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Lying to Yourself

Posted By: Randy GageJune 29, 2012

Okay if you hated yesterday’s post, today's should really have you gnashing your teeth!  We’re headed into the weekend, so I was thinking about what would make a good topic to work on for personal growth.  I came up with a great idea…

How about self-integrity?

It’s simply shocking how many people can’t be honest with themselves...

Take the contractor who is doing some renovations at my condo right now.  When I ask him for completion deadlines on various aspects of the project, he eagerly and earnestly provides them.  Deadlines he never meets.  Not even close.

Of course he’s lying to me, but he gets off on a technicality.  Because he’s not knowingly lying to me.  He actually believes what he is saying.  He’s really lying to himself, but he’s told that lie so many times he’s come to believe it.

Like a lot of people today, he’s delusional and has only a sporadic connection with reality.  (Please don't ask why I haven’t fired him yet.  As fascinating a discussion as that would be – that’s a whole other subject.  Maybe my next book!)

I often have the same exact conversation with him three or even four times.  And each time it’s a completely new conversation to him!  That’s because when you say something he doesn’t want to hear (like how he has to schedule the electrician to install an outlet tomorrow, or a plumber to hook up a sink) – he simply doesn't hear it.

He looks right at you, nods his agreement and says yes.  But he doesn't hear it.  It’s almost like people who have been childhood victims of abuse or in a horrific accident.  To protect themselves, their brains build a wall around that memory, and don’t let them access it.

There are many people who are so dysfunctional that when you say things that are uncomfortable to them – they simply don’t hear them.  They look right in your eyes, agree with you, but their memory is erased five seconds later.  And when you try to hold them accountable for what they agreed to, they look at you like you’re speaking in tongues.  I bet you know people like this.  (And if you’re thinking you're married to one, you’ve got a lot of company.)

I play softball with a bunch of guys that think their athletic skills are exactly the same as they were 15 years and 30 pounds ago.  (Of course I wouldn’t know anything about that!)

I used to work with a guy who continually boasted that he still wore the same waist size trousers as he did in high school.  The fact that he lowered his belt an inch every couple of years, so it fit under his expanding belly never even registered on his radar.

There are lots of people who actually believe that thinking they are going to do something, is the same as really doing it.  It’s just another way of lying to yourself.

I know alcoholics who think they’re not, because they only drink wine or beer.  I used to tell myself I wasn’t a meth addict because I only did it on the weekends.

It works the other way too…

Many people tell themselves lies about their own potential in a way that unbeknownst to them, limits their success. They convince themselves that they’re too young, too old, are missing the right education, or were born on the wrong side of the tracks.

So how are YOU in all this?

If you are serious about success, there are two vital questions to ask:

1)   Do you tell yourself the truth?

2)   And have you surrounded yourself with people who will tell you the truth, if they think you are lying to yourself?

Those are two of the most important questions you can ever ask yourself.  Make sure you tell the truth!

- RG

55 comments on “Lying to Yourself”

  1. Now how can I tell myself the truth if I build a wall around my lies? Like the liar saying he never lies, a classic oxymoron.

  2. Now how can I tell myself the truth if I build a wall around my lies? Like the liar saying he never lies, a classic oxymoron.

  3. Great post Randy.. so many great points.. curious, how did u keep your meth habit to the weekends.. and do you like Breaking Bad.. AMC is running all 4 seasons building up to season 5.. I think it's a great show.. so many twists and turns.. turning on our human foibles, greed, revenge, pleasure, etc... 

  4. Great post Randy.. so many great points.. curious, how did u keep your meth habit to the weekends.. and do you like Breaking Bad.. AMC is running all 4 seasons building up to season 5.. I think it's a great show.. so many twists and turns.. turning on our human foibles, greed, revenge, pleasure, etc... 

  5. Yes.. very good points indeed. In a pure collaboration, which is what is necessary in the creative process, these questions certainly arise. The challenge can be whether you have surrounded yourself with 'yes men' or those willing to be straight forward. I just had an incidence of this today where I forwarded some work of a young filmmaker to my director, who in a nice way said "this isn't the quality of work we need to achieve the goals you've set". Truth in other words. Being honest with ourselves is really important and an ongoing inquiry that is obviously incredibly important. So then the question arises: What IS my Truth and am I BEING it? 

