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Let Us Despise the Slaves

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 3, 2010

So in yesterday’s post, we discussed Brian’s comment about millions of people being oppressed by others pursuing greed.  I believe both the oppressor and the oppressed are co-creators in lack.  

Take the example I gave two days ago in the Skepticism versus Cynicism post. That guy who didn’t buy the hotel will say afterward he was victimized by the greedy people.  But he actually had the same opportunity for prosperity.  He just didn’t take it.

Take another example:

Politicians get drunk with power and want to stay in office.  So they create entitlement programs to buy off large chucks of voters.  They run a deficit, have to print more money, which devalues the currency, causes inflation, and makes the situation worse.  The herd won’t care, as long as they’re offered free health care or other forms of Socialism.  They figure the evil, greedy rich people don’t need the money anyway.

Eventually the government cannot keep up the Ponzi scheme just by taxing the productive members of society, because there are too few of them and too many people that decide it makes more sense to go for the handouts.  So the government creates the perfect “stupid tax” – a lottery.

People that can least afford it, will take money they could be spending on groceries to try and win a multi-million-dollar payout.  Of course they are being victimized, but that’s a victimization they actually volunteered for.

Now try this one on for size.  Quoting James Allen from As a Man Thinketh:

"It has been usual for men to think and to say, ‘Many men are slaves because one is an oppressor; let us hate the oppressor.’

“Now, however, there is among an increasing few a tendency to reverse this judgment, and to say, ‘One man is an oppressor because many are slaves; let us despise the slaves.’"

What do you think about that?


51 comments on “Let Us Despise the Slaves”

  1. -RG,

    I think that JA is correct. We see it today everywhere. People are saying give me-give me-give me. The only out come to that is we all end up equal.
    Equally miserable.


    1. Communism doesn't work. They tried it in Russia, and China is moving away from it.

      Clearly, one small group of people owning everything isn't good either. It prevents the world from moving forward. We need innovation, and innovation rarely comes from people who want to keep things the way they are.

      Disgusted with both parties in the States for that reason. We need a more Libertarian government and a true Free Market.

  2. The vast majority of people living inside the USA are slaves and even more so than the serfs in Europe. While the serfs don't get to keep as much of their labor they can escape anytime they choose and go somewhere else giving up less or nothing if they choose wisely. If you are a 'citizen' of the USA no matter where you live you must 'share' how much you earned each year and because it is all theirs they let you keep some of it.

    The trick is to keep the slaves mesmerized by the biggest ponzi [SSN] while doing what they can to insure the slaves won't win that one either. [They even tax is twice and fine you if you earn too much to have both!?] Then keep up a magic act with a left hand puppet and a right hand puppet offered by a media whose primary purpose is to keep you entertained and take the rest of the little left the GOV lets you keep.

    The more Balkanized and separate they can keep people the better it is for the puppet masters. Send your kids to slave camp [government indoctrination camps...schools] and be convinced your opinion about the puppet on the right [or left] is the choice that will make a difference... only for them never for you... I hear there is another puppet this year selling tea. Same master puppeteer…. There is one choice; personal sovereignty and MLM.

  3. Awesome! As soon as I saw the title, I knew you'd bring up this James Allen quote!

    Allen goes on to say:

    "The truth is that oppressor and slave are cooperators in ignorance, and, while seeming to afflict each other, are in reality afflicting themselves."

    Life is a co-creative experience, you get back what you put in & other people will find room for you in their own creation.

    A greedy businessman may attract victims to exploit, but those who are victimized attracted him as well. So, everybody gets what they ask for by their thought and subsequent action.

    Cool one, Randy!

    All the best,


    1. Josip's further exploring of this subject really helps me with the concept. I get that the greedy businessman and many of those victimized could have had elements of attracting each other. There is no free lunch, and those who actively pursue one imperil themselves and those around them.

  4. Just got an email called Spiritual Wealth... found there is a symposium called full of libertarians, one of the symposiums had a guy swearing in on Darwin's Order of the Species instead of a Bible.. ha ha... definitely want to attend next year's... even brave Vegas July heat to go to it... over 2,500 like minded people attending addressing topics of how to reduce taxes, improve health etc... sounds like a lot of interesting fun...

