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Live the Adventure

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 11, 2012

Many people are unhappy or unfulfilled because they simply let life happen to them.  They think it’s about breaks, luck or chance. 

But real life isn't something that happens to you.  It's an adventure you co-create.

You create it by being mindful, thinking about what you want and who you want to become.  Then you support that vision with positive programming, and set a plan.  You create a support structure of people around you for reinforcement.  And then you get into action…

You don't just “live” life; you seize it.  Every day.  And that’s what transforms it from an existence – to an adventure.

Live the adventure…


18 comments on “Live the Adventure”

  1. Hey Randy!Do you know what Louise Hay says about vitiligo? 
    "Feeling completely outside of things. Not belonging. Not one of the group." 
    I think that's how you feel, because you see yourself in a world of dumb, sick, broke people, who think they don't deserve to be happy. 
    And you're not like them. You're one of a kind. 
    You're a savior trying to get them out of the shithole they've put themselves into. You don't belong here. 
    I want to hear your thoughts on that!
    By the way, YOU'RE THE MAN! 😉

  2. Hey Randy!Do you know what Louise Hay says about vitiligo? 
    "Feeling completely outside of things. Not belonging. Not one of the group." 
    I think that's how you feel, because you see yourself in a world of dumb, sick, broke people, who think they don't deserve to be happy. 
    And you're not like them. You're one of a kind. 
    You're a savior trying to get them out of the shithole they've put themselves into. You don't belong here. 
    I want to hear your thoughts on that!
    By the way, YOU'RE THE MAN! 😉

  3. Choose between being a spectators or the players. Spectators celebrate when their team won, blame when their team lost. They have absolutely no control of the game, only the players do. 

  4. Choose between being a spectators or the players. Spectators celebrate when their team won, blame when their team lost. They have absolutely no control of the game, only the players do. 

  5. Great saying: You don’t just “live” life; you seize it.
    <a href="">Dentist Dover NJ</a>

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  • 18 comments on “Live the Adventure”

    1. Hey Randy!Do you know what Louise Hay says about vitiligo? 
      "Feeling completely outside of things. Not belonging. Not one of the group." 
      I think that's how you feel, because you see yourself in a world of dumb, sick, broke people, who think they don't deserve to be happy. 
      And you're not like them. You're one of a kind. 
      You're a savior trying to get them out of the shithole they've put themselves into. You don't belong here. 
      I want to hear your thoughts on that!
      By the way, YOU'RE THE MAN! 😉

    2. Hey Randy!Do you know what Louise Hay says about vitiligo? 
      "Feeling completely outside of things. Not belonging. Not one of the group." 
      I think that's how you feel, because you see yourself in a world of dumb, sick, broke people, who think they don't deserve to be happy. 
      And you're not like them. You're one of a kind. 
      You're a savior trying to get them out of the shithole they've put themselves into. You don't belong here. 
      I want to hear your thoughts on that!
      By the way, YOU'RE THE MAN! 😉

    3. Choose between being a spectators or the players. Spectators celebrate when their team won, blame when their team lost. They have absolutely no control of the game, only the players do. 

    4. Choose between being a spectators or the players. Spectators celebrate when their team won, blame when their team lost. They have absolutely no control of the game, only the players do. 

    5. Great saying: You don’t just “live” life; you seize it.
      <a href="">Dentist Dover NJ</a>

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