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Living Every Day

Posted By: Randy GageMay 4, 2011

Let’s face it, you’re busy.  Work, family, pay the bills, pick up the dry cleaning, housework, and lots of other responsibilities.  You can’t just drop everything and do whatever you dreamed of.  Okay.

But what if you suddenly got a diagnosis that you only had a couple months to live?

What would you be doing differently?  Would that condo board meeting argument seem so important?  That last fight you had with your spouse?  The fact someone cut you off in traffic?

Unfortunately, you may only have a couple months to live and not even know it.  Or you may have fifty more years to live, but someone close to you might be gone next week.

So do your day-to-day stuff.  But work in your dreams too.  And it just isn’t the big stuff…

You could make an appointment to watch the sunrise, walk on the beach, or view the next full moon.  And don’t forget to tell the tell people how much they mean to you.  So I’m posting the latest Prosperity TV show as a reminder!

So what will you do today?


48 comments on “Living Every Day”

  1. Great, it is very important to be in the moment with nature.This is very much a big part of my life ,I would not want it any other way. Lucky for me I live two miles from the beach!!!!

  2. I'll stay focused on my purpose, that will fulfill me, while attending to what which also needs doing without letting the small stuff distract me from my purpose.

  3. Great message. I focus daily on my goals, but have always tried to keep things in perspective and have balance in all areas in my life that are important. Making sure I'm there for my daughters dance recital is just as important as going after my dream home!

  4. All this has been on my mind lately. My oldest son is graduating high school this month. While he won't be going far away, I know the time I have to wake up everyday and see his happy little face is going to go by quickly as he makes his way through college and into the world building his own life. Within seven more years my other three boys and my little girl will graduate and I know that is going to zoom by like one of Randy's sports cars. 🙂 When you think of that it's easy to slow it down and take the time to just be in the moment.

  5. This is why I watch certain movies periodically - one of my favorite being Dead Poets Society. Carpe diem. It is commonly viewed as cliche, but it really is the way to live life. Periodically look at what you seriously want to do and get on doing it!
    Thanks again, Randy!
    I shall make a couple moves today to live the life I have to its fullest. I appreciate the kick in the pants.

  6. Hey Randy-
    I love this video!!! I'm sitting here with a big smile and tears in my eyes. April was a great month of appreciation for me.

    Other than your birthday;) "little" sister got married in the most beautiful and "right" wedding I have ever been witness to, my husband and I celebrated 20 years happily married in a gorgeous mountain Bed and Breakfast for a few nights, and this past weekend I flew my mother to Tennessee to give her some much needed "get away and recover from the wedding" time.

    Our first stop from the airport was a lovely tea room for lunch and then we took her to our favorite jewelry store where we picked out a beautiful setting for a diamond she has wanted reset for 20 years. By the evening she was giggling like a teenager in love.

    We made home made ice cream, played cards until the wee hours of the morning, watched the royal wedding, drove around looking at all the flowers and trees blooming and admired the homes in all the high end neighborhoods along the river.

    By the time she left she was telling me over and over again how relaxed she felt!! I am so happy could give my Mom a weekend where she didn't have to take care of anyone and she got to receive abundantly.

    All month I got to celebrate a good life with people I love the most. Today I will glow in this joy and be grateful.

  7. If I only had a couple of months to live, I would deffinately not bother to pay my debt, because I would not be able to pay that anyway in so short time. The only family I have is my son, daughter in law and my 3 grandkids. Havn't had any family since I was 19 years old. Then I would go to my son in UK and spend my time with my family there. Another thing I would do is go to the next event where I could meet you and all the other great networkmarketeers and take my family with me, even if I would have to drag them, so they really could see how life can be, and that this also could be possible for them to acchieve, because I really love them. I do tell them I do almost every day. Anyway - I do not intend to leave anytime soon 🙂 - I think I have too much good comming and great dreams to acchieve. I send lots of love you way too. Thank's for a great post.


  8. Hi Randy,

    Today I am doing something I thought I'll never do....

    I am asking you to consider something...

    I really enjoy your blog, and believe that you are doing a great thing!
    Therefore, thank you for your time, your energy and your enthusiasm to help people worldwide!

    In reference to Annie's posts and her abolishment from this blog -

    If it wasn't for Annie's posts, people like Natalie would have never came out to share her knowledge with the world and perhaps help people to reflect on their lives and wellbeing.
    And look at what Natalie did for Annie....
    Annie finally revealed her secret... That alone, has to be a great relief for Annie's psyche... And now, everyone understands her love and hate posts....

