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Live Now

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 25, 2012

So I woke up this morning at 6 am.  Caught one of those 25,000 sunrises on my way to the ball field.  We won, it was a beautiful day, driving home with the top down in the Viper and The Fray on the box.  I was communing with God…

This time of the year, the weather in Florida is perfect.  Making it even better, it was the middle of a three-week stretch where I would not be flying on any airplanes.   Since it is the only three-week span like that all year until December, it is a moment to savor.

But God had other plans…

So now I’m writing this in seat 4C, on my way to Salt Lake City.  Tomorrow is a funeral for Matthew Bradley.  Matt was a son, a brother, a cancer survivor, a community activist, and a Paralympic athlete who died way too young.  And I've been to way too many funerals lately for people who died way too young.

So all this has me reflecting on a couple thoughts to share with you…

I don’t question my coaches - softball or God.  I trust them to put me in the best position to help the team.  Sometimes they put you in a position you don’t understand, or send you to a place and you don’t know why.  Sometimes you don't understand why you’re dealt challenges or detours.  Embrace them anyway, knowing that they are stepping stones or lessons on the path to your highest good.  And yes, sometimes you just have to take this on faith.

Live a life of adventure every day.  Be bold.  Be vulnerable.  Be loving. Be real.  Be epic.  You probably won’t know when it is your last day.  So live each day as if it is.

Share love.  You also don’t know when it will be the last day for someone you love.  Make sure they know you love them.  And remind them again, often.

And speaking of that – thank you to all of you who come by the community here, join the discussion, challenge our thinking, and share your insights.  Just want you to know I love and appreciate you guys!


132 comments on “Live Now”

  1. Thank you Randy for all your wonderful posts and for getting us to really stop and do some critical thinking.  So sorry to hear about Matthew.  May he go with God.

  2. Thank you Randy for all your wonderful posts and for getting us to really stop and do some critical thinking.  So sorry to hear about Matthew.  May he go with God.

  3. It great to have friends that are real and true. Blessings to Matthew Bradley, his family and his friends. He lives on.

  4. It great to have friends that are real and true. Blessings to Matthew Bradley, his family and his friends. He lives on.

  5. We ALL wouldn´t be here on your virtual playground without respect, love and appreciation for You and each other  🙂
    - what a BLOG post start. 

  6. We ALL wouldn´t be here on your virtual playground without respect, love and appreciation for You and each other  🙂
    - but what a sad BLOG post start -

  7. We ALL wouldn´t be here on your virtual playground without respect, love and appreciation for You and each other  🙂
    - but what a sad BLOG post start -

  8. Good Morning Randy to you and your community. I am sorry to hear of the homegoing of your friend. I thank you for sharing this part of life's journey which so many fear and/or choose not to discuss. Also, for noting how important it is to LIVE Life and as a part of that to share our LOVE with and for each other. I know I believe those I love know that I do yet, saying it in a manner that they get it is a different experience. One I am acting on following this message. I get so caught up in my journey and my purpose, a timely pause (there are no accidents) is required. I thank you for reminding me just how precious this thing called LIFE is! Make it a Great Day! Joy and Much Thanks, DJ

  9. Good Morning Randy to you and your community. I am sorry to hear of the homegoing of your friend. I thank you for sharing this part of life's journey which so many fear and/or choose not to discuss. Also, for noting how important it is to LIVE Life and as a part of that to share our LOVE with and for each other. I know I believe those I love know that I do yet, saying it in a manner that they get it is a different experience. One I am acting on following this message. I get so caught up in my journey and my purpose, a timely pause (there are no accidents) is required. I thank you for reminding me just how precious this thing called LIFE is! Make it a Great Day! Joy and Much Thanks, DJ

  10. I'm so sorry for that, Randy. Matt is the best role-model of prosperity person as ever.I trust in the way you trust also. I will do it from now until I'm torn apart.

  11. I'm so sorry for that, Randy. Matt is the best role-model of prosperity person as ever.I trust in the way you trust also. I will do it from now until I'm torn apart.

  12. blessings to your friend and all he touched.  I'd love to buy your a cuppa if you're back in Orlando the last week of March.

  13. blessings to your friend and all he touched.  I'd love to buy your a cuppa if you're back in Orlando the last week of March.

  14. Gracias Randy por ser tan autentico,siento mucho la perdida de Mateo,mi mas sentido pesame a su familia y amigos.
    Tengo la gran fortuna de haberte conocido en Madrid,soy Mario.Gracias por ser mi tutor desde entonces.Un fuerte abrazo.

  15. Gracias Randy por ser tan autentico,siento mucho la perdida de Mateo,mi mas sentido pesame a su familia y amigos.
    Tengo la gran fortuna de haberte conocido en Madrid,soy Mario.Gracias por ser mi tutor desde entonces.Un fuerte abrazo.

  16. I think it is so important to celebrate every day and also to celebrate Matthew, and not to say that I am sorry for your loss. He obviously enriched and inspired many lives, so we must be incredibly grateful to have had the  opportunity to know someone like him. I am sorry that we don't pay more attention to what is important more often! Love ya, Randy!

  17. I think it is so important to celebrate every day and also to celebrate Matthew, and not to say that I am sorry for your loss. He obviously enriched and inspired many lives, so we must be incredibly grateful to have had the  opportunity to know someone like him. I am sorry that we don't pay more attention to what is important more often! Love ya, Randy!

  18. Randy, thanks for sharing this "mini-wake-up call".  All of us need to take the time to reflect on what and WHO is most important in our lives. All too often the little things don't matter - and we have to remind ourselves to value and appreciate the very things we frequently take for granted.  Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. May we all live an adventure and experience divine love. 

  19. Randy, thanks for sharing this "mini-wake-up call".  All of us need to take the time to reflect on what and WHO is most important in our lives. All too often the little things don't matter - and we have to remind ourselves to value and appreciate the very things we frequently take for granted.  Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. May we all live an adventure and experience divine love. 