  5. I think this makes lots of sense in the world of ideas but not sense in the world of physical competition for limited resources. In your oppressor and slaves example, to be intellectually honest...we have to recognize that it isn't one overseer/owner and a hundred slaves. It is one overseer/owner backed-up by armed guards, police or a political system with huge amounts of power to force their will on the slaves. Randy, when you are making mind expanding and challenging points...yet use sweeping examples I'm not sure how literally to take you. I DO wish to increase my openness to powerful ideas, and defeat lack programming or memes. However, I am someone who takes words very seriously. If you put out an example and say isn't this the case...I will examine it literally.

    1. This post, like many I write isn't about me telling you want to think. It's designed to get you to think about things that perhaps you've never thought about that way before.


      1. As if you could force someone to think a certain way, Rany. All you could possibly achieve is make them aware they can choose whatever they wish to think. And by making them aware, you give them that choice and that is the only way to true freedom

  6. In my opinion, one man is an oppressor due to the fact that many are slaves; this is why the slaves are useful, I have no reason to despise them.

  7. Man that James Allen was a classic. Books like "As a Man Thinketh" should be required reading. The world would be a different place if personal development were a priority in our schools.

    The slaves oppress themselves. Not sure which philosopher it was but I remember a Greek sage saying the most vile act is to be conquered by self, and this is what happens when slaves choose to be slaves.

    Ryan Biddulph

  8. Hey Randy,

    I was actually going to post that exact same quote from "As a Man Thinketh" so I was crushed to see you had beat me to it! :_(

    Following James Allen's line of thought though:

    "A man can only rise, conquer, and achieve by lifting up his thoughts. He can only remain weak, and abject, and miserable by refusing to lift up his thoughts"

    I am going to disagree with the "Refusing" portion of that statement by quoting an earlier part of the same book:

    "Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the creature of outside conditions, but when he realizes that he is a creative power...... he then becomes the rightful master of himself"

    Realization can only happen:

    "When he begins to reflect upon his condition and to search diligently for the Law upon which his being is established, he then becomes the wise master"

    To interject a bit of my own thoughts, I don't think you can hate the "slaves" because most of them believe themselves to be buffeted by outside circumstances. I believe the only people you can lose respect for are those whose minds are open to the law of thought and still remain slaves out of their own laziness.

    I think the fact that we see so many people in the position of "slavery" should actually foster a strong desire within those who are "Free" to help bring other people to the point of "Realization"; or as James Allen puts it:

    "A perfect knowledge perceives the action of law in the weakness of the oppressed and the misapplied power of the oppressor; a perfect love, seeing the suffering which both states entail, condemns neither; a perfect compassion embraces both oppressor and oppressed"


    Chris Widener Jr.

    "When you walk with purpose, you collide with destiny"

  9. Once again.....not to get off topic (i'm really bad about that....sorry) but I notice another theme in the language of many of the responses to your last few posts. I keep seeing this phrase "limited resources" and then people keep saying you have to be intellectually honest. I am a firm believer In axioms. I think your core philosophies will shape the person you are more effectively than anything else you try to adopt. So, one who believes we have " limited resources" is not able to grasp unlimited prosperity. How do we not have limited resources? Our Ideas ARE unlimited....true.....and it is our Ideas that CREATE the resources. We burned wood til we found fossil fuels. now we are on the cutting edge of wind and solar power. Cars ran on gasoline, now they can run on vegetable oil. When our ideas become physical things, resources are limitless.

    1. The original diesel engine was actually designed to run on vegetable oil - peanut oil specifically. You refine vegetable oil with a methanol/sodium hydroxide solution and that is how you get biodeisel. But they figured that out a long time ago.
      An excellent example of ideas that create prosperity is the mileage I get out of my 2010 F150. This vehicle weighs 5700 pounds - 5900 with me in it. I caried a 1200 pound load on the city / highway and got 18.5 MPG. This would have been unheard of 10 years ago. I get value because of the mileage and utility it offers now that I'm in a rural area. I would have bought another Explorer but our bastard government recently imposed a $2000 "environmental tax" on those vehicles and left the pick-up trucks alone. They distorted the market. Wasn't going to give them 2000 of my hard earned money just for that.