  6. Yes.. very good points indeed. In a pure collaboration, which is what is necessary in the creative process, these questions certainly arise. The challenge can be whether you have surrounded yourself with 'yes men' or those willing to be straight forward. I just had an incidence of this today where I forwarded some work of a young filmmaker to my director, who in a nice way said "this isn't the quality of work we need to achieve the goals you've set". Truth in other words. Being honest with ourselves is really important and an ongoing inquiry that is obviously incredibly important. So then the question arises: What IS my Truth and am I BEING it? 

  7. wow - GREAT post Randy!
    Now I do understand what´s going on in some people brains.
    I couldn´t "read" their running programs but now that I read your detailed explanation, I fully understand. Some are so twisted - they explain mobbing scenes weeks later as positive scenes, totally off of reality which can make you feel like an idiot. Weel: "can" make you feel.....
    I had trouble believing them at all and was wondering how secure they were acting and how they handle that twist in their mind. But sure, if they believe in themselves they are very persuasive once you come up and ask them for details.
    I was once told (as an advice) that nobody wants to hear the truth!! And that was at work at the Company I worked for for ages and it was a teamleader who said so....which made me think "where do I live? Whom do I work for?"....
    Again -  GREAT POST!
    Thanks & good luck with the guy & your long-term project!!

  8. wow - GREAT post Randy!
    Now I do understand what´s going on in some people brains.
    I couldn´t "read" their running programs but now that I read your detailed explanation, I fully understand. Some are so twisted - they explain mobbing scenes weeks later as positive scenes, totally off of reality which can make you feel like an idiot. Weel: "can" make you feel.....
    I had trouble believing them at all and was wondering how secure they were acting and how they handle that twist in their mind. But sure, if they believe in themselves they are very persuasive once you come up and ask them for details.
    I was once told (as an advice) that nobody wants to hear the truth!! And that was at work at the Company I worked for for ages and it was a teamleader who said so....which made me think "where do I live? Whom do I work for?"....
    Again -  GREAT POST!
    Thanks & good luck with the guy & your long-term project!!

  9. i am a small girl in a very big world But I try to learn what is better for me. and Because Of You and your work and started to understand how this world works. thank you very much Because you share your thoughts

  10. i am a small girl in a very big world But I try to learn what is better for me. and Because Of You and your work and started to understand how this world works. thank you very much Because you share your thoughts

  11. oiy, i just find it easier in the short term to lie to myself....
    Today in the gym i met someone who worked with me when i was a teenager. She told me how she remembers me being very thin. Now, my whole life i believed that i am obese (bullimic anyone?) until i went and manifested my current weight-by no means obese, but overweight.
    She asked me how much more i weigh today and as i was doing the math, i recognized in utter shock (ha!) that i am currently 30 lbs more. Talk about a reality check. DAM! Not pretty!!

  12. oiy, i just find it easier in the short term to lie to myself....
    Today in the gym i met someone who worked with me when i was a teenager. She told me how she remembers me being very thin. Now, my whole life i believed that i am obese (bullimic anyone?) until i went and manifested my current weight-by no means obese, but overweight.
    She asked me how much more i weigh today and as i was doing the math, i recognized in utter shock (ha!) that i am currently 30 lbs more. Talk about a reality check. DAM! Not pretty!!

  13. But he doesn’t hear it.  It’s almost like people who have been childhood victims of abuse or in a horrific accident.

    1. Survival -yeap -the brain has linked pain with success and making money  even it is illogical,it has been suppressed and denied and it is running subconciously.  Emotions are more powerful than logical thinking.  They are avoiding pain at all cost.

  14. But he doesn’t hear it.  It’s almost like people who have been childhood victims of abuse or in a horrific accident.

  15. Survival -yeap -the brain has linked pain with success and making money  even it is illogical,it has been suppressed and denied and it is running subconciously.  Emotions are more powerful than logical thinking.  They are avoiding pain at all cost.

  16. You are right about lying, it is common. Though have you thought the concept of stretching ones abilities far beyond what ones thinks is possible? It's only a lie if it doesn't take place as was said, right?

  17. You are right about lying, it is common. Though have you thought the concept of stretching ones abilities far beyond what ones thinks is possible? It's only a lie if it doesn't take place as was said, right?

