I did say to myself..dam. There must be part of me, that still thinks this, how did I create this situation? How can I release it and replace it with something more positive?

      Happy Travels


    2. Randy:
      I was sitting at my computer getting ready to write my New Year's message to the tribe I lead for the NSA (Coaches) and I happen to check your blog and read your latest post about manifesting happiness. As I looked at the various members of my tribe of four hundred or so speakers that coach, I realized that over the past month many of them while supposedly the best of the best coaches in the land are struggling with happiness issues and having a tough time coping with the economic situation because it has shifted them out of their comfort zone. One of the reasons is that is that they have been forced by circumstance to re-evaluate themselves. Over the years as a coach I've asked hundreds of people "what is the purpose of your life?" Very often the answer is "to be of service" in some way and I have come to the not so brilliant conclusion as I look at those in my tribe that those that are truly happy and prosperous are the ones that are not serving others first. They are serving themselves and in so doing they are able to be of service to others. I have long wrestled with just how selfish one should be or needs to be to be of service to themselves without being"self-absorbed. I would have to say in all candor (and not cause we have peer respect) that you Randy role model the right balance of doing what you love for yourself so that you may help others who might benefit from all that you have learned on your journey. You help often comes in the form of wisdom, teachings and even a donation here or there that you quietly because it is not about the donation as much as your understanding of the spiritual laws of giving and receiving. So as we get ready to head into a New Year I hoist my 'frosty cold mug of suds" to you and say "in your rants we trust and should trust." Thank you for being as you have been for years. A master teacher that makes us all think and sometime painfully go inside ourselves as you have with this latest post and realize that our happiness is rooted deeply in listening to our hearts and embracing the need to put ourselves first. It really true that the heart knows the way and the problem with most people is they pick life purposes that are rooted in doing what they think will please someone else or feed their lack of self-worth rather that truly stepping bolding into "doing what they really, really want to be doing in life." Let everyone in your tribe start the New Year with the inquiry "what serves me in 2009 so I may live my highest self?" In rants we and always, FAME GUY

    3. Awareness is the first step to eliminating negative beliefs, so you're on a great track. Regarding the reading suggestions, Alan asked for something similar in the last post. I think I'll do something on that for the New Year.
      Thanks, RG

    4. Hey dude,

      I am happy to read your thoughts. May I suggest you send an email to all 400 today with a link to this post? Have them read it and that can start the dialogue as they plan for the year ahead.

      There is no reason any of them should be struggling now. The world is desperately looking for coaches and leaders. The more we can get them exposed to these principles, the wider ripple effect the ideas can have across the world, and your clients are agents of change that can make that happen.


    5. Randy,

      I agree 1000%. Throughout my life there was always a gut feeling that I needed to take care of myself/my happiness first. I always felt at odds with the masses b/c although they were part of the "herd" they're quality & enjoyment of life was nonexistent.

      I went into a healing profession (chiropractic) b/c of the effect it had on my life/health & I thought it would be a really cool way of making a living. I was amazed at how many of the leaders in the profession espoused a "serve the masses" mentality. Being young & naive I believed these fools only to find out that many of them were serving themselves broke.

      It was a huge learning lesson for me & that is why I firmly believe in the messages that you are putting out. Life is what we make of it. The only one that is responsible for my life, happiness, finances, etc is ME. Thanx for the constant reminder! Keep up the great work!

      Joe Amoia

    6. Dear Randy, are the thoughts quoted below in line of what you said or are they opposite? Turiya

      "If things are not going well with you, begin your effort at correcting the situation by carefully examining the service you are rendering, and especially the spirit in which you are rendering it." -- Roger Babson, 1875-1967, Statistician and Columnist

      "We will receive not what we idly wish for but what we justly earn. Our rewards will always be in exact proportion to our service." -- Earl Nightingale

      Good service leads to multiple sales. If you take good care of your customers, they will open doors you could never open by yourself. -- Jim Rohn

      Whoever renders service to many puts himself in line for greatness - great wealth, great return, great satisfaction, great reputation and great joy. -- Jim Rohn

      "Good service leads to multiple sales. If you take good care of your customers, they will open doors you could never open by yourself." – Jim Rohn