      1. Very good point Edward. In addition, the original design of Henry Ford ran on alcohol. It was only after being pressured and threatened by the oil companies that he converted over to an internal combustion engine that ran on gasoline. If Henry Ford had fought them, would he had still been as successful? I believe this goes back to Randy's point of the oppressor and the oppressed being in tandem with each other.

    2. I agree that PEOPLE and their ideas are what makes for an unlimited resource-world. At the same time, we obviously have to realize that the very fact that we keep moving from different sources to others is because we are depleting the ones we have been using.

      No matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides!

  10. RG,

    If there were no slaves there would be no oppressors. What did Eleanor Roosevelt say, "Someone can only take your power if you let them.

    I think you are exactly right about politician's, but I also have to say that Mr. and Mrs. Smith are not going to Washington,D.C., it is the lobbyists. The insurance, banks who through the same greed byoff the votes in Congress.

    I think Americans are getting fed up with both parties and are tired of everything being for the good of the Congressman and women. When new people go to Congress I think it is like a family where the father is raping the older daughter and the younger daughter is taught by the older sister who the program works. Keep your mouth shut go along and you will get extra presents at Christmas.

    The young kid doesn't have a chance. It is going to take a concerted effort of people to keep the Congress honest. I don't know if it is possible.


  11. "Let Us Despise the Slaves", I would try not to despise anyone......It is not uncommon for those to look down their noises at those with less material and mental resources, in fact some would think it is fashionable almost hip.

    Its like making fun a of child that has not yet learned to walk, finding your way in life takes time.For me it was not so much about owning a whole lot of crap.It was about finding out about me, what actually make me happy.That is about self.

  12. This planet is designed as a place where beings with a victim mentality can learn to overcome it.

    That's why experiences here for so many are so extreme.

    But they chose to have it so, which sounds "impossible", but the decision was made before incarnation, and when you're in "that place", you're certainly just a little bit more aware of who and what you really are.

    You probably got so pissed off at realizing you’re so far away from your true potential that you told your Oversoul to finally:

    "Give me the most challenging conditions around that I can still handle so I can finally get back and act on who and what I really am."

    The reason there's so many people here now is that the circumstances are so severe they can never be repeated. This opportunity will never come back.

    So, in this place, here and now, it goes a little further than just having some oppressors around having fun.

    This population is self-governing within rules that are pre-established by the oppressors.

    They want from you just enough soul energy to animate a body as a functional worker.

    They don't want the whole you in the body and certainly not at full capacity.

    They create the circumstances that make the individual believe that their choices are limited, on all levels.

    Many methods are used to keep your mind and soul "free-floating" and available to anyone who might want to use it as well as "capture" your emotional energy and ultimately your soul-energy.

    Things like dream interpretation and symbology, just to name a few critical factors, are simply discarded by the masses.

    The true nature of the oppressors is that they want to control and even replace God-Mind and create their own universe. This is where Satanism comes in.

    Of course they know all the universal laws,

    but they don't want you to know them, so they can control you.

    True spiritual concepts and ideas are masked from your existence.

    May The Slaves Finally Learn.

  13. Randy, your posts are always thought-provoking.

    It seems to me that we are all extensions of universal energy, or Source, or whatever you want to call it - and which also seems to me to be only constructive, creative, enlarging. So, I figure that's who we really are. When my attitude is in line with that, I feel good. When it's not, I feel bad.

    I don't think blame is in line with who we really are because blaming (either the oppressor or the oppressed) doesn't make me feel good. So for myself, I'm not interested in despising anybody. The more I practice it, the more I find I am able to observe without judging, and then look for the best in everyone. No big moral thing - it simply makes me feel better. Which matters to me.

  14. Hello Randy, I know this is not a customer complaint department, but I bought a copy of Dumb Sick and Broke for a friend of mine and pages 119 - 122 were missing as well as 143-146. I thought I would bring it your attention because your publisher may have quality control issues. I have to send it back and would like to buy the book from this website instead. I just would like to have the reassurance of no missing pages.

    1. 119-122 you only missed a paragraph on forgiveness and the other two are blank. So forgive everyone and u have the lesson 🙂
      143-146 Just be selfish and kick out stupid moocher Eddie. Leave the victim friends. It was a good story. Those pages are worth having 😉

  15. The chains start in your own mind, and to think anything of others -- to put any judgment on others -- is to reflect judgment you have in your own brain somewhere.

