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Make an Impact

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 4, 2012

At some point in your life, you begin to care about what you do and the effect it has on others. You move from success to significance, and it becomes more about making an impact.

So how do you do that?

Probably nothing influences your ability to influence more than messaging: How you communicate and stay on message. Whether you’re a political candidate, speaker, teacher, or any one of hundreds of jobs, getting a clear message out is vital. It’s particularly important for success as an entrepreneur. And in a Twitter attention span world, getting your message out in a short, compact time frame is even more important.

Think of those people making their pitch on Shark Tank. Some of them waste their chance, boring the investors with their personal history. Others reel them in by painting a vision of what an investment in their business will mean.

My friend Terri Sjodin is a brilliant communications coach. She works with political candidates and business leaders at the highest level, helping them refine their message with what she calls “the elevator speech effect.” It’s about how you get to the point quickly and intrigue people to explore it deeper. Not just like you would on a Shark Tank pitch, but in a job interview, sales presentation, or meeting people at a networking event.

In the past I’ve told you about Terri’s book, Small Message, Big Impact. It’s just been released in paperback, so if you don't own it already, grab a copy today. Check out this intro video:

A small message really can have a big impact. And you’re the kind of person who should be making a big impact! You can order Terri’s book here:

- RG

18 comments on “Make an Impact”

  1. Will get the book Randy.. just curious what you think of Shark Tank... know you're not a fan of reality of TV, neither am I, but I find it fun and interesting if you're into biz and entrepreneurship... last week Mr Wonderful says, I don't care about these other bozos, making Mark Cuban almost out of his chair laughing...

  2. Will get the book Randy.. just curious what you think of Shark Tank... know you're not a fan of reality of TV, neither am I, but I find it fun and interesting if you're into biz and entrepreneurship... last week Mr Wonderful says, I don't care about these other bozos, making Mark Cuban almost out of his chair laughing...

  3. Glad you dig it... remember I told you about it a couple of years ago when you were on about think like an entrepreneur.. up here in Canada we get this show Dragons Den, where two of the Sharks come from, the show originated in Japan.. just brutal when you see people get nailed even if they got a good idea, but it's like when one of the Dragons ask, well, how do you make money at this? and it's like the first time they ever thought of that... check out Breaking Bad on Netflix as well.. best drama show ever in my humble opinion, the show's creator pitched it as Mr Chips turns into Scarface... if ya can dig that...

  4. Glad you dig it... remember I told you about it a couple of years ago when you were on about think like an entrepreneur.. up here in Canada we get this show Dragons Den, where two of the Sharks come from, the show originated in Japan.. just brutal when you see people get nailed even if they got a good idea, but it's like when one of the Dragons ask, well, how do you make money at this? and it's like the first time they ever thought of that... check out Breaking Bad on Netflix as well.. best drama show ever in my humble opinion, the show's creator pitched it as Mr Chips turns into Scarface... if ya can dig that...

  5. Hi RG,
    If you aren't making an impact, why bother? Power advice here.
    Make a difference each moment of the day. Make an impact on each person you reach.
    I comment how I comment because my intent is this: to make an impact wherever I show up.
    Takes some mindfulness and dedication to my intent, to do this, for thousands of comments, but I hold up OK because I know, if I am not making an impact, I am dying more each moment instead of living more each moment.
    Tough to grasp this idea. Especially when you are struggling. But as you prosper with greater ease you realize this whole success thing is not really about making money, but making an impact.
    As you hold to the intent of making an impact, the money thing becomes a non-issue, you detach, and of course money flows in with greater ease.
    Wise words as always bro. Enjoy your day!

  6. Hi RG,
    If you aren't making an impact, why bother? Power advice here.
    Make a difference each moment of the day. Make an impact on each person you reach.
    I comment how I comment because my intent is this: to make an impact wherever I show up.
    Takes some mindfulness and dedication to my intent, to do this, for thousands of comments, but I hold up OK because I know, if I am not making an impact, I am dying more each moment instead of living more each moment.
    Tough to grasp this idea. Especially when you are struggling. But as you prosper with greater ease you realize this whole success thing is not really about making money, but making an impact.
    As you hold to the intent of making an impact, the money thing becomes a non-issue, you detach, and of course money flows in with greater ease.
    Wise words as always bro. Enjoy your day!

  7. The Elevator Effect. There's a good catch phrase. In general, when you sell something, you aren't really selling the actual product, but rather what that product gives or does for you. If we made buying decisions based on cold rational logic, we'd all be driving bland utilitarian automobiles. The fact is emotion is very significant in buying decisions. Advertisers know this.

