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Life by the Power of Thought

Posted By: Randy GageNovember 20, 2018

Ralph Waldo Emerson told us that life consists of what a man is thinking all day.  A pretty simple yet pretty profound definition, wouldn’t you agree? 

So it stands to reason that negative thoughts create a negative life and positive thoughts create a positive life.  What a concept.

Of course we all have unwanted thoughts pop into our head from time to time.  But once you’re mindful of the issue, you can catch yourself and redirect.  And the more attention you give this process, the stronger effect you will have on your ultimate destiny.

Aint it great!

- RG

2 comments on “Life by the Power of Thought”

  1. Thank you for that, very true and I learned it the hard way. 🙂 A small issue, the faint grey font on the blog pages is quite hard to read, could you guys make it more eye friendly? Cheers, Chris

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  • 2 comments on “Life by the Power of Thought”

    1. Thank you for that, very true and I learned it the hard way. 🙂 A small issue, the faint grey font on the blog pages is quite hard to read, could you guys make it more eye friendly? Cheers, Chris

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