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How You Would Live a Life of Luxury

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 5, 2010

I had a fascinating experience back when I was doing my coaching program.  At one of the Retreats I was working with a speaker about growing his business.  I came up with an idea that could generate $15 or $20 million a year in revenue.  It had the potential to get up to $30 million a year quite readily.  At that time, he was doing only about $500,000 a year.  

As I sketched out the concept, I felt him and his wife tuning out.  It became obvious to me and the group, that they simply couldn’t put themselves in that picture.  They came expecting to learn how to make an extra $50,000 or maybe $250,000, but when we started talking millions, it just was too unbelievable.

Now to be fair, they didn’t first see the situation that way.  They just thought that the idea was difficult, needed more research, would take longer to develop, etc.  It was only when the entire Mastermind confronted them that they accepted the possibility that they might be running from the idea because it was too prosperous for them to accept.

They left with the agreement that they would listen to my “Prosperity” album to expand their prosperity consciousness.

They returned to the next retreat and both felt that they had worked through their prosperity issues and were willing to accept abundance.  So I asked the wife a very simple question….

I wanted to know how her life would be different if their business did $30 million this next year.  The answer was fascinating...

She insisted that it would pretty much stay the same.  She made a great point to confirm that her needs were basically met, and the only real difference was she wouldn’t have stress about paying bills.  I pressed her for tangible changes that would take place in her lifestyle.  EVERYTHING she came up with had to do with helping someone else.

She would sponsor a Boy Scout camp, help out her parents, sponsor a school, etc.  She didn’t name one thing she would do for herself.  I threw the question to her husband.

He started where she left off, but he got more specific.  He mentioned the exact Boy Scout activities that would sponsor, and suggested that he would hire a 24-hour caregiver for his sick father.  But he was still only talking about giving money away to others.

I let them know that I felt their religious upbringing had programmed them for lack, because they didn’t think they were worthy of anything.  They of course got very defensive.  But I again pointed out that everything they suggested would be for someone else.  Finally exasperated, I blurted out to the woman, “Come on, I just asked you to picture you’re making $30 million dollars a year.  You can’t even tell me you would buy yourself a fucking pair of shoes or something!”

After much searching, he finally suggested that they could get a cabin on the lake.  This prompted his wife who finally acknowledged that she would like a 4-wheel drive vehicle.  Then they said if they got these things, they could bring more Boy Scouts on field trips there.  (Sigh.)

I love that they want to help other people and I hope you do too.  But what about your needs?  Giving comes from abundance, and that means taking care of yourself too.   If you don’t think you are worthy, you won’t manifest prosperity and you can’t help anyone.

So how are you doing on that?  How would your life be different if you made $30 million this year?  Tell me what you would do for others.  But also tell us what you would do for YOU!


76 comments on “How You Would Live a Life of Luxury”

  1. It seems like I am the first comment again. I have given a lot of thought to this... I do think that my life would be very different. I would have a much bigger house (about 6-7rooms at least), with a chef or catering company to provide us with healthy and tasty meals, a large swimming pool, and a private shrine.

    I would spend a lot of time reading at home, or taking trips with my family. One of the things on my dream list is to go into orbit, so that is something to plan for.

    A lot of the money would go into investments, mainly into scientific research that I think would make the world a more fun place to live in, which would be my own way of benefiting both others and myself.

  2. Even before I started reading the article my first answer was I'd take care of my self and my needs first. Develop my business and make sure that I get a residual income from that too. After I'm sure that everything is settled I'd start running a beneficial program for homeless and socially endangered and talented kids, give them a place to develop their talents and skills and help them grow and make a good living out of it. However no.1 is me and my family so when I take care of that only then I am able to help others too of course those who ask for help.
    And I must not forget I'd buy me a new Porsche 918 Spyder it is sooo sexy 😀

  3. My prosperity fear would be am I up to the task, will I be able to pull it off?
    I no longer have problems about how I should spend it, I'm 50 now and would not hold back at buying myself the things I have always wanted especially outsourcing stuff I hate doing (computer/housework/accounts etc). Bring it on!

  4. Create Jobs - "Give a man a handout and his family eats for a day, give a man a job and his family eats everyday."

  5. Give myself a health overhaul with the best nutrition and physical regime.

    Get myself a beautiful home which reflects the joy I have about life. Have people around my for household services so I can be free to do what I choose.

    Get myself a teacher and learn to handle money wisely.

    Have a great car or several to ferry me wherever and whenever by a skilful and attentive chauffer and another car or several for my own driving pleasure.

    Learn to fly and get a private pilot's licence then get my own aircraft.

    Travel all over the world in style, learning all sorts of new stuff, taking photos and videos.

    Spend time alone in exotic retreats, meditating and writing.

    Attend TED conferences, speak there too!

    Set up education fund for my kids, spend a lot of fun time with them.

    Meet my soulmate and embark on life together.

    As I so live, so shall I be a blessing to many wherever I go.

    I am definitely ready for that $30 million per year!


  6. In my reading this morning I ran across some exerpts that I will share...makes all of your rants Randy finally sink in..Thanks.."what's the difference between a martyr and a compassionate samurai? Compassionate samurai take care of themselves as they lead a service lifestyle...Being generous with yourself increases your capacity to help's appropriate self-worth that says, "I am worthy, as are others"". so, for myself, I know there is an abundance out there for all and that includes myself as well. Now I just need to practice this daily.

  7. Here is my list! As follows;

    FOR ME
    -My 4 bank accounts bulging with millionaires
    -Investments in the millions
    -The best private plane on the market always on standby
    -The best designer wardrobe on the planet
    -A suite at the George V in Paris always ready for me
    -Travel 4 times a year to Europe, Asia, Especially Dubai
    -American Express Black Card
    -Top of the Line Audi A8 in red
    -Personal Trainer
    -Personal Chef
    -Top jewelry designers on call (calling Neil Lane)
    -Box seats to football games
    -Box seats to operas and plays
    ..there's more but space here permits..:-)


    -a foundation in my name to help those who want to become successful entrepreneurs
    -tithe to the spiritual organizations I adore
    -charities like Human Society, museums, arts, WWE and more

    I am glad you wrote this post, it has helped me to think bigger. Thanks RG! 😉

  8. Excellent comment, Rita. Thanks for sharing that! I think a lot of people have difficulty differentiating the two.

  9. WHEN I make $30 million, I am living large. First up, is this beautiful 8000Sq Ft home that has just been built by my current home (BTW, I have been through that house 4-5 times already, when they have an "Open House" there and spend countless hours arranging my new furniture in that place!!! it's already mine). It has a 4 car garage, so the "stalls" will hold my 1967 Potiac GTO convertible, MB CL65 AMG Twin Turbo (everyday car), my new Bugatti Veyron and my 2006 Jeep Commander (already have this, my wife will not part with it, even though I think its a POS). I have a summer house on Sargeants Drive on Mt. Desert Island in Maine. I have a neat little 4 BR "get away" in Grand Cayman Island. I definitely DO NOT have a problem living large. I give lots a dough to Make A Wish and Big Brothers/Big Sisters.

    The thing I find funny is a lot of people I know (me included)personally "settle" for noveau riche or what I call a "brand rich" lifestyle. They think that rich is driving a Benz, giving 10% and wearing a Rolex; this is "the big time". Then you find out that it's an "C" or "E" class that they leased for $400-500 a month and a "DateJust" that they put on a credit card. Sorry to sound like a jerk off, but $30 million is some serious coin, that would require me to seriously "up" my thinking...but I'm sure with a little practice, I could get into the groove fairly quickly!!!!!

  10. I am going to tithe on it, and invest the remainder in Real Estate assets. More specifically I am going to purchase NNN investments with long term leases which have language in the contracts that the tenant will be responsible for maintenance. I will dedicate the income of 2 of these properties to good works. I will carefully choose a minimum of 15 of these properties to invest in, and then I am going to travel and discover art and culture around the world. Most definitely I am going to be supporting Bible Societies in other nations. I will spend a lot of time praying for world leaders, which I do now anyway.