  20. Randy, your comments re "I don't question my coaches..." are particularly timely for me, as I've been experiencing delays in my life (I want what I want, and I want that NOW).  This is not a peaceful state of mind, so have been looking for a new attitude.  "I don't question my coaches" is nice! 
    Nice, but not easy....especially when one of our dear ones gets pulled out of the game (sorry to hear about your Matthew).   I'd love to hear more from you on this theme of Not Questioning the Coach.  It's a Biggee. 

  21. Randy, your comments re "I don't question my coaches..." are particularly timely for me, as I've been experiencing delays in my life (I want what I want, and I want that NOW).  This is not a peaceful state of mind, so have been looking for a new attitude.  "I don't question my coaches" is nice! 
    Nice, but not easy....especially when one of our dear ones gets pulled out of the game (sorry to hear about your Matthew).   I'd love to hear more from you on this theme of Not Questioning the Coach.  It's a Biggee. 

  22. Great words of Advice! I always gain so much from your posts. And you are correct about the beautiful weather we are having here in Florida!Thanks Randy and God Bless!

  23. Great words of Advice! I always gain so much from your posts. And you are correct about the beautiful weather we are having here in Florida!Thanks Randy and God Bless!

  24. The Bradley family, they realy are specia peoplel. Bring my hug Craig, Zach and Jermias. 

  25. The Bradley family, they realy are specia peoplel. Bring my hug Craig, Zach and Jermias. 

  26. True words, Randy. My mom fainted in church a few months ago and it gave me a wake up call that she won't always be here.  Every time I get off the phone with her or say goodbye, I say also I love you mom, you're my hero.
    I also began to apply that to my kids and other friends and family. You treat people differently when you don't know if you'll see them again. Puts lots of things into perspective!

    1.  @Rhemash your post reminds me how grateful I am that ending our phone calls with "I love you" is a HABIT in my family.  As a mom of young adults, I cannot begin to tell you how precious it is to hear, "Bye Mum, I love you"   Even though I've heard it a gazillion times, it is always fresh.  To have more love (aka peace) in the world, we just need to express more love.  We're on it.  Go us!

  27. True words, Randy. My mom fainted in church a few months ago and it gave me a wake up call that she won't always be here.  Every time I get off the phone with her or say goodbye, I say also I love you mom, you're my hero.
    I also began to apply that to my kids and other friends and family. You treat people differently when you don't know if you'll see them again. Puts lots of things into perspective!

  28. As always your words of wisdom give me food for thought and the inspiration I need.  Thanks Randy.

  29. As always your words of wisdom give me food for thought and the inspiration I need.  Thanks Randy.

  30. Hugs for the loss of your friend. 🙁   In the short time I've gotten to know you via Twitter and your blog-- I appreciate you.

  31. Hugs for the loss of your friend. 🙁   In the short time I've gotten to know you via Twitter and your blog-- I appreciate you.

  32. Thank you Randy, having lost a son at 31 know the sadness of a life too shortly lived. I too have learned from him to live life fully.
    Thank you for your reminder.

  33. Thank you Randy, having lost a son at 31 know the sadness of a life too shortly lived. I too have learned from him to live life fully.
    Thank you for your reminder.

  34. In the final analysis, "Love is All There Is". The more we give, the more we receive. And thanks for YOUR Love too Randy.. It's clear you love everyone in the RG community and offer so much value to us as a result!

  35. In the final analysis, "Love is All There Is". The more we give, the more we receive. And thanks for YOUR Love too Randy.. It's clear you love everyone in the RG community and offer so much value to us as a result!

  36. Sorry to hear about the lost of your friend, Randy. The lost of a life can surely bring clarity to our lives. It's a reality check that our days are numbered, and the gifts we have should be shared with others. Each day must be seized! For we never know when the day will be ours that's being called. Thanks for sharing the clarity you received with us. You and your friend's family have my condolences. 

  37. Sorry to hear about the lost of your friend, Randy. The lost of a life can surely bring clarity to our lives. It's a reality check that our days are numbered, and the gifts we have should be shared with others. Each day must be seized! For we never know when the day will be ours that's being called. Thanks for sharing the clarity you received with us. You and your friend's family have my condolences. 

  38. @denniswbarnett than go there give your has people work show but i from show thats watch only @CaresGeorge

  39. @denniswbarnett than go there give your has people work show but i from show thats watch only @CaresGeorge

  40. Randy

    How come you know so many people that have a death wish (subconsciously of course)? The last time I lost a friend/relative other than to old age, (which is technically disease I know), was half a lifetime ago. I wonder about the many sad tales you tell about your friends. I hope that you aren't subconsciously buying into any of that yourself. No one on this forum would want you to die of AIDS or something like that.

    With love

    1.  @carmen161595 Carmen, no - this is not -RG but your lines caught my attention, very much! I also have no people around me who die, a few did in the 90´s, also by cancer but they were no close friends. As much as I know of -RG he has a huge circle of people he knows, far more than we "own" so the percentage that there will be people who die is way higher than in a smaller circle. He travels the world since years and he meets hundreds of people and is for sure with many in touch.
      I was impressed by the idea that those people who died, did choose the opportunity to die, as you "said". Wow! That was deep.
      I love deepness. i am a "not afraid of depth" scuba-diver. 😉
      Got a Q.: do you think that our subconsciousness fools us so bad???

      1.  @Leeloo I agree, Randy knows a lot more people, easily more than me, but how many would he jump on a plane for? How many would he know enough about that he could right a short eulogy for on this blog for? I'm mindful that we become like those we surround ourselves with. It just strikes me that Randy knows a lot of people who move out of this physical existence in a hurry. It's food for thought. Randy challenges my thinking and sometimes, when I think it's appropriate, it's time to return the favour.