    Resistance to what is causes pain. Everyone came here on the planet to learn something, to grow, to change, to break through some tie that bound or binds.

    Cycle of poverty is a tough nut to crack, you did it, I did it, others will and some won't.

    Release all judgment of what holds people back, allow it, know that when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

    Why despise anyone? It takes too much energy that could be spent helping a friend.

  16. Instead of despising the slaves, I will despise the act of slavery in any form (body, mind & soul) and it is up to us to stand united as a beacon of light for those enslaved. For they have been sold a rotten bill of goods. I was one myself.

    As for government, the late, great comedian George Carlin once said, "I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don't believe anything the government tells me."
    That's a wise statement and it is a good starting point.

    May all slaves liberate themselves!

  17. Randy you are right! I believe the problem is complicated because the oppressor hides the information to slave. The education system is organized in such a way that a very few have the complete vision about the world and creecion. This is a very key of oppresson.

  18. "One man is an oppressor because many are slaves; let us despise the slaves."

    You are right, we always despise those who are evil, I don't say we shouldn't but I think we should blame the victim too, we have a proverb in Persian,I don't know the exact translation, it says "As long as there are idiots, indigent would not be worry " we have another one (this one is really hard to translate) that means It's us that let others to abuse us .

  19. I agree with the premise that there has to be cooperation from the oppressed. This post makes me think back to years ago when I first entered the workforce and had a union job. At that time, being young and hungry I though this was the way to go. We (the union members) at one point went on strike for more "fair pay" and better benefits, along with what we thought were unfair working conditions from management of the company (the oppressor). When the union members (the oppressed) went on strike, it was a mentality of how management (the oppressor) was keeping the union workers down and keeping them from a better life. I woke up to the realization that I wasn't forced into that situation and did have other choices, left, and moved on to a better career.
    I know this may be a mild analogy to the oppressor / oppressed situation, but it does still point to the fact that the oppressed have to be cooperative to be in that situation and are just as guilty as the oppressor.

    1. Great conversation for the last few days! It's "funny" that Randy shared that quote. I've never heard it before, but recently I've been admitting to others that I'm a slave in the process of breaking free from the tyranny of most of the cultural norms of which I had whole heartily accepted. I now see the opportunity I have to create my own wealth and happiness.

      For the last 28 years, I've been working in a fortune 50 company and getting paid quite well by most standards. However, the company really owns me. I've been both the oppressed and the oppressor. I have pushed my staff to meet "big hairy audacious goals" set by a mega-executive who wants his multi-million dollar bonus and to brag to his peers about his success. I despise both the oppressed and the oppressor in me.

      Randy, I want to thank you for pushing the envelope on this and providing the "thought leadership" to help me grow.

      Looking forward to seeing you on stage at the Master Mind event in Houston.


      1. Rich,

        Randy touches on this.

        It's the highly paid slaves that notice the least, as the perks can hide the truth.

        I have known many people who doing quite well financially that are slaves to someone else, and that will oppress others in the name of a title or to please the company.

        We are all oppressor and slave unless we are doing what is in alignment with who we are and providing value.

    2. I grew up with two Union parents. They were and are so infected with the "good of the group" and "rich people are evil" memes, that I was never treated as an individual, and and my creative nature wasn't embraced.

      Not saying this to be a victim, but that mentality destroyed my life, and taught me to have an entitlement mentality.

      I have to deprogram it everyday, and look at what I hear and see objectively. Something we all should do.

  20. I don't hate the oppressor nor do I hate the slave. They're interesting to observe. They provide opportunities of contrast from which to choose life experiences.

  21. Many of the "free market" "capitalism" people are anti-Capitalists who do not want to compete with others. They're basically socialists who want a small group to own everything, rather than "the people".

    People aren't as different as they want to think.

  22. “It has been usual for men to think and to say, ‘Many men are slaves because one is an oppressor; let us hate the oppressor.’ ‘One man is an oppressor because many are slaves; let us despise the slaves.’”

    I don't cooperate for these line of thinking, because I know it can lead me to hatred, anger, and petty worries..
    and if I become that kind of that slave/oppressor mentality person, can make me hold all of victim hood perspective which I know can block the prosperity of mine..