  11. If I made $30 million dollars this year, I would take my family on a vacation for 2 months. There has been so much stress over the last 6 years (mainly because we have been focusing on our 'lack' of abundance); that once we receive it... we will be taking a vacation away from all of the things that seem to be holding us back. My husband can buy his Hummer, I will buy my BMW, we'll buy the home of our dreams, the kids can have whatever they want and we will kick back, put our feet up and drink Margaritas on the beach while the kids play in the sand and swim in the ocean. After much reflection, I know that the 'thing' holding us back has been ourselves. We have been focusing on 'lacking' rather than visualizing ourselves 'having.' When you know better, you do better, so I am now manifesting wealth and "assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled."

  12. Outside of expanding my investment portfolio, I would buy a nice condo at the Continuum, Icon, or one of the really nice buildings here is South Beach. I would buy my ideal car, a BMW 750LI and a couple more watches a Audemars Piguet and a Brietling and of course help others.

  13. I'll definitely upgrade my lifestyle. Love cars, so Bugatti here I come, along with a whole laundry list of bad ass rides. $10,000 shoes? No problem. Custom Armani suits, yes indeed! Home on the beach and one in the mountains of California. Travel around the world first class. Help educate my family on being prosperous. Find ways to have my money working for me instead of the other way around. Give 10 percent to help prevent child abuse and also to Surfrider Foundation.

  14. As usual, another great post, Randy!

    $30 million for this catholic raised, color within the lines, northeastern raised businessman. I would buy a winter home in Phoenix and another in the Carribean somewhere. I would pay off my current home and my daughters current Boston College tuition.

    I would also buy a Porche, not sure which model yet.

    I would develop 10 more sites for sales/partners of my insurance agency and show them how to make millions.

    I would take my 84 year old Dad to Denmark (his heritage) for 1 month, with a side trip to Germany for my step-mom.

    Finally I would give my 3 sisters and 1 brother each a million dollars and let them either invest wisely or blow it all.

    Thanks again, Randy.

  15. How many people who will respond would have truly started out by saying what they would buy for themselves had they NOT read your article first?
    Randy, I've been a follower of your for many years and I truly get it that prosperity is selfish by design ... but SO IS RELIGION! Isn't that funny 🙂 LOL
    I'd rather spend my $30 million traveling the world, buying some clothes, taking pictures, reading ... studying and meeting new friends to hang with. My wife would be with me to enjoy that time freedom that ONLY abundant, residual money can give us, along with my kids, when they are not in school 🙂

  16. With an additional $30Million, I have LOTS of things to do with that money.

    Hire a full time housekeeper. Retire my husband from his 9-5 job. Enroll in T Harv Eker's Train the Trainer seminar (and the top package of seminars for both of us).

    Pay (anonymously) for the remaining upgrades my church has planned to its new building and double the salary of our minister. Fund an extra $1M into the foundation account for the church's use.

    Shopping spree for some fabulous sapphire, ruby and diamond jewelry. Have a tailor custom-sew a new wardrobe based on the patterns and catalog images I've saved (and scrapbooked!) over the years. Black smooth leather mid-calf handcrafted boots.

    Give my husband $1M to buy all the tools he wants. I guess that's a "guy thing".

    Travel to Hawaii, Niagara Falls, Carlsbad Caverns, Australia, reproductions of the painted caves near Lascaux France.

    Hire a private jet to fly my top performers with me to and from convention. Weekly in-home full-body massage.
    Hire a contractor to rebuild the backyard deck and garage.

    New living room furniture including a leather-covered lounging chair for me to sit and read in. Dining room table and chairs.

    Hire a chauffeur service to escort my friends to and from Chemotherapy, as well as a similar service for my aging parents-in-law for their convenience. Car service on call for me too, for the monthly distributors meeting (I get home late at night.)

    $5M for real estate investment property. Other investments, too.

    Etc etc. It's nice to know that I'll attract another $30M or more next year.

  17. Tithe, save & invest some, pay taxes, spend some on off debts, travel, new clothes, new shoes, new car, buy a dream house by the ocean (some place warm)...
    and donate some to charities....there is a lot you can do with $30 million.

    I know people who would say they don't have a prosperity problem but they wouldn't buy a new car if they had $30 million. They didn't see anything wrong with the movie the Titanic(or the ending) and believe that supports that they don't have a prosperity issue.

  18. There's not enough room for me to be specific, but just know....I have no problem defining every single detail of what I would do.

    Thanks RG,

  19. If I made $30 million a year I would:

    1. Travel 90% of the time, from seeing the Dubai World Cup races to lounging on a Phuket Beach to walking along the Great Wall of China. Of course I envision being about to work my business while I travelled.

    2. I would invest in real estate around the world.

    3. Whatever my mother or sister wanted it would be theirs.

    4. I would donate to Disaster Relief type agencies but most of my charitable efforts would go to organizations where they helped people to help themselves.

    5. Because my major passion is travel I would go first class, have the best photographic equipment and the time to really get to know the people and the area, rather than my normal rush rush trips I take now.

    6. I would buy a vintage mortcycle, learn to ride it, and cruise throught Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand with the best guide I could find.

    7. I am bald and I shave my head every day, so would I get a hair transplant?????? - Doubt it, highly unlikely.

    8. I would buy the best fitting and the best feel clothes money could buy.

    9. I would hire Randy Gage as a consultant on how to turn the $30 million into $100 million.

  20. Donate money to my high school. Enough to name something after me. 🙂

    A Maserati Gran Turismo.

    Create and fund the production of a hit media franchise.

    Live in Manhattan and San Francisco.

    Shop at Sak's and other fine retailers.

    Hire a personal trainer, nutrionist, maid, chef.

    Travel the world freely, working remotely, and interacting with others all around the world.

    Donating to charity.

    Setting up a trust for family and friends.

    Helping individuals if it feeds my soul and does not hurt me or them.

  21. Hello Randy, Great post on your blog today.

    Below is how my life would be different with $30M this year:

    First, I would give a tenth out to the universe
    (place of spiritual nourishment), pay myself a tenth, and learn how to grow, invest, and manage the money I paid myself and the money that will be continuosly flowing, and to take care of my immediate family.

    Second, I'll purchase a beautiful 10,879 sq. ft Mediterranean estate home with 6 beds, 7.2 baths, 7 living areas, 5 car garage, Spa, Pool (infinity edge), on a oversized 1 acre lot.

    Third, I'll purchase my Lamborghini Murcie'lago LP-670 SV, Mercedes S65 AMG, Dodge Challenger SRT8 (modified), Bently Continental Flying Spur Speed, Yukon Denail Hybrid 4WD since I do have 5 garages to fill.

    Fourth, do some traveling & vacationing to places like The Caribbean, Fiji Islands, Cayman Islands, Bellagio in
    Las Vegas, Four Seasons Hotel Firenze in Italy, UK, Cairo Egypt.

    Fifth, setup a foundation for assisting individuals in the areas of learning about managing money, investing & growing money, finances, & economics from a prosperity consciousness.

    Last but not least, continue to be a example of expressing and living a prosperous and abundance life showing others that they too can live a life full of abundance in every area of life with $30M or more.


  22. The first thing I'd do is buy me a brand new Cadillac Escalade, hire a full time chauffeur, and hit the road in style, staying at posh log cabins in the mountains and roughing it out in custom made tents.

    The second thing I'd do is order a Cessna VLJ (very lite Jet) and take flying lessons while it is being built for me.

    I'd go back to the slums of Karachi where I grew up, and work with the new generation to instill prosperity consciousness in them by setting up schools that teach prosperous interpretation of faith along with possibility thinking and practical sciences.

    Then I'll go crazy with my camera, rain for mountain climbing and reach the top of Everest on my 60th birthday. (April, 8, 2014).

    I'll become the conduit for prosperity and abundance. I think I am already that, but it will be a much bigger conduit.

  23. Take this a step further, my friend!

    Create Opportunities. You give a man an opportunity, and he can build a legacy that lasts for generations - not just food on his table every day.

    Besides... jobs are going to be worthless (economically) in a few years.

  24. I've got San Marc Custom Homes building a Tuscan Villa for us. and look for the Tuscan Villa in the slide shows. Outdoor kitchen by Lynx.