        1.  @carmen161595 Carmen, Randy has good friends, I know one friend of him personally, he´s my friend as well. But I live in Europe so there is distance.
          Randy doesn´t mention those close friends´ lives - here in his Blog - which is totally OK. Of course: it´s privacy. He does mention or write about those people who give him a topic to write about. And Randy shares his topis with others, not very many people do that.
          And the mind and our thoughts is all we have to live a life. Or to leave. And Carmen, if he challenges your thinking sometimes --> he made it!! It´s all he wants, to be critical with our thought process or to adjust it.
          But still, it was interesting to read that you think that those who die of cancer do approach into this direction subconsciously. It is a term....
          (I would love to see the expression of his face when reading this blogpost ....gosh...)

        2.  @carmen161595  @Leeloo Leeloo is right, I have a very large circle of people in my world.  And there actually are a lot more births, graduations, marriages and good things like that, than there are deaths. 
          But death is such a shocking development sometimes, it offers many lessons, so perhaps that's why I blog about it more.  And actually I did not know Matt.  (Although I must admit after the beautiful funeral service yesterday, I feel like I knew him for years.)  The reason I would jump on a plane for him, is the deep respect and love I have for two of his brothers and his father, who I work closely with.  -RG

  41. Randy

    How come you know so many people that have a death wish (subconsciously of course)? The last time I lost a friend/relative other than to old age, (which is technically disease I know), was half a lifetime ago. I wonder about the many sad tales you tell about your friends. I hope that you aren't subconsciously buying into any of that yourself. No one on this forum would want you to die of AIDS or something like that.

    With love

  42. Several months ago one of our officers, Jorge Oliveiro, while serving this nation in Afghanistan, was killed by an IED. At the Sheriff's Dept the following morning, there was a pervasive feeling of a collective gut punch. It was much more quiet than normal; no ball-busting. And even the toughest among us couldn't help but have difficulty finishing a sentence without our throats swelling. Jorge was one of the most well-liked and dedicated officers on the Department. He never took a sick day in his 11 years. A tragic death has a way of making you see mortality as all too real, and all too possible. So the next time you see a soldier, give him a hand salute for the rest of us.

  43. Several months ago one of our officers, Jorge Oliveiro, while serving this nation in Afghanistan, was killed by an IED. At the Sheriff's Dept the following morning, there was a pervasive feeling of a collective gut punch. It was much more quiet than normal; no ball-busting. And even the toughest among us couldn't help but have difficulty finishing a sentence without our throats swelling. Jorge was one of the most well-liked and dedicated officers on the Department. He never took a sick day in his 11 years. A tragic death has a way of making you see mortality as all too real, and all too possible. So the next time you see a soldier, give him a hand salute for the rest of us.

  44. Hi Randy, I appreciate you sharing this moment with us. If I am allowed, l had my share of moment years ago. I was not around when my mother passed. I missed her so much and I do not question God why so early. I promised myself that I would live my life in abundance and truly seek that and make the most of my life. I missed one moment again just last week. March 21, 2012. The day my daughter had her graduation day in my hometown. I was not with her.. which really broke my heart. because at this moment I'm still in quest for this change and getting to it because I want to be with my daughter. And more to this I want to reach out for others who are like me. Let them know there is hope. So, I want to thank you Randy for being God's instrument of change. God bless you!

  45. Hi Randy, I appreciate you sharing this moment with us. If I am allowed, l had my share of moment years ago. I was not around when my mother passed. I missed her so much and I do not question God why so early. I promised myself that I would live my life in abundance and truly seek that and make the most of my life. I missed one moment again just last week. March 21, 2012. The day my daughter had her graduation day in my hometown. I was not with her.. which really broke my heart. because at this moment I'm still in quest for this change and getting to it because I want to be with my daughter. And more to this I want to reach out for others who are like me. Let them know there is hope. So, I want to thank you Randy for being God's instrument of change. God bless you!

  46. Hi Randy
    I am sorry about your friend. Your first point really resonated with me because most of us want to avoid hardship like the plague. It is quite unpleasant in the moment and we do not understand. While I cannot say I am to the point where I welcome problems as much as the awesome stuff in life, the last several months have presented many challenges which highlighted many blocks and limiting beliefs I still hold and it really forced me into a space where I had no choice but to deal with the crap once and for all. I definitely see the value in these difficult times and am getting better at dealing with them because I know they move me forward. 

  47. Hi Randy
    I am sorry about your friend. Your first point really resonated with me because most of us want to avoid hardship like the plague. It is quite unpleasant in the moment and we do not understand. While I cannot say I am to the point where I welcome problems as much as the awesome stuff in life, the last several months have presented many challenges which highlighted many blocks and limiting beliefs I still hold and it really forced me into a space where I had no choice but to deal with the crap once and for all. I definitely see the value in these difficult times and am getting better at dealing with them because I know they move me forward. 

  48. I only started meditating two years ago. Since then, I have watched almost 500 sunrises & been "communing with God" for over 1000 hours. You're right: to live a full life of BEING and not just 'doing' on the treadmill, we have to live like it's an adventure & trust in a higher power. Good call. 

  49. I only started meditating two years ago. Since then, I have watched almost 500 sunrises & been "communing with God" for over 1000 hours. You're right: to live a full life of BEING and not just 'doing' on the treadmill, we have to live like it's an adventure & trust in a higher power. Good call. 

  50.  @carmen161595 Carmen, no - this is not -RG but your lines caught my attention, very much! I also have no people around me who die, a few did in the 90´s, also by cancer but they were no close friends. As much as I know of -RG he has a huge circle of people he knows, far more than we "own" so the percentage that there will be people who die is way higher than in a smaller circle. He travels the world since years and he meets hundreds of people and is for sure with many in touch.
    I was impressed by the idea that those people who died, did choose the opportunity to die, as you "said". Wow! That was deep.
    I love deepness. i am a "not afraid of depth" scuba-diver. 😉
    Got a Q.: do you think that our subconsciousness fools us so bad???

