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Managing the Clock

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 2, 2012

At the end of a soccer, basketball, or football game, you’ll see the team with the lead doing something interesting:  managing the clock.  It means slowing things down, keeping possession of the ball for as long as possible, so the team chasing them has less time with a chance to catch up.

So what about your personal life?

Have you ever thought about managing the clock there?  Unlike a sporting event, you don’t have a set time when it ends.  You could have sixty years left, you could have sixty seconds.  We just don’t know.

But  we do know one thing…

Once hours and minutes are used, they can never be recaptured.  They are gone forever.  A person living a prosperous life manages the clock.  They prepare and plan, setting aside time for work, recreation, sleep, meals, and even quiet time.  They know that all are important, and this means consciously managing their time.  And that’s all about choices.

So how you doing on that?

- RG

7 comments on “Managing the Clock”

  1. My wife & I schedule EVERYTHING, including workouts & meditation.  Successful people have a full schedule of productive activities and I have found this to be the most effective way to manage the clock.

  2. My wife & I schedule EVERYTHING, including workouts & meditation.  Successful people have a full schedule of productive activities and I have found this to be the most effective way to manage the clock.

  3. "Where focus goes, energy flows." Tony Robbins
    So maybe our focus is a result of our thoughts & beliefs?
    We forget that we are loved, amazing, beautiful, prosperous & healthy....  we forget who we really are.... we get programmed to be dumb, sick & broke.
    Randy Gage has a book about it:
    It is our mindset.... It is what blocks us from getting what we say we want... It is our beliefs that we aren't aware of from childhood... we keep recreating our past. They are false beliefs about money, health & relationships. They are not the real you.
    You say you want to be rich, but you are always in debt.
    You say you want to be your ideal weight, but you are overweight,
    you say you want a soulmate but you are in unhappy relationships.
    Your beliefs create your actions and your actions create your results.
    So over-spending, over-eating, not taking care of ourselves, etc are a result of what we learned as children... from family, school, church, tv, etc.... and they are false beliefs. We all get programmed with them... and we keep passing them down through generations.
    You have to really want what you are asking for...believe in it & commit to it... asking, seeking & knocking...
    "You attract from who you're being, not from what you're wanting" ~ David Neagle
    What we are creating (our current health, wealth, relationships, etc) are a result of our core beliefs.... it is not our true self...
    so if you aren't where you want to be, change your beliefs... commit to it.... commit to being the real you 🙂
    "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Proverbs (23:7)
    "Where focus goes, energy flows." Tony Robbins

  4. There are times where I move fast non-stop, but once a week I will slow things down. I actually don't like to use the term managing time, rather managing self. I can't manage time, it will go by no matter how. But I can manage myself to do tasks at certain time. 

  5. There are times where I move fast non-stop, but once a week I will slow things down. I actually don't like to use the term managing time, rather managing self. I can't manage time, it will go by no matter how. But I can manage myself to do tasks at certain time. 

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  • 7 comments on “Managing the Clock”

    1. My wife & I schedule EVERYTHING, including workouts & meditation.  Successful people have a full schedule of productive activities and I have found this to be the most effective way to manage the clock.

    2. My wife & I schedule EVERYTHING, including workouts & meditation.  Successful people have a full schedule of productive activities and I have found this to be the most effective way to manage the clock.

    3. "Where focus goes, energy flows." Tony Robbins
      So maybe our focus is a result of our thoughts & beliefs?
      We forget that we are loved, amazing, beautiful, prosperous & healthy....  we forget who we really are.... we get programmed to be dumb, sick & broke.
      Randy Gage has a book about it:
      It is our mindset.... It is what blocks us from getting what we say we want... It is our beliefs that we aren't aware of from childhood... we keep recreating our past. They are false beliefs about money, health & relationships. They are not the real you.
      You say you want to be rich, but you are always in debt.
      You say you want to be your ideal weight, but you are overweight,
      you say you want a soulmate but you are in unhappy relationships.
      Your beliefs create your actions and your actions create your results.
      So over-spending, over-eating, not taking care of ourselves, etc are a result of what we learned as children... from family, school, church, tv, etc.... and they are false beliefs. We all get programmed with them... and we keep passing them down through generations.
      You have to really want what you are asking for...believe in it & commit to it... asking, seeking & knocking...
      "You attract from who you're being, not from what you're wanting" ~ David Neagle
      What we are creating (our current health, wealth, relationships, etc) are a result of our core beliefs.... it is not our true self...
      so if you aren't where you want to be, change your beliefs... commit to it.... commit to being the real you 🙂
      "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Proverbs (23:7)
      "Where focus goes, energy flows." Tony Robbins

    4. There are times where I move fast non-stop, but once a week I will slow things down. I actually don't like to use the term managing time, rather managing self. I can't manage time, it will go by no matter how. But I can manage myself to do tasks at certain time. 

    5. There are times where I move fast non-stop, but once a week I will slow things down. I actually don't like to use the term managing time, rather managing self. I can't manage time, it will go by no matter how. But I can manage myself to do tasks at certain time. 

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