  18. I think I do the same as that contractor. I regularly underestimate the time required and so set myself up for the failure that I come to believe will happen. I think people in government do the same which is why budgeted funds for a project are almost always insufficient and so they demand more money from tax payers.

  19. I think I do the same as that contractor. I regularly underestimate the time required and so set myself up for the failure that I come to believe will happen. I think people in government do the same which is why budgeted funds for a project are almost always insufficient and so they demand more money from tax payers.

  20. It may not be so much about lying to himself as it is telling you what he thinks you want to hear.  It's still a lack on integrity but the fact is if you tell people "the truth" about deadlines or what to expect or whatever, they are the ones who shut down or go crazy nutso or fire you.
    I deal with people all the time who, if they heard the truth ("Sorry, won't be able to finish until 3 weeks from now") would go absolutely nuts and start yelling and screaming. The same people will nod and smile and walk away if you say, "Next week".I'm not a contractor as such. I'm a real estate guy and it's a field that people (i.e. home buyers and sellers) really don't want to hear the truth. They want their own beliefs reinforced.  It's the path of least resistance.  It's not right. But it is what it is.

  21. It may not be so much about lying to himself as it is telling you what he thinks you want to hear.  It's still a lack on integrity but the fact is if you tell people "the truth" about deadlines or what to expect or whatever, they are the ones who shut down or go crazy nutso or fire you.
    I deal with people all the time who, if they heard the truth ("Sorry, won't be able to finish until 3 weeks from now") would go absolutely nuts and start yelling and screaming. The same people will nod and smile and walk away if you say, "Next week".I'm not a contractor as such. I'm a real estate guy and it's a field that people (i.e. home buyers and sellers) really don't want to hear the truth. They want their own beliefs reinforced.  It's the path of least resistance.  It's not right. But it is what it is.

  22. Thanks, Randy.  I have your books, and have them on my Kindle, as well, so that I can refresh on planes and on holiday with my children in South Africa.  You are an inspiration to all.  Happy 4th.

  23. Thanks, Randy.  I have your books, and have them on my Kindle, as well, so that I can refresh on planes and on holiday with my children in South Africa.  You are an inspiration to all.  Happy 4th.

  24. I actually caught some people wanting the speaker to just lay into them...let them really know that what they're most afraid of is their true true capacity, not the passing moment they cried in front of reality TV then slipped right back into lethargy.  We beat ourselves up we like to give ourselves a break have you take over for a bit...then you take this routine all around the world with you.Rapid Rad Recruiting...I'm a prime concepts customer for sure....I saw the video of Tony Robbins you suggested and your comments.  Just like you said, you used to be shy and then dynamo onstage...not so in Chicago folks.  Maybe it's that Tony changed...I know one person who said the same thing about you that they may have judged way too fast!I know you're way past the time of your teenage years and a counselor stood up and let you know what you were really capable of...I'm coming to see you speak again, so I don't forget that message!Are you kidding?  Chicago ALS was amazing Ann Feinstein, Shai Samuels, Jeff Higginson, Tony and Sarah Zolecki, Jeremiah Bradley, Randy Gage, Phil Townsend....this list continues but this is about lying to yourself and I'm giving a grammy speach....and my Chicago PRO Team has no players on the field!Anyway hanging up now...this is already Randy's space...he just wants you to tell him he's sexy...I will say for sure the best a capella youtube video of Why not you and why not now...with Shai Samuels...perfect in the middle of the Hilton International on busy Michigan the middle of vacationers from everywhere...He is human!  Stay well and thanks Randy!

  25. I actually caught some people wanting the speaker to just lay into them...let them really know that what they're most afraid of is their true true capacity, not the passing moment they cried in front of reality TV then slipped right back into lethargy.  We beat ourselves up we like to give ourselves a break have you take over for a bit...then you take this routine all around the world with you.Rapid Rad Recruiting...I'm a prime concepts customer for sure....I saw the video of Tony Robbins you suggested and your comments.  Just like you said, you used to be shy and then dynamo onstage...not so in Chicago folks.  Maybe it's that Tony changed...I know one person who said the same thing about you that they may have judged way too fast!I know you're way past the time of your teenage years and a counselor stood up and let you know what you were really capable of...I'm coming to see you speak again, so I don't forget that message!Are you kidding?  Chicago ALS was amazing Ann Feinstein, Shai Samuels, Jeff Higginson, Tony and Sarah Zolecki, Jeremiah Bradley, Randy Gage, Phil Townsend....this list continues but this is about lying to yourself and I'm giving a grammy speach....and my Chicago PRO Team has no players on the field!Anyway hanging up now...this is already Randy's space...he just wants you to tell him he's sexy...I will say for sure the best a capella youtube video of Why not you and why not now...with Shai Samuels...perfect in the middle of the Hilton International on busy Michigan the middle of vacationers from everywhere...He is human!  Stay well and thanks Randy!