  51.  @Leeloo I agree, Randy knows a lot more people, easily more than me, but how many would he jump on a plane for? How many would he know enough about that he could right a short eulogy for on this blog for? I'm mindful that we become like those we surround ourselves with. It just strikes me that Randy knows a lot of people who move out of this physical existence in a hurry. It's food for thought. Randy challenges my thinking and sometimes, when I think it's appropriate, it's time to return the favour.

  52.  @carmen161595 Carmen, Randy has good friends, I know one friend of him personally, he´s my friend as well. But I live in Europe so there is distance.
    Randy doesn´t mention those close friends´ lives - here in his Blog - which is totally OK. Of course: it´s privacy. He does mention or write about those people who give him a topic to write about. And Randy shares his topis with others, not very many people do that.
    And the mind and our thoughts is all we have to live a life. Or to leave. And Carmen, if he challenges your thinking sometimes --> he made it!! It´s all he wants, to be critical with our thought process or to adjust it.
    But still, it was interesting to read that you think that those who die of cancer do approach into this direction subconsciously. It is a term....
    (I would love to see the expression of his face when reading this blogpost ....gosh...)

  53. Recently had this same experience.  Found out that someone who was vibrant and alove just a few days earlier was GONE.And it made my heart ACHE but reminded me to LIVE and LOVE and TRUST.Thanks Randy.

  54. Recently had this same experience.  Found out that someone who was vibrant and alove just a few days earlier was GONE.And it made my heart ACHE but reminded me to LIVE and LOVE and TRUST.Thanks Randy.

  55.  @Rhemash your post reminds me how grateful I am that ending our phone calls with "I love you" is a HABIT in my family.  As a mom of young adults, I cannot begin to tell you how precious it is to hear, "Bye Mum, I love you"   Even though I've heard it a gazillion times, it is always fresh.  To have more love (aka peace) in the world, we just need to express more love.  We're on it.  Go us!

  56.  @carmen161595  @Leeloo Leeloo is right, I have a very large circle of people in my world.  And there actually are a lot more births, graduations, marriages and good things like that, than there are deaths. 
    But death is such a shocking development sometimes, it offers many lessons, so perhaps that's why I blog about it more.  And actually I did not know Matt.  (Although I must admit after the beautiful funeral service yesterday, I feel like I knew him for years.)  The reason I would jump on a plane for him, is the deep respect and love I have for two of his brothers and his father, who I work closely with.  -RG

  57. Hi,
    I am sorry for the pain... i feel, that i must tell u the story i mentioned in Twitter. So, i had a Godfather who was brilliant in trying to teach me how to live the life, like a "game". As well, he was genius in observing the needs of other people, and then help them in secret way. Actually was always full of surprises. When someone realized, who helped.. or gave a surprise.. and asked.. how did u know it that i need this exactly?? He replied only: "The birds were singing about it." So this man, before dying- he had serious problems with his heart, and he felt that he doesnt have much time to live... had the afraid of dying. I promised him that i travel there the next weekend, friday.. When friday arrived... for noon, i was going home with my racebike as usual, and a strange but strong "power", like.... forced me to go on a road, on what i was going when i was a baby. What is more, i jumped off my bike, and was going home by walk, in a strange a stupid, but funny way, how little children do.. you know: pulling ur hands on the fence.. and i didnt know why i did it. All i knew: i was sooo sooo happy.. that it almost hurt me in physical way.. i was so full with energy and i felt i had to make these stupid childish things.. because i was sure: when i reach home, the SURPRISE will wait for me there.. just like in my baby time. Never i will forget the "happy-pain" in my chest, and the feeling that my Godfather was there with me. But i thouhgt.. oh it is impossible.. maybe i feel this, because i am going to visit him.. or maybe .. he feels better, and came to visit me as a surprise, and if i reach home, sure he waits me there!.. And when i opened the door.. a phone call.. and they told 10-15 minutes ago my Godfather died. Exactly at the time, when i jumped off my bike and came home. I couldnt visit him-, he came to visit me. It was one of his last surprises.  Best wishes from Hungary, Elisabeth

  58. Hi,
    I am sorry for the pain... i feel, that i must tell u the story i mentioned in Twitter. So, i had a Godfather who was brilliant in trying to teach me how to live the life, like a "game". As well, he was genius in observing the needs of other people, and then help them in secret way. Actually was always full of surprises. When someone realized, who helped.. or gave a surprise.. and asked.. how did u know it that i need this exactly?? He replied only: "The birds were singing about it." So this man, before dying- he had serious problems with his heart, and he felt that he doesnt have much time to live... had the afraid of dying. I promised him that i travel there the next weekend, friday.. When friday arrived... for noon, i was going home with my racebike as usual, and a strange but strong "power", like.... forced me to go on a road, on what i was going when i was a baby. What is more, i jumped off my bike, and was going home by walk, in a strange a stupid, but funny way, how little children do.. you know: pulling ur hands on the fence.. and i didnt know why i did it. All i knew: i was sooo sooo happy.. that it almost hurt me in physical way.. i was so full with energy and i felt i had to make these stupid childish things.. because i was sure: when i reach home, the SURPRISE will wait for me there.. just like in my baby time. Never i will forget the "happy-pain" in my chest, and the feeling that my Godfather was there with me. But i thouhgt.. oh it is impossible.. maybe i feel this, because i am going to visit him.. or maybe .. he feels better, and came to visit me as a surprise, and if i reach home, sure he waits me there!.. And when i opened the door.. a phone call.. and they told 10-15 minutes ago my Godfather died. Exactly at the time, when i jumped off my bike and came home. I couldnt visit him-, he came to visit me. It was one of his last surprises.  Best wishes from Hungary, Elisabeth