    I have a detached music studio for my film compositions. (I could write a book about the gear in there!)

    My car collection rivals Jay Leno's. To start, BMW 7 Series, Mercedes SLR McLaren for fun.. S65 for crusin'.. Audi Q7 for haulin the kids places.. Land Rover Defender for goin' campin...

    which reminds me... No Motorhomes for this Canuck! Norseman Canvas tents the whole way. (Don't worry, Randy - it's not from a state of lack - it's out of adventure! Whoohooo!!)

    I have the world's finest clothing for whatever activity I happen to be partaking in. Armani fits me best when I'm feeling professional. UnderArmor for when I'm active. NorthFace for exploration and adventure.

    Anywhere I go, my family comes with me.. and it'll be backpacking, safari jeeping (in that Land Rover Defender), and base jumping to get from here to there. (Outside of the private jet that helps us at the airports).

    Big thanks, Randy for reminding me of these blessings!

    Blessings to you


  25. Shoot, I would buy a house right on the water on Las Olas in Ft. Lauderdale, complete with a huge yacht or one on Miami Beach or in LA, either is fine. Add on a regular maid because I do not like cleaning. Then I would build my dream home in Jamaica where I would live 4-6 months out of the year. I would build my 3 vegan restaurants and holistic health center that I've been dreaming up (that would allow people to help themselves by eating healthy taking care of their health on their own). I would also hire a regular massage therapist and personal chef and travel the world, preferably exotic islands at least 4 times per year, while my business was being taken care of. I would also find out more ways invest some of the money to make that $30 mil continue to grow because that is a lifestyle that I have to keep for life and I could go through $30 mil pretty quick I'm sure. LOL I would also invest in a large piece of land to eventually start a community garden and teach people to farm organically.

  26. What would I do with $30 million ..... First I would make sure that $30 million was going to bring me at least $60 million the following year. Build and expand.

    Second I would hire my cousin and grandfather who are both architects to design and build my dream home. Thus helping them with income and doing something for myself at the same time.

    Third I would finally buy my dream car a brand new custom painted royal purple lamborghini.

    Fourth I would go shopping and traveling... First to Italy... Germany (supposed to be my family's coat of arms on a church there somewhere, and would love to find it)... then to Amsterdam, =) just because I could... then to Paris, and everywhere in between.. then Vegas baby! Then to Yellowstone National Park to take in the beauty before heading to my newly built dream home.

    I would do all the things I ever dreamed of doing, buy all the things I dreamed of buying. Take family and/or friends on trips and shopping sprees.

    So long as I knew that $30 million was not just a one time deal and that it was going to double itself by the following year... then baby lets spend some money and have some fun!

    I would buy a bunch of land and have it set up to bring in unwanted animals of all kinds.. cats, dogs, rabbits, snakes, horses, lambs, pigs.. what ever it may be.. just give the animals a safe place to run wild and enjoy the rest of their years. Of course a staff of vets and caretakers as well.

    Jamie 😉

  27. This is pretty easy for me.. In fact in doing my constant vision work, the $30 million is about the number that I've targeted.

    First, I will find the exact 4 bd/3ba home on Belvedere Island, which sits across the Bay from San Francisco and buy it (probably $3million). Of course it would have to be furnished, and I will spare no expense. Then I will buy a new Aston Martin Vantage V8 (steel gray on cherry leather), Range Rover Sport (pale green on tan leather), BMW 535GT (white on cinnamon leather) and a Baltic 50 sailboat. When that was all done, I would book some first class trips to New Zealand, Greece, Spain, Italy (Lake Cuomo, Tuscany, etc.), and of course, the South of France.. do some chartered sailing around the islands, etc.

    I will also invest in my new company to rapidly expand it since the mission is: to inspire people to achieve more in Life through empowerment of technologies, arts and creative thinking. I would also help out my sister and Mother, as well as a couple of friends.

  28. Randy, Coming to one of your Master Mind retreats is on my list...thank you for not letting us get away with quitting on ourselves. I would get a massage weekly, pedicures/manicures. Probably a personal trainer so I could enjoy my new clothes that aren't from JC Penny, and the new shoes to match. I would get my hair cut when I'm supposed to 🙂 I would take many small vacations a year, spending more quality time with my family. I would have a garden that would make Oprah jealous!
    I would publish my own books and make my own albums while traveling the world supporting World Vision Child Sponsorships and support the arts/education with scholarships, just for starters. Oh what fun I would have thinking up new ways to create abundance for myself and others!

  29. Great post Randy, I appreciate the time you take to educate and enlighten us.

    Thinking big is something I love doing, I usually think big... then I look at my numbers and I think even bigger.

    There is so much opportunity and abundance out there that has yet to be accepted by us! This is a great story, i'm sure you see this scenario quite often... Keep it up Randy!

    David King

  30. I've got a complete list already made in detail along with the completed vison board....houses, cars, trips, etc. I've got to say though, the $30M / year does sound like a huge stretch. My focus for now is getting to $1M income for this year, which I honestly feel I can do. What are your thoughts Randy on the balancing act between thinking huge and trying to stretch yourself to what you feel you are capable of near term?

    Great post! - RJ

  31. Ooh, what a fun exercise! I'd do the following:

    * Buy myself a house with a pool, multi-car garage, dancing studio, gym and guest wing on a couple of acres in a quiet area;
    * Buy an Audi RS4, Ferrari F430, Aston Martin DB9 & a 1967 Shelby Mustang GT500;
    * Invest in some cashflow positive rental properties;
    * Invest in gold and particularly silver;
    * Donate to a couple of my favourite charities - Youth InSearch & Big Brother Big Sister;
    * Pay for some much needed maintenance on my parents' house;
    * Pay for a cleaning lady for my mother that comes daily;
    * Buy my Dad's game fishing boat and let him use it like it was his own;
    * Buy my sister a house;
    * Go wild buying tailor made designer shoes and clothes plus jewellery;
    * Treat myself to manicures, pedicures & weekly massages;
    * Pay for more private dancing lessons;
    * Switch from full time to part time in my job (I enjoy it, I just want more free time);
    * Get a chef, maid and gardener (home grown fruit & veg) for my house;
    * Go to some more personal development seminars;
    * Regular overseas holidays (African Safari, Maldives, Antarctica);
    * Go skiing for at least a week every winter and stay in 5-star resorts.

  32. Great Article to get the thoughts moving. And speaking of moving,
    The first thing I would do for me is get some of them $10,000 shoes.

    So I could walk the walk!

    Have a great weekend

    Gary McElwain

  33. Am I going to continue to make $30 Mil a year?

    Then I would buy a private jet. Homes in Spain & Australia.

    Expand my business globally.

    Invest 20% into my educational non profit charity.

    LIVE life to it's fullest.

  34. First of all, it would be in a non-monetary system not built on illusory perception.

    It can be created in the same way we created Human Rights out of nothing.

    It would be in the True Reality we all know exists behind the smoke and mirrors.

  35. ONE QUESTION MR. GAGE? Why would you dangle this in front of us? I just want to know if we can put this sweet deal together now? I have already spent my first 30M in my mind! Ha-Ha!



  36. Stretching your mind to $30 million is difficult when you have yet to earn your 1st million. Don't get me wrong I could fill a page of things to do & have with all that cash, and I'm not that altruistic that I would put the cart before the horse, but the issue lies in believing it to be possible.

    Once you have that belief, the world is your oyster!

  37. I'd buy a huge A frame house overlooking a lake, with many ammenties. I'd have a guest house as well. I'd get 2 new cars, one for winter weather, and one more eco-friendly. I'd take a month vacation to just travel, with no itinerary. I'd repay all my debt, and finish my MBA. I'd also continue the personal development programs I've begun, fund a non-profit organization that works with business owners and school-children in 3rd world nations that brings them into the skills needed int he 21st century global economy. I'd send my family on a vacation. I'd give at least $3 million into a variety of charities that I support - some with specific uses assigned, and others to just meet what their needs are. I'd invest at least half the money in such a way that I could meet a lavish lifestyle wish-list on the annual profits alone. I'd also own every tech gadget and have an entire tv studio with production gear at my house. I'd write a book and hire a staff to just implement the ideas that I have in business. I'd take a month or two to just take a health/wellness retreat. I'd get a new wardrobe. I'm sure I've got plenty more... but with it, I'd seek real mentorship in the actual application process. I want a mentor that has come into nearly the same wealth, and a team of creative financial advisors that are also prosperity minded.

