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Lead the Way

Posted By: Randy GageApril 21, 2014

As most of you know, I’m passionate about leaders and leadership.  The business arena and the world in general desperately need more leaders.  That’s why I’m dropping you another postcard: Because a new book is being released today that you need to know about..

It’s titled, “A Leader’s Gift,” and it is from Barry Banther.  Barry is someone I’ve been masterminding with for the last couple years.  He’s a true leader in his own right and we’re fortunate he wrote this book crystallizing his own journey, learning how to lead with absolute integrity.  He sent me a galley proof and I devoured it on my plane ride home from Paris.  (And promptly gave it to a colleague who happened to be on the same flight with me.)

Throw away all of your other leadership books and replace them with this one.   Seriously.  I must read ten leadership books a year and I’m usually appalled at how shallow, manipulative, or clinical they are.  Barry’s book is direct, insightful and heartfelt.  He shares the gift of true leadership – how you nurture and practice it.

Buy it now.  Or buy five and share them.  This is a book worthy of your attention and getting the word out on. Find it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.  Then stop back and let me know what you think of it.


13 comments on “Lead the Way”

  1. Perfect timing for me, thank you! The integrety you have crystallized and applied is so helpful to learn from.

  2. Randy what a great surprise
    I just finished reading risky is the new safe and why your dumb sick and broke. I am ready for this new title
    Live rich 😀

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  • 13 comments on “Lead the Way”

    1. Perfect timing for me, thank you! The integrety you have crystallized and applied is so helpful to learn from.

    2. Randy what a great surprise
      I just finished reading risky is the new safe and why your dumb sick and broke. I am ready for this new title
      Live rich 😀

    3. How to make money online fast. 
      That's just what you are going to do "GET PAID TO DO NOTHING" 
      With this system 4*4 Forced Matrix you will Make a total of $99,447 when you are done with your downline .
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