  8. The Elevator Effect. There's a good catch phrase. In general, when you sell something, you aren't really selling the actual product, but rather what that product gives or does for you. If we made buying decisions based on cold rational logic, we'd all be driving bland utilitarian automobiles. The fact is emotion is very significant in buying decisions. Advertisers know this.

  9. When I was depressed last year, some friends hunted me down in a shopping mall. What they said that night holds great impact. I felt better after that, it was the start of my recovery. 

  10. When I was depressed last year, some friends hunted me down in a shopping mall. What they said that night holds great impact. I felt better after that, it was the start of my recovery. 

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  • 18 comments on “Make an Impact”

    1. Will get the book Randy.. just curious what you think of Shark Tank... know you're not a fan of reality of TV, neither am I, but I find it fun and interesting if you're into biz and entrepreneurship... last week Mr Wonderful says, I don't care about these other bozos, making Mark Cuban almost out of his chair laughing...

    2. Will get the book Randy.. just curious what you think of Shark Tank... know you're not a fan of reality of TV, neither am I, but I find it fun and interesting if you're into biz and entrepreneurship... last week Mr Wonderful says, I don't care about these other bozos, making Mark Cuban almost out of his chair laughing...

    3. Glad you dig it... remember I told you about it a couple of years ago when you were on about think like an entrepreneur.. up here in Canada we get this show Dragons Den, where two of the Sharks come from, the show originated in Japan.. just brutal when you see people get nailed even if they got a good idea, but it's like when one of the Dragons ask, well, how do you make money at this? and it's like the first time they ever thought of that... check out Breaking Bad on Netflix as well.. best drama show ever in my humble opinion, the show's creator pitched it as Mr Chips turns into Scarface... if ya can dig that...

    4. Glad you dig it... remember I told you about it a couple of years ago when you were on about think like an entrepreneur.. up here in Canada we get this show Dragons Den, where two of the Sharks come from, the show originated in Japan.. just brutal when you see people get nailed even if they got a good idea, but it's like when one of the Dragons ask, well, how do you make money at this? and it's like the first time they ever thought of that... check out Breaking Bad on Netflix as well.. best drama show ever in my humble opinion, the show's creator pitched it as Mr Chips turns into Scarface... if ya can dig that...

    5. Hi RG,
      If you aren't making an impact, why bother? Power advice here.
      Make a difference each moment of the day. Make an impact on each person you reach.
      I comment how I comment because my intent is this: to make an impact wherever I show up.
      Takes some mindfulness and dedication to my intent, to do this, for thousands of comments, but I hold up OK because I know, if I am not making an impact, I am dying more each moment instead of living more each moment.
      Tough to grasp this idea. Especially when you are struggling. But as you prosper with greater ease you realize this whole success thing is not really about making money, but making an impact.
      As you hold to the intent of making an impact, the money thing becomes a non-issue, you detach, and of course money flows in with greater ease.
      Wise words as always bro. Enjoy your day!

    6. Hi RG,
      If you aren't making an impact, why bother? Power advice here.
      Make a difference each moment of the day. Make an impact on each person you reach.
      I comment how I comment because my intent is this: to make an impact wherever I show up.
      Takes some mindfulness and dedication to my intent, to do this, for thousands of comments, but I hold up OK because I know, if I am not making an impact, I am dying more each moment instead of living more each moment.
      Tough to grasp this idea. Especially when you are struggling. But as you prosper with greater ease you realize this whole success thing is not really about making money, but making an impact.
      As you hold to the intent of making an impact, the money thing becomes a non-issue, you detach, and of course money flows in with greater ease.
      Wise words as always bro. Enjoy your day!

    7. The Elevator Effect. There's a good catch phrase. In general, when you sell something, you aren't really selling the actual product, but rather what that product gives or does for you. If we made buying decisions based on cold rational logic, we'd all be driving bland utilitarian automobiles. The fact is emotion is very significant in buying decisions. Advertisers know this.

    8. The Elevator Effect. There's a good catch phrase. In general, when you sell something, you aren't really selling the actual product, but rather what that product gives or does for you. If we made buying decisions based on cold rational logic, we'd all be driving bland utilitarian automobiles. The fact is emotion is very significant in buying decisions. Advertisers know this.

    9. When I was depressed last year, some friends hunted me down in a shopping mall. What they said that night holds great impact. I felt better after that, it was the start of my recovery. 

    10. When I was depressed last year, some friends hunted me down in a shopping mall. What they said that night holds great impact. I felt better after that, it was the start of my recovery. 

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