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Knowing When to Sacrifice

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 11, 2011

Just some more thoughts to continue the discussion on how you can’t cheat the universe. At some point, you realize there is more to life than momentary pleasure and indulgence.  You realize these things can’t satiate you and look for more meaning in your existence.  It’s not sexy to talk about it, but a lot of the time this means sacrifice.  

It means giving up something you want now, for something you’ll really appreciate a lot more later.  You begin to understand that if you want to accomplish something enduring, you make trades offs.

You can create a moment, or create a legacy.

Now don’t twist this to mean life is all about suffering, deprivation, and paying penance.  It’s not.  I remember visiting a Hindu temple in Fiji and watching people walking around it with railroad spikes impaled through their palms and barbed wire wrapped around their bleeding body.  That didn’t strike me as particularly prosperous.

So let’s check that earlier statement.  Sometimes you can create a moment or create a legacy.  And sometimes you can do both.  The secret is knowing when.


33 comments on “Knowing When to Sacrifice”

  1. Delayed gratification is a beautiful thing! Most people don't understand this or grasp the big picture benefits of sacrifice 😉

    Love it, great blog!

    with much appreciation,

    Toby Brand

  2. I love the quote by Howard Thurman, which seems appropriate to this post

    “Don’t ask what the world needs.
    Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
    Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

    Doing what make you come alive will lead you to the next right choice every time. Only upon looking back can one see the tracks they have left.

  3. exactly what I've been kicking around the last year and a half. Now, I have finally decided to get off the pot and do something about!

    Thanks for the reminder Randy. What I'm taking from this post is to begin with an end in mind and to remember whatever I'm willing to tolerate will remain.. So decide what you're willing to tolerate.

  4. All the good in my life has come from giving, especially prosperity. I had made a decision to not take time to blog on this site anymore because I felt I was at a different level emotionally than most of the bloggers. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not arrogant or a snob, just value my time and energy immensely. Then this blog pops up on my facebook page and I am reminded of a very important lesson, and that is how important it was for my growth to have mentors and positive people in my life, to get to where I am today. Sacrafice, endurance and trade off's are all a part of what I have gone and continue to go through as I progress to new levels. One personal sacrafice I rarely share, but I feel is relevant to the topic, is relationships. I left a man, my fiance, 2 years ago. I was in love with him the day I left him but had thought long and hard about my life and legacy if I stayed with him. I sacraficed the great feeling of being in love with the wrong person, in order that I could fullfill my legacy. It is so important to see the big picture in life and to fully understand that when we leave this earth, we don't take the stuff with us. Don't get me wrong, I love the stuff,and wouldn't be without it, but I am not In Love or attached to it. My legacy includes money that I will leave to secure my family's future, but more importantly my legacy is about leaving my mark, so to speak, on the lives I have been able to change and the people I have been able to impact in a positive way,ie, why I am back on the blog. I chose to sacrafice, what I consider to be the one of the greatest gifts of all, love, in order to fullfill and create a vacuum for the right person to come into my life. The people we choose to associate and connect our lives with, as Randy has opened up blog discussions on in the past, has a huge impact on whether we obtain our ultimate desires and legacys we choose for our lives. I also made a huge shift during that same time in career. I left a very lucrative position to open 2 companies that I had a burning desire to create. I can tell you today that, today, if I were given the same huge decisions to make, I would do it again. The right sacrafices, no matter what the initial pain, are replaced with a life that is destined to be a true legacy left behind.

      1. I agree. If I may suggest, a future blog to better understanding how we create a vacuum and the development process to pacienty wait for rewards far greater than those we imagine.

  5. When I first learned Eastern thought at the ripe old age via Ram Dass, I learned the old phrase used by many about growing: "Before Enlightenment, carrying water and chopping wood. After Enlightenment, carrying water and chopping wood".

    Knowing what's possible through acknowledging Abundance and infinite opportunity requires doing the work, holding the vision and above all maintaining an Attitude of Gratitude. And the more mistakes we make, the more success we achieve given that we learn from them, LOL.

    Making sacrifices in favor of living our dream is critical, though they need not be at the expense of our health or general well being. We simply need to understand that in order to live a life we love, we must be willing to give up something in exchange. Carrying water and chopping wood will go on..