  23. I LOVE this book, and I even read it aloud and put it on YouTube: (Public domain)

    I like how everyone agrees with the "Hate the slaves" here, and yet don't hear how incredibly whiny and "victimized" the above paragraph is.

    "Oh, poor me, the government takes my "productive" money, and does something else with it"- Boo frakkin hoo.

    I hope we all also realize that the govt. does this while the REAL upper echelons (who consider themselves, and NO ONE in this thread the REAL "producers") are the actual oppressors.

    I mean, Randy talks about the government buying votes with handouts, but the REAL oppressors buy the Government!!!!!!

  24. This is a discussion I have came upon,which quote from James Allen came from my book written in 2001 which I have put forth some of it on the web.D.Flack

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  • 51 comments on “Let Us Despise the Slaves”

    1. -RG,

      I think that JA is correct. We see it today everywhere. People are saying give me-give me-give me. The only out come to that is we all end up equal.
      Equally miserable.


      1. Communism doesn't work. They tried it in Russia, and China is moving away from it.

        Clearly, one small group of people owning everything isn't good either. It prevents the world from moving forward. We need innovation, and innovation rarely comes from people who want to keep things the way they are.

        Disgusted with both parties in the States for that reason. We need a more Libertarian government and a true Free Market.

    2. The vast majority of people living inside the USA are slaves and even more so than the serfs in Europe. While the serfs don't get to keep as much of their labor they can escape anytime they choose and go somewhere else giving up less or nothing if they choose wisely. If you are a 'citizen' of the USA no matter where you live you must 'share' how much you earned each year and because it is all theirs they let you keep some of it.

      The trick is to keep the slaves mesmerized by the biggest ponzi [SSN] while doing what they can to insure the slaves won't win that one either. [They even tax is twice and fine you if you earn too much to have both!?] Then keep up a magic act with a left hand puppet and a right hand puppet offered by a media whose primary purpose is to keep you entertained and take the rest of the little left the GOV lets you keep.

      The more Balkanized and separate they can keep people the better it is for the puppet masters. Send your kids to slave camp [government indoctrination camps...schools] and be convinced your opinion about the puppet on the right [or left] is the choice that will make a difference... only for them never for you... I hear there is another puppet this year selling tea. Same master puppeteer…. There is one choice; personal sovereignty and MLM.

    3. Awesome! As soon as I saw the title, I knew you'd bring up this James Allen quote!

      Allen goes on to say:

      "The truth is that oppressor and slave are cooperators in ignorance, and, while seeming to afflict each other, are in reality afflicting themselves."

      Life is a co-creative experience, you get back what you put in & other people will find room for you in their own creation.

      A greedy businessman may attract victims to exploit, but those who are victimized attracted him as well. So, everybody gets what they ask for by their thought and subsequent action.

      Cool one, Randy!

      All the best,


      1. Josip's further exploring of this subject really helps me with the concept. I get that the greedy businessman and many of those victimized could have had elements of attracting each other. There is no free lunch, and those who actively pursue one imperil themselves and those around them.

    4. Just got an email called Spiritual Wealth... found there is a symposium called full of libertarians, one of the symposiums had a guy swearing in on Darwin's Order of the Species instead of a Bible.. ha ha... definitely want to attend next year's... even brave Vegas July heat to go to it... over 2,500 like minded people attending addressing topics of how to reduce taxes, improve health etc... sounds like a lot of interesting fun...

    5. I think this makes lots of sense in the world of ideas but not sense in the world of physical competition for limited resources. In your oppressor and slaves example, to be intellectually honest...we have to recognize that it isn't one overseer/owner and a hundred slaves. It is one overseer/owner backed-up by armed guards, police or a political system with huge amounts of power to force their will on the slaves. Randy, when you are making mind expanding and challenging points...yet use sweeping examples I'm not sure how literally to take you. I DO wish to increase my openness to powerful ideas, and defeat lack programming or memes. However, I am someone who takes words very seriously. If you put out an example and say isn't this the case...I will examine it literally.

      1. This post, like many I write isn't about me telling you want to think. It's designed to get you to think about things that perhaps you've never thought about that way before.