    1. @Randy_Gage 10 minutes ago I just learned of a very life changing event that is going to take place in my life. Changed my perspective 🙂

  59. @Randy_Gage 10 minutes ago I just learned of a very life changing event that is going to take place in my life. Changed my perspective 🙂

  60. Randy...I'm so sorry to hear about Craig's son....Please send my condolences ...,my thougths eand prayers
     are with the family...Thank you for your blog...Your daily blogs and comments everyday are a great inspiration...thanks for all the love you send every day....Sandi Greenberg

  61. Randy...I'm so sorry to hear about Craig's son....Please send my condolences ...,my thougths eand prayers
     are with the family...Thank you for your blog...Your daily blogs and comments everyday are a great inspiration...thanks for all the love you send every day....Sandi Greenberg

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  • 132 comments on “Live Now”

    1. Thank you Randy for all your wonderful posts and for getting us to really stop and do some critical thinking.  So sorry to hear about Matthew.  May he go with God.

    2. Thank you Randy for all your wonderful posts and for getting us to really stop and do some critical thinking.  So sorry to hear about Matthew.  May he go with God.

    3. It great to have friends that are real and true. Blessings to Matthew Bradley, his family and his friends. He lives on.

    4. It great to have friends that are real and true. Blessings to Matthew Bradley, his family and his friends. He lives on.

    5. We ALL wouldn´t be here on your virtual playground without respect, love and appreciation for You and each other  🙂
      - what a BLOG post start. 

    6. We ALL wouldn´t be here on your virtual playground without respect, love and appreciation for You and each other  🙂
      - but what a sad BLOG post start -

    7. We ALL wouldn´t be here on your virtual playground without respect, love and appreciation for You and each other  🙂
      - but what a sad BLOG post start -

    8. Good Morning Randy to you and your community. I am sorry to hear of the homegoing of your friend. I thank you for sharing this part of life's journey which so many fear and/or choose not to discuss. Also, for noting how important it is to LIVE Life and as a part of that to share our LOVE with and for each other. I know I believe those I love know that I do yet, saying it in a manner that they get it is a different experience. One I am acting on following this message. I get so caught up in my journey and my purpose, a timely pause (there are no accidents) is required. I thank you for reminding me just how precious this thing called LIFE is! Make it a Great Day! Joy and Much Thanks, DJ

    9. Good Morning Randy to you and your community. I am sorry to hear of the homegoing of your friend. I thank you for sharing this part of life's journey which so many fear and/or choose not to discuss. Also, for noting how important it is to LIVE Life and as a part of that to share our LOVE with and for each other. I know I believe those I love know that I do yet, saying it in a manner that they get it is a different experience. One I am acting on following this message. I get so caught up in my journey and my purpose, a timely pause (there are no accidents) is required. I thank you for reminding me just how precious this thing called LIFE is! Make it a Great Day! Joy and Much Thanks, DJ

    10. I'm so sorry for that, Randy. Matt is the best role-model of prosperity person as ever.I trust in the way you trust also. I will do it from now until I'm torn apart.

    11. I'm so sorry for that, Randy. Matt is the best role-model of prosperity person as ever.I trust in the way you trust also. I will do it from now until I'm torn apart.

    12. blessings to your friend and all he touched.  I'd love to buy your a cuppa if you're back in Orlando the last week of March.

    13. blessings to your friend and all he touched.  I'd love to buy your a cuppa if you're back in Orlando the last week of March.

    14. Gracias Randy por ser tan autentico,siento mucho la perdida de Mateo,mi mas sentido pesame a su familia y amigos.
      Tengo la gran fortuna de haberte conocido en Madrid,soy Mario.Gracias por ser mi tutor desde entonces.Un fuerte abrazo.

    15. Gracias Randy por ser tan autentico,siento mucho la perdida de Mateo,mi mas sentido pesame a su familia y amigos.
      Tengo la gran fortuna de haberte conocido en Madrid,soy Mario.Gracias por ser mi tutor desde entonces.Un fuerte abrazo.

    16. I think it is so important to celebrate every day and also to celebrate Matthew, and not to say that I am sorry for your loss. He obviously enriched and inspired many lives, so we must be incredibly grateful to have had the  opportunity to know someone like him. I am sorry that we don't pay more attention to what is important more often! Love ya, Randy!

    17. I think it is so important to celebrate every day and also to celebrate Matthew, and not to say that I am sorry for your loss. He obviously enriched and inspired many lives, so we must be incredibly grateful to have had the  opportunity to know someone like him. I am sorry that we don't pay more attention to what is important more often! Love ya, Randy!

    18. Randy, thanks for sharing this "mini-wake-up call".  All of us need to take the time to reflect on what and WHO is most important in our lives. All too often the little things don't matter - and we have to remind ourselves to value and appreciate the very things we frequently take for granted.  Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. May we all live an adventure and experience divine love. 

    19. Randy, thanks for sharing this "mini-wake-up call".  All of us need to take the time to reflect on what and WHO is most important in our lives. All too often the little things don't matter - and we have to remind ourselves to value and appreciate the very things we frequently take for granted.  Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. May we all live an adventure and experience divine love. 

    20. Randy, your comments re "I don't question my coaches..." are particularly timely for me, as I've been experiencing delays in my life (I want what I want, and I want that NOW).  This is not a peaceful state of mind, so have been looking for a new attitude.  "I don't question my coaches" is nice! 
      Nice, but not easy....especially when one of our dear ones gets pulled out of the game (sorry to hear about your Matthew).   I'd love to hear more from you on this theme of Not Questioning the Coach.  It's a Biggee. 

    21. Randy, your comments re "I don't question my coaches..." are particularly timely for me, as I've been experiencing delays in my life (I want what I want, and I want that NOW).  This is not a peaceful state of mind, so have been looking for a new attitude.  "I don't question my coaches" is nice! 
      Nice, but not easy....especially when one of our dear ones gets pulled out of the game (sorry to hear about your Matthew).   I'd love to hear more from you on this theme of Not Questioning the Coach.  It's a Biggee. 