      How do you deserve a fortune? Render fortunes of service. -- Jim Rohn

      Money is a servant; the more you earn, the more you can help others. – Bob Proctor

      Money is a reward you receive for the service you render; the more valuable the service, the greater the reward. -- Bob Proctor

      Business is a lot like a game of tennis. Those who don't serve well, end up losing. -- Doc Anklam

      "One thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve." -- Albert Schweitzer

      No one has learned the meaning of life until he has surrendered his ego to the service of his fellow men. -- Beran Wolfe

      All men seek one goal: success or happiness. The only way to achieve true success is to express yourself completely in service to society. First, have a definite, clear, practical ideal—a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends—wisdom, money, materials and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end. - Aristotle

      Life is a place of service, and in that service one has to suffer a great deal that is hard to bear, but more often to experience a great deal of joy. But that joy can be real only if people look upon their life as a service, and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness. — Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)

      Service to a just cause rewards one with more real happiness and satisfaction than any other venture of life. — Carrie Chapman Catt, American suffragist and peace advocate (1859-1947)

      Service is the rent we pay for being. It is the very purpose of life, and not something you do in your spare time. - Marion Wright Edelman

    7. So you think it is possible to define something without relating it to something else. How will you define yourself then without relating to your parents, your homeland, your native language, your Creator and .... (list is endless)

    8. I learned the lesson about the dangers of defining yourself through your work or your significant other in my twenties. As a television news anchor at the time, I defined myself through (what some thought was) a prestigious position. But then my boyfriend complained that I loved my job more than him, and said if I really loved him and wanted a future with him, I would quit my job and follow him to another city.

      So, I shifted the definition of myself from "news anchor" to "Mr. X's fiance."

      Guess what? Two weeks after I quit my job, rented out my apartment, and headed to meet him in the new city he had been trasfered to, he announced he was really in love with another woman, and no longer wanted a future with me.

      So, there I was with no way of defininng myself: no job title to cling to, no fiance, and I was away from friends as I was in a completely new city.

      I didn't know it at the time, but dumping me was the best gift he ever could have given me. I was forced to define myself by who I was at my core -- not by some external factors or influencers.

      Your post hit the nail right on the head! I only wish that everyone could learn this lesson much earlier in life than most of us do.

    9. Randy:

      Thank you for you4 thoughts and wise sage suggestions.

      Unfortunately, I cannot do a direct like to the blog because it would be politically unwise as some of my members are still in the dark ages when it comes to enlightenment.

      However, their are no rules that say I can't quote you by attribution in my letter. So quote you I will to my hearts content. The greatest gift I can give my tribe is the gift of teaching them the universal truths of prosperity and more importantly that if there is going to be change they must take a long hard look at their core beliefs and the fundamental principles upon which they base their life.

      I too believe that we are our choices. I speak proudly of being of service to others and I showcase that service by choosing to being a leader. The key is that I choose not just to be a leader for the sake of title and power, but because my core essence is that of a trend setter and architect of change. I have the knowingness that my words and deeds can profoundly influence my profession through my members by my example. So I continue it a sacred responsibility to advance any wise teachings by others that can help members of my tribe better themselves. and help them gain clarity on what it truly means to be of service.

      I am a student of American history and if people would take the time to read, really read the Constitution of the United States they might realize something remarkable. It is a "strategic plan" that was brilliantly conceived and executed by leaders set out to be of service by birthing a new nation.

      It is for our tribe to teach others to leave the city of their comfort and learn to seek new ways of thinking so that they may enjoy prosperity and experience true happiness.

      In rants (and Randy) we trust,
      FAME GUY

    10. "Unfortunately, I cannot do a direct like to the blog because it would be politically unwise as some of my members are still in the dark ages when it comes to enlightenment."

      Dude, would you please stop worrying about politics! You will get a lot more done and ultimately help yourself and the people in your group a lot more by treating them as big kids and letting them be exposed to reality, instead of the politically sanitized vacuum at NSA. I think you need to lead here.