  6. I really relate to what Mary-Ellen posted above about the importance (and challenge) of waiting patiently for the long term greater rewards (the payoff for those short-term sacrifices) while preparing the space to host them. This is the land in which I dwell right now! 😉

    There is certainly some lag time between the moment of significant decision to take inspired action and the end results when our dreams and plans come to fruition and produce great returns – so our choices and thoughts during that time are so crucial to help us stay the path. To be successful, requires faith and discipline – two topics which have made the spotlight on this blog repeatedly. And once we achieve one level of success, we set our sights higher and the process begins again.

    For me, being able to keep not only the clear vision of the legacy I want to create, but the feelings of what it will be like once I have fully created it, alive and centered in my mind and my heart is the key. I think you sort of have to ‘fall in love’ with your own purpose, much like you do with your own children, and then those necessary sacrifices somehow go from feeling like obligations to serving as inspirations – and the whole creative process gains momentum. It’s almost magical.


    1. Hi Kimbra lee,
      I have found that it is imperative to completely let things go that do not empower you. I'm not implying that everyone drop their mates, AT ALL, but once decisions are made, in any area of life, we must let it go completely. It's like Randy said, you can't fool the universe, and if you have not truly let go, a vacuum will not be created to fill the space. I can sense that you are on your way Kimbra lee and it's worth the work, one day at a time. I also want to say, based on my experience, you still must take daily action towards your desires and move forward making decisions and taking direction from your heart. I'm sending out a prayer for you to be taken in all the right directions. You are a very wise lady.

      1. Sweet you, Mary-Ellen. 🙂

        No mate for me to let go of – that took place some time ago. But to your point, what I’ve really worked on over the past year is letting go of the hurt and anger I still carried from all of the unfortunate nastiness after my divorce. Emotions can hold you hostage! What was necessary on my part was forgiveness … so that I could cut myself free. I am in a much better place with that now. I absolutely needed to create an emotional vacuum to make room for positivity to shine back in.

        I’ve let go of so much over the past few years – and what is amazing about how the Universe works is that so many things that felt like painful sacrifices at the time are now beginning to reveal themselves as having been very necessary stepping stones would ultimately lead me to where I really needed to be to do my best work. God is good.

        Thank you for your prayer – I’ll accept it gratefully. So glad you didn’t stay away. 🙂


        1. I can relate. I divorced 13 years ago but recall the same process. I wanted to pass along 2 resources that help me to this day. One is EFT. Many great free resources to learn it online. The technique releases energy. Works great. Yoga is also great. I think all these painful experiences lead us, if we are willing, to great places. I can tell that you are definitely growing from it, unlike so many who play the victim. Good for you.

  7. read this blog today and today is the day i have decide to creat a legacy and also Mary-Ellen inspiring me with this quote

    " The right sacrafices, no matter what the initial pain, are replaced with a life that is destined to be a true legacy left behind."

  8. For me, it is all about responsibility and keeping my eye on the prize. When I get some extra cash, I spend it in my head ten times over, then sadly I either save it or use it to pay a bill or do something responsible. Believe it, that creates a much greater sense of well-being than a trip to the mall or lavish dinner, because I would probably only feel guilty or irresponisble afterward. In my opinion, sacrifice is the real path to gratification, which occurs when we feel proud and satisfied with solid decisions that will create power or prosperity in the future.

  9. I am familiar with the vacuum law of prosperity and would appreciate some clarification. I left my husband when my children were young, and like Mary Ellen was very much in love with him ( and our beautiful family.) We had 2 young children and it took me 2 years to find the courage to do this. There was so much attraction that we actually had 3 break ups before the final one in 2003. There was no one else in my life but I yearned for a spiritual dimension in our relationship that I would never have with him. Our separation was very difficult as were the ensuing years. Never could I have imagined how bitter and angry my husband could became and the effect all that had on the children. I met someone some time after who then died of cancer and that compounded the pain. A 3 year custody battle began and during this time I would have loved a partner. I had many admirers but no one I felt could have shared the kind of relationship I was looking for. I often wondered if I had done the right thing to leave as life had became very with no sign of improvement on any level. I felt totally alone and powerless. I often thought of the vacuum law of prosperity and wondered - am I missing something? I gave up a lot - a family ( my whole life, this had been my top priority) and my husband had many wonderful attributes. After 7 years of waiting for Mr Right ( who I created the vaccum for) I am with someone today who I like very much and who is more spiritually aligned than my husband was, yet far from the level I aspire to having in a partner, but I so wanted to share my life with someone - I feel I have so much to give and preferred giving something than nothing and we share many interests etc.
    I guess my question is - creating a vacuum is great if its get filled but when the vacuum turns into an abysss - does compromise come into the equation? What is missing? Faith? Patience? Perserverance? Courage? I had all of these for 7 some feedback.