  26. Integrity is The Essence of Everything Successful ~ Buckminster Fuller. 
    Integrity is the alignment of thoughts, speech and action. This is a high level application, because how many times in our live we have been out of integrity. Having the thought of gym-ing in the morning, but...
    A close friend told me that he will never betray me. Recently I just found out that he has been poaching my client behind my back. Out of integrity for him. 
    Of course, I have a lot to improve on integrity too. So much more to improve.

  27. Integrity is The Essence of Everything Successful ~ Buckminster Fuller. 
    Integrity is the alignment of thoughts, speech and action. This is a high level application, because how many times in our live we have been out of integrity. Having the thought of gym-ing in the morning, but...
    A close friend told me that he will never betray me. Recently I just found out that he has been poaching my client behind my back. Out of integrity for him. 
    Of course, I have a lot to improve on integrity too. So much more to improve.

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  • 55 comments on “Lying to Yourself”

    1. Now how can I tell myself the truth if I build a wall around my lies? Like the liar saying he never lies, a classic oxymoron.

    2. Now how can I tell myself the truth if I build a wall around my lies? Like the liar saying he never lies, a classic oxymoron.

    3. Great post Randy.. so many great points.. curious, how did u keep your meth habit to the weekends.. and do you like Breaking Bad.. AMC is running all 4 seasons building up to season 5.. I think it's a great show.. so many twists and turns.. turning on our human foibles, greed, revenge, pleasure, etc... 

    4. Great post Randy.. so many great points.. curious, how did u keep your meth habit to the weekends.. and do you like Breaking Bad.. AMC is running all 4 seasons building up to season 5.. I think it's a great show.. so many twists and turns.. turning on our human foibles, greed, revenge, pleasure, etc... 

    5. Yes.. very good points indeed. In a pure collaboration, which is what is necessary in the creative process, these questions certainly arise. The challenge can be whether you have surrounded yourself with 'yes men' or those willing to be straight forward. I just had an incidence of this today where I forwarded some work of a young filmmaker to my director, who in a nice way said "this isn't the quality of work we need to achieve the goals you've set". Truth in other words. Being honest with ourselves is really important and an ongoing inquiry that is obviously incredibly important. So then the question arises: What IS my Truth and am I BEING it? 

    6. Yes.. very good points indeed. In a pure collaboration, which is what is necessary in the creative process, these questions certainly arise. The challenge can be whether you have surrounded yourself with 'yes men' or those willing to be straight forward. I just had an incidence of this today where I forwarded some work of a young filmmaker to my director, who in a nice way said "this isn't the quality of work we need to achieve the goals you've set". Truth in other words. Being honest with ourselves is really important and an ongoing inquiry that is obviously incredibly important. So then the question arises: What IS my Truth and am I BEING it? 

    7. wow - GREAT post Randy!
      Now I do understand what´s going on in some people brains.
      I couldn´t "read" their running programs but now that I read your detailed explanation, I fully understand. Some are so twisted - they explain mobbing scenes weeks later as positive scenes, totally off of reality which can make you feel like an idiot. Weel: "can" make you feel.....
      I had trouble believing them at all and was wondering how secure they were acting and how they handle that twist in their mind. But sure, if they believe in themselves they are very persuasive once you come up and ask them for details.
      I was once told (as an advice) that nobody wants to hear the truth!! And that was at work at the Company I worked for for ages and it was a teamleader who said so....which made me think "where do I live? Whom do I work for?"....
      Again -  GREAT POST!
      Thanks & good luck with the guy & your long-term project!!

