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Making Your Dream Public

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 28, 2019

Welcome from Las Vegas, on day two of the TRIBAL event.  I’m spending four days with some of the brightest minds on the planet, helping them to do what we discussed in the last post: Stop denying their greatness.

Here’s something I am encouraging them to do, and also want to suggest for you.  Make a public declaration of your goal.  You have to be pretty serious about a goal to make a public declaration.  When you are willing to go public with your dream, it gives you much more motivation for it.  You take it much more seriously because you know you have to be accountable for it.  You make it stronger in your conscious and subconscious minds.

Making your dream public also has another benefit…

It attracts the people who will support you in your quest – and exposes those who won’t.


4 comments on “Making Your Dream Public”

  1. Fascinating thought Randy, although in this case I prefer Zig Ziglar's view on goals. Make your "giving up" goals public as there is nothing the herd like more than telling you that you have fallen off your goal (i.e. giving up smoking, eating cakes, etc.). However he also says make your "going up" goals available to those who can help you, as the herd will spend the time taking the micky out of you and doing their best to hold you back.

    Whilst clearly stepping into your greatness involves developing a thick skin, in the early days many of us struggle with moving from the herd and what you are asking regarding accountability can be a bit too soon for some. Understand that inevitably we move towards caring or worrying less about what the herd think, however not everyone is (yet) as mentally strong as you.

  2. Thank you for this!! I share your intent. I agree that you must attract support in all quests. Bravo, RG!! I made a public declaration on Feb. 1, 2019, that I have two big projects underway. One came to fruition March 16, 2019 and the other completes in June 2020. Any and all support I receive, bolsters my resolve and confidence and eschews any negativity.

  3. It really is no secret that I want to end inequality, poverty, hate, discrimination, and violence. We were not born that way. We learned all of these memes.

    I also am working on my doctoral degree, losing weight, helping others, earning and receiving income, paying off debts, and saving for future. I want to go back to weight watchers, eat healthy food and join a gym,

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  • 4 comments on “Making Your Dream Public”

    1. Fascinating thought Randy, although in this case I prefer Zig Ziglar's view on goals. Make your "giving up" goals public as there is nothing the herd like more than telling you that you have fallen off your goal (i.e. giving up smoking, eating cakes, etc.). However he also says make your "going up" goals available to those who can help you, as the herd will spend the time taking the micky out of you and doing their best to hold you back.

      Whilst clearly stepping into your greatness involves developing a thick skin, in the early days many of us struggle with moving from the herd and what you are asking regarding accountability can be a bit too soon for some. Understand that inevitably we move towards caring or worrying less about what the herd think, however not everyone is (yet) as mentally strong as you.

    2. Thank you for this!! I share your intent. I agree that you must attract support in all quests. Bravo, RG!! I made a public declaration on Feb. 1, 2019, that I have two big projects underway. One came to fruition March 16, 2019 and the other completes in June 2020. Any and all support I receive, bolsters my resolve and confidence and eschews any negativity.

    3. It really is no secret that I want to end inequality, poverty, hate, discrimination, and violence. We were not born that way. We learned all of these memes.

      I also am working on my doctoral degree, losing weight, helping others, earning and receiving income, paying off debts, and saving for future. I want to go back to weight watchers, eat healthy food and join a gym,

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