    Even those who responded negatively to Annie's posts, may have learned something and are now able to face their own demons..., or not....

    As for me, Annie continuously annoyed me, which I am sure was reflected in my posts to her... But Annie's extremely emotional and passionate state of being brought out in my cold logical self a softer side... Even the discussions about the poor, resulted in my better understanding and acceptance of certain people, which makes me feel more human...
    Annie touched me with her freedom of communication, as you did in your book.
    Annie may have offended some people..., but did she?
    Is it possible that some may have awakened?
    Is it possible that speaking your mind and not being afraid of judgment - what it's all about? - Especially in our politically correct society?

    My point is this -
    I understand that this is your site and it's free to all worldwide. This is your house and you do what ever you want in it by all rights.
    But, because sometimes it takes harsh truth, as well as painful and uncomfortable experiences, situations and moments to find our strengths and weaknesses, which Annie certaily supplied.... - Would it be fare to ask you to allow her presence on your blog?

    I could be misjudging and you may have your reasons for erasing her, but if I am right, Annie maybe more open to learning and listening... now that she is free...
    Annie is courageous and honest person who needs a little polishing on the edges, just like all of us...

    What ever decision you'll make, will be a right decision.

    Thank you for reading this post and consideration.

  9. Lovely words,
    I am in my job right now, so I can not see the video, but I appreciate the words, very true, so I am going to enjoy the sunset today, and I am going to thank all the beauty that life give us.

    Thanks Randy, for reminding us.

  10. Mr Gage,

    I did not know that Annie was banned !! I understand that this is a private site and the propreiter can do as he pleases and Annie`s posts may have been critical or even inflammatory, but if you truly are broad minded, you should be strong enough to take her comments on the chin and roll with it and just shrug it off, rather than ban her and just allow just those who will happily gather around you to cluck and feed from your hand and agree that whatever you say is the gospel of the universe.

    Be brave and invite her back it will be a boring place if all are aye-sayers and there are no nay-sayers. Instead of a debate, you might as well post something and all the followers can post just one word repeatedly, as in ` Ditto`.

    As regards this poster Annie, I am not aware of what was troubling her ( some secret mentioned by the poster Victoria Crowley), but if she has a problem, you should use your skills to help her, rather than collect grateful nods from all the Yes-sayers. If she is banned for being ` Spartacus` I would like to stand up here in cyberspace and state ` I am spartacus` .

    1. Victoria and Murali,

      Thanks for your comments. This wasn't an issue of someone disagreeing with me. People do that all the time on this blog and I encourage that. If people didn't disagree with me, there would be no need for this comment section! The blog is meant to be a forum for spirited debate.

      The problem with Annie's posts is she didn't stay on the topic, couldn't seem to discuss the principles or issues without personal attacks, and by her own admission, just made outrageous statements to get attention. She often would make countless arguments about things she wasn't familiar with such as dozens of posts on Objectivism without even reading Atlas Shrugged or almost a dozen posts on chiropractic care even though she had never been to a chiropractor. If these had been posts inquiring for knowledge that would have been one thing, but they were combative arguing for the sake of arguing. That's not the purpose of this space.

      Normally the community here pretty much self-regulates the space. But when anyone (or I) tried to guide Annie to a more appropriate way to engage in the discussion, she often reacted with personal attacks. I received frequent and numerous complaints of what she was doing to the tone of the blog, not just here, on Twitter, Facebook and via email and was tired of all the negative energy. Life is way too short for that.

      What Annie is looking for I can't provide her here, so it is better that she find another outlet where her needs can be met. She is a mean-meaning soul with a lot of passion and I'm sure she'll find her way. I wish her nothing but the best. However, this forum is not the right one for her at this time.

      1. Thank you Randy. Poor ol' Annie's 'stuff' was a distraction from the work we have to do here.
        This space we share is akin to a classroom. If someone in the class has got major issues which distract her, and everyone else, from the tasks at hand, then she needs to be removed. I pray for her that she will find the solutions she needs, for what is troubling her. Perhaps being banned from this blog will be the 'nudge' she needs to seek the help she needs.

      2. Randy,

        I think you have made the right decision here. As someone who has had years of experience dealing with a mentally ill family member, I can say with some assurance that Annie seems quite “disturbed.”

        That does not mean that she is not very intelligent, a talented writer, and a person of passion, but in the end what matters is the energy or insight she or anyone brings to this forum.

        I too got sucked into reading the many posts and ripostes concerning Annie, but then realized that while emotionally addicting, just as a voyeuristic TV show might be, all of that time and attention I spent left me with no enlightenment or enhanced consciousness.

