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Is the Past Holding You Back?

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 19, 2012

Message from RG:  I’m lounging under a palm tree on a much-needed vacation for a few weeks.  So to fill your insatiable need for brilliant and helpful self-development info each morning, I’ve asked some of my clever friends to sit in for me during my absence.  Today’s guest blogger is Terry Brock:

A while ago I was getting ready to do my daily exercise. I love exercise and working out, not just for the physical benefits, but for the mental and spiritual benefits it provides.

On this particular occasion, I was going to do some push-ups. I have enjoyed doing push-ups since I was a kid studying martial arts. However, a memory came back of some pain that I had doing my push-ups about a month earlier. This had long since healed and I had done my normal set for the past two weeks.

Nevertheless, it was that memory of a past pain that stopped me. Even though it wasn’t real at that time, I was letting that memory of pain --- now securely in the past --- keep me from enjoying the benefits of my exercise.

Do you ever do that? Do you let the pain of something that happened long ago, keep you from manifesting what is rightly yours today? Randy Gage has taught many of us the benefits of framing what is in the past as over and done while looking forward to a much better future.

Well, in this particular situation, I had had enough instruction from Randy and others who helped me to overcome lack thinking. So, you know what I did? I firmly and very defiantly told those past memories to shut up and leave me alone! I got down and did not only my normal set of push-ups but pushed PAST the pain to do an extra 10 reps!

The feeling was great. Yes, my arms experienced a wee bit of discomfort for a moment from the extra pushing. But that temporary discomfort quickly subsided and I had the exhilaration of knowing that I had broken through the mental barrier that was holding me back.

What past pain is holding you back? Was there an activity you tried, and it didn’t work out that stopped you? Well, that is in the past. And no, it is not just a matter of saying some mantra 1,000 times to try and trick yourself. Get the training, the education and the professional help to do it right this time. Don’t let past pain stop you from enjoying your life of abundance now and in the future.

Press through your past pain. Do it wisely and carefully after getting the help you need --- even professional help --- if that is appropriate. Realize that prosperity and abundance are your right to earn and enjoy.

Please leave your comments below. We look forward to hearing how you conquered your fear (as Lisa Jimenez shares with us) and achieved your success. We really want to hear from you.

- TB

Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE is a marketing coach, professional speaker and author. He helps organizations and individuals implement new tools like Social Media and portable technologies to build strong business relationships that produce positive change. You can read his blog at

17 comments on “Is the Past Holding You Back?”

  1. I've come to realize that one of my biggest secret fears was that I didn't have the "chops" to earn at seat at big boys table, because I didn't have an MBA.  I finally identified the "pain memory." It was my (self-induced) embarrassment in my twenties when I was around people with Ivy League MBA's.  At one point someone in my company said, "The Ivy League MBA's are always fast tracked," and I was mortified that I was not one of them.
    I'm now in my late forties, and I've recognized that I would be a fool to let that past (self-induced) pain, stay with me.  I finally realized there were two choices, either get over myself and take a seat at the table, or if it matters that much get a damn MBA.  It was this thought process that led me to understand, I really don't want an MBA, I didn't care enough about it to want it then, and I don't care now.  
    It's so silly how we let these past "pains" hold us back.  But if feels so real.  Ahh humans, aren't we odd?

  2. I've come to realize that one of my biggest secret fears was that I didn't have the "chops" to earn at seat at big boys table, because I didn't have an MBA.  I finally identified the "pain memory." It was my (self-induced) embarrassment in my twenties when I was around people with Ivy League MBA's.  At one point someone in my company said, "The Ivy League MBA's are always fast tracked," and I was mortified that I was not one of them.
    I'm now in my late forties, and I've recognized that I would be a fool to let that past (self-induced) pain, stay with me.  I finally realized there were two choices, either get over myself and take a seat at the table, or if it matters that much get a damn MBA.  It was this thought process that led me to understand, I really don't want an MBA, I didn't care enough about it to want it then, and I don't care now.  
    It's so silly how we let these past "pains" hold us back.  But if feels so real.  Ahh humans, aren't we odd?

  3. Another interesting thing that doesn't seem like pain but actually can be, is geting over the labeling parents or others do to children without really thinking of the ramifications.  Such as Oh..she's "the pretty one", or well "he;s the athletic one" on and on it's done.  As a future step our children, grandchildren etc's health and happiness, how about we stop labeling  them and let THEM decide who THEY want to be.  Sometimes it's a life struggle to overcome, as in the work we're discussing here, to move past it and it may have been said so quickly and in passing yet our love and belief in the person saying it causes us to plant that seed for years to come.