  38. I would have a 7 bedroom 7 bathroom condo with walk in closets studio, a big warm eat-in kitchen and a stupendous view of Lake Shore Drive; a home in St. Maarten; a limo driver; a housekeeper and a private chef. I would redecorate and re-furnish my current condo and keep it as a studio and for friends to use when they came to town for extended stays. The new house would have state of the art everything! The best furniture that I could find' I'd have a new wardbrobe; a private personal trainer; I'd get my hair done; have a manicure, facial and massage every week. I'd have yacht in Chicago and in St. Maarten with a skipper to maintain it in both places. I'd travel EVERYWHERE and stay in the best hotels, traveling first class all the way and that's just for starters! What fun!!!!!

  39. For me => pay cash for a black Ferrari 599 GTB. Buy a vacation home or condo in SoCal with an Ocean View.


    I totally get your point here, and agree, however I do think you are being a little too hard lined with the couple you talk about.

    Not everyone is into material wealth, stuff, etc,. I asked my wife this question and she said she'd still drive a Ford Taurus. She doesn't have a poverty mindset at all, however, she's never been into big/expensive cars, big houses,etc., She'd be more of the Millionaire Next Door type. Now me, I'm the opposite, I'd have the Ferrari, 2nd home etc,. Doesn't make either of us wrong, imo.


  40. At first I was not going to participate in this, feeling it was just wishful thinking ... but then, Randy appeared; almost like in Animal House when the angel and devil were standing on Pinto's shoulders! Don't do it said the devil. Do it said the angel, this is the point of the post! So after taking care of my parents and church and the many other causes I would like to support and setting money aside for the kids schooling/ partying, I would get a whole new wardrobe. Then I would have a different car for each day of the week ... I like cars too! I would have a house in several states, season ticket for my beloved Dolphins, all in all I would pursue my dreams! The other 25 million my wife would spend!


  41. Hi Randy,
    Better late than never!

    I intend to buy the biggest yacht and load family and friends and go around the world. Take as long as it takes. Hitting lots of ports and shopping. Lordy, That will be great, I can hardly wait!

    P.S. AFTER, I pay off mama's house.

  42. Thought provoking for sure...

    1st run... buy the boat in Hawaii... 3 bedroom apt closer to the airport in Edmonton here... 4 car garage and office at our country place...

    Travel more... cruises, do writing, more GSF events like PSA Holland... spoil my wife more... visit our daughter in Australia more often...perhaps get a 'flat' down under,

    hire out some of the activities needed to run and expand our business...

    And have more fun... altho' we have lots now...

    thanks for making me think... tell you more in Amsterdam in two weeks... see you there

  43. Randy, I have a question to which I haven't found a logical answer yet... if everyone developed his prosperity consciousness on a high level and lived the potential he has, who would work in the restaurant you have your dinner in, if he had the possibility to own the restaurant or much more? Who would serve you in the airplane or sell you a fresh, home-made marmalade? I'm following your blog and like your ideas very much, but at that point I always come to question on how the whole system would work if everyone lived this life os luxury... hope you could give some thoughts or comments on that...

  44. How would I live if I had more money? I might travel more. I might convince my wife to retire someplace warm. Not much would really change, we would probably live very similar lives. We would probably pay off our mortgage and other debts but we'd still try to be down to earth.

    There are many people hurting out there in today's economy, many are our friends. I would hate to be living "high on the hog" when everyone else is hurting.

  45. If I made 30 million in a year, I'd get to keep about 17 million after taxes. Regardless, I see Randy threw in such a big number to get us thinking again which is good. I would build a nice big house on acreage property about an hour east of Toronto. That way we're still close to friends and family. It would be so well built and insulated , it would have southern exposure to take advantage of the sun for passive heating when able. It would be a 5000 square foot bungalow with a big 2000 sqaure foot garage attached (I'm a car hobbyist) via a breezeway. Now this only accounts for about 750 grand. I would also schedule a 2 month time out so I can oversee the construction of it because I don't fully trust any contractor or tradeperson. Another good portion of it would be invested in Real Estate. I would buy up all kinds of acreage at prices I think reasonable because a great many city folk are moving out there for retirement. I may even build a few rental properties.
    The rest goes in the bank so that even when interest rates are low, there would still be sufficient income from it and it would be a safety net. My parents don't need my help because they were prudent with their money throughout their life and retired well. If I get them anything, it will have to be useful or they'll scorn me for being foolish with money- I know, I'll get them a 20 foot powerboat and an easy to use docking system for it - they will have realized the necessity of that soon enough. Anybody asking for hand - outs will be told to get lost. Their is an Orphanage in Eastern Europe I reglarily give toiletries to (they're not getting any money they can mis-appropriate) but that's all they will get. I will also get some big boys toys as well. No charity for anybody. I don't feel guilty about that and why should I?

  46. Good question. Not everyone has the ability to get rich. Ever since the world began there have always been a small percentage of rich people. Getting rich also depends upon the innate abilities you were born with. Some people have it, some people don't. You could have all the prosperity conciousness in the world, but if you don't have any product or service to sell to someone, you're SOL. In order to get rich, you have to ask yourself 3 questions - 1. What product or servie can I sell, 2. Who will I sell it to, 3. Why should they buy from me rather than the competition. Nothing happens until you sell something.

  47. I just wanted to add that Randy is trying to deprogram our lack thinking. He would like us to think and behave in ways that are more conducive to creating more wealth than what we currently have. Not only that, he is teaching us to think in ways that we can enjoy our life more. Like I said, not everyone can get rich. The only people who really have that oppourtunity are business owners who have the economics to sell more of what they make or service they provide. If you currently work for someone and have debt - it's not likely you're going to run off, start your own company and get rich.

  48. "So here’s the million-dollar question for you: How many of these things could you be doing right now with your current level of wealth?" RG

    =>I need to change what I have been doing to achieve these things.

    “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten.” Jim Rohn

    So I am stepping out of my comfort zone. What pushed me out of my comfort zone wasn't to improve my business, but to help me get a message out to people that I think is important. It will help me in all areas in my life. My business is an important message to get out to people but I think I had conflicted feelings about sharing that message. (bad meme/negative programming that I need to replace.)

  49. RG,

    I've just had an aha moment...

    One of my bigger goals for why I'm doing everything is for my own family (yet to have).

    One big thing is school fees. I've been very proud of this flag! School fees have gone up big time since I was at boarding school. I want to be able to do the same and more for my children. Yet even the most expensive schools can be paid for in an hour, if business is good.

    No matter how far we have come I still think man provides for his family: house (cave) , women has babies etc. Is Germaine Greer reading this?

    Yet, once school fees are paid, I can see past that i.e. the farm house, 1 week off in 4. weekly massage. Lobb Shoes etc. My vision board rocks!

    Is it better to concentrate on my needs or those of providing for my family as a getting things done? I know I'll have no greater thrill than sending my children to a certain school.

    I guess it comes down to when you have reached goal X, then what do you want.

    Do you still do your coaching program?

    Happy Travels


  50. Me again...

    Then just had another my goal too small. I've not reached it yet, but is it too small.

    I know what it will look like and feel like. I'm on the road too it, but is it too small.

    I have this conflict between what I want and what I/others believe is realistic. I don't agree with being told oh be realistic.

    When others say that they are comparing me to there very own small realistic scale.

    Everything is possible otherwise you wouldn't have the desire to fulfil it.

    Happy Travels


  51. Great question, as always, Randy!

    There are 5 out of 10 I am already doing, just a matter of expanding them as my income and assets grow.

    There is one can do but which I have not - got me there!

    The remaining 4 are things on which I gravitating towards by doing things which are similar which are moving me in the correct direction.