        1. As if you could force someone to think a certain way, Rany. All you could possibly achieve is make them aware they can choose whatever they wish to think. And by making them aware, you give them that choice and that is the only way to true freedom

    6. In my opinion, one man is an oppressor due to the fact that many are slaves; this is why the slaves are useful, I have no reason to despise them.

    7. Man that James Allen was a classic. Books like "As a Man Thinketh" should be required reading. The world would be a different place if personal development were a priority in our schools.

      The slaves oppress themselves. Not sure which philosopher it was but I remember a Greek sage saying the most vile act is to be conquered by self, and this is what happens when slaves choose to be slaves.

      Ryan Biddulph

    8. Hey Randy,

      I was actually going to post that exact same quote from "As a Man Thinketh" so I was crushed to see you had beat me to it! :_(

      Following James Allen's line of thought though:

      "A man can only rise, conquer, and achieve by lifting up his thoughts. He can only remain weak, and abject, and miserable by refusing to lift up his thoughts"

      I am going to disagree with the "Refusing" portion of that statement by quoting an earlier part of the same book:

      "Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the creature of outside conditions, but when he realizes that he is a creative power...... he then becomes the rightful master of himself"

      Realization can only happen:

      "When he begins to reflect upon his condition and to search diligently for the Law upon which his being is established, he then becomes the wise master"

      To interject a bit of my own thoughts, I don't think you can hate the "slaves" because most of them believe themselves to be buffeted by outside circumstances. I believe the only people you can lose respect for are those whose minds are open to the law of thought and still remain slaves out of their own laziness.

      I think the fact that we see so many people in the position of "slavery" should actually foster a strong desire within those who are "Free" to help bring other people to the point of "Realization"; or as James Allen puts it:

      "A perfect knowledge perceives the action of law in the weakness of the oppressed and the misapplied power of the oppressor; a perfect love, seeing the suffering which both states entail, condemns neither; a perfect compassion embraces both oppressor and oppressed"


      Chris Widener Jr.

      "When you walk with purpose, you collide with destiny"

    9. Once again.....not to get off topic (i'm really bad about that....sorry) but I notice another theme in the language of many of the responses to your last few posts. I keep seeing this phrase "limited resources" and then people keep saying you have to be intellectually honest. I am a firm believer In axioms. I think your core philosophies will shape the person you are more effectively than anything else you try to adopt. So, one who believes we have " limited resources" is not able to grasp unlimited prosperity. How do we not have limited resources? Our Ideas ARE unlimited....true.....and it is our Ideas that CREATE the resources. We burned wood til we found fossil fuels. now we are on the cutting edge of wind and solar power. Cars ran on gasoline, now they can run on vegetable oil. When our ideas become physical things, resources are limitless.

      1. The original diesel engine was actually designed to run on vegetable oil - peanut oil specifically. You refine vegetable oil with a methanol/sodium hydroxide solution and that is how you get biodeisel. But they figured that out a long time ago.
        An excellent example of ideas that create prosperity is the mileage I get out of my 2010 F150. This vehicle weighs 5700 pounds - 5900 with me in it. I caried a 1200 pound load on the city / highway and got 18.5 MPG. This would have been unheard of 10 years ago. I get value because of the mileage and utility it offers now that I'm in a rural area. I would have bought another Explorer but our bastard government recently imposed a $2000 "environmental tax" on those vehicles and left the pick-up trucks alone. They distorted the market. Wasn't going to give them 2000 of my hard earned money just for that.

        1. Very good point Edward. In addition, the original design of Henry Ford ran on alcohol. It was only after being pressured and threatened by the oil companies that he converted over to an internal combustion engine that ran on gasoline. If Henry Ford had fought them, would he had still been as successful? I believe this goes back to Randy's point of the oppressor and the oppressed being in tandem with each other.

      2. I agree that PEOPLE and their ideas are what makes for an unlimited resource-world. At the same time, we obviously have to realize that the very fact that we keep moving from different sources to others is because we are depleting the ones we have been using.

        No matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides!

    10. RG,

      If there were no slaves there would be no oppressors. What did Eleanor Roosevelt say, "Someone can only take your power if you let them.

      I think you are exactly right about politician's, but I also have to say that Mr. and Mrs. Smith are not going to Washington,D.C., it is the lobbyists. The insurance, banks who through the same greed byoff the votes in Congress.