  4. Another interesting thing that doesn't seem like pain but actually can be, is geting over the labeling parents or others do to children without really thinking of the ramifications.  Such as Oh..she's "the pretty one", or well "he;s the athletic one" on and on it's done.  As a future step our children, grandchildren etc's health and happiness, how about we stop labeling  them and let THEM decide who THEY want to be.  Sometimes it's a life struggle to overcome, as in the work we're discussing here, to move past it and it may have been said so quickly and in passing yet our love and belief in the person saying it causes us to plant that seed for years to come.

  5. Since I've been reading Wayne Dyer's "Excuses Begone!", he references a similar thing when it comes to the various excuses we tell ourselves which in turn, put us in a holding pattern. And since we learn these beliefs and excuses as a young child, we then adopt them as adults not realizing that they have little to do with Who We Really Are, and what's possible. So yes, its the memories of our past that keep us stuck. And after decades of false beliefs we must work very hard to release them. The benefits will be amazing for those of us willing to let go!

  6. Since I've been reading Wayne Dyer's "Excuses Begone!", he references a similar thing when it comes to the various excuses we tell ourselves which in turn, put us in a holding pattern. And since we learn these beliefs and excuses as a young child, we then adopt them as adults not realizing that they have little to do with Who We Really Are, and what's possible. So yes, its the memories of our past that keep us stuck. And after decades of false beliefs we must work very hard to release them. The benefits will be amazing for those of us willing to let go!

  7. Absolutely... There is always a time and place where we could NOT do something because of the Past, the what if's etc... the first step is recognizing our little devils sitting on our shoulders saying, Stop, Don't feel like it etc... the next is truly making the CHOICE... To let it take you out or NOT...  Good Job Terry for sticking it to it...

  8. Absolutely... There is always a time and place where we could NOT do something because of the Past, the what if's etc... the first step is recognizing our little devils sitting on our shoulders saying, Stop, Don't feel like it etc... the next is truly making the CHOICE... To let it take you out or NOT...  Good Job Terry for sticking it to it...

  9. True. Unfortunately the past is designing the me now. Experiences developes a strategi due to interpretations of what really happened . This is very significant during early years 4-8 y of age. Its the time when I profound my personality and invent who I really am. 
    I do judge from the interpretations and state circumstanses which I do recognize when they occur later on and I do judge as real or the true.
    My behavior in those shows seem to be repeated on and on as this is who I am.
    The thing is that there is no freedom or future in that. But if I want a change in that behavior I can invent a new possibility by distinguish what really happened from the meaning that I made up on that.
    When I came to clarity that it was only my interpretation of the show which I often judge myself relives me from the behavior that seems not to work i a releasing way.
    That´s transformation !
    No pain - no gain.

  10. True. Unfortunately the past is designing the me now. Experiences developes a strategi due to interpretations of what really happened . This is very significant during early years 4-8 y of age. Its the time when I profound my personality and invent who I really am. 
    I do judge from the interpretations and state circumstanses which I do recognize when they occur later on and I do judge as real or the true.
    My behavior in those shows seem to be repeated on and on as this is who I am.
    The thing is that there is no freedom or future in that. But if I want a change in that behavior I can invent a new possibility by distinguish what really happened from the meaning that I made up on that.
    When I came to clarity that it was only my interpretation of the show which I often judge myself relives me from the behavior that seems not to work i a releasing way.
    That´s transformation !
    No pain - no gain.

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  • 17 comments on “Is the Past Holding You Back?”

    1. I've come to realize that one of my biggest secret fears was that I didn't have the "chops" to earn at seat at big boys table, because I didn't have an MBA.  I finally identified the "pain memory." It was my (self-induced) embarrassment in my twenties when I was around people with Ivy League MBA's.  At one point someone in my company said, "The Ivy League MBA's are always fast tracked," and I was mortified that I was not one of them.
      I'm now in my late forties, and I've recognized that I would be a fool to let that past (self-induced) pain, stay with me.  I finally realized there were two choices, either get over myself and take a seat at the table, or if it matters that much get a damn MBA.  It was this thought process that led me to understand, I really don't want an MBA, I didn't care enough about it to want it then, and I don't care now.  
      It's so silly how we let these past "pains" hold us back.  But if feels so real.  Ahh humans, aren't we odd?