  52. I am def not RG, but...I will add my opinion. Take it for just that. I had a friend say the same thing to me last week when I mentioned everyone needed my biz. She asked the same exact quesiton about what would happen if everyone happened became financially free and job less. Who would work in the gas stations, who would fix our vehicles, who would wait on us at resturants?
    My answer was simple. Not everyone will choose to become financially free. There are people that choose to remain in their world of poverty or never choose to develop a mentality that they truly deserve the best God has to offer them. They will continue in low self esteem, lack of self confidence---not b/c they are bad people. Just b/c they will make that choice.
    I have made the choice to live life to the fullest in complete abundance.

  53. Please do not judge my intelligence according to my typos!!! I proof books, mags, & everthing I read! I despise typos!!!

  54. When I earn 30 million a year I will get a home by the sea, a personal trainer, weekly massages, beautiful clothes and shoes to die for. My home will be stocked with gorgeous food and have an open it is now.
    Our parents will be cared for, our children will be provided for, we would travel where we wanted, when we wanted.
    I would give money to WSPA and start our purpose of decreasing the appalling child abuse rates in NZ, working to open peoples mind to the possibilities in their lives too.
    Keep up the great work RG, you are an inspiration.

    I have what may seem like a basic question but one I have struggled with for the last year - and hence my NM has not gained any traction. When you began in NM or even after some experience what did you respond with when asked - "what do you do"? Even the thought of this question paralyses me with fear before I even am asked it.
    Your perspective and advise is greatly appreciated.

  55. But that's the thing: Everyone doesn't have that consciousness. Although most of us are born with it, the education system and the datasphere programs it out of us. So it is only the people that make a conscious choice to re-program themselves.


  56. Would be some interesting critical thinking to see the connotations you put in your mind for "down to earth" and "high on the hog" to examine if that programming would cause you to reject prosperity.


  57. My needs are quite different from most. I have been rich before and actually didn't like it much. I don't mind other people spending money on all kinds of things but me???? Give me a palmtree, some nice food and drink and a backpack and I am happy as Larry (to be honest....I don't know if Larry was happy....but I sure am). Does this mean I am not prosperity conscious?????
    Mind you, I don't mind other people going for these kind of things but it just ain't my thing. I was happy when I saw one of the customers of a former boss of mine spend $250.000 on a few palmtrees for his driveway but me....just a little shack on the beach will do.

  58. RG,

    What I would do if I was a $30 million dollar woman:

    FOR ME!

    -A penthouse built to my specs with top of the line appliances, stereo equipment & custom built furniture
    -A Personal trainer
    -A Personal chef
    -A top of the line Private plane on 24/7/365 standby
    -A suite always ready for me at George V hotel in Paris
    -Investments in stocks, bonds, cd's & gold
    -Bank accounts in the millions
    -Audi A8 top of the line in Red
    -Designer shoes, purses and clothes
    -Fine jewelry in gold, silver & platinum
    -An on call top of the line spa
    -Travel 4 times a year to USA & abroad such as Beverly Hills, South Beach, London, Paris, Dubai, et al
    -Front row seat at NY & Paris Fashion Week
    -A Peekapoo dog with its own groomer


    -Charities such as Make A Wish, CARE, et al
    -Tithe to my church
    -A foundation in my name to help people start & maintain their own businesses while building an excellent money consciousness
    -Take care of my mother

  59. how would my life be different if i made $30,000,000.00 this year? after taxes of course....

    i'd flight private more often that is for sure....

    get the place in Singapore i have my eye on.

    i might be persuaded to take the next year and live aboard a luxury cruise liner and just travel and chill, work less and hire a team to replace me... (last time i took a few years off work i didn't recognize the market place when i returned.)

    great post again....

    love ya, peace out

  60. Hey Randy great posts. Well with your help I am on my way to creating income like you spoke of. When I do make $30 million a year, I will help many like my church, my daughter's school and many non-profits around the world. However, I have discovered that I must meet my needs as well and I will do so. I have always dreamed of having a yacht and sailing around the Caribbean with my wife, just island hopping and running my Internet businesses from my laptop. I would also like to have a helicopter on deck to wisk us over to our jet at the nearest airport to fly to wherever our kids are living and enjoy seeing them. I would continue to work because business is a game to me and I am very competitive and enjoy winning by building productive companies. Randy keep up the great work. I look forward to the next Blog.

  61. How's this for an oxymoron?...

    If I made $30M this year, I'd donate it to the Rothschilds, Rockafellers, Morgans, Hapsburgs, etc. (because without them, what would prosperity be?)

    Chew on that for a minute.

  62. I have a big beautiful home on several acres of land, it's totally paid for. The studio in my home has a black "Pearl" drum set with two snares, two bass's and all the percussion instruments I want. Love my percussions. One of my favorite cars, a Metallic Midnight Pearl Blue 1969 Dodge Charger, convertible stick shift with Hemi Motor is in my huge garage along with my other vehicular treasures which there are a few. I have invested $10,500,000.00 into several money making avenues. I have gone back to school and received my Bachelors in Finance. I am helping others get out of debt and grow wealth. I have gone to food banks throughout my area and gifted $100. gift cards to tens of thousands of individuals because they will be able to buy food that isn't expired or moldy and they can buy themselves shampoo and toilet paper too with the gift card. Hell they can even buy beer with the gift cards if they want.

  63. thats nice article, it does address what question but i cant find the answer for How
    I mean i have an idea but the implementation process is missing
    any way nice effort
    I come across another good blog which is more informative and idea builder blog

    it has loads of information and can help you develop ideas

  64. Sorry for my bad English, I am italian.
    Meet you, RG, in Scandik meeting, years ago. Reading your books, listening your Audio. I agree with quite all you say.
    I have not yet my 30 millions. When it will happen I will spend for making me more happy (got my dreams-board)!

    A question: as you know religions and families and schools "suggestions" are putting into people mind the idea that money is dirty! Its a loooong brain wash, expecially in the latin countries like mine. Is there any real project to start the right programming in the main schools? Or we will keep seing the same Money-Telenovelas-where-poor-people-are-happy-and-rich-are-bad?
    Have a nice day

  65. Hi Randy,

    This one really hit my wife and I right where I needed it. I read the blog with my wife last night and we sat there trying to come up with what our life would look like if we made $30 million dollars a year. The idea of visualization and really really seeing and feeling what it would be like to life that kind of life and what we would do for ourselves and others. It was a real eye opener of where we are really at compared to where we thought we were at. Time to go to work on this and get to the other side. Thanks for the inspiration and confidence to know that we can do it.

    You are a true blessing for us all.
    Make it a great day!
    God Bless,

  66. I asked my 5 year son about it in the breakfasttable.It started with talking about seeing nothing as a miracle or everything as a miracle.I looked at him intensly and said:which one would you prefer?As he is a very spontaneous boy he answered rapidly:Nothing as a miracle.Then I toled him that I don´t think it is true because when we go for a walk, for example, he always stop looking at a caravan and say Mom look at that caravan over there it´s SO BIG etc with his most exhausted voice and I told him that´s why I guess he sees EVERYTHING as a miracle.His eyes went bigger."Mom, i LOVE vehicules.When I grow up, Im gonna buy three cars and two big airplanes and many many tractors."Yes" I replied openly with a smile and then he continued:and two big boats...and a HARBOUR...and he could have continued forever if he had a time.And yes,you are true of course:Children always have dreams and they seam to be infinite.I know that if I get 30 millions I can always ask him for advice...!

  67. Well, I think everything depends on the structure of the mind.
    if you have not grown in consciousness you will be unhappy in a castle or in a small hut.
    Consciousness of abundance going from the inside out.
    I would invest in me to be completely happy, so I can help the world.

  68. Assuming I had close to a guarantee that my income would be about the same the next fiscal year, these are my plans. I would invest 15 million in Walmart and leave it alone, to pay out dividends at a current rate of about 150,000 a quarter just in case i screwed up bad. I'd open 5 McDonald's restaurants and staff them.

    I'd buy a 1968 Lamborghini miura GT, and a Ferrari 250 gto. I'd buy about a mill worth of clothes, toiletries ( I have a thing for luxury soaps, shampoos, straight razors, badger shaving brushes, etc) luggage, random electronics and gizmos.

