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Making Time for Opportunity

Posted By: Randy GageJune 20, 2009

Last post I told you about the discipline I needed to get out of bed and fly out west for a business venture.  Here’s the other part of the equation:

I was way too busy for a new venture at that time…

I had just launched the massive marketing campaign for the thee tenors of information marketing event I did with Joshua Shafran and Ford Saeks.  I had a Mastermind Retreat ten days later in Budapest, followed by a speech in Moscow, and had to race home from that to film a TV show.

That last thing I needed was a new business venture.  But sometimes (like almost all of the time), great opportunities don’t come when it’s convenient for you.  In fact, I think they often come when it is inconvenient, to test you and build the character necessary to prepare you for such an opportunity.

So how do you respond in such situations?


19 comments on “Making Time for Opportunity”

  1. Yes, Randy I wholeheartedly agree. This post just gave me the answer I need for the Toastmasters club I'm involved in. Come Monday evening I WILL run for a position. You S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D and won. I'll do the same. Thanks, Philip Giordani

  2. Which Toastmaster do you belong to Philip? I really stretched myself when I was younger in American Chamber of Commerce in Japan Toastmasters Club so I became the president in 94-95 and landed a job as vice president of Apparel for Reebok Japan. The presidency came to me after I resigned because I wanted to pay back. I could never have gotten to the executive management level without all the skills/leadership I learned through Toastmasters, since my background is Comparative Literature and Japanese Classical Theater and Dance for my B.A. and M.A. I have even founded one club, KeyForce, fostering women's communication and leadership (because I firmly believe that women have the Key to unlock the Force in the Universe), as well as relaunch ACCJ TM Club to co-found Aoyama Lunch TM Club after many of the expats from ACCJ in the TM club left, and we hardly had anyone from ACCJ. However, I remember even now at age 37 with my legs shaking behind the lecturn doing my Ice Breaker in front of all the presidents and executives of various top foreign affiliated subsidiaries as McCann Erickson, Young & Rubicom and others in those days. They all belonged to Toastmasters. Everything comes in big bunch I have found out like Randy if you are one not to be afraid of challenges. My curiosity always gets me involved, but I have not regretted the journey that I have made consequently as I am sure it is the same with Randy, whom I admire. I was just as shy as him when I was younger.

  3. Even though I'm not running from Budhapest to Moscow and then back to film a TV show yet, I still have to make time for opportunities however big or small. The small opportunities to meet with a friend I haven't seen in years could just lead me to my next great leader!

    Thanks for this Randy!

  4. Hey Randy,
    Your Wisdom on making time for opportunity is priceless.
    Most people are so busy making money.
    They do not take time to listen to a a wealth building opportunity. Have a Great Day and Get Some Rest !!
    Your Health is Your Wealth

  5. Hi Randy,
    Sometimes a second before I move on there is an inner voice shouting, hold on go back and look at it again. I go back check it out and then fear enters the game which makes everything much more challenging. But my big worry is about the times when I am too blind to see the opportunity and it pass me before I even noticed it. So for me the challenge is to stay tuned 24/7 because sometimes it can come in a dream.
    Regarding your previous post, Schedule recharging days off so universe will not have to force you to take them.
    Thank you for being such a great mentor.
    To your health and wisdom,

  6. There ARE times when chasing opportunity takes you off your mission and holds you back.

    T. Boone Pickens said, “the older I get the more I see a straight path where I want to go. If you’re going to hunt elephants, don’t get off the trail for a rabbit.”

    The trick is to be clear about your mission in life and keep your eye on the elephant.

  7. I couldn't agree more. The more successful you become the more your flooded with GREAT opportunities.

    I the key is to follow your gut and pick the right opportunities to pursue.

  8. This happened to me recently when I received an email from a friend on an opportunity. I wasn't looking and needed another business venture Like a needed a hole in the head. But when I saw it, and realized what the possibilities were. I looked at the other things I had going on and simply quit one of my programs where I wasn't generating any cash flow, to make room for the new opportunity.

  9. Hey Randy;

    Sounds like your a busy guy. It's become evident to me, that what ever we have put out into the universe is what ultimately comes back.

