It seems everyone today is looking to get “fired up.” They want a meditation practice, fire walk, or really catchy meme from Facebook to energize them into action. And yet they easily become dejected, falling back into mediocrity and getting by.
I would make the argument that it really is all about how you see yourself; how you perceive yourself. You get inspired by a vision you have for what you can accomplish. That perfect ideal I spoke about in an earlier post.
But when faced with reality, which isn’t always so perfect, people simply give up the ghost and fall prey to excuses, validations and justifications. (“I’m too old/young, I don’t have enough money, It’s too hard to do where you’re a parent,” etc.)
Let me drop a truth bomb that can set you free, if you really understand it:
People become demoralized because they lose the idealized version they have of themselves. Everything in your life depends on how you represent it to yourself. Meaning, the “inner dialogue” you use with yourself.
Really give that some critical thinking. (And please share any thoughts you have below.) Then in tomorrow’s post, I’ll give you some real-world examples of how this plays out.
- RG
Looking at ancient history that is different from what I thought God said is difficult. It is hard getting through it. It gives me headaches.
I have to focus on the truth. I have to be inspired instead of demoralized.
God/Spirit exists. Religious books were written by humans for kings/rulers who used religion to rule people.
We are fortunate to have more history available to us. We have to learn the history.
They are still making historical discoveries. We have to be able to make adjustments to our beliefs and views.
Looks like someone is becoming a critical thinker and is questioning antiquated beliefs and superstitions, which is a good thing. We have too many sheep and zombies blindly following whatever is told to them. Just be aware that logic, common sense and critical thinking is the enemy when it comes to religion (which includes the Bible - you will be called a doubting Thomas), politics, advertising, racism, homophobia, etc. But let me be completely candid with you (something you will never get from preachers, politicians, most of your friends and family, Internet gurus such as Randy) - being a freethinker is a very lonely existence. Most people have and need herd mentality. Once you start questioning an organization, group, etc., you will be vilified by that group for even questioning any aspect of their dogma/ideology. If you think getting headaches now is horrible because you have discovered that holy books are not the word of God, but the word of man, just wait. It will become a lot worse. My suggestion to you is continue taking the blue pill (I strongly suggest you watch the movie "The Matrix" to get a very accurate depiction of what I'm talking about). It's much easier on your psyche to numb your mind and live in a fantasy world. But if you decide to take the red pill and join the very small percentage of humans whom are rationalists (which I think would be fantastic since there are so few of us and we are really the only ones that are keeping humans from jumping over cliffs like lemmings) just know that you will never be able to go back and at times being a critical thinker can be very daunting and lonely.