    11. I will try and figure out a creative way to advance your suggestions. Not the least bit worried about the politics. My contact on staff is out on maternity leave or it would be a non-problem. I will see what I can do. I think you know me well enough to know I'm already running the most progressive tribe in the organization. We are the fastest growing tribe too with a rate of 20% and climbing because I am pushing the envelope and saying "times are a changing and we need to change too."
      FAME GUY

    12. Hi Robert,

      I agree with Randy 100% don't figure out a creative way, just send the link and tell them you find Randy's articles amazingly helpful and insightful. Come out of the closet so to speak. You are not following the message in Randy's blog posts if you try to hide what this is all about.

      Come on we'll be here to catch you and you will be surprised at the response you get, I know I was and remember we get what we think we will get.

      So go on just put the link in, if it makes you feel more comfortable no explaination just put the link in and say I would like you to take a look at this.

      Love and Light
      Colleen The Crystal Dragon.

    13. Hi Turiya,

      I was reading all the quotes in your comment and the more I read the more I realised that I used to live by these same ideas, but for me at least they did not bring happiness, I was always at the beck and call of others and even though I honestly believed that I was doing what I wanted to do, I ultimately came to the conclusion that this was not making me happy.

      It took me years to find my true path even though it had been with me since I was a child. I was still under the influence of the herd mentality and kept looking for something to define myself, something that I thought would make me happy. I did things like becoming a baker, a beauty therapist, caravan park owner, computer analyist and so much more.

      All my life my true path to happiness was constantly nudging me, but again I let the herd mentality stop me from doing it, because it said that the background I came from and the education that I had I would never be able to do that. Well one day with the support and encouragement of my family, I wrote my first book it was about
      Crystals and their healing properties. This is a subject that had always brought me happiness but I had hidden it away as the herd thought it was way out there and silly. When I made the decision to write my life began to change things come into it to help me complete my task.

      I self-published and one of the proudest and happiest moments of my life was when I had my first book in my hand, I have since written two more and I decided that these would be ebooks and you know what I did this because I wanted too and I may not be a number one selling author but everytime I sell one of my books I get a great sense of accomplishment that I did this for me and you know what the flow on effect of all this is, people who buy my books, DVD's and courses are being helped by them and that is my service to people. Doing what makes me happy helps others.
      If I had learnt this lesson long ago, I would not have wasted years of my life on trying to serve others and make them happy.

      So most of the quotes in your comment no longer resonate with me and maybe I am wrong but for me they do not make me feel comfortable when reading most of them, but if they make you happy following them then by all means do so. I cannot tell you what makes you happy only you can do that.

      Sorry Randy did not mean to make this reply so long, just couldn't stop writing.

      Love and Light
      Colleen The Crystal Dragon

    14. Let's just say this:

      I respect many of the people quoted above. And think many of those statements are very lack centered. They meet conventional wisdom, but are not actually true. I'll try and go through some of them in a future post.


    15. If I may, I'd like to provide a bit of a different perspective. Turiya's question seemed to be asking if the quotes - which all seemed to point at service (providing value) before reward - were contrary to Randy's premise about focusing on making oneself happy as a high value. (If I understood that correctly. If not, I apologize, as the rest of this will then not make any sense because it will be based on a false premise.)

      I suggest that each of those "provide service to others" quotes were totally in line with what we could call "selfishness."

      What?? How could that be when they are talking about focusing on serving others?

      Because (in my opinion), to think that “one must cancel out the other” is what is known as a "false dilemma" - which is defined as "the unnecessary use of the word 'or'" (examples would be, "do you want to be wealthy OR happy?" "Are you a giver OR a receiver?", "Are you a nice person OR do you finish first?").

      Of course, the answer to all three of the above questions is . . . "yes!" 🙂

      I believe it is the same with most of the quotes in Turiya's question.

      Each of these people are seeing the providing of excellent service (value) as being the best way to cause others to do business with them (to "know, like and trust" them, if you will).

      So, is focusing on providing service actually selfish? Yes, it is. And, is it also very beneficial to others? Yes, it is.

      Now, please don't think that because one truly desires to add value to others (as opposed to JUST a means to an end) means they are some kind of fool or “self-sacrificer.” Even the person who truly desires to serve . . . does so for selfish reasons; because it aligns with their value system and makes them feel good about themselves.