    The trick here is knowing when to act. Sometimes rushing from one place to another tends to put a damper on what we can hear as far as guidance.

    I've learned to just take a step back, and listen to what my higher self has to say. I found too often getting caught in doing just to do, that I would forget that action should be taken at the right time, and for the right reasons.

    With anything, whether it's business or anything else in our lives, I believe it's about staying connected to your internal guidance system, about knowing when to act and the why it's the right time to act.

    All the best

  10. Thanks to Ann & Philip for bringing up Toastmasters. I had never heard of it before today. After researching a bit, I have decided to join. There is actually a club right up the street from my house! I love it!

  11. Great post. And how true!

    I do think that is how we are tested. Let's face it...we all tend to fill our time with whatever we are doing at the moment. Change...or opportunity demands a realignment of priorities.

    So for me, when I see opportunity, I must change something I am doing if I want to take advantage of it.

    In short...prioritize.

  12. -RG,

    Yes I'm always ready to listen to opportunities that come my way, but not to the point were they overwhelm what I'm doing.

    I say that opportunity sometimes doesn't knock it may just sand there quietly waiting to be noticed.


  13. Opportunities sought are different than opportunities lived in. If you are chasing one it's best not to be too distracted. If you live inside opportunity many appear that feed you for a day or so while the big game remains your primary goal. Organizing tasks and keeping commitments in alignment allows for saying yes without pain or frustration. If you are a one note horn the symphony some keep in play seems impossible. You may want to learn to play the harmonica next.

  14. Usually new things come into our lives to replace the old ones, so I'm not afraid to give them a try when I really like them, I fit them into my schedule somehow...
    Best wishes, Natasa

  15. Thanks for sharing this story RG... certainly gives us something to think about...

    I always keep my ears and eyes open...but unless it just clicks me when I see it, if I am too busy, I might pass it up...

    Have a nice day!


  16. HWat's I've found is tht I@m a whole lot more productive and achieve better resutls when I'm busy and stretched to the limit - they I prioritise and am more effecive. If I less to do or am avoiding them I get less done, am in a worse mood, and get irritable.

    Best to have loads of things that cllaenge me... and stretch me to my edges - otherwise I get bored.

    So I like to say YES - if it's something that I've been intuitively guided to do... hen it means that my soul reckons I have space and place for it in my life.

    You rock RG!

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  • 19 comments on “Making Time for Opportunity”

    1. Yes, Randy I wholeheartedly agree. This post just gave me the answer I need for the Toastmasters club I'm involved in. Come Monday evening I WILL run for a position. You S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D and won. I'll do the same. Thanks, Philip Giordani

    2. Which Toastmaster do you belong to Philip? I really stretched myself when I was younger in American Chamber of Commerce in Japan Toastmasters Club so I became the president in 94-95 and landed a job as vice president of Apparel for Reebok Japan. The presidency came to me after I resigned because I wanted to pay back. I could never have gotten to the executive management level without all the skills/leadership I learned through Toastmasters, since my background is Comparative Literature and Japanese Classical Theater and Dance for my B.A. and M.A. I have even founded one club, KeyForce, fostering women's communication and leadership (because I firmly believe that women have the Key to unlock the Force in the Universe), as well as relaunch ACCJ TM Club to co-found Aoyama Lunch TM Club after many of the expats from ACCJ in the TM club left, and we hardly had anyone from ACCJ. However, I remember even now at age 37 with my legs shaking behind the lecturn doing my Ice Breaker in front of all the presidents and executives of various top foreign affiliated subsidiaries as McCann Erickson, Young & Rubicom and others in those days. They all belonged to Toastmasters. Everything comes in big bunch I have found out like Randy if you are one not to be afraid of challenges. My curiosity always gets me involved, but I have not regretted the journey that I have made consequently as I am sure it is the same with Randy, whom I admire. I was just as shy as him when I was younger.

    3. Even though I'm not running from Budhapest to Moscow and then back to film a TV show yet, I still have to make time for opportunities however big or small. The small opportunities to meet with a friend I haven't seen in years could just lead me to my next great leader!

