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Knowing You Are Worthy

Posted By: Randy GageJune 14, 2010

In yesterday’s post I said the best thing you can do for the poor and downtrodden is not be one of them.  So you must work hard to ensure you are not infected with the mind viruses of lack and limitation floating around today’s society.

Just as a gardener must tend his or her plot, keeping out the weeds, you must tend the garden of your mind, weeding out the thoughts of lack, limitation and negativity.  You must nurture and tend the thoughts of happiness, success and purpose.

If you practice gardening of this kind, you will soon discover that you are the master gardener of your soul.  You will come to the profound revelation that you are not the victim of your circumstance – but the architect of them.  For as James Allen teaches us, it is the thoughts that you give precedence to that shape your character, create your circumstances, and determine your ultimate destiny.

It doesn’t serve God or you, if you are broke, sick, unhappy, or in dysfunctional relationships.  You have to believe you are worthy of prosperity in ALL of its forms.  Then as you walk the path of spiritual consciousness, you will find that you begin to manifest it more every day.

So how you doing on that?


P.S.  Had a wonderful crowd here in Montreal.  Next I’m heading to Moncton, where I hope to meet some of you.

18 comments on “Knowing You Are Worthy”

  1. -RG,

    Just so-so right now. I've hit a bit of a ruff patch.

    It's difficult for me to accept that I created the circumstances that are surrounding me now.

    I would never want what's happening now, or think that I would be the architect of them. I refuse victimhood. I just feel stuck between that proverbial rock and a hard place.

    If I accept that I got myself here I should also accept that I can get myself out of it.

    So I'll keep swinging for the fences.


  2. It's not always easy to accept what life brings sometimes, is it, but believe me...when you see the fact of life that the sun is always behind the clouds, and when you look at the positive side of what's seemingly negative, you'll see the victory in things and many things. So as you say, 'I refuse victimhood,' hang in there very tight, Douglas, you'll be all right and will see yourself a victor instead of a victim..perhaps not right away.. but soon enough .. or later. 🙂

  3. [..Just as a gardener must tend his or her plot, keeping out the weeds, you must tend the garden of your mind, weeding out the thoughts of lack, limitation and negativity. .... to that shape your character, create your circumstances, and determine your ultimate destiny. ....It doesn’t serve God or you, if you are broke, sick, unhappy, or in dysfunctional relationships. You have to believe you are worthy of .....]

    Randy, I was trying to copy and paste a few sentences from the above post before I begin to add my thoughts, but every single sentence that I read, I realize, helps nurture my/our soul so greatly for the day and many days to come. I ended up copying the whole post and pasting to my pc so that I could read the whole thing again. Perhaps, I should do that more often to reread some of your posts later to help myself become a better person in terms of the shaping of the character, and to become a doer of what I'm determined to become regardless of the life circumstances or difficulties, or what have I/we. 🙂 I may be able to begin seeing myself like an architect of the life God has given me, and becoming more as a co-creator of the goodness of what life brings and that I will begin to see even more how fantastaic life could become, while being able to determine my ultimate destiny. 🙂

    Thanks, Randy, for being so inspirational, giving us a positive outlook, great insight, as well as encouragement. Stopping by here to read your post has been indeed giving my/our thinking life a good insightful dimension. I appreciate you being there for us and for me. A big hug from me. -Saachi 🙂

  4. Douglas, I can relate to your comments. I have a couple of situations that I currently need to change and want to desperately make it "not my fault/responsibility" - but alas, it totally is. I know this because in many ways it is the same result that I have manifested many times in my life - on different levels, for sure, but believe me, I have been here before. And so I know that it has to do with belief and I am 100% responsible to change so it doesn't happen again. But man, I really want it to be someeone else's fault.

  5. In theory, yes, I'm doing great with all of that. In reality it's not manifesting so well. I guess I need to do more work on the path of spiritual consciousness then!

  6. When I hit this place in my life 2 yrs ago...I pulled out every Catherine Ponder book I could get my hands on. I started to declare "Only Good Comes To Me Now". Write it out on an index card and stick in your pocket. Any time you feel unsure, put your hand on the card, and repeat it yourself.

    And I started tithing say professionally, because I made it the rule to do it before anything else.

    I came to realize that my "situation" was my gift! Whatever it is you are going thru right now, so many more are experiencing it as well. When you become GRATEFUL for the lesson (even if you don't know what the whole lesson is yet, or the answer) your perspective will change. Just being aware of the "situation" is a huge step to the moving past it:)

    Only Good Comes To You Now:)

  7. Great post today, Randy. Thank you for all the "aha" moments. It's been a blessing to have your guidance as I continue in my journey of spiritual enlightenment. Sending love from MO.