    22. Great words of Advice! I always gain so much from your posts. And you are correct about the beautiful weather we are having here in Florida!Thanks Randy and God Bless!

    23. Great words of Advice! I always gain so much from your posts. And you are correct about the beautiful weather we are having here in Florida!Thanks Randy and God Bless!

    24. The Bradley family, they realy are specia peoplel. Bring my hug Craig, Zach and Jermias. 

    25. The Bradley family, they realy are specia peoplel. Bring my hug Craig, Zach and Jermias. 

    26. True words, Randy. My mom fainted in church a few months ago and it gave me a wake up call that she won't always be here.  Every time I get off the phone with her or say goodbye, I say also I love you mom, you're my hero.
      I also began to apply that to my kids and other friends and family. You treat people differently when you don't know if you'll see them again. Puts lots of things into perspective!

      1.  @Rhemash your post reminds me how grateful I am that ending our phone calls with "I love you" is a HABIT in my family.  As a mom of young adults, I cannot begin to tell you how precious it is to hear, "Bye Mum, I love you"   Even though I've heard it a gazillion times, it is always fresh.  To have more love (aka peace) in the world, we just need to express more love.  We're on it.  Go us!

    27. True words, Randy. My mom fainted in church a few months ago and it gave me a wake up call that she won't always be here.  Every time I get off the phone with her or say goodbye, I say also I love you mom, you're my hero.
      I also began to apply that to my kids and other friends and family. You treat people differently when you don't know if you'll see them again. Puts lots of things into perspective!

    28. As always your words of wisdom give me food for thought and the inspiration I need.  Thanks Randy.

    29. As always your words of wisdom give me food for thought and the inspiration I need.  Thanks Randy.

    30. Hugs for the loss of your friend. 🙁   In the short time I've gotten to know you via Twitter and your blog-- I appreciate you.

    31. Hugs for the loss of your friend. 🙁   In the short time I've gotten to know you via Twitter and your blog-- I appreciate you.

    32. Thank you Randy, having lost a son at 31 know the sadness of a life too shortly lived. I too have learned from him to live life fully.
      Thank you for your reminder.

    33. Thank you Randy, having lost a son at 31 know the sadness of a life too shortly lived. I too have learned from him to live life fully.
      Thank you for your reminder.

    34. In the final analysis, "Love is All There Is". The more we give, the more we receive. And thanks for YOUR Love too Randy.. It's clear you love everyone in the RG community and offer so much value to us as a result!

    35. In the final analysis, "Love is All There Is". The more we give, the more we receive. And thanks for YOUR Love too Randy.. It's clear you love everyone in the RG community and offer so much value to us as a result!

    36. Sorry to hear about the lost of your friend, Randy. The lost of a life can surely bring clarity to our lives. It's a reality check that our days are numbered, and the gifts we have should be shared with others. Each day must be seized! For we never know when the day will be ours that's being called. Thanks for sharing the clarity you received with us. You and your friend's family have my condolences. 

    37. Sorry to hear about the lost of your friend, Randy. The lost of a life can surely bring clarity to our lives. It's a reality check that our days are numbered, and the gifts we have should be shared with others. Each day must be seized! For we never know when the day will be ours that's being called. Thanks for sharing the clarity you received with us. You and your friend's family have my condolences. 

    38. @denniswbarnett than go there give your has people work show but i from show thats watch only @CaresGeorge

    39. @denniswbarnett than go there give your has people work show but i from show thats watch only @CaresGeorge

    40. Randy

      How come you know so many people that have a death wish (subconsciously of course)? The last time I lost a friend/relative other than to old age, (which is technically disease I know), was half a lifetime ago. I wonder about the many sad tales you tell about your friends. I hope that you aren't subconsciously buying into any of that yourself. No one on this forum would want you to die of AIDS or something like that.

      With love

      1.  @carmen161595 Carmen, no - this is not -RG but your lines caught my attention, very much! I also have no people around me who die, a few did in the 90´s, also by cancer but they were no close friends. As much as I know of -RG he has a huge circle of people he knows, far more than we "own" so the percentage that there will be people who die is way higher than in a smaller circle. He travels the world since years and he meets hundreds of people and is for sure with many in touch.
        I was impressed by the idea that those people who died, did choose the opportunity to die, as you "said". Wow! That was deep.
        I love deepness. i am a "not afraid of depth" scuba-diver. 😉
        Got a Q.: do you think that our subconsciousness fools us so bad???

        1.  @Leeloo I agree, Randy knows a lot more people, easily more than me, but how many would he jump on a plane for? How many would he know enough about that he could right a short eulogy for on this blog for? I'm mindful that we become like those we surround ourselves with. It just strikes me that Randy knows a lot of people who move out of this physical existence in a hurry. It's food for thought. Randy challenges my thinking and sometimes, when I think it's appropriate, it's time to return the favour.

          1.  @carmen161595 Carmen, Randy has good friends, I know one friend of him personally, he´s my friend as well. But I live in Europe so there is distance.
            Randy doesn´t mention those close friends´ lives - here in his Blog - which is totally OK. Of course: it´s privacy. He does mention or write about those people who give him a topic to write about. And Randy shares his topis with others, not very many people do that.
            And the mind and our thoughts is all we have to live a life. Or to leave. And Carmen, if he challenges your thinking sometimes --> he made it!! It´s all he wants, to be critical with our thought process or to adjust it.
            But still, it was interesting to read that you think that those who die of cancer do approach into this direction subconsciously. It is a term....
            (I would love to see the expression of his face when reading this blogpost ....gosh...)