    I'd write a few checks to square away my debt, and each of my family members' debt. Then my wife and I are off to Europe for the rest of the year with the remaining 3-4 million, I'd come back after I got paid for next year and put down 50% on a 30 million dollar mansion near home, probably Tulsa ok, the outskirts anyway. Next year I'd pay it off. I could go on for friggin ever

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  • 76 comments on “How You Would Live a Life of Luxury”

    1. It seems like I am the first comment again. I have given a lot of thought to this... I do think that my life would be very different. I would have a much bigger house (about 6-7rooms at least), with a chef or catering company to provide us with healthy and tasty meals, a large swimming pool, and a private shrine.

      I would spend a lot of time reading at home, or taking trips with my family. One of the things on my dream list is to go into orbit, so that is something to plan for.

      A lot of the money would go into investments, mainly into scientific research that I think would make the world a more fun place to live in, which would be my own way of benefiting both others and myself.

    2. Even before I started reading the article my first answer was I'd take care of my self and my needs first. Develop my business and make sure that I get a residual income from that too. After I'm sure that everything is settled I'd start running a beneficial program for homeless and socially endangered and talented kids, give them a place to develop their talents and skills and help them grow and make a good living out of it. However no.1 is me and my family so when I take care of that only then I am able to help others too of course those who ask for help.
      And I must not forget I'd buy me a new Porsche 918 Spyder it is sooo sexy 😀

    3. My prosperity fear would be am I up to the task, will I be able to pull it off?
      I no longer have problems about how I should spend it, I'm 50 now and would not hold back at buying myself the things I have always wanted especially outsourcing stuff I hate doing (computer/housework/accounts etc). Bring it on!

    4. Create Jobs - "Give a man a handout and his family eats for a day, give a man a job and his family eats everyday."

    5. Give myself a health overhaul with the best nutrition and physical regime.

      Get myself a beautiful home which reflects the joy I have about life. Have people around my for household services so I can be free to do what I choose.

      Get myself a teacher and learn to handle money wisely.

      Have a great car or several to ferry me wherever and whenever by a skilful and attentive chauffer and another car or several for my own driving pleasure.

      Learn to fly and get a private pilot's licence then get my own aircraft.

      Travel all over the world in style, learning all sorts of new stuff, taking photos and videos.

      Spend time alone in exotic retreats, meditating and writing.

      Attend TED conferences, speak there too!

      Set up education fund for my kids, spend a lot of fun time with them.

      Meet my soulmate and embark on life together.

      As I so live, so shall I be a blessing to many wherever I go.

      I am definitely ready for that $30 million per year!


    6. In my reading this morning I ran across some exerpts that I will share...makes all of your rants Randy finally sink in..Thanks.."what's the difference between a martyr and a compassionate samurai? Compassionate samurai take care of themselves as they lead a service lifestyle...Being generous with yourself increases your capacity to help's appropriate self-worth that says, "I am worthy, as are others"". so, for myself, I know there is an abundance out there for all and that includes myself as well. Now I just need to practice this daily.

    7. Here is my list! As follows;

      FOR ME
      -My 4 bank accounts bulging with millionaires
      -Investments in the millions
      -The best private plane on the market always on standby
      -The best designer wardrobe on the planet
      -A suite at the George V in Paris always ready for me
      -Travel 4 times a year to Europe, Asia, Especially Dubai
      -American Express Black Card
      -Top of the Line Audi A8 in red
      -Personal Trainer
      -Personal Chef
      -Top jewelry designers on call (calling Neil Lane)
      -Box seats to football games
      -Box seats to operas and plays
      ..there's more but space here permits..:-)


      -a foundation in my name to help those who want to become successful entrepreneurs
      -tithe to the spiritual organizations I adore
      -charities like Human Society, museums, arts, WWE and more

      I am glad you wrote this post, it has helped me to think bigger. Thanks RG! 😉

    8. Excellent comment, Rita. Thanks for sharing that! I think a lot of people have difficulty differentiating the two.

    9. WHEN I make $30 million, I am living large. First up, is this beautiful 8000Sq Ft home that has just been built by my current home (BTW, I have been through that house 4-5 times already, when they have an "Open House" there and spend countless hours arranging my new furniture in that place!!! it's already mine). It has a 4 car garage, so the "stalls" will hold my 1967 Potiac GTO convertible, MB CL65 AMG Twin Turbo (everyday car), my new Bugatti Veyron and my 2006 Jeep Commander (already have this, my wife will not part with it, even though I think its a POS). I have a summer house on Sargeants Drive on Mt. Desert Island in Maine. I have a neat little 4 BR "get away" in Grand Cayman Island. I definitely DO NOT have a problem living large. I give lots a dough to Make A Wish and Big Brothers/Big Sisters.

      The thing I find funny is a lot of people I know (me included)personally "settle" for noveau riche or what I call a "brand rich" lifestyle. They think that rich is driving a Benz, giving 10% and wearing a Rolex; this is "the big time". Then you find out that it's an "C" or "E" class that they leased for $400-500 a month and a "DateJust" that they put on a credit card. Sorry to sound like a jerk off, but $30 million is some serious coin, that would require me to seriously "up" my thinking...but I'm sure with a little practice, I could get into the groove fairly quickly!!!!!

    10. I am going to tithe on it, and invest the remainder in Real Estate assets. More specifically I am going to purchase NNN investments with long term leases which have language in the contracts that the tenant will be responsible for maintenance. I will dedicate the income of 2 of these properties to good works. I will carefully choose a minimum of 15 of these properties to invest in, and then I am going to travel and discover art and culture around the world. Most definitely I am going to be supporting Bible Societies in other nations. I will spend a lot of time praying for world leaders, which I do now anyway.

    11. If I made $30 million dollars this year, I would take my family on a vacation for 2 months. There has been so much stress over the last 6 years (mainly because we have been focusing on our 'lack' of abundance); that once we receive it... we will be taking a vacation away from all of the things that seem to be holding us back. My husband can buy his Hummer, I will buy my BMW, we'll buy the home of our dreams, the kids can have whatever they want and we will kick back, put our feet up and drink Margaritas on the beach while the kids play in the sand and swim in the ocean. After much reflection, I know that the 'thing' holding us back has been ourselves. We have been focusing on 'lacking' rather than visualizing ourselves 'having.' When you know better, you do better, so I am now manifesting wealth and "assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled."

    12. Outside of expanding my investment portfolio, I would buy a nice condo at the Continuum, Icon, or one of the really nice buildings here is South Beach. I would buy my ideal car, a BMW 750LI and a couple more watches a Audemars Piguet and a Brietling and of course help others.

    13. I'll definitely upgrade my lifestyle. Love cars, so Bugatti here I come, along with a whole laundry list of bad ass rides. $10,000 shoes? No problem. Custom Armani suits, yes indeed! Home on the beach and one in the mountains of California. Travel around the world first class. Help educate my family on being prosperous. Find ways to have my money working for me instead of the other way around. Give 10 percent to help prevent child abuse and also to Surfrider Foundation.

    14. As usual, another great post, Randy!

      $30 million for this catholic raised, color within the lines, northeastern raised businessman. I would buy a winter home in Phoenix and another in the Carribean somewhere. I would pay off my current home and my daughters current Boston College tuition.

      I would also buy a Porche, not sure which model yet.

      I would develop 10 more sites for sales/partners of my insurance agency and show them how to make millions.

      I would take my 84 year old Dad to Denmark (his heritage) for 1 month, with a side trip to Germany for my step-mom.

      Finally I would give my 3 sisters and 1 brother each a million dollars and let them either invest wisely or blow it all.

      Thanks again, Randy.

    15. How many people who will respond would have truly started out by saying what they would buy for themselves had they NOT read your article first?
      Randy, I've been a follower of your for many years and I truly get it that prosperity is selfish by design ... but SO IS RELIGION! Isn't that funny 🙂 LOL
      I'd rather spend my $30 million traveling the world, buying some clothes, taking pictures, reading ... studying and meeting new friends to hang with. My wife would be with me to enjoy that time freedom that ONLY abundant, residual money can give us, along with my kids, when they are not in school 🙂

    16. With an additional $30Million, I have LOTS of things to do with that money.

      Hire a full time housekeeper. Retire my husband from his 9-5 job. Enroll in T Harv Eker's Train the Trainer seminar (and the top package of seminars for both of us).