      I think Americans are getting fed up with both parties and are tired of everything being for the good of the Congressman and women. When new people go to Congress I think it is like a family where the father is raping the older daughter and the younger daughter is taught by the older sister who the program works. Keep your mouth shut go along and you will get extra presents at Christmas.

      The young kid doesn't have a chance. It is going to take a concerted effort of people to keep the Congress honest. I don't know if it is possible.


    11. "Let Us Despise the Slaves", I would try not to despise anyone......It is not uncommon for those to look down their noises at those with less material and mental resources, in fact some would think it is fashionable almost hip.

      Its like making fun a of child that has not yet learned to walk, finding your way in life takes time.For me it was not so much about owning a whole lot of crap.It was about finding out about me, what actually make me happy.That is about self.

    12. This planet is designed as a place where beings with a victim mentality can learn to overcome it.

      That's why experiences here for so many are so extreme.

      But they chose to have it so, which sounds "impossible", but the decision was made before incarnation, and when you're in "that place", you're certainly just a little bit more aware of who and what you really are.

      You probably got so pissed off at realizing you’re so far away from your true potential that you told your Oversoul to finally:

      "Give me the most challenging conditions around that I can still handle so I can finally get back and act on who and what I really am."

      The reason there's so many people here now is that the circumstances are so severe they can never be repeated. This opportunity will never come back.

      So, in this place, here and now, it goes a little further than just having some oppressors around having fun.

      This population is self-governing within rules that are pre-established by the oppressors.

      They want from you just enough soul energy to animate a body as a functional worker.

      They don't want the whole you in the body and certainly not at full capacity.

      They create the circumstances that make the individual believe that their choices are limited, on all levels.

      Many methods are used to keep your mind and soul "free-floating" and available to anyone who might want to use it as well as "capture" your emotional energy and ultimately your soul-energy.

      Things like dream interpretation and symbology, just to name a few critical factors, are simply discarded by the masses.

      The true nature of the oppressors is that they want to control and even replace God-Mind and create their own universe. This is where Satanism comes in.

      Of course they know all the universal laws,

      but they don't want you to know them, so they can control you.

      True spiritual concepts and ideas are masked from your existence.

      May The Slaves Finally Learn.

    13. Randy, your posts are always thought-provoking.

      It seems to me that we are all extensions of universal energy, or Source, or whatever you want to call it - and which also seems to me to be only constructive, creative, enlarging. So, I figure that's who we really are. When my attitude is in line with that, I feel good. When it's not, I feel bad.

      I don't think blame is in line with who we really are because blaming (either the oppressor or the oppressed) doesn't make me feel good. So for myself, I'm not interested in despising anybody. The more I practice it, the more I find I am able to observe without judging, and then look for the best in everyone. No big moral thing - it simply makes me feel better. Which matters to me.

    14. Hello Randy, I know this is not a customer complaint department, but I bought a copy of Dumb Sick and Broke for a friend of mine and pages 119 - 122 were missing as well as 143-146. I thought I would bring it your attention because your publisher may have quality control issues. I have to send it back and would like to buy the book from this website instead. I just would like to have the reassurance of no missing pages.

      1. 119-122 you only missed a paragraph on forgiveness and the other two are blank. So forgive everyone and u have the lesson 🙂
        143-146 Just be selfish and kick out stupid moocher Eddie. Leave the victim friends. It was a good story. Those pages are worth having 😉

    15. The chains start in your own mind, and to think anything of others -- to put any judgment on others -- is to reflect judgment you have in your own brain somewhere.

      Resistance to what is causes pain. Everyone came here on the planet to learn something, to grow, to change, to break through some tie that bound or binds.

      Cycle of poverty is a tough nut to crack, you did it, I did it, others will and some won't.

      Release all judgment of what holds people back, allow it, know that when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

      Why despise anyone? It takes too much energy that could be spent helping a friend.

    16. Instead of despising the slaves, I will despise the act of slavery in any form (body, mind & soul) and it is up to us to stand united as a beacon of light for those enslaved. For they have been sold a rotten bill of goods. I was one myself.

      As for government, the late, great comedian George Carlin once said, "I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don't believe anything the government tells me."
      That's a wise statement and it is a good starting point.