        You and many people on the forum responded to Annie with dignity, compassion, and wisdom, but she seemed incapable of receiving it. And the more you and others responded, the more needy she became.

        Being “Spartacus,” or engaging in argument for the sake of argument doesn’t seems to be the purpose of this gathering, and personally, I don’t get at all that you are afraid of criticism or a well-reasoned counterpoint to some of your ideas.

        So, while I appreciate that Annie does need and deserve love, compassion, and understanding, as well as someone to listen to her ideas, I think the overall energy and consciousness level of the forum is well served by your decision.

        Just my 2 cents…….

      3. Hi Annie,

        First of all, you are not crazy. And I also do not believe that you are mean-minded... But, and yes, there is a but....
        I have NOT read your posts on Twister, Facebook, as well as emails to Randy. And by that I mean that from the information on this blog alone, I do not think that you are crazy or mean-minded. You do have a dark side, but who doesn't.... I think it's part of human nature...

        In reference to being judged, everyone judges everyone else, and that also is a part of human nature, which is necessary for survival...
        So, do not fear judgement, expect it.
        There is nothing wrong with being different and having thoughts that oppose others.
        I know how you feel because I was and always will be what is called a black sheep...

        With that in mind, you still should listen and evaluate information received, for instance, the subject of Objectivism.
        Always do your own research. And by that I mean - do not take someone's REVIEW of it.... Do your own review after READING the book.
        When you simply read a review, you are reading someone else's opinion. And that's all it is - someone else's thought about a subject....
        So read Ayn Rand and then share your OWN thoughts about her philosophy. There are no short cuts if you want to be taken seriously.

        Your opposing friend,

      4. Annie,

        I am writing to you as a friend, and it's going to be whole truth and nothing but the truth... And as you know - sometimes truth hurts...

        About your feeling for Randy....

        I know that you have a dream, but that dream will not come true...

        You have to find strength in your SELF and in your MIND to let it go....
        When you love someone, it's the hardest thing you'll ever do.... But it is the act of love.
        Do you understand what I mean?

        When you push and demand, it's not love....
        When your need for someone becomes an obsession, it's not love...

        Have you considered that you maybe making Randy feel uncomfortable?
        That is not love....

        Keep in mind that Randy designed this blog and his Prosperity program to help people on this blog. Not the other way around.
        With that in mind, stop trying to help him.... He does not need our help.

        Also, let go of your demand for attention. This is not a dating site.

        Annie, this is the time to get all of your ducks in a row. So do it without any ifs or buts about it.

        Your friend,

      5. Thanx Randy . I am grateful to you for this right decision and will now be able to scroll back and read all the constructive posts about the subject matter and no more drama !!

    2. Murali, just want to chime in as I was one who requested Annie be banned. I didn't do this out of malice, but her very very long posts did get to the point where they were off topic, and argumentative just for the sake of arguing. I also found myself spending too much time trying to sift through her responses to get back to what the heart of the matter was for that day. I do take issue though with what you stated, "allow just those who will happily gather around you to cluck and feed from your hand and agree that whatever you say is the gospel of the universe". If that is your perception then I don't think you are actually taking the time to read responses. I do wish Annie the also.

    3. I argue with Randy if there's an issue. He has NEVER banned ANYONE that I've seen in the YEARS he's run this blog!!!!

      Anyone is welcome to share their views... ALL that Randy expects, requests, and insists on is RESPECT. Annie refused this. She was given guidance, and advice MANY times of HOW to change things. I found RAndy EXTREMELY patient, and willing to work with Annie, but she didn't want to work with him.

      ALL people have issue - i have MANY- and if I EVER insult Randy he'll call me on it. Because abuse is UNACCEPTABLE. Giving feedback with ownership IS acceptable. ABUSE is not.

  11. Oops..I just went and read all the posts by Annie and Natalie in the previous post and I would like to take back my last sentence of ` I am Spartacus` . In this case, I am not, but would still say, let people have their say and no need for banning.

  12. First of all, that diagnosis is BS! Get over it! Life is not a random event out of control. If you want to go, it's actually your decision. You live as long as you want to.

    What motivates people?

    - A sense of purpose.
    - The ability to learn and master new skills.
    - To be of service or be part of a community.

    The most powerful thing you can do is to make a decision!

    And when you go for what is you, your shadow will appear. It's part of the deal. You are being tested, but every "wrong" thought is actually not you. God doesn't think that way.

    However, if you're not changing, you're dying.