    1. I surely do not have all the answers but I can share what wisdom I have gained from similar experiences. I don't think any of us are intended to be alone by nature. I don't think that it is as much about finding the right person, as it is about allowing the universe to attract the right person to match our individual energy levels. We are all at different places where this is concerned. For me, it was important to be alone. This can be very challenging if like me, you always had a partner. This time alone, as challenging as it can be, especially where physical connection is absent, has allowed me to develop into a person that doesn't need but wants a partner. There is so much difference in the two. I hope you don't, settle, like so many people do just to fill a void, which only you can fill ultimately. You can't be good for anyone until you love yourself, then you have something to give, and are open to receive. Patience is the key. Ask God to bring the right person to you and then let it go. I believe the untimate experience comes to those who find the patience to wait.

    2. The bigger question may be this: When we pray or meditate on something and we don't manifest it, what is the cause? We know we can't just watch "The Secret" 11 times and have our Lambo pull up into the driveway.

      So the next questions might be, are my thoughts consistent? Congruent? Am I taking action along with them? Are we settling for something, or on the process to manifesting more?


  10. I love the way you tap into feelings and the humanity we conveniently ignore as we navigate our daily hurricanes. With every post you keep chipping away, forcing all of us to be kinder, more responsible, more accountable. I don't agree with everything you have to say (and you're not surprised!) but I do appreciate your passion, your urgency and your undeniable authenticity. A role model for all bloggers. Thank you!

  11. Daca nu esti o persoana optimista din fire dar iti impui sa fii si crezi cu tarie ca trebuie sa fii astfel, lucrurile se vor schimba in bine in viata ta. Apar oportunitati neasteptate, descoperi in oamenii de langa tine prieteni adevarati, viata ti se schimba in bine. Esentiala e mintea pozitiva (chiar daca uneori e atat de greu!), de care trebuie sa ai grija mare...s-o "cultivi" cu ganduri bune si pasnice! Asta e secretul. Care functioneaza!

  12. I was always in a hurry, looking for shortcuts and remaining stuck. At a loss totally for how I could fix myself, I would read and read and read. I have all this knowledge but I just couldn't link the mind to the heart. I just couldn't FEEL what I KNOW!!

    Last week I had a conversation with a friend and she brought out the hidden belief I didn't know I had, why I was in such a hurry. My oldest sister died at 48 years of age, my brother died at 51 and I almost lost my remaining sister when she was 54. I felt like I was running out of time and this was why I was cramming all this in. No wonder my heart wasn't getting it, I had this block of time issues.

    Now, I'm learning to just go within and do my searching there, everything is perfect in it's own time. Being patient and KNOWING that when we let it go everything comes to us. It's when we are constantly looking for it is when it is being held back, because we are in the doubt that it's on it's way.

    Thank you Randy for this post and the previous one that ties it all in.

  13. Love this discussion and great to see some new people joining the dialogue with some of the wise sages. This has stimulated me for the next two posts already! Coming soon!

    And let me just say thank you all for being a part of the community. I hope you guys all know how much I love you and what you do here.

    Facebook is the people I went to school with. Twitter is the people I wanted to go to school with. And this blog is the people I get to go to school with!


  14. I was always taught sacrifice was not a good word to use. Maybe I need to re-evaluate that. All my life Ive rushed and rushed, there never appeared anytime to do anything or get anywhere. Even now it feels that way, but it's becoming less now which is good, which is great actually (since commencing your books) for what I want to achieve and become. I have a legacy and I will achieve it, end of story. I am truly enjoying your teachings and this blog!!!

  15. Love it!

    Sacrificing the desire to always want to be stimulated by activity...when your body and mind need a rest.