      May all slaves liberate themselves!

    17. Randy you are right! I believe the problem is complicated because the oppressor hides the information to slave. The education system is organized in such a way that a very few have the complete vision about the world and creecion. This is a very key of oppresson.

    18. "One man is an oppressor because many are slaves; let us despise the slaves."

      You are right, we always despise those who are evil, I don't say we shouldn't but I think we should blame the victim too, we have a proverb in Persian,I don't know the exact translation, it says "As long as there are idiots, indigent would not be worry " we have another one (this one is really hard to translate) that means It's us that let others to abuse us .

    19. I agree with the premise that there has to be cooperation from the oppressed. This post makes me think back to years ago when I first entered the workforce and had a union job. At that time, being young and hungry I though this was the way to go. We (the union members) at one point went on strike for more "fair pay" and better benefits, along with what we thought were unfair working conditions from management of the company (the oppressor). When the union members (the oppressed) went on strike, it was a mentality of how management (the oppressor) was keeping the union workers down and keeping them from a better life. I woke up to the realization that I wasn't forced into that situation and did have other choices, left, and moved on to a better career.
      I know this may be a mild analogy to the oppressor / oppressed situation, but it does still point to the fact that the oppressed have to be cooperative to be in that situation and are just as guilty as the oppressor.

      1. Great conversation for the last few days! It's "funny" that Randy shared that quote. I've never heard it before, but recently I've been admitting to others that I'm a slave in the process of breaking free from the tyranny of most of the cultural norms of which I had whole heartily accepted. I now see the opportunity I have to create my own wealth and happiness.

        For the last 28 years, I've been working in a fortune 50 company and getting paid quite well by most standards. However, the company really owns me. I've been both the oppressed and the oppressor. I have pushed my staff to meet "big hairy audacious goals" set by a mega-executive who wants his multi-million dollar bonus and to brag to his peers about his success. I despise both the oppressed and the oppressor in me.

        Randy, I want to thank you for pushing the envelope on this and providing the "thought leadership" to help me grow.

        Looking forward to seeing you on stage at the Master Mind event in Houston.


        1. Rich,

          Randy touches on this.

          It's the highly paid slaves that notice the least, as the perks can hide the truth.

          I have known many people who doing quite well financially that are slaves to someone else, and that will oppress others in the name of a title or to please the company.

          We are all oppressor and slave unless we are doing what is in alignment with who we are and providing value.

      2. I grew up with two Union parents. They were and are so infected with the "good of the group" and "rich people are evil" memes, that I was never treated as an individual, and and my creative nature wasn't embraced.

        Not saying this to be a victim, but that mentality destroyed my life, and taught me to have an entitlement mentality.

        I have to deprogram it everyday, and look at what I hear and see objectively. Something we all should do.

    20. I don't hate the oppressor nor do I hate the slave. They're interesting to observe. They provide opportunities of contrast from which to choose life experiences.

    21. Many of the "free market" "capitalism" people are anti-Capitalists who do not want to compete with others. They're basically socialists who want a small group to own everything, rather than "the people".

      People aren't as different as they want to think.

    22. “It has been usual for men to think and to say, ‘Many men are slaves because one is an oppressor; let us hate the oppressor.’ ‘One man is an oppressor because many are slaves; let us despise the slaves.’”

      I don't cooperate for these line of thinking, because I know it can lead me to hatred, anger, and petty worries..
      and if I become that kind of that slave/oppressor mentality person, can make me hold all of victim hood perspective which I know can block the prosperity of mine..

    23. I LOVE this book, and I even read it aloud and put it on YouTube: (Public domain)

      I like how everyone agrees with the "Hate the slaves" here, and yet don't hear how incredibly whiny and "victimized" the above paragraph is.

      "Oh, poor me, the government takes my "productive" money, and does something else with it"- Boo frakkin hoo.

      I hope we all also realize that the govt. does this while the REAL upper echelons (who consider themselves, and NO ONE in this thread the REAL "producers") are the actual oppressors.

      I mean, Randy talks about the government buying votes with handouts, but the REAL oppressors buy the Government!!!!!!

    24. This is a discussion I have came upon,which quote from James Allen came from my book written in 2001 which I have put forth some of it on the web.D.Flack

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