  13. Hey Randy-

    If I knew I only had a couple of months left to live, I wouldn't be reading this blog! 🙂

  14. If I had a couple months to live...oh, the first order of business would be to teach my dear husband how I have been managing the family finances. It has worked well for both of us to have me play that role, but if he had to take over without knowing what the heck I'm doing, he'd be in trouble.
    (Maybe I better get on with that, just in case I have an unexpected date with death.)

    Then I'd write letters to my children, and my possible grandchildren, to be read in 5 or 40 years, to leave a legacy of love for them.

    And then letters to my dear friends, and finally, perhaps, some letters to all my teachers to say "thank you for making my life more fun & joyful & fascinating, and my death more peaceful". One would be sent to you, Randy.

    1. Mrs. Health & Prosperity -

      Lovely sentiments - but may I ask why you are waiting to write the letters to give to your loved one's until after you are gone?

      Maybe writing the letters now & giving them to them while you are still here would bring them happiness and love not marred by also being bittersweet because you are gone!

      Just sayin'! 🙂

      All the best,

      1. Dear Barb, while I am here, I can tell my loved ones every day that I love them. The letters I speak of are for the future, when I won't be here in person.
        I am thankful that I can say that there's hardly been a day go by, in my 30 yrs. marriage, when my husband & I do not say, "I love you" to one another. When I talk to my young adult children on the phone, the last words we speak are, "I love you".
        Allowing ourselves to love, and love freely, and speak our love, has been an immense blessing in my (adult) life. It is, I trust, a heritage for my children's children and generations beyond.
        As I develop greater Prosperity Consciousness, perhaps I'll be able to leave a financial legacy as well! There's a happy thought.

  15. Hi Randy,

    I would do what I just did 2 hours ago: start another business venture by identifying a problem and matching my talents to the opportunity.

    The Old Me would have gotten pissed about the situation. The New Me lets go silly feelings, lack and limitation ideas quite quickly and sees how both myself and another party can mutually prosper from the situation.



  16. ♥ Hello Randy.
    I love my grandma ...
    I miss her too!
    I know my grandma loves me ...
    because we took time ...
    to say I love you ...
    in that moment ...
    it will never change.
    I believe her spirit ...
    stays with me now ...
    yes ...
    life is meant to love ...
    Live rich Randy ...
    ~Love and Light ...

  17. Ups! just got a cognition here. I'm not living my dreams - still trying to cope.

  18. Sweet RG,
    I smiled and even laughed as I watched your video! This year, I decided to fly to Florida one week each month to be able to spend time with my 93 yr old Grandmother (my hero)! WHAT A BLESSING it has been! As you may remember, I lost my mom to breast cancer at the early age of 60 and my daughter and very best friend, Carissa was killed by a drunk driver at the tender age of 17. There NEVER was a day that went by that we didn't tell each other how much we loved each other. I hold on to those three words today. Carissa was a TRUE clothes horse and normally tried on 3-4 outfits before she dcided what to wear to school in the morning. Whatever ones she didn't wear ended up on the floor (as she rushed out the door to school). I always was nagging her about keeping her room clean! After she was killed, I cleaned her room. Guess what! It stayed clean.... and then got dusty! I sobbed as I would have given anythng to have been able to pick up those clothes one more time! Now I have a sign that hangs in my house that reads, "A messy house is a sign of life!" Thanks for the post! God, Family and friends are my life and I love it!! Next week I have two kids that are gaduating from college and then they will both be married within the next two months! My grandma will be living with me for the those two months so she can attend. I am looking forward to spoilig her rotten! Love this video and love and hugs to you! Connie
    PS.Carissa was voted best dressed of her graduating class! 🙂

  19. Randy,

    Love this post!

    Have been thinking for a while about going back to mother land...
    So, yesterday reserved a flight to Kiev, Ukraine. Leaving in two weeks!

    My last visit was in December of 1989 or 1990 (when the wall went down).

    I am sure that there were some changes 🙂

    Thank you for insiration,

  20. So many of us call attention to our basic human needs in a variety of ways, which has been showcased on this blog. I believe that most of the population is, "Waiting to arrive," instead of "Enjoying the journey." Think about that for a second, and really ponder it in your own life. Are we living & working (sometimes arguing) for the end of the journey to arrive, or are we enjoying the process and involving others in our growth process. Do we look at obstacles & detours as added adventure & opportunity to experience all life has to offer, or as things we complain about to our companions.

  21. Over the past year or so, I have become increasingly devoted to living every day in my bliss. There are no more 'bad' days in my life, because I just don't have the precious time to waste being unhappy ... even a long life is too short for anything less than joy. Each morning, I wake with a smile and I count my greatest blessings. Most treasured being all the wise, inspiring, loving people I continue to fill my life with. There are so many … and I am humbled with gratitude. You, Randy, are on that list.