          2.  @carmen161595  @Leeloo Leeloo is right, I have a very large circle of people in my world.  And there actually are a lot more births, graduations, marriages and good things like that, than there are deaths. 
            But death is such a shocking development sometimes, it offers many lessons, so perhaps that's why I blog about it more.  And actually I did not know Matt.  (Although I must admit after the beautiful funeral service yesterday, I feel like I knew him for years.)  The reason I would jump on a plane for him, is the deep respect and love I have for two of his brothers and his father, who I work closely with.  -RG

    41. Randy

      How come you know so many people that have a death wish (subconsciously of course)? The last time I lost a friend/relative other than to old age, (which is technically disease I know), was half a lifetime ago. I wonder about the many sad tales you tell about your friends. I hope that you aren't subconsciously buying into any of that yourself. No one on this forum would want you to die of AIDS or something like that.

      With love

    42. Several months ago one of our officers, Jorge Oliveiro, while serving this nation in Afghanistan, was killed by an IED. At the Sheriff's Dept the following morning, there was a pervasive feeling of a collective gut punch. It was much more quiet than normal; no ball-busting. And even the toughest among us couldn't help but have difficulty finishing a sentence without our throats swelling. Jorge was one of the most well-liked and dedicated officers on the Department. He never took a sick day in his 11 years. A tragic death has a way of making you see mortality as all too real, and all too possible. So the next time you see a soldier, give him a hand salute for the rest of us.

    43. Several months ago one of our officers, Jorge Oliveiro, while serving this nation in Afghanistan, was killed by an IED. At the Sheriff's Dept the following morning, there was a pervasive feeling of a collective gut punch. It was much more quiet than normal; no ball-busting. And even the toughest among us couldn't help but have difficulty finishing a sentence without our throats swelling. Jorge was one of the most well-liked and dedicated officers on the Department. He never took a sick day in his 11 years. A tragic death has a way of making you see mortality as all too real, and all too possible. So the next time you see a soldier, give him a hand salute for the rest of us.

    44. Hi Randy, I appreciate you sharing this moment with us. If I am allowed, l had my share of moment years ago. I was not around when my mother passed. I missed her so much and I do not question God why so early. I promised myself that I would live my life in abundance and truly seek that and make the most of my life. I missed one moment again just last week. March 21, 2012. The day my daughter had her graduation day in my hometown. I was not with her.. which really broke my heart. because at this moment I'm still in quest for this change and getting to it because I want to be with my daughter. And more to this I want to reach out for others who are like me. Let them know there is hope. So, I want to thank you Randy for being God's instrument of change. God bless you!

    45. Hi Randy, I appreciate you sharing this moment with us. If I am allowed, l had my share of moment years ago. I was not around when my mother passed. I missed her so much and I do not question God why so early. I promised myself that I would live my life in abundance and truly seek that and make the most of my life. I missed one moment again just last week. March 21, 2012. The day my daughter had her graduation day in my hometown. I was not with her.. which really broke my heart. because at this moment I'm still in quest for this change and getting to it because I want to be with my daughter. And more to this I want to reach out for others who are like me. Let them know there is hope. So, I want to thank you Randy for being God's instrument of change. God bless you!

    46. Hi Randy
      I am sorry about your friend. Your first point really resonated with me because most of us want to avoid hardship like the plague. It is quite unpleasant in the moment and we do not understand. While I cannot say I am to the point where I welcome problems as much as the awesome stuff in life, the last several months have presented many challenges which highlighted many blocks and limiting beliefs I still hold and it really forced me into a space where I had no choice but to deal with the crap once and for all. I definitely see the value in these difficult times and am getting better at dealing with them because I know they move me forward. 

    47. Hi Randy
      I am sorry about your friend. Your first point really resonated with me because most of us want to avoid hardship like the plague. It is quite unpleasant in the moment and we do not understand. While I cannot say I am to the point where I welcome problems as much as the awesome stuff in life, the last several months have presented many challenges which highlighted many blocks and limiting beliefs I still hold and it really forced me into a space where I had no choice but to deal with the crap once and for all. I definitely see the value in these difficult times and am getting better at dealing with them because I know they move me forward. 

    48. I only started meditating two years ago. Since then, I have watched almost 500 sunrises & been "communing with God" for over 1000 hours. You're right: to live a full life of BEING and not just 'doing' on the treadmill, we have to live like it's an adventure & trust in a higher power. Good call. 

    49. I only started meditating two years ago. Since then, I have watched almost 500 sunrises & been "communing with God" for over 1000 hours. You're right: to live a full life of BEING and not just 'doing' on the treadmill, we have to live like it's an adventure & trust in a higher power. Good call. 

    50.  @carmen161595 Carmen, no - this is not -RG but your lines caught my attention, very much! I also have no people around me who die, a few did in the 90´s, also by cancer but they were no close friends. As much as I know of -RG he has a huge circle of people he knows, far more than we "own" so the percentage that there will be people who die is way higher than in a smaller circle. He travels the world since years and he meets hundreds of people and is for sure with many in touch.
      I was impressed by the idea that those people who died, did choose the opportunity to die, as you "said". Wow! That was deep.
      I love deepness. i am a "not afraid of depth" scuba-diver. 😉
      Got a Q.: do you think that our subconsciousness fools us so bad???

    51.  @Leeloo I agree, Randy knows a lot more people, easily more than me, but how many would he jump on a plane for? How many would he know enough about that he could right a short eulogy for on this blog for? I'm mindful that we become like those we surround ourselves with. It just strikes me that Randy knows a lot of people who move out of this physical existence in a hurry. It's food for thought. Randy challenges my thinking and sometimes, when I think it's appropriate, it's time to return the favour.