    8. wow - GREAT post Randy!
      Now I do understand what´s going on in some people brains.
      I couldn´t "read" their running programs but now that I read your detailed explanation, I fully understand. Some are so twisted - they explain mobbing scenes weeks later as positive scenes, totally off of reality which can make you feel like an idiot. Weel: "can" make you feel.....
      I had trouble believing them at all and was wondering how secure they were acting and how they handle that twist in their mind. But sure, if they believe in themselves they are very persuasive once you come up and ask them for details.
      I was once told (as an advice) that nobody wants to hear the truth!! And that was at work at the Company I worked for for ages and it was a teamleader who said so....which made me think "where do I live? Whom do I work for?"....
      Again -  GREAT POST!
      Thanks & good luck with the guy & your long-term project!!

    9. i am a small girl in a very big world But I try to learn what is better for me. and Because Of You and your work and started to understand how this world works. thank you very much Because you share your thoughts

    10. i am a small girl in a very big world But I try to learn what is better for me. and Because Of You and your work and started to understand how this world works. thank you very much Because you share your thoughts

    11. oiy, i just find it easier in the short term to lie to myself....
      Today in the gym i met someone who worked with me when i was a teenager. She told me how she remembers me being very thin. Now, my whole life i believed that i am obese (bullimic anyone?) until i went and manifested my current weight-by no means obese, but overweight.
      She asked me how much more i weigh today and as i was doing the math, i recognized in utter shock (ha!) that i am currently 30 lbs more. Talk about a reality check. DAM! Not pretty!!

    12. oiy, i just find it easier in the short term to lie to myself....
      Today in the gym i met someone who worked with me when i was a teenager. She told me how she remembers me being very thin. Now, my whole life i believed that i am obese (bullimic anyone?) until i went and manifested my current weight-by no means obese, but overweight.
      She asked me how much more i weigh today and as i was doing the math, i recognized in utter shock (ha!) that i am currently 30 lbs more. Talk about a reality check. DAM! Not pretty!!

    13. But he doesn’t hear it.  It’s almost like people who have been childhood victims of abuse or in a horrific accident.

      1. Survival -yeap -the brain has linked pain with success and making money  even it is illogical,it has been suppressed and denied and it is running subconciously.  Emotions are more powerful than logical thinking.  They are avoiding pain at all cost.

    14. But he doesn’t hear it.  It’s almost like people who have been childhood victims of abuse or in a horrific accident.

    15. Survival -yeap -the brain has linked pain with success and making money  even it is illogical,it has been suppressed and denied and it is running subconciously.  Emotions are more powerful than logical thinking.  They are avoiding pain at all cost.

    16. You are right about lying, it is common. Though have you thought the concept of stretching ones abilities far beyond what ones thinks is possible? It's only a lie if it doesn't take place as was said, right?

    17. You are right about lying, it is common. Though have you thought the concept of stretching ones abilities far beyond what ones thinks is possible? It's only a lie if it doesn't take place as was said, right?

    18. I think I do the same as that contractor. I regularly underestimate the time required and so set myself up for the failure that I come to believe will happen. I think people in government do the same which is why budgeted funds for a project are almost always insufficient and so they demand more money from tax payers.

    19. I think I do the same as that contractor. I regularly underestimate the time required and so set myself up for the failure that I come to believe will happen. I think people in government do the same which is why budgeted funds for a project are almost always insufficient and so they demand more money from tax payers.

    20. It may not be so much about lying to himself as it is telling you what he thinks you want to hear.  It's still a lack on integrity but the fact is if you tell people "the truth" about deadlines or what to expect or whatever, they are the ones who shut down or go crazy nutso or fire you.
      I deal with people all the time who, if they heard the truth ("Sorry, won't be able to finish until 3 weeks from now") would go absolutely nuts and start yelling and screaming. The same people will nod and smile and walk away if you say, "Next week".I'm not a contractor as such. I'm a real estate guy and it's a field that people (i.e. home buyers and sellers) really don't want to hear the truth. They want their own beliefs reinforced.  It's the path of least resistance.  It's not right. But it is what it is.

    21. It may not be so much about lying to himself as it is telling you what he thinks you want to hear.  It's still a lack on integrity but the fact is if you tell people "the truth" about deadlines or what to expect or whatever, they are the ones who shut down or go crazy nutso or fire you.
      I deal with people all the time who, if they heard the truth ("Sorry, won't be able to finish until 3 weeks from now") would go absolutely nuts and start yelling and screaming. The same people will nod and smile and walk away if you say, "Next week".I'm not a contractor as such. I'm a real estate guy and it's a field that people (i.e. home buyers and sellers) really don't want to hear the truth. They want their own beliefs reinforced.  It's the path of least resistance.  It's not right. But it is what it is.