    I see many people give up what creates good health in order to work harder and then use the extra money to make up for the loss of vitality in their energy by eating more rich foods, drinking more coffee or alcohol or buying something that was inspired by lack rather than buying something to add to their wellness and self expression.

    I think when we pay attention to wellness first that sacrifice is a natural part of letting go of the excitement and allowing in the more gentle energy to nourish us. At first it feels like a sacrifice but when we rev down a gear, we find it's not.

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  • 33 comments on “Knowing When to Sacrifice”

    1. Delayed gratification is a beautiful thing! Most people don't understand this or grasp the big picture benefits of sacrifice 😉

      Love it, great blog!

      with much appreciation,

      Toby Brand

    2. I love the quote by Howard Thurman, which seems appropriate to this post

      “Don’t ask what the world needs.
      Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
      Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

      Doing what make you come alive will lead you to the next right choice every time. Only upon looking back can one see the tracks they have left.

    3. exactly what I've been kicking around the last year and a half. Now, I have finally decided to get off the pot and do something about!

      Thanks for the reminder Randy. What I'm taking from this post is to begin with an end in mind and to remember whatever I'm willing to tolerate will remain.. So decide what you're willing to tolerate.

    4. All the good in my life has come from giving, especially prosperity. I had made a decision to not take time to blog on this site anymore because I felt I was at a different level emotionally than most of the bloggers. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not arrogant or a snob, just value my time and energy immensely. Then this blog pops up on my facebook page and I am reminded of a very important lesson, and that is how important it was for my growth to have mentors and positive people in my life, to get to where I am today. Sacrafice, endurance and trade off's are all a part of what I have gone and continue to go through as I progress to new levels. One personal sacrafice I rarely share, but I feel is relevant to the topic, is relationships. I left a man, my fiance, 2 years ago. I was in love with him the day I left him but had thought long and hard about my life and legacy if I stayed with him. I sacraficed the great feeling of being in love with the wrong person, in order that I could fullfill my legacy. It is so important to see the big picture in life and to fully understand that when we leave this earth, we don't take the stuff with us. Don't get me wrong, I love the stuff,and wouldn't be without it, but I am not In Love or attached to it. My legacy includes money that I will leave to secure my family's future, but more importantly my legacy is about leaving my mark, so to speak, on the lives I have been able to change and the people I have been able to impact in a positive way,ie, why I am back on the blog. I chose to sacrafice, what I consider to be the one of the greatest gifts of all, love, in order to fullfill and create a vacuum for the right person to come into my life. The people we choose to associate and connect our lives with, as Randy has opened up blog discussions on in the past, has a huge impact on whether we obtain our ultimate desires and legacys we choose for our lives. I also made a huge shift during that same time in career. I left a very lucrative position to open 2 companies that I had a burning desire to create. I can tell you today that, today, if I were given the same huge decisions to make, I would do it again. The right sacrafices, no matter what the initial pain, are replaced with a life that is destined to be a true legacy left behind.

        1. I agree. If I may suggest, a future blog to better understanding how we create a vacuum and the development process to pacienty wait for rewards far greater than those we imagine.

    5. When I first learned Eastern thought at the ripe old age via Ram Dass, I learned the old phrase used by many about growing: "Before Enlightenment, carrying water and chopping wood. After Enlightenment, carrying water and chopping wood".

      Knowing what's possible through acknowledging Abundance and infinite opportunity requires doing the work, holding the vision and above all maintaining an Attitude of Gratitude. And the more mistakes we make, the more success we achieve given that we learn from them, LOL.

      Making sacrifices in favor of living our dream is critical, though they need not be at the expense of our health or general well being. We simply need to understand that in order to live a life we love, we must be willing to give up something in exchange. Carrying water and chopping wood will go on..

    6. I really relate to what Mary-Ellen posted above about the importance (and challenge) of waiting patiently for the long term greater rewards (the payoff for those short-term sacrifices) while preparing the space to host them. This is the land in which I dwell right now! 😉

      There is certainly some lag time between the moment of significant decision to take inspired action and the end results when our dreams and plans come to fruition and produce great returns – so our choices and thoughts during that time are so crucial to help us stay the path. To be successful, requires faith and discipline – two topics which have made the spotlight on this blog repeatedly. And once we achieve one level of success, we set our sights higher and the process begins again.