    Not only have you served as an enlightening mentor and teacher, I have no doubt that you ‘saved’ my spiritual life. You helped me to remember who I really am … because I had truly forgotten. You woke me up.

    I know I am not the only one who feels this way – but I just wanted to use this space and this moment, at your suggestion, to tell you that I love you. Your reach is broad, it is deep, and it is nothing short of beautiful.


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  • 48 comments on “Living Every Day”

    1. Great, it is very important to be in the moment with nature.This is very much a big part of my life ,I would not want it any other way. Lucky for me I live two miles from the beach!!!!

    2. I'll stay focused on my purpose, that will fulfill me, while attending to what which also needs doing without letting the small stuff distract me from my purpose.

    3. Great message. I focus daily on my goals, but have always tried to keep things in perspective and have balance in all areas in my life that are important. Making sure I'm there for my daughters dance recital is just as important as going after my dream home!

    4. All this has been on my mind lately. My oldest son is graduating high school this month. While he won't be going far away, I know the time I have to wake up everyday and see his happy little face is going to go by quickly as he makes his way through college and into the world building his own life. Within seven more years my other three boys and my little girl will graduate and I know that is going to zoom by like one of Randy's sports cars. 🙂 When you think of that it's easy to slow it down and take the time to just be in the moment.

    5. This is why I watch certain movies periodically - one of my favorite being Dead Poets Society. Carpe diem. It is commonly viewed as cliche, but it really is the way to live life. Periodically look at what you seriously want to do and get on doing it!
      Thanks again, Randy!
      I shall make a couple moves today to live the life I have to its fullest. I appreciate the kick in the pants.

    6. Hey Randy-
      I love this video!!! I'm sitting here with a big smile and tears in my eyes. April was a great month of appreciation for me.

      Other than your birthday;) "little" sister got married in the most beautiful and "right" wedding I have ever been witness to, my husband and I celebrated 20 years happily married in a gorgeous mountain Bed and Breakfast for a few nights, and this past weekend I flew my mother to Tennessee to give her some much needed "get away and recover from the wedding" time.

      Our first stop from the airport was a lovely tea room for lunch and then we took her to our favorite jewelry store where we picked out a beautiful setting for a diamond she has wanted reset for 20 years. By the evening she was giggling like a teenager in love.

      We made home made ice cream, played cards until the wee hours of the morning, watched the royal wedding, drove around looking at all the flowers and trees blooming and admired the homes in all the high end neighborhoods along the river.

      By the time she left she was telling me over and over again how relaxed she felt!! I am so happy could give my Mom a weekend where she didn't have to take care of anyone and she got to receive abundantly.

      All month I got to celebrate a good life with people I love the most. Today I will glow in this joy and be grateful.

    7. If I only had a couple of months to live, I would deffinately not bother to pay my debt, because I would not be able to pay that anyway in so short time. The only family I have is my son, daughter in law and my 3 grandkids. Havn't had any family since I was 19 years old. Then I would go to my son in UK and spend my time with my family there. Another thing I would do is go to the next event where I could meet you and all the other great networkmarketeers and take my family with me, even if I would have to drag them, so they really could see how life can be, and that this also could be possible for them to acchieve, because I really love them. I do tell them I do almost every day. Anyway - I do not intend to leave anytime soon 🙂 - I think I have too much good comming and great dreams to acchieve. I send lots of love you way too. Thank's for a great post.


    8. Hi Randy,

      Today I am doing something I thought I'll never do....

      I am asking you to consider something...

      I really enjoy your blog, and believe that you are doing a great thing!
      Therefore, thank you for your time, your energy and your enthusiasm to help people worldwide!

      In reference to Annie's posts and her abolishment from this blog -

      If it wasn't for Annie's posts, people like Natalie would have never came out to share her knowledge with the world and perhaps help people to reflect on their lives and wellbeing.
      And look at what Natalie did for Annie....
      Annie finally revealed her secret... That alone, has to be a great relief for Annie's psyche... And now, everyone understands her love and hate posts....

      Even those who responded negatively to Annie's posts, may have learned something and are now able to face their own demons..., or not....

      As for me, Annie continuously annoyed me, which I am sure was reflected in my posts to her... But Annie's extremely emotional and passionate state of being brought out in my cold logical self a softer side... Even the discussions about the poor, resulted in my better understanding and acceptance of certain people, which makes me feel more human...
      Annie touched me with her freedom of communication, as you did in your book.
      Annie may have offended some people..., but did she?
      Is it possible that some may have awakened?
      Is it possible that speaking your mind and not being afraid of judgment - what it's all about? - Especially in our politically correct society?