      Pay (anonymously) for the remaining upgrades my church has planned to its new building and double the salary of our minister. Fund an extra $1M into the foundation account for the church's use.

      Shopping spree for some fabulous sapphire, ruby and diamond jewelry. Have a tailor custom-sew a new wardrobe based on the patterns and catalog images I've saved (and scrapbooked!) over the years. Black smooth leather mid-calf handcrafted boots.

      Give my husband $1M to buy all the tools he wants. I guess that's a "guy thing".

      Travel to Hawaii, Niagara Falls, Carlsbad Caverns, Australia, reproductions of the painted caves near Lascaux France.

      Hire a private jet to fly my top performers with me to and from convention. Weekly in-home full-body massage.
      Hire a contractor to rebuild the backyard deck and garage.

      New living room furniture including a leather-covered lounging chair for me to sit and read in. Dining room table and chairs.

      Hire a chauffeur service to escort my friends to and from Chemotherapy, as well as a similar service for my aging parents-in-law for their convenience. Car service on call for me too, for the monthly distributors meeting (I get home late at night.)

      $5M for real estate investment property. Other investments, too.

      Etc etc. It's nice to know that I'll attract another $30M or more next year.

    17. Tithe, save & invest some, pay taxes, spend some on off debts, travel, new clothes, new shoes, new car, buy a dream house by the ocean (some place warm)...
      and donate some to charities....there is a lot you can do with $30 million.

      I know people who would say they don't have a prosperity problem but they wouldn't buy a new car if they had $30 million. They didn't see anything wrong with the movie the Titanic(or the ending) and believe that supports that they don't have a prosperity issue.

    18. There's not enough room for me to be specific, but just know....I have no problem defining every single detail of what I would do.

      Thanks RG,

    19. If I made $30 million a year I would:

      1. Travel 90% of the time, from seeing the Dubai World Cup races to lounging on a Phuket Beach to walking along the Great Wall of China. Of course I envision being about to work my business while I travelled.

      2. I would invest in real estate around the world.

      3. Whatever my mother or sister wanted it would be theirs.

      4. I would donate to Disaster Relief type agencies but most of my charitable efforts would go to organizations where they helped people to help themselves.

      5. Because my major passion is travel I would go first class, have the best photographic equipment and the time to really get to know the people and the area, rather than my normal rush rush trips I take now.

      6. I would buy a vintage mortcycle, learn to ride it, and cruise throught Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand with the best guide I could find.

      7. I am bald and I shave my head every day, so would I get a hair transplant?????? - Doubt it, highly unlikely.

      8. I would buy the best fitting and the best feel clothes money could buy.

      9. I would hire Randy Gage as a consultant on how to turn the $30 million into $100 million.

    20. Donate money to my high school. Enough to name something after me. 🙂

      A Maserati Gran Turismo.

      Create and fund the production of a hit media franchise.

      Live in Manhattan and San Francisco.

      Shop at Sak's and other fine retailers.

      Hire a personal trainer, nutrionist, maid, chef.

      Travel the world freely, working remotely, and interacting with others all around the world.

      Donating to charity.

      Setting up a trust for family and friends.

      Helping individuals if it feeds my soul and does not hurt me or them.

    21. Hello Randy, Great post on your blog today.

      Below is how my life would be different with $30M this year:

      First, I would give a tenth out to the universe
      (place of spiritual nourishment), pay myself a tenth, and learn how to grow, invest, and manage the money I paid myself and the money that will be continuosly flowing, and to take care of my immediate family.

      Second, I'll purchase a beautiful 10,879 sq. ft Mediterranean estate home with 6 beds, 7.2 baths, 7 living areas, 5 car garage, Spa, Pool (infinity edge), on a oversized 1 acre lot.

      Third, I'll purchase my Lamborghini Murcie'lago LP-670 SV, Mercedes S65 AMG, Dodge Challenger SRT8 (modified), Bently Continental Flying Spur Speed, Yukon Denail Hybrid 4WD since I do have 5 garages to fill.

      Fourth, do some traveling & vacationing to places like The Caribbean, Fiji Islands, Cayman Islands, Bellagio in
      Las Vegas, Four Seasons Hotel Firenze in Italy, UK, Cairo Egypt.

      Fifth, setup a foundation for assisting individuals in the areas of learning about managing money, investing & growing money, finances, & economics from a prosperity consciousness.

      Last but not least, continue to be a example of expressing and living a prosperous and abundance life showing others that they too can live a life full of abundance in every area of life with $30M or more.


    22. The first thing I'd do is buy me a brand new Cadillac Escalade, hire a full time chauffeur, and hit the road in style, staying at posh log cabins in the mountains and roughing it out in custom made tents.

      The second thing I'd do is order a Cessna VLJ (very lite Jet) and take flying lessons while it is being built for me.

      I'd go back to the slums of Karachi where I grew up, and work with the new generation to instill prosperity consciousness in them by setting up schools that teach prosperous interpretation of faith along with possibility thinking and practical sciences.

      Then I'll go crazy with my camera, rain for mountain climbing and reach the top of Everest on my 60th birthday. (April, 8, 2014).

      I'll become the conduit for prosperity and abundance. I think I am already that, but it will be a much bigger conduit.

    23. Take this a step further, my friend!

      Create Opportunities. You give a man an opportunity, and he can build a legacy that lasts for generations - not just food on his table every day.

      Besides... jobs are going to be worthless (economically) in a few years.

    24. I've got San Marc Custom Homes building a Tuscan Villa for us. and look for the Tuscan Villa in the slide shows. Outdoor kitchen by Lynx.

      I have a detached music studio for my film compositions. (I could write a book about the gear in there!)

      My car collection rivals Jay Leno's. To start, BMW 7 Series, Mercedes SLR McLaren for fun.. S65 for crusin'.. Audi Q7 for haulin the kids places.. Land Rover Defender for goin' campin...

      which reminds me... No Motorhomes for this Canuck! Norseman Canvas tents the whole way. (Don't worry, Randy - it's not from a state of lack - it's out of adventure! Whoohooo!!)

      I have the world's finest clothing for whatever activity I happen to be partaking in. Armani fits me best when I'm feeling professional. UnderArmor for when I'm active. NorthFace for exploration and adventure.

      Anywhere I go, my family comes with me.. and it'll be backpacking, safari jeeping (in that Land Rover Defender), and base jumping to get from here to there. (Outside of the private jet that helps us at the airports).

      Big thanks, Randy for reminding me of these blessings!

      Blessings to you


    25. Shoot, I would buy a house right on the water on Las Olas in Ft. Lauderdale, complete with a huge yacht or one on Miami Beach or in LA, either is fine. Add on a regular maid because I do not like cleaning. Then I would build my dream home in Jamaica where I would live 4-6 months out of the year. I would build my 3 vegan restaurants and holistic health center that I've been dreaming up (that would allow people to help themselves by eating healthy taking care of their health on their own). I would also hire a regular massage therapist and personal chef and travel the world, preferably exotic islands at least 4 times per year, while my business was being taken care of. I would also find out more ways invest some of the money to make that $30 mil continue to grow because that is a lifestyle that I have to keep for life and I could go through $30 mil pretty quick I'm sure. LOL I would also invest in a large piece of land to eventually start a community garden and teach people to farm organically.

    26. What would I do with $30 million ..... First I would make sure that $30 million was going to bring me at least $60 million the following year. Build and expand.

      Second I would hire my cousin and grandfather who are both architects to design and build my dream home. Thus helping them with income and doing something for myself at the same time.

      Third I would finally buy my dream car a brand new custom painted royal purple lamborghini.

      Fourth I would go shopping and traveling... First to Italy... Germany (supposed to be my family's coat of arms on a church there somewhere, and would love to find it)... then to Amsterdam, =) just because I could... then to Paris, and everywhere in between.. then Vegas baby! Then to Yellowstone National Park to take in the beauty before heading to my newly built dream home.