    52.  @carmen161595 Carmen, Randy has good friends, I know one friend of him personally, he´s my friend as well. But I live in Europe so there is distance.
      Randy doesn´t mention those close friends´ lives - here in his Blog - which is totally OK. Of course: it´s privacy. He does mention or write about those people who give him a topic to write about. And Randy shares his topis with others, not very many people do that.
      And the mind and our thoughts is all we have to live a life. Or to leave. And Carmen, if he challenges your thinking sometimes --> he made it!! It´s all he wants, to be critical with our thought process or to adjust it.
      But still, it was interesting to read that you think that those who die of cancer do approach into this direction subconsciously. It is a term....
      (I would love to see the expression of his face when reading this blogpost ....gosh...)

    53. Recently had this same experience.  Found out that someone who was vibrant and alove just a few days earlier was GONE.And it made my heart ACHE but reminded me to LIVE and LOVE and TRUST.Thanks Randy.

    54. Recently had this same experience.  Found out that someone who was vibrant and alove just a few days earlier was GONE.And it made my heart ACHE but reminded me to LIVE and LOVE and TRUST.Thanks Randy.

    55.  @Rhemash your post reminds me how grateful I am that ending our phone calls with "I love you" is a HABIT in my family.  As a mom of young adults, I cannot begin to tell you how precious it is to hear, "Bye Mum, I love you"   Even though I've heard it a gazillion times, it is always fresh.  To have more love (aka peace) in the world, we just need to express more love.  We're on it.  Go us!

    56.  @carmen161595  @Leeloo Leeloo is right, I have a very large circle of people in my world.  And there actually are a lot more births, graduations, marriages and good things like that, than there are deaths. 
      But death is such a shocking development sometimes, it offers many lessons, so perhaps that's why I blog about it more.  And actually I did not know Matt.  (Although I must admit after the beautiful funeral service yesterday, I feel like I knew him for years.)  The reason I would jump on a plane for him, is the deep respect and love I have for two of his brothers and his father, who I work closely with.  -RG

    57. Hi,
      I am sorry for the pain... i feel, that i must tell u the story i mentioned in Twitter. So, i had a Godfather who was brilliant in trying to teach me how to live the life, like a "game". As well, he was genius in observing the needs of other people, and then help them in secret way. Actually was always full of surprises. When someone realized, who helped.. or gave a surprise.. and asked.. how did u know it that i need this exactly?? He replied only: "The birds were singing about it." So this man, before dying- he had serious problems with his heart, and he felt that he doesnt have much time to live... had the afraid of dying. I promised him that i travel there the next weekend, friday.. When friday arrived... for noon, i was going home with my racebike as usual, and a strange but strong "power", like.... forced me to go on a road, on what i was going when i was a baby. What is more, i jumped off my bike, and was going home by walk, in a strange a stupid, but funny way, how little children do.. you know: pulling ur hands on the fence.. and i didnt know why i did it. All i knew: i was sooo sooo happy.. that it almost hurt me in physical way.. i was so full with energy and i felt i had to make these stupid childish things.. because i was sure: when i reach home, the SURPRISE will wait for me there.. just like in my baby time. Never i will forget the "happy-pain" in my chest, and the feeling that my Godfather was there with me. But i thouhgt.. oh it is impossible.. maybe i feel this, because i am going to visit him.. or maybe .. he feels better, and came to visit me as a surprise, and if i reach home, sure he waits me there!.. And when i opened the door.. a phone call.. and they told 10-15 minutes ago my Godfather died. Exactly at the time, when i jumped off my bike and came home. I couldnt visit him-, he came to visit me. It was one of his last surprises.  Best wishes from Hungary, Elisabeth

    58. Hi,
      I am sorry for the pain... i feel, that i must tell u the story i mentioned in Twitter. So, i had a Godfather who was brilliant in trying to teach me how to live the life, like a "game". As well, he was genius in observing the needs of other people, and then help them in secret way. Actually was always full of surprises. When someone realized, who helped.. or gave a surprise.. and asked.. how did u know it that i need this exactly?? He replied only: "The birds were singing about it." So this man, before dying- he had serious problems with his heart, and he felt that he doesnt have much time to live... had the afraid of dying. I promised him that i travel there the next weekend, friday.. When friday arrived... for noon, i was going home with my racebike as usual, and a strange but strong "power", like.... forced me to go on a road, on what i was going when i was a baby. What is more, i jumped off my bike, and was going home by walk, in a strange a stupid, but funny way, how little children do.. you know: pulling ur hands on the fence.. and i didnt know why i did it. All i knew: i was sooo sooo happy.. that it almost hurt me in physical way.. i was so full with energy and i felt i had to make these stupid childish things.. because i was sure: when i reach home, the SURPRISE will wait for me there.. just like in my baby time. Never i will forget the "happy-pain" in my chest, and the feeling that my Godfather was there with me. But i thouhgt.. oh it is impossible.. maybe i feel this, because i am going to visit him.. or maybe .. he feels better, and came to visit me as a surprise, and if i reach home, sure he waits me there!.. And when i opened the door.. a phone call.. and they told 10-15 minutes ago my Godfather died. Exactly at the time, when i jumped off my bike and came home. I couldnt visit him-, he came to visit me. It was one of his last surprises.  Best wishes from Hungary, Elisabeth

      1. @Randy_Gage 10 minutes ago I just learned of a very life changing event that is going to take place in my life. Changed my perspective 🙂

    59. @Randy_Gage 10 minutes ago I just learned of a very life changing event that is going to take place in my life. Changed my perspective 🙂

    60. Randy...I'm so sorry to hear about Craig's son....Please send my condolences ...,my thougths eand prayers
       are with the family...Thank you for your blog...Your daily blogs and comments everyday are a great inspiration...thanks for all the love you send every day....Sandi Greenberg

    61. Randy...I'm so sorry to hear about Craig's son....Please send my condolences ...,my thougths eand prayers
       are with the family...Thank you for your blog...Your daily blogs and comments everyday are a great inspiration...thanks for all the love you send every day....Sandi Greenberg

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