      My point is this -
      I understand that this is your site and it's free to all worldwide. This is your house and you do what ever you want in it by all rights.
      But, because sometimes it takes harsh truth, as well as painful and uncomfortable experiences, situations and moments to find our strengths and weaknesses, which Annie certaily supplied.... - Would it be fare to ask you to allow her presence on your blog?

      I could be misjudging and you may have your reasons for erasing her, but if I am right, Annie maybe more open to learning and listening... now that she is free...
      Annie is courageous and honest person who needs a little polishing on the edges, just like all of us...

      What ever decision you'll make, will be a right decision.

      Thank you for reading this post and consideration.

    9. Lovely words,
      I am in my job right now, so I can not see the video, but I appreciate the words, very true, so I am going to enjoy the sunset today, and I am going to thank all the beauty that life give us.

      Thanks Randy, for reminding us.

    10. Mr Gage,

      I did not know that Annie was banned !! I understand that this is a private site and the propreiter can do as he pleases and Annie`s posts may have been critical or even inflammatory, but if you truly are broad minded, you should be strong enough to take her comments on the chin and roll with it and just shrug it off, rather than ban her and just allow just those who will happily gather around you to cluck and feed from your hand and agree that whatever you say is the gospel of the universe.

      Be brave and invite her back it will be a boring place if all are aye-sayers and there are no nay-sayers. Instead of a debate, you might as well post something and all the followers can post just one word repeatedly, as in ` Ditto`.

      As regards this poster Annie, I am not aware of what was troubling her ( some secret mentioned by the poster Victoria Crowley), but if she has a problem, you should use your skills to help her, rather than collect grateful nods from all the Yes-sayers. If she is banned for being ` Spartacus` I would like to stand up here in cyberspace and state ` I am spartacus` .

      1. Victoria and Murali,

        Thanks for your comments. This wasn't an issue of someone disagreeing with me. People do that all the time on this blog and I encourage that. If people didn't disagree with me, there would be no need for this comment section! The blog is meant to be a forum for spirited debate.

        The problem with Annie's posts is she didn't stay on the topic, couldn't seem to discuss the principles or issues without personal attacks, and by her own admission, just made outrageous statements to get attention. She often would make countless arguments about things she wasn't familiar with such as dozens of posts on Objectivism without even reading Atlas Shrugged or almost a dozen posts on chiropractic care even though she had never been to a chiropractor. If these had been posts inquiring for knowledge that would have been one thing, but they were combative arguing for the sake of arguing. That's not the purpose of this space.

        Normally the community here pretty much self-regulates the space. But when anyone (or I) tried to guide Annie to a more appropriate way to engage in the discussion, she often reacted with personal attacks. I received frequent and numerous complaints of what she was doing to the tone of the blog, not just here, on Twitter, Facebook and via email and was tired of all the negative energy. Life is way too short for that.

        What Annie is looking for I can't provide her here, so it is better that she find another outlet where her needs can be met. She is a mean-meaning soul with a lot of passion and I'm sure she'll find her way. I wish her nothing but the best. However, this forum is not the right one for her at this time.

        1. Thank you Randy. Poor ol' Annie's 'stuff' was a distraction from the work we have to do here.
          This space we share is akin to a classroom. If someone in the class has got major issues which distract her, and everyone else, from the tasks at hand, then she needs to be removed. I pray for her that she will find the solutions she needs, for what is troubling her. Perhaps being banned from this blog will be the 'nudge' she needs to seek the help she needs.

        2. Randy,

          I think you have made the right decision here. As someone who has had years of experience dealing with a mentally ill family member, I can say with some assurance that Annie seems quite “disturbed.”

          That does not mean that she is not very intelligent, a talented writer, and a person of passion, but in the end what matters is the energy or insight she or anyone brings to this forum.

          I too got sucked into reading the many posts and ripostes concerning Annie, but then realized that while emotionally addicting, just as a voyeuristic TV show might be, all of that time and attention I spent left me with no enlightenment or enhanced consciousness.

          You and many people on the forum responded to Annie with dignity, compassion, and wisdom, but she seemed incapable of receiving it. And the more you and others responded, the more needy she became.

          Being “Spartacus,” or engaging in argument for the sake of argument doesn’t seems to be the purpose of this gathering, and personally, I don’t get at all that you are afraid of criticism or a well-reasoned counterpoint to some of your ideas.

          So, while I appreciate that Annie does need and deserve love, compassion, and understanding, as well as someone to listen to her ideas, I think the overall energy and consciousness level of the forum is well served by your decision.