      For me, being able to keep not only the clear vision of the legacy I want to create, but the feelings of what it will be like once I have fully created it, alive and centered in my mind and my heart is the key. I think you sort of have to ‘fall in love’ with your own purpose, much like you do with your own children, and then those necessary sacrifices somehow go from feeling like obligations to serving as inspirations – and the whole creative process gains momentum. It’s almost magical.


      1. Hi Kimbra lee,
        I have found that it is imperative to completely let things go that do not empower you. I'm not implying that everyone drop their mates, AT ALL, but once decisions are made, in any area of life, we must let it go completely. It's like Randy said, you can't fool the universe, and if you have not truly let go, a vacuum will not be created to fill the space. I can sense that you are on your way Kimbra lee and it's worth the work, one day at a time. I also want to say, based on my experience, you still must take daily action towards your desires and move forward making decisions and taking direction from your heart. I'm sending out a prayer for you to be taken in all the right directions. You are a very wise lady.

        1. Sweet you, Mary-Ellen. 🙂

          No mate for me to let go of – that took place some time ago. But to your point, what I’ve really worked on over the past year is letting go of the hurt and anger I still carried from all of the unfortunate nastiness after my divorce. Emotions can hold you hostage! What was necessary on my part was forgiveness … so that I could cut myself free. I am in a much better place with that now. I absolutely needed to create an emotional vacuum to make room for positivity to shine back in.

          I’ve let go of so much over the past few years – and what is amazing about how the Universe works is that so many things that felt like painful sacrifices at the time are now beginning to reveal themselves as having been very necessary stepping stones would ultimately lead me to where I really needed to be to do my best work. God is good.

          Thank you for your prayer – I’ll accept it gratefully. So glad you didn’t stay away. 🙂


          1. I can relate. I divorced 13 years ago but recall the same process. I wanted to pass along 2 resources that help me to this day. One is EFT. Many great free resources to learn it online. The technique releases energy. Works great. Yoga is also great. I think all these painful experiences lead us, if we are willing, to great places. I can tell that you are definitely growing from it, unlike so many who play the victim. Good for you.

    7. read this blog today and today is the day i have decide to creat a legacy and also Mary-Ellen inspiring me with this quote

      " The right sacrafices, no matter what the initial pain, are replaced with a life that is destined to be a true legacy left behind."

    8. For me, it is all about responsibility and keeping my eye on the prize. When I get some extra cash, I spend it in my head ten times over, then sadly I either save it or use it to pay a bill or do something responsible. Believe it, that creates a much greater sense of well-being than a trip to the mall or lavish dinner, because I would probably only feel guilty or irresponisble afterward. In my opinion, sacrifice is the real path to gratification, which occurs when we feel proud and satisfied with solid decisions that will create power or prosperity in the future.

    9. I am familiar with the vacuum law of prosperity and would appreciate some clarification. I left my husband when my children were young, and like Mary Ellen was very much in love with him ( and our beautiful family.) We had 2 young children and it took me 2 years to find the courage to do this. There was so much attraction that we actually had 3 break ups before the final one in 2003. There was no one else in my life but I yearned for a spiritual dimension in our relationship that I would never have with him. Our separation was very difficult as were the ensuing years. Never could I have imagined how bitter and angry my husband could became and the effect all that had on the children. I met someone some time after who then died of cancer and that compounded the pain. A 3 year custody battle began and during this time I would have loved a partner. I had many admirers but no one I felt could have shared the kind of relationship I was looking for. I often wondered if I had done the right thing to leave as life had became very with no sign of improvement on any level. I felt totally alone and powerless. I often thought of the vacuum law of prosperity and wondered - am I missing something? I gave up a lot - a family ( my whole life, this had been my top priority) and my husband had many wonderful attributes. After 7 years of waiting for Mr Right ( who I created the vaccum for) I am with someone today who I like very much and who is more spiritually aligned than my husband was, yet far from the level I aspire to having in a partner, but I so wanted to share my life with someone - I feel I have so much to give and preferred giving something than nothing and we share many interests etc.
      I guess my question is - creating a vacuum is great if its get filled but when the vacuum turns into an abysss - does compromise come into the equation? What is missing? Faith? Patience? Perserverance? Courage? I had all of these for 7 some feedback.