    22. Thanks, Randy.  I have your books, and have them on my Kindle, as well, so that I can refresh on planes and on holiday with my children in South Africa.  You are an inspiration to all.  Happy 4th.

    23. Thanks, Randy.  I have your books, and have them on my Kindle, as well, so that I can refresh on planes and on holiday with my children in South Africa.  You are an inspiration to all.  Happy 4th.

    24. I actually caught some people wanting the speaker to just lay into them...let them really know that what they're most afraid of is their true true capacity, not the passing moment they cried in front of reality TV then slipped right back into lethargy.  We beat ourselves up we like to give ourselves a break have you take over for a bit...then you take this routine all around the world with you.Rapid Rad Recruiting...I'm a prime concepts customer for sure....I saw the video of Tony Robbins you suggested and your comments.  Just like you said, you used to be shy and then dynamo onstage...not so in Chicago folks.  Maybe it's that Tony changed...I know one person who said the same thing about you that they may have judged way too fast!I know you're way past the time of your teenage years and a counselor stood up and let you know what you were really capable of...I'm coming to see you speak again, so I don't forget that message!Are you kidding?  Chicago ALS was amazing Ann Feinstein, Shai Samuels, Jeff Higginson, Tony and Sarah Zolecki, Jeremiah Bradley, Randy Gage, Phil Townsend....this list continues but this is about lying to yourself and I'm giving a grammy speach....and my Chicago PRO Team has no players on the field!Anyway hanging up now...this is already Randy's space...he just wants you to tell him he's sexy...I will say for sure the best a capella youtube video of Why not you and why not now...with Shai Samuels...perfect in the middle of the Hilton International on busy Michigan the middle of vacationers from everywhere...He is human!  Stay well and thanks Randy!

    25. I actually caught some people wanting the speaker to just lay into them...let them really know that what they're most afraid of is their true true capacity, not the passing moment they cried in front of reality TV then slipped right back into lethargy.  We beat ourselves up we like to give ourselves a break have you take over for a bit...then you take this routine all around the world with you.Rapid Rad Recruiting...I'm a prime concepts customer for sure....I saw the video of Tony Robbins you suggested and your comments.  Just like you said, you used to be shy and then dynamo onstage...not so in Chicago folks.  Maybe it's that Tony changed...I know one person who said the same thing about you that they may have judged way too fast!I know you're way past the time of your teenage years and a counselor stood up and let you know what you were really capable of...I'm coming to see you speak again, so I don't forget that message!Are you kidding?  Chicago ALS was amazing Ann Feinstein, Shai Samuels, Jeff Higginson, Tony and Sarah Zolecki, Jeremiah Bradley, Randy Gage, Phil Townsend....this list continues but this is about lying to yourself and I'm giving a grammy speach....and my Chicago PRO Team has no players on the field!Anyway hanging up now...this is already Randy's space...he just wants you to tell him he's sexy...I will say for sure the best a capella youtube video of Why not you and why not now...with Shai Samuels...perfect in the middle of the Hilton International on busy Michigan the middle of vacationers from everywhere...He is human!  Stay well and thanks Randy!

    26. Integrity is The Essence of Everything Successful ~ Buckminster Fuller. 
      Integrity is the alignment of thoughts, speech and action. This is a high level application, because how many times in our live we have been out of integrity. Having the thought of gym-ing in the morning, but...
      A close friend told me that he will never betray me. Recently I just found out that he has been poaching my client behind my back. Out of integrity for him. 
      Of course, I have a lot to improve on integrity too. So much more to improve.

    27. Integrity is The Essence of Everything Successful ~ Buckminster Fuller. 
      Integrity is the alignment of thoughts, speech and action. This is a high level application, because how many times in our live we have been out of integrity. Having the thought of gym-ing in the morning, but...
      A close friend told me that he will never betray me. Recently I just found out that he has been poaching my client behind my back. Out of integrity for him. 
      Of course, I have a lot to improve on integrity too. So much more to improve.

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