          Just my 2 cents…….

        3. Hi Annie,

          First of all, you are not crazy. And I also do not believe that you are mean-minded... But, and yes, there is a but....
          I have NOT read your posts on Twister, Facebook, as well as emails to Randy. And by that I mean that from the information on this blog alone, I do not think that you are crazy or mean-minded. You do have a dark side, but who doesn't.... I think it's part of human nature...

          In reference to being judged, everyone judges everyone else, and that also is a part of human nature, which is necessary for survival...
          So, do not fear judgement, expect it.
          There is nothing wrong with being different and having thoughts that oppose others.
          I know how you feel because I was and always will be what is called a black sheep...

          With that in mind, you still should listen and evaluate information received, for instance, the subject of Objectivism.
          Always do your own research. And by that I mean - do not take someone's REVIEW of it.... Do your own review after READING the book.
          When you simply read a review, you are reading someone else's opinion. And that's all it is - someone else's thought about a subject....
          So read Ayn Rand and then share your OWN thoughts about her philosophy. There are no short cuts if you want to be taken seriously.

          Your opposing friend,

        4. Annie,

          I am writing to you as a friend, and it's going to be whole truth and nothing but the truth... And as you know - sometimes truth hurts...

          About your feeling for Randy....

          I know that you have a dream, but that dream will not come true...

          You have to find strength in your SELF and in your MIND to let it go....
          When you love someone, it's the hardest thing you'll ever do.... But it is the act of love.
          Do you understand what I mean?

          When you push and demand, it's not love....
          When your need for someone becomes an obsession, it's not love...

          Have you considered that you maybe making Randy feel uncomfortable?
          That is not love....

          Keep in mind that Randy designed this blog and his Prosperity program to help people on this blog. Not the other way around.
          With that in mind, stop trying to help him.... He does not need our help.

          Also, let go of your demand for attention. This is not a dating site.

          Annie, this is the time to get all of your ducks in a row. So do it without any ifs or buts about it.

          Your friend,

        5. Thanx Randy . I am grateful to you for this right decision and will now be able to scroll back and read all the constructive posts about the subject matter and no more drama !!

      2. Murali, just want to chime in as I was one who requested Annie be banned. I didn't do this out of malice, but her very very long posts did get to the point where they were off topic, and argumentative just for the sake of arguing. I also found myself spending too much time trying to sift through her responses to get back to what the heart of the matter was for that day. I do take issue though with what you stated, "allow just those who will happily gather around you to cluck and feed from your hand and agree that whatever you say is the gospel of the universe". If that is your perception then I don't think you are actually taking the time to read responses. I do wish Annie the also.

      3. I argue with Randy if there's an issue. He has NEVER banned ANYONE that I've seen in the YEARS he's run this blog!!!!

        Anyone is welcome to share their views... ALL that Randy expects, requests, and insists on is RESPECT. Annie refused this. She was given guidance, and advice MANY times of HOW to change things. I found RAndy EXTREMELY patient, and willing to work with Annie, but she didn't want to work with him.

        ALL people have issue - i have MANY- and if I EVER insult Randy he'll call me on it. Because abuse is UNACCEPTABLE. Giving feedback with ownership IS acceptable. ABUSE is not.

    11. Oops..I just went and read all the posts by Annie and Natalie in the previous post and I would like to take back my last sentence of ` I am Spartacus` . In this case, I am not, but would still say, let people have their say and no need for banning.

    12. First of all, that diagnosis is BS! Get over it! Life is not a random event out of control. If you want to go, it's actually your decision. You live as long as you want to.

      What motivates people?

      - A sense of purpose.
      - The ability to learn and master new skills.
      - To be of service or be part of a community.

      The most powerful thing you can do is to make a decision!

      And when you go for what is you, your shadow will appear. It's part of the deal. You are being tested, but every "wrong" thought is actually not you. God doesn't think that way.

      However, if you're not changing, you're dying.

    13. Hey Randy-

      If I knew I only had a couple of months left to live, I wouldn't be reading this blog! 🙂

    14. If I had a couple months to live...oh, the first order of business would be to teach my dear husband how I have been managing the family finances. It has worked well for both of us to have me play that role, but if he had to take over without knowing what the heck I'm doing, he'd be in trouble.
      (Maybe I better get on with that, just in case I have an unexpected date with death.)

      Then I'd write letters to my children, and my possible grandchildren, to be read in 5 or 40 years, to leave a legacy of love for them.