      1. I surely do not have all the answers but I can share what wisdom I have gained from similar experiences. I don't think any of us are intended to be alone by nature. I don't think that it is as much about finding the right person, as it is about allowing the universe to attract the right person to match our individual energy levels. We are all at different places where this is concerned. For me, it was important to be alone. This can be very challenging if like me, you always had a partner. This time alone, as challenging as it can be, especially where physical connection is absent, has allowed me to develop into a person that doesn't need but wants a partner. There is so much difference in the two. I hope you don't, settle, like so many people do just to fill a void, which only you can fill ultimately. You can't be good for anyone until you love yourself, then you have something to give, and are open to receive. Patience is the key. Ask God to bring the right person to you and then let it go. I believe the untimate experience comes to those who find the patience to wait.

      2. The bigger question may be this: When we pray or meditate on something and we don't manifest it, what is the cause? We know we can't just watch "The Secret" 11 times and have our Lambo pull up into the driveway.

        So the next questions might be, are my thoughts consistent? Congruent? Am I taking action along with them? Are we settling for something, or on the process to manifesting more?


    10. I love the way you tap into feelings and the humanity we conveniently ignore as we navigate our daily hurricanes. With every post you keep chipping away, forcing all of us to be kinder, more responsible, more accountable. I don't agree with everything you have to say (and you're not surprised!) but I do appreciate your passion, your urgency and your undeniable authenticity. A role model for all bloggers. Thank you!

    11. Daca nu esti o persoana optimista din fire dar iti impui sa fii si crezi cu tarie ca trebuie sa fii astfel, lucrurile se vor schimba in bine in viata ta. Apar oportunitati neasteptate, descoperi in oamenii de langa tine prieteni adevarati, viata ti se schimba in bine. Esentiala e mintea pozitiva (chiar daca uneori e atat de greu!), de care trebuie sa ai grija mare...s-o "cultivi" cu ganduri bune si pasnice! Asta e secretul. Care functioneaza!

    12. I was always in a hurry, looking for shortcuts and remaining stuck. At a loss totally for how I could fix myself, I would read and read and read. I have all this knowledge but I just couldn't link the mind to the heart. I just couldn't FEEL what I KNOW!!

      Last week I had a conversation with a friend and she brought out the hidden belief I didn't know I had, why I was in such a hurry. My oldest sister died at 48 years of age, my brother died at 51 and I almost lost my remaining sister when she was 54. I felt like I was running out of time and this was why I was cramming all this in. No wonder my heart wasn't getting it, I had this block of time issues.

      Now, I'm learning to just go within and do my searching there, everything is perfect in it's own time. Being patient and KNOWING that when we let it go everything comes to us. It's when we are constantly looking for it is when it is being held back, because we are in the doubt that it's on it's way.

      Thank you Randy for this post and the previous one that ties it all in.

    13. Love this discussion and great to see some new people joining the dialogue with some of the wise sages. This has stimulated me for the next two posts already! Coming soon!

      And let me just say thank you all for being a part of the community. I hope you guys all know how much I love you and what you do here.

      Facebook is the people I went to school with. Twitter is the people I wanted to go to school with. And this blog is the people I get to go to school with!


    14. I was always taught sacrifice was not a good word to use. Maybe I need to re-evaluate that. All my life Ive rushed and rushed, there never appeared anytime to do anything or get anywhere. Even now it feels that way, but it's becoming less now which is good, which is great actually (since commencing your books) for what I want to achieve and become. I have a legacy and I will achieve it, end of story. I am truly enjoying your teachings and this blog!!!

    15. Love it!

      Sacrificing the desire to always want to be stimulated by activity...when your body and mind need a rest.

      I see many people give up what creates good health in order to work harder and then use the extra money to make up for the loss of vitality in their energy by eating more rich foods, drinking more coffee or alcohol or buying something that was inspired by lack rather than buying something to add to their wellness and self expression.

      I think when we pay attention to wellness first that sacrifice is a natural part of letting go of the excitement and allowing in the more gentle energy to nourish us. At first it feels like a sacrifice but when we rev down a gear, we find it's not.

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