  8. This is really resonating with me. It couldn't have come at a better time. Last night I was really grappling with self worth/worthiness issues. (Well, not just last night, they are there in the background...but usually I keep the skeletons pushed pretty far back in the closet.) I realize I have to confront them, get them up close and personal and vanquish them.

    I am aware and am starting to pay attention and hear the negative self talk that I tell myself. Until I really do battle with my own limiting beliefs, the level of my success will be limited as well.

    Thank you for this post, by weeding out the negative self talk, and planting positive seeds of thought in their place, my soul garden, will flourish.

  9. I find that when challenge surfaces it's best to remind myself that life is about possibility and infinite Abundance. When a ripple surfaces I must take it in stride, be accountable for knowing I manifested it and then focus on the 'gold' that it offers.

    Yes, constant weeding of the garden is necessary and it's a never ending, wonderful process. My garden still has some weeds so I'm taking the steps to rid them so everything in Life flourishes.

    Thanks Randy!

  10. Your gardening metaphor really resonated with me, Randy, as I'm an avid gardener. Thank you for another excellent post.

    We do need to attend to all those weedy thoughts that crop up when least expected, and get rid of them right away. Even more important is tending and nurturing the ones that make our mind garden more beautiful. Those are the ones we will enjoy sharing with others. And as we share them, they multiply.

  11. Great stuff Randy.. too bad you can't stay in Montreal, great town to have a good time in the summer... tu parles en petite pus?? ha ha

  12. Two issues are in play here. May I serve God regardless of my condition? Yes I can. Am I worthy of prosperity in ALL its forms? Yes, I am. If I have the abilities, talent and authority to be a trillionaire serving God and I do nothing or worse what is my reward? Will I have I buried my potential for self serving reasons only to discover I lose what little I saved?

  13. I heard a couple examples today of people who didn't think they were worthy... one in a Tony Robbins video- the woman didn't not think she was worthy to live... Tony Robbins reminded her of who she really was and that you can't control others but you are in control of your beliefs, thoughts, standards, decisions...your life. It only took Tony Robbins 15 minutes to help her have a breakthrough.

    Another example I heard in a Chip Ingram small group bible study called "Divine design". The study helps people to find their spiritual gift... we all have them... and a lot of people don't know what they are or may think they have a spiritual gift that they don't have... So I found out I had a Spiritual Gift that I wasn't aware of.

    In one example, Chip talks about someone who said "I don't have a spiritual gift; I'm not worthy of one yet, but someday I hope..."

    Chip Ingram also said to not compare yourself or your gift with others. We all are unique and we all have a spiritual gift.

    I'm also listening to some of the "Passion Test" webcast today and they said you can choose to look at contractions & expansions...and see contractions as an opportunity for growth.

    So, yes I am gardening. Change the core beliefs that I need to change so that I do not keep creating the same things. You can only change things you are aware of.

    I think knowing your spiritual gifts and passions are also key to joy & happiness. I am worthy of prosperity in ALL of its forms.

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  • 18 comments on “Knowing You Are Worthy”

    1. -RG,

      Just so-so right now. I've hit a bit of a ruff patch.

      It's difficult for me to accept that I created the circumstances that are surrounding me now.

      I would never want what's happening now, or think that I would be the architect of them. I refuse victimhood. I just feel stuck between that proverbial rock and a hard place.

      If I accept that I got myself here I should also accept that I can get myself out of it.

      So I'll keep swinging for the fences.


    2. It's not always easy to accept what life brings sometimes, is it, but believe me...when you see the fact of life that the sun is always behind the clouds, and when you look at the positive side of what's seemingly negative, you'll see the victory in things and many things. So as you say, 'I refuse victimhood,' hang in there very tight, Douglas, you'll be all right and will see yourself a victor instead of a victim..perhaps not right away.. but soon enough .. or later. 🙂

    3. [..Just as a gardener must tend his or her plot, keeping out the weeds, you must tend the garden of your mind, weeding out the thoughts of lack, limitation and negativity. .... to that shape your character, create your circumstances, and determine your ultimate destiny. ....It doesn’t serve God or you, if you are broke, sick, unhappy, or in dysfunctional relationships. You have to believe you are worthy of .....]