    2. I've come to realize that one of my biggest secret fears was that I didn't have the "chops" to earn at seat at big boys table, because I didn't have an MBA.  I finally identified the "pain memory." It was my (self-induced) embarrassment in my twenties when I was around people with Ivy League MBA's.  At one point someone in my company said, "The Ivy League MBA's are always fast tracked," and I was mortified that I was not one of them.
      I'm now in my late forties, and I've recognized that I would be a fool to let that past (self-induced) pain, stay with me.  I finally realized there were two choices, either get over myself and take a seat at the table, or if it matters that much get a damn MBA.  It was this thought process that led me to understand, I really don't want an MBA, I didn't care enough about it to want it then, and I don't care now.  
      It's so silly how we let these past "pains" hold us back.  But if feels so real.  Ahh humans, aren't we odd?

    3. Another interesting thing that doesn't seem like pain but actually can be, is geting over the labeling parents or others do to children without really thinking of the ramifications.  Such as Oh..she's "the pretty one", or well "he;s the athletic one" on and on it's done.  As a future step our children, grandchildren etc's health and happiness, how about we stop labeling  them and let THEM decide who THEY want to be.  Sometimes it's a life struggle to overcome, as in the work we're discussing here, to move past it and it may have been said so quickly and in passing yet our love and belief in the person saying it causes us to plant that seed for years to come.

    4. Another interesting thing that doesn't seem like pain but actually can be, is geting over the labeling parents or others do to children without really thinking of the ramifications.  Such as Oh..she's "the pretty one", or well "he;s the athletic one" on and on it's done.  As a future step our children, grandchildren etc's health and happiness, how about we stop labeling  them and let THEM decide who THEY want to be.  Sometimes it's a life struggle to overcome, as in the work we're discussing here, to move past it and it may have been said so quickly and in passing yet our love and belief in the person saying it causes us to plant that seed for years to come.

    5. Since I've been reading Wayne Dyer's "Excuses Begone!", he references a similar thing when it comes to the various excuses we tell ourselves which in turn, put us in a holding pattern. And since we learn these beliefs and excuses as a young child, we then adopt them as adults not realizing that they have little to do with Who We Really Are, and what's possible. So yes, its the memories of our past that keep us stuck. And after decades of false beliefs we must work very hard to release them. The benefits will be amazing for those of us willing to let go!

    6. Since I've been reading Wayne Dyer's "Excuses Begone!", he references a similar thing when it comes to the various excuses we tell ourselves which in turn, put us in a holding pattern. And since we learn these beliefs and excuses as a young child, we then adopt them as adults not realizing that they have little to do with Who We Really Are, and what's possible. So yes, its the memories of our past that keep us stuck. And after decades of false beliefs we must work very hard to release them. The benefits will be amazing for those of us willing to let go!

    7. Absolutely... There is always a time and place where we could NOT do something because of the Past, the what if's etc... the first step is recognizing our little devils sitting on our shoulders saying, Stop, Don't feel like it etc... the next is truly making the CHOICE... To let it take you out or NOT...  Good Job Terry for sticking it to it...

    8. Absolutely... There is always a time and place where we could NOT do something because of the Past, the what if's etc... the first step is recognizing our little devils sitting on our shoulders saying, Stop, Don't feel like it etc... the next is truly making the CHOICE... To let it take you out or NOT...  Good Job Terry for sticking it to it...

    9. True. Unfortunately the past is designing the me now. Experiences developes a strategi due to interpretations of what really happened . This is very significant during early years 4-8 y of age. Its the time when I profound my personality and invent who I really am. 
      I do judge from the interpretations and state circumstanses which I do recognize when they occur later on and I do judge as real or the true.
      My behavior in those shows seem to be repeated on and on as this is who I am.
      The thing is that there is no freedom or future in that. But if I want a change in that behavior I can invent a new possibility by distinguish what really happened from the meaning that I made up on that.
      When I came to clarity that it was only my interpretation of the show which I often judge myself relives me from the behavior that seems not to work i a releasing way.
      That´s transformation !
      No pain - no gain.

    10. True. Unfortunately the past is designing the me now. Experiences developes a strategi due to interpretations of what really happened . This is very significant during early years 4-8 y of age. Its the time when I profound my personality and invent who I really am. 
      I do judge from the interpretations and state circumstanses which I do recognize when they occur later on and I do judge as real or the true.
      My behavior in those shows seem to be repeated on and on as this is who I am.
      The thing is that there is no freedom or future in that. But if I want a change in that behavior I can invent a new possibility by distinguish what really happened from the meaning that I made up on that.
      When I came to clarity that it was only my interpretation of the show which I often judge myself relives me from the behavior that seems not to work i a releasing way.
      That´s transformation !
      No pain - no gain.

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