      I'm a lover of animals. When I donate money to my local Safe Harbor organization, I do it for totally selfish reasons. Though I don't make a penny for it, it gives me pleasure and joy (and you should get a look at Joy! – Groucho imitation not included). 🙂 The fact that I'm focusing on helping an animal who neither knows, cares nor can pay me back is still the most selfish thing I could ever do.

      And, in business, I truly love connecting good people with other good people and adding value to others' lives even if there is no tangible reward. And, it's truly selfish of me . . . I love doing it.

      And, yet, a funny thing seems to come into my life on a constant and continual basis . . . abundance!

      Go figure.

      So, just my thoughts, for what they're worth. (And, now, time to give Joy a call) 🙂

    16. Zhannur-
      I think there is a big difference between "describing" yourself and "defining" yourself.

      I happen to me a mother, and in my opinion, do a really great job being a parent. So, being a mother is one "description" people know about me, a great joy in my life and a responsiblity I take considerable care with.... BUT, "mother" is not how I "define" my worth or myself.

      I grew up in NY and memories and things I love about that place bring me joy to think about, but that doesn't have much to do with who "I" am or what I want I to bring to the world.

      If we define ourself according to who is in our lives or where we come from then who are we when circumstances change?

      Hope that makes sense.

    17. The intersting thing is that the herd (if you take whole mankind not only US) do not define any life purpose at all. They follow sets of paths that predecessors or society has already have gone through before them. On the way they set some temporaly goals and try to achieve them.
      This is actually a herds mentality for real.

    18. What if we define ourselves in relation to an unchanging thing, the eternal. loving. parental - you know what I mean?

    19. I am Gods son. And God as my father granted me with limitless power to live any kind of life that I dream to live.

      I believe that inability to define oneself by one's role and to view one's purpose through that role is insanity. Really.

    20. Dear Bob,

      Your thoughts are well formulated and right to the point. You are absolutely right stating that by serving others one is actually selfish (especially s/he who gets high on serving others).

      There is one book "The Art of Being Kind", which explains that if we strive to be kind to others, we simply cannot avoid doing good to ourselves. In other words, by being kind to others, serving others one is creating success for him or herself.

    21. Life as ‘the struggle’ is the realm of the body program, which is part of the Matrix program, and it doesn’t have to be our struggle. A key to that is to do what the program wouldn’t do and doesn’t want us to do. Laughing in the face of adversity and laughing in the face of danger and intimidation are two examples of this. Amid the chaos and the challenges don't forget to smile! Try being serious or in fear – ‘tight and heavy’ - when you are laughing.

      The more you think limited possibility the more you know you are in the program and not in consciousness.

      After all, you are all that is, has been and ever will be. So that's not so bad, eh?

    22. Well, well- I didn't know that I would be missed!

      I caught a cold, and had a THRONG of family here the past few days, so I fell behind in my blog readings- but I must say that a lot of these posts were GREAT! I feel a little late to the party now, but I guess I'll have to add my submission now....

      There arose such a roar
      about all the different factions keeping score.

      The right hated the left, the left hated the right,
      and no one ever bothered to find out what'd happened in the night

      After a sit-down, a drink, and a few smoked joints,
      both sides realized the other made good points

      They both called Santa and made their pleas
      that Christmas come even to those who don't believe

      Santa's sleigh was full and brimmin'
      with copies of Captain Kirk's Guide To Women

      Others bought their copies right on Amazon,
      while some went to the website-

      And Bones Rodriguez Smiling and smug,
      Didn't mind writing a poem that was just a shameless plug.

      Hey everyone- was that selfish enough?

    23. Hi Randy

      I love your honesty and saying it as it is. 5 years ago, at a prosperity seminar in Sydney, you said "Today I am a Christian, tomorrow I may be a Buddhist ..." That single sentence set me on a path of questioning what I believe and why I believe it ... to cut a long story short, today I am the happiest person I know (beside you, I guess LOL). I have learnt to stop listening to others tell me what I should do and now I do what feels right for me, even if others don't agree with it.

      The freedom in that is unbelievable ... being open to Universal laws, I'm finding lots of "coincidences" happening in my life and I am so loving them!

      Thanks for that great lesson 5 years ago!!! When I walked out of your seminar I thought to myself "this is a lesson that will keep on giving" and it has indeed!

      You rock Randy!!!


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