      And then letters to my dear friends, and finally, perhaps, some letters to all my teachers to say "thank you for making my life more fun & joyful & fascinating, and my death more peaceful". One would be sent to you, Randy.

      1. Mrs. Health & Prosperity -

        Lovely sentiments - but may I ask why you are waiting to write the letters to give to your loved one's until after you are gone?

        Maybe writing the letters now & giving them to them while you are still here would bring them happiness and love not marred by also being bittersweet because you are gone!

        Just sayin'! 🙂

        All the best,

        1. Dear Barb, while I am here, I can tell my loved ones every day that I love them. The letters I speak of are for the future, when I won't be here in person.
          I am thankful that I can say that there's hardly been a day go by, in my 30 yrs. marriage, when my husband & I do not say, "I love you" to one another. When I talk to my young adult children on the phone, the last words we speak are, "I love you".
          Allowing ourselves to love, and love freely, and speak our love, has been an immense blessing in my (adult) life. It is, I trust, a heritage for my children's children and generations beyond.
          As I develop greater Prosperity Consciousness, perhaps I'll be able to leave a financial legacy as well! There's a happy thought.

    15. Hi Randy,

      I would do what I just did 2 hours ago: start another business venture by identifying a problem and matching my talents to the opportunity.

      The Old Me would have gotten pissed about the situation. The New Me lets go silly feelings, lack and limitation ideas quite quickly and sees how both myself and another party can mutually prosper from the situation.



    16. ♥ Hello Randy.
      I love my grandma ...
      I miss her too!
      I know my grandma loves me ...
      because we took time ...
      to say I love you ...
      in that moment ...
      it will never change.
      I believe her spirit ...
      stays with me now ...
      yes ...
      life is meant to love ...
      Live rich Randy ...
      ~Love and Light ...

    17. Ups! just got a cognition here. I'm not living my dreams - still trying to cope.

    18. Sweet RG,
      I smiled and even laughed as I watched your video! This year, I decided to fly to Florida one week each month to be able to spend time with my 93 yr old Grandmother (my hero)! WHAT A BLESSING it has been! As you may remember, I lost my mom to breast cancer at the early age of 60 and my daughter and very best friend, Carissa was killed by a drunk driver at the tender age of 17. There NEVER was a day that went by that we didn't tell each other how much we loved each other. I hold on to those three words today. Carissa was a TRUE clothes horse and normally tried on 3-4 outfits before she dcided what to wear to school in the morning. Whatever ones she didn't wear ended up on the floor (as she rushed out the door to school). I always was nagging her about keeping her room clean! After she was killed, I cleaned her room. Guess what! It stayed clean.... and then got dusty! I sobbed as I would have given anythng to have been able to pick up those clothes one more time! Now I have a sign that hangs in my house that reads, "A messy house is a sign of life!" Thanks for the post! God, Family and friends are my life and I love it!! Next week I have two kids that are gaduating from college and then they will both be married within the next two months! My grandma will be living with me for the those two months so she can attend. I am looking forward to spoilig her rotten! Love this video and love and hugs to you! Connie
      PS.Carissa was voted best dressed of her graduating class! 🙂

    19. Randy,

      Love this post!

      Have been thinking for a while about going back to mother land...
      So, yesterday reserved a flight to Kiev, Ukraine. Leaving in two weeks!

      My last visit was in December of 1989 or 1990 (when the wall went down).

      I am sure that there were some changes 🙂

      Thank you for insiration,

    20. So many of us call attention to our basic human needs in a variety of ways, which has been showcased on this blog. I believe that most of the population is, "Waiting to arrive," instead of "Enjoying the journey." Think about that for a second, and really ponder it in your own life. Are we living & working (sometimes arguing) for the end of the journey to arrive, or are we enjoying the process and involving others in our growth process. Do we look at obstacles & detours as added adventure & opportunity to experience all life has to offer, or as things we complain about to our companions.

    21. Over the past year or so, I have become increasingly devoted to living every day in my bliss. There are no more 'bad' days in my life, because I just don't have the precious time to waste being unhappy ... even a long life is too short for anything less than joy. Each morning, I wake with a smile and I count my greatest blessings. Most treasured being all the wise, inspiring, loving people I continue to fill my life with. There are so many … and I am humbled with gratitude. You, Randy, are on that list.

      Not only have you served as an enlightening mentor and teacher, I have no doubt that you ‘saved’ my spiritual life. You helped me to remember who I really am … because I had truly forgotten. You woke me up.

      I know I am not the only one who feels this way – but I just wanted to use this space and this moment, at your suggestion, to tell you that I love you. Your reach is broad, it is deep, and it is nothing short of beautiful.


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