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Knowing Your Assignment

Posted By: Randy GageJune 11, 2011

So I’ve been asking for your feedback on discovering your purpose and assignment, for my next virtual prosperity seminar.  So just wanted to share a couple thoughts about your assignment:

Your assignment will usually be a problem to solve.  To do so, you’ll need to take your eyes off yourself and look at something bigger.  And when you do start it, a couple things will possibly happen…

It may require sacrifice, and often does.  The universe will test you to see if you are serious about it.  And you even may have people who attack you for doing it.

And if all those things happen – you probably found the right one for you!


14 comments on “Knowing Your Assignment”

  1. An excellent tip to notice for sure. A typically when I know I am up to something big - walking in the fullness - I do have opposition from those closest to me.

    It's because they can't get their mind around how big this is and are fearful of how it might affect them.

    That's been my experience. Thanks for the brief point of clarity.

  2. One's destiny is to either "correct" or "create."

    Which one it is depends on what makes you restless about how the world is. You can be restless about child abuse so you give your life to 'correcting' that evil and injustice. You can be restless until you start playing your music so you give your life to 'creating' beauty.

    Most people rush to say "it's both" but that's usually because they're afraid of actually claiming a destiny. That is just a little too grand for little old us! The truth is the Universe begins calling you in-utero (and probably before that). Most of us don't ever understand the language of destiny and live work and die without once knowing why we were here.

    But it IS possible to hear Destiny's voice - and to help your children hear it at the earliest of ages.

    Oh...and it ALWAYS involves sacrifice - or better - an investment! And that's okay because the ROI is phenomenal!!!

  3. right on Randy... I got an idea for a biz.. unbelievable the way my friends offer their so called helpful advice on how it can't work... I guess they mean well, don't want to see you get hurt etc... but jeez, ya think they'd be a little more supportive.. ya gotta go for it!!! And I'm gong to!!! Even if I so called fail, it will be a great experience...

  4. In Conversations With God authored by God through Neale Donald Walsch, I read the guidance that was possibly the biggest surprise for me and that was I create my purpose.

    I have given that a lot of thought and have concluded that is true for me. I have also concluded that there are multiple ways for me to fulfill a purposeful direction.

    I like that phrase purposeful direction because one of my missions is to teach others what I have found to work ..primarily in business.

    Looking backward I can see a very clear path where I was drawn to associate with known leaders in business and principles of developing and operating a successful business that have withstood the tests of time. I then I have found myself drawn to thought leaders for Universal Laws and life guiding principles.

    Now the big open question for me is I know I am on a purposeful path. I know what influenced this path. However I also know what I love to do that does not seem to play into my purposeful direction. Things I enjoy but I don't seem to be particularly good at. I look at why I am not and I know it was the influences I had when I was young. "Well Steve maybe you were not intended to play drums with a major rock band or maybe you were not born with the skills to play in the NHL." Now my thinking is more no limit thinking.

    Am I practicing my hockey skills? Not today but I do have a bid in on a drum set on eBay. Does anyone have Mic's number 🙂

  5. Just suppose a persons assignment in life is to play small and powerless in order for another person to be able to `give` to them. Who is the `giver` here? It is very easy to put yourself in a position of being able to `give`, but far harder to put yourself in the humble position of being able to receive.
    Without a person to give to, or put yourself in service to, there cannot be a giver or server.
    I don`t think I am necessarily commenting on Randy`s question, but because `sacrifice` was mentioned in the post I think my comment has are relevance.
    Personally I think and know that when `I am on purpose` there is no question of sacrificing anything because Being on purpose
    sees no sacrifice in letting go of anything which is not in the realm of his/her being on purpose.
    Strangely Being on purpose is really a choiceless choice, but not in a powerless way because it has gone beyond the small ego realm of thinking in terms of this is good, this is bad.

    1. This is a terrific point. I do believe that people choose to incarnate into this lifetime to play a role in someone else's life. The alcoholic, criminal, absent father may have chosen that role so that the child could learn forgivess. This is Wayne Dyer's story. Many people believe they were royalty is a past life. My questions is, who was in the stalls shoveling the manuer?

      1. Yes, who is shoveling the manure? I like that statement for it is true in nature. Who is building your house? Who is repairing your car? Who is farming the fields? Who is patrolling your streets? If everyone was a millionaire would any of this get done? It does not take money to be prosperous. We are all prosperous just many do not realize it, although many do.

  6. Good Morning Jim.. Your assignment, if you agree to take it is to: Change the way adults learn by making it FUN!

    This is about TRANSFORMING the way we learn in order to keep people engaged. If kids can have fun learning, why can't adults? Learning is learning and when BOTH sides of the brain are stimulated, we learn FAR more.. Agree?