      Randy, I was trying to copy and paste a few sentences from the above post before I begin to add my thoughts, but every single sentence that I read, I realize, helps nurture my/our soul so greatly for the day and many days to come. I ended up copying the whole post and pasting to my pc so that I could read the whole thing again. Perhaps, I should do that more often to reread some of your posts later to help myself become a better person in terms of the shaping of the character, and to become a doer of what I'm determined to become regardless of the life circumstances or difficulties, or what have I/we. 🙂 I may be able to begin seeing myself like an architect of the life God has given me, and becoming more as a co-creator of the goodness of what life brings and that I will begin to see even more how fantastaic life could become, while being able to determine my ultimate destiny. 🙂

      Thanks, Randy, for being so inspirational, giving us a positive outlook, great insight, as well as encouragement. Stopping by here to read your post has been indeed giving my/our thinking life a good insightful dimension. I appreciate you being there for us and for me. A big hug from me. -Saachi 🙂

    4. Douglas, I can relate to your comments. I have a couple of situations that I currently need to change and want to desperately make it "not my fault/responsibility" - but alas, it totally is. I know this because in many ways it is the same result that I have manifested many times in my life - on different levels, for sure, but believe me, I have been here before. And so I know that it has to do with belief and I am 100% responsible to change so it doesn't happen again. But man, I really want it to be someeone else's fault.

    5. In theory, yes, I'm doing great with all of that. In reality it's not manifesting so well. I guess I need to do more work on the path of spiritual consciousness then!

    6. When I hit this place in my life 2 yrs ago...I pulled out every Catherine Ponder book I could get my hands on. I started to declare "Only Good Comes To Me Now". Write it out on an index card and stick in your pocket. Any time you feel unsure, put your hand on the card, and repeat it yourself.

      And I started tithing say professionally, because I made it the rule to do it before anything else.

      I came to realize that my "situation" was my gift! Whatever it is you are going thru right now, so many more are experiencing it as well. When you become GRATEFUL for the lesson (even if you don't know what the whole lesson is yet, or the answer) your perspective will change. Just being aware of the "situation" is a huge step to the moving past it:)

      Only Good Comes To You Now:)

    7. Great post today, Randy. Thank you for all the "aha" moments. It's been a blessing to have your guidance as I continue in my journey of spiritual enlightenment. Sending love from MO.

    8. This is really resonating with me. It couldn't have come at a better time. Last night I was really grappling with self worth/worthiness issues. (Well, not just last night, they are there in the background...but usually I keep the skeletons pushed pretty far back in the closet.) I realize I have to confront them, get them up close and personal and vanquish them.

      I am aware and am starting to pay attention and hear the negative self talk that I tell myself. Until I really do battle with my own limiting beliefs, the level of my success will be limited as well.

      Thank you for this post, by weeding out the negative self talk, and planting positive seeds of thought in their place, my soul garden, will flourish.

    9. I find that when challenge surfaces it's best to remind myself that life is about possibility and infinite Abundance. When a ripple surfaces I must take it in stride, be accountable for knowing I manifested it and then focus on the 'gold' that it offers.

      Yes, constant weeding of the garden is necessary and it's a never ending, wonderful process. My garden still has some weeds so I'm taking the steps to rid them so everything in Life flourishes.

      Thanks Randy!

    10. Your gardening metaphor really resonated with me, Randy, as I'm an avid gardener. Thank you for another excellent post.

      We do need to attend to all those weedy thoughts that crop up when least expected, and get rid of them right away. Even more important is tending and nurturing the ones that make our mind garden more beautiful. Those are the ones we will enjoy sharing with others. And as we share them, they multiply.

    11. Great stuff Randy.. too bad you can't stay in Montreal, great town to have a good time in the summer... tu parles en petite pus?? ha ha

    12. Two issues are in play here. May I serve God regardless of my condition? Yes I can. Am I worthy of prosperity in ALL its forms? Yes, I am. If I have the abilities, talent and authority to be a trillionaire serving God and I do nothing or worse what is my reward? Will I have I buried my potential for self serving reasons only to discover I lose what little I saved?

    13. I heard a couple examples today of people who didn't think they were worthy... one in a Tony Robbins video- the woman didn't not think she was worthy to live... Tony Robbins reminded her of who she really was and that you can't control others but you are in control of your beliefs, thoughts, standards, decisions...your life. It only took Tony Robbins 15 minutes to help her have a breakthrough.

      Another example I heard in a Chip Ingram small group bible study called "Divine design". The study helps people to find their spiritual gift... we all have them... and a lot of people don't know what they are or may think they have a spiritual gift that they don't have... So I found out I had a Spiritual Gift that I wasn't aware of.

      In one example, Chip talks about someone who said "I don't have a spiritual gift; I'm not worthy of one yet, but someday I hope..."

      Chip Ingram also said to not compare yourself or your gift with others. We all are unique and we all have a spiritual gift.

      I'm also listening to some of the "Passion Test" webcast today and they said you can choose to look at contractions & expansions...and see contractions as an opportunity for growth.

      So, yes I am gardening. Change the core beliefs that I need to change so that I do not keep creating the same things. You can only change things you are aware of.

      I think knowing your spiritual gifts and passions are also key to joy & happiness. I am worthy of prosperity in ALL of its forms.

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