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Live Bold

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 16, 2011

I had a great day at the ball field Sunday.  I’m on a new team, we’re not that good, and we lost both games.  And I had a total of one hit for the day.

But a bad day playing ball beats a good day doing anything else…

And it sure came into sharper to focus when I got home and learned that Indy car driver Dan Wheldon had died in a horrific crash.  I’m actually more of an Indy car fan than NASCAR, and Dan always brought excitement to the sport.

So it’s so sad to know he’s gone.  But I’m happy that he went out on his terms, doing what he loved to do.  Bittersweet.

You never know when your time is up.  And that’s why you have to live every day.  Live out loud, in color, with passion.

Live bold.


6 comments on “Live Bold”

  1. People who go away doing what they love best is one of their greatest moment in life cos they were present in that moment of time.

  2. Living any other way is dying a little each moment.

    Bold acts make for a bold life. When your time is up, and you've lived boldly, you will be happy no matter how you pass on.

    I just arrived in Bali. After 2 months in Phuket. After 2 months in Cambodia. After a month in Phuket. After a few weeks in Bali.

    I made bold decisions to go from a guy who's net worth was 4 cents (no typo) to this. Boldness is directness, meaning you go from A to B in a straight line, an uncomfortable line but a damn fulfilling line.


  3. Heard over BBC that Dan Wheldon died tragically.

    Just 3 days ago a childhood friend called me from Hopeisland in Queensland that her husband just passed on and she is in deep grief. Everything in the house reminds her of him. (Very loving couple), So, she is going back to playing more bridge and resume golfing. What can I say as to how to cope with grief? Paul said 'Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep'.

    It'so apt that you wrote 'live out loud, in color with passion because we all have a shelf life

  4. Hi Randy,

    thanks for sharing this. You get me thinking when you wrote that a day doing what we love is worth more than doing anything else - even when we lose the game at this particular day. No one loves to lose but who loves to do anything one doesn't love either ?

    Be blessed and be bold


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  • 6 comments on “Live Bold”

    1. People who go away doing what they love best is one of their greatest moment in life cos they were present in that moment of time.

    2. Living any other way is dying a little each moment.

      Bold acts make for a bold life. When your time is up, and you've lived boldly, you will be happy no matter how you pass on.

      I just arrived in Bali. After 2 months in Phuket. After 2 months in Cambodia. After a month in Phuket. After a few weeks in Bali.

      I made bold decisions to go from a guy who's net worth was 4 cents (no typo) to this. Boldness is directness, meaning you go from A to B in a straight line, an uncomfortable line but a damn fulfilling line.


    3. Heard over BBC that Dan Wheldon died tragically.

      Just 3 days ago a childhood friend called me from Hopeisland in Queensland that her husband just passed on and she is in deep grief. Everything in the house reminds her of him. (Very loving couple), So, she is going back to playing more bridge and resume golfing. What can I say as to how to cope with grief? Paul said 'Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep'.

      It'so apt that you wrote 'live out loud, in color with passion because we all have a shelf life

    4. Hi Randy,

      thanks for sharing this. You get me thinking when you wrote that a day doing what we love is worth more than doing anything else - even when we lose the game at this particular day. No one loves to lose but who loves to do anything one doesn't love either ?

      Be blessed and be bold


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