    How's that Randy?

  7. I think that when you discover your assignment the thing that comes with it is your excitement. That is the driving force to overcome all obstacles to achieve the goal. Your not excited-not your assignment!
    No sustained excitement, not your assignment!

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  • 14 comments on “Knowing Your Assignment”

    1. An excellent tip to notice for sure. A typically when I know I am up to something big - walking in the fullness - I do have opposition from those closest to me.

      It's because they can't get their mind around how big this is and are fearful of how it might affect them.

      That's been my experience. Thanks for the brief point of clarity.

    2. One's destiny is to either "correct" or "create."

      Which one it is depends on what makes you restless about how the world is. You can be restless about child abuse so you give your life to 'correcting' that evil and injustice. You can be restless until you start playing your music so you give your life to 'creating' beauty.

      Most people rush to say "it's both" but that's usually because they're afraid of actually claiming a destiny. That is just a little too grand for little old us! The truth is the Universe begins calling you in-utero (and probably before that). Most of us don't ever understand the language of destiny and live work and die without once knowing why we were here.

      But it IS possible to hear Destiny's voice - and to help your children hear it at the earliest of ages.

      Oh...and it ALWAYS involves sacrifice - or better - an investment! And that's okay because the ROI is phenomenal!!!

    3. right on Randy... I got an idea for a biz.. unbelievable the way my friends offer their so called helpful advice on how it can't work... I guess they mean well, don't want to see you get hurt etc... but jeez, ya think they'd be a little more supportive.. ya gotta go for it!!! And I'm gong to!!! Even if I so called fail, it will be a great experience...

    4. In Conversations With God authored by God through Neale Donald Walsch, I read the guidance that was possibly the biggest surprise for me and that was I create my purpose.

      I have given that a lot of thought and have concluded that is true for me. I have also concluded that there are multiple ways for me to fulfill a purposeful direction.

      I like that phrase purposeful direction because one of my missions is to teach others what I have found to work ..primarily in business.

      Looking backward I can see a very clear path where I was drawn to associate with known leaders in business and principles of developing and operating a successful business that have withstood the tests of time. I then I have found myself drawn to thought leaders for Universal Laws and life guiding principles.

      Now the big open question for me is I know I am on a purposeful path. I know what influenced this path. However I also know what I love to do that does not seem to play into my purposeful direction. Things I enjoy but I don't seem to be particularly good at. I look at why I am not and I know it was the influences I had when I was young. "Well Steve maybe you were not intended to play drums with a major rock band or maybe you were not born with the skills to play in the NHL." Now my thinking is more no limit thinking.

      Am I practicing my hockey skills? Not today but I do have a bid in on a drum set on eBay. Does anyone have Mic's number 🙂

    5. Just suppose a persons assignment in life is to play small and powerless in order for another person to be able to `give` to them. Who is the `giver` here? It is very easy to put yourself in a position of being able to `give`, but far harder to put yourself in the humble position of being able to receive.
      Without a person to give to, or put yourself in service to, there cannot be a giver or server.
      I don`t think I am necessarily commenting on Randy`s question, but because `sacrifice` was mentioned in the post I think my comment has are relevance.
      Personally I think and know that when `I am on purpose` there is no question of sacrificing anything because Being on purpose
      sees no sacrifice in letting go of anything which is not in the realm of his/her being on purpose.
      Strangely Being on purpose is really a choiceless choice, but not in a powerless way because it has gone beyond the small ego realm of thinking in terms of this is good, this is bad.

      1. This is a terrific point. I do believe that people choose to incarnate into this lifetime to play a role in someone else's life. The alcoholic, criminal, absent father may have chosen that role so that the child could learn forgivess. This is Wayne Dyer's story. Many people believe they were royalty is a past life. My questions is, who was in the stalls shoveling the manuer?

        1. Yes, who is shoveling the manure? I like that statement for it is true in nature. Who is building your house? Who is repairing your car? Who is farming the fields? Who is patrolling your streets? If everyone was a millionaire would any of this get done? It does not take money to be prosperous. We are all prosperous just many do not realize it, although many do.

    6. Good Morning Jim.. Your assignment, if you agree to take it is to: Change the way adults learn by making it FUN!

      This is about TRANSFORMING the way we learn in order to keep people engaged. If kids can have fun learning, why can't adults? Learning is learning and when BOTH sides of the brain are stimulated, we learn FAR more.. Agree?

      How's that Randy?

    7. I think that when you discover your assignment the thing that comes with it is your excitement. That is the driving force to overcome all obstacles to achieve the goal. Your not excited-not your assignment!
      No sustained excitement, not your assignment!

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