      Thanks for this Randy!

    4. Hey Randy,
      Your Wisdom on making time for opportunity is priceless.
      Most people are so busy making money.
      They do not take time to listen to a a wealth building opportunity. Have a Great Day and Get Some Rest !!
      Your Health is Your Wealth

    5. Hi Randy,
      Sometimes a second before I move on there is an inner voice shouting, hold on go back and look at it again. I go back check it out and then fear enters the game which makes everything much more challenging. But my big worry is about the times when I am too blind to see the opportunity and it pass me before I even noticed it. So for me the challenge is to stay tuned 24/7 because sometimes it can come in a dream.
      Regarding your previous post, Schedule recharging days off so universe will not have to force you to take them.
      Thank you for being such a great mentor.
      To your health and wisdom,

    6. There ARE times when chasing opportunity takes you off your mission and holds you back.

      T. Boone Pickens said, “the older I get the more I see a straight path where I want to go. If you’re going to hunt elephants, don’t get off the trail for a rabbit.”

      The trick is to be clear about your mission in life and keep your eye on the elephant.

    7. I couldn't agree more. The more successful you become the more your flooded with GREAT opportunities.

      I the key is to follow your gut and pick the right opportunities to pursue.

    8. This happened to me recently when I received an email from a friend on an opportunity. I wasn't looking and needed another business venture Like a needed a hole in the head. But when I saw it, and realized what the possibilities were. I looked at the other things I had going on and simply quit one of my programs where I wasn't generating any cash flow, to make room for the new opportunity.

    9. Hey Randy;

      Sounds like your a busy guy. It's become evident to me, that what ever we have put out into the universe is what ultimately comes back.

      The trick here is knowing when to act. Sometimes rushing from one place to another tends to put a damper on what we can hear as far as guidance.

      I've learned to just take a step back, and listen to what my higher self has to say. I found too often getting caught in doing just to do, that I would forget that action should be taken at the right time, and for the right reasons.

      With anything, whether it's business or anything else in our lives, I believe it's about staying connected to your internal guidance system, about knowing when to act and the why it's the right time to act.

      All the best

    10. Thanks to Ann & Philip for bringing up Toastmasters. I had never heard of it before today. After researching a bit, I have decided to join. There is actually a club right up the street from my house! I love it!

    11. Great post. And how true!

      I do think that is how we are tested. Let's face it...we all tend to fill our time with whatever we are doing at the moment. Change...or opportunity demands a realignment of priorities.

      So for me, when I see opportunity, I must change something I am doing if I want to take advantage of it.

      In short...prioritize.

    12. -RG,

      Yes I'm always ready to listen to opportunities that come my way, but not to the point were they overwhelm what I'm doing.

      I say that opportunity sometimes doesn't knock it may just sand there quietly waiting to be noticed.


    13. Opportunities sought are different than opportunities lived in. If you are chasing one it's best not to be too distracted. If you live inside opportunity many appear that feed you for a day or so while the big game remains your primary goal. Organizing tasks and keeping commitments in alignment allows for saying yes without pain or frustration. If you are a one note horn the symphony some keep in play seems impossible. You may want to learn to play the harmonica next.

    14. Usually new things come into our lives to replace the old ones, so I'm not afraid to give them a try when I really like them, I fit them into my schedule somehow...
      Best wishes, Natasa

    15. Thanks for sharing this story RG... certainly gives us something to think about...

      I always keep my ears and eyes open...but unless it just clicks me when I see it, if I am too busy, I might pass it up...

      Have a nice day!


    16. HWat's I've found is tht I@m a whole lot more productive and achieve better resutls when I'm busy and stretched to the limit - they I prioritise and am more effecive. If I less to do or am avoiding them I get less done, am in a worse mood, and get irritable.

      Best to have loads of things that cllaenge me... and stretch me to my edges - otherwise I get bored.

      So I like to say YES - if it's something that I've been intuitively guided to do... hen it means that my soul reckons I have space and place for it in my life.

      You rock RG!

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