      I would do all the things I ever dreamed of doing, buy all the things I dreamed of buying. Take family and/or friends on trips and shopping sprees.

      So long as I knew that $30 million was not just a one time deal and that it was going to double itself by the following year... then baby lets spend some money and have some fun!

      I would buy a bunch of land and have it set up to bring in unwanted animals of all kinds.. cats, dogs, rabbits, snakes, horses, lambs, pigs.. what ever it may be.. just give the animals a safe place to run wild and enjoy the rest of their years. Of course a staff of vets and caretakers as well.

      Jamie 😉

    27. This is pretty easy for me.. In fact in doing my constant vision work, the $30 million is about the number that I've targeted.

      First, I will find the exact 4 bd/3ba home on Belvedere Island, which sits across the Bay from San Francisco and buy it (probably $3million). Of course it would have to be furnished, and I will spare no expense. Then I will buy a new Aston Martin Vantage V8 (steel gray on cherry leather), Range Rover Sport (pale green on tan leather), BMW 535GT (white on cinnamon leather) and a Baltic 50 sailboat. When that was all done, I would book some first class trips to New Zealand, Greece, Spain, Italy (Lake Cuomo, Tuscany, etc.), and of course, the South of France.. do some chartered sailing around the islands, etc.

      I will also invest in my new company to rapidly expand it since the mission is: to inspire people to achieve more in Life through empowerment of technologies, arts and creative thinking. I would also help out my sister and Mother, as well as a couple of friends.

    28. Randy, Coming to one of your Master Mind retreats is on my list...thank you for not letting us get away with quitting on ourselves. I would get a massage weekly, pedicures/manicures. Probably a personal trainer so I could enjoy my new clothes that aren't from JC Penny, and the new shoes to match. I would get my hair cut when I'm supposed to 🙂 I would take many small vacations a year, spending more quality time with my family. I would have a garden that would make Oprah jealous!
      I would publish my own books and make my own albums while traveling the world supporting World Vision Child Sponsorships and support the arts/education with scholarships, just for starters. Oh what fun I would have thinking up new ways to create abundance for myself and others!

    29. Great post Randy, I appreciate the time you take to educate and enlighten us.

      Thinking big is something I love doing, I usually think big... then I look at my numbers and I think even bigger.

      There is so much opportunity and abundance out there that has yet to be accepted by us! This is a great story, i'm sure you see this scenario quite often... Keep it up Randy!

      David King

    30. I've got a complete list already made in detail along with the completed vison board....houses, cars, trips, etc. I've got to say though, the $30M / year does sound like a huge stretch. My focus for now is getting to $1M income for this year, which I honestly feel I can do. What are your thoughts Randy on the balancing act between thinking huge and trying to stretch yourself to what you feel you are capable of near term?

      Great post! - RJ

    31. Ooh, what a fun exercise! I'd do the following:

      * Buy myself a house with a pool, multi-car garage, dancing studio, gym and guest wing on a couple of acres in a quiet area;
      * Buy an Audi RS4, Ferrari F430, Aston Martin DB9 & a 1967 Shelby Mustang GT500;
      * Invest in some cashflow positive rental properties;
      * Invest in gold and particularly silver;
      * Donate to a couple of my favourite charities - Youth InSearch & Big Brother Big Sister;
      * Pay for some much needed maintenance on my parents' house;
      * Pay for a cleaning lady for my mother that comes daily;
      * Buy my Dad's game fishing boat and let him use it like it was his own;
      * Buy my sister a house;
      * Go wild buying tailor made designer shoes and clothes plus jewellery;
      * Treat myself to manicures, pedicures & weekly massages;
      * Pay for more private dancing lessons;
      * Switch from full time to part time in my job (I enjoy it, I just want more free time);
      * Get a chef, maid and gardener (home grown fruit & veg) for my house;
      * Go to some more personal development seminars;
      * Regular overseas holidays (African Safari, Maldives, Antarctica);
      * Go skiing for at least a week every winter and stay in 5-star resorts.

    32. Great Article to get the thoughts moving. And speaking of moving,
      The first thing I would do for me is get some of them $10,000 shoes.

      So I could walk the walk!

      Have a great weekend

      Gary McElwain

    33. Am I going to continue to make $30 Mil a year?

      Then I would buy a private jet. Homes in Spain & Australia.

      Expand my business globally.

      Invest 20% into my educational non profit charity.

      LIVE life to it's fullest.

    34. First of all, it would be in a non-monetary system not built on illusory perception.

      It can be created in the same way we created Human Rights out of nothing.

      It would be in the True Reality we all know exists behind the smoke and mirrors.

    35. ONE QUESTION MR. GAGE? Why would you dangle this in front of us? I just want to know if we can put this sweet deal together now? I have already spent my first 30M in my mind! Ha-Ha!



    36. Stretching your mind to $30 million is difficult when you have yet to earn your 1st million. Don't get me wrong I could fill a page of things to do & have with all that cash, and I'm not that altruistic that I would put the cart before the horse, but the issue lies in believing it to be possible.

      Once you have that belief, the world is your oyster!

    37. I'd buy a huge A frame house overlooking a lake, with many ammenties. I'd have a guest house as well. I'd get 2 new cars, one for winter weather, and one more eco-friendly. I'd take a month vacation to just travel, with no itinerary. I'd repay all my debt, and finish my MBA. I'd also continue the personal development programs I've begun, fund a non-profit organization that works with business owners and school-children in 3rd world nations that brings them into the skills needed int he 21st century global economy. I'd send my family on a vacation. I'd give at least $3 million into a variety of charities that I support - some with specific uses assigned, and others to just meet what their needs are. I'd invest at least half the money in such a way that I could meet a lavish lifestyle wish-list on the annual profits alone. I'd also own every tech gadget and have an entire tv studio with production gear at my house. I'd write a book and hire a staff to just implement the ideas that I have in business. I'd take a month or two to just take a health/wellness retreat. I'd get a new wardrobe. I'm sure I've got plenty more... but with it, I'd seek real mentorship in the actual application process. I want a mentor that has come into nearly the same wealth, and a team of creative financial advisors that are also prosperity minded.

    38. I would have a 7 bedroom 7 bathroom condo with walk in closets studio, a big warm eat-in kitchen and a stupendous view of Lake Shore Drive; a home in St. Maarten; a limo driver; a housekeeper and a private chef. I would redecorate and re-furnish my current condo and keep it as a studio and for friends to use when they came to town for extended stays. The new house would have state of the art everything! The best furniture that I could find' I'd have a new wardbrobe; a private personal trainer; I'd get my hair done; have a manicure, facial and massage every week. I'd have yacht in Chicago and in St. Maarten with a skipper to maintain it in both places. I'd travel EVERYWHERE and stay in the best hotels, traveling first class all the way and that's just for starters! What fun!!!!!

    39. For me => pay cash for a black Ferrari 599 GTB. Buy a vacation home or condo in SoCal with an Ocean View.


      I totally get your point here, and agree, however I do think you are being a little too hard lined with the couple you talk about.

      Not everyone is into material wealth, stuff, etc,. I asked my wife this question and she said she'd still drive a Ford Taurus. She doesn't have a poverty mindset at all, however, she's never been into big/expensive cars, big houses,etc., She'd be more of the Millionaire Next Door type. Now me, I'm the opposite, I'd have the Ferrari, 2nd home etc,. Doesn't make either of us wrong, imo.


    40. At first I was not going to participate in this, feeling it was just wishful thinking ... but then, Randy appeared; almost like in Animal House when the angel and devil were standing on Pinto's shoulders! Don't do it said the devil. Do it said the angel, this is the point of the post! So after taking care of my parents and church and the many other causes I would like to support and setting money aside for the kids schooling/ partying, I would get a whole new wardrobe. Then I would have a different car for each day of the week ... I like cars too! I would have a house in several states, season ticket for my beloved Dolphins, all in all I would pursue my dreams! The other 25 million my wife would spend!


    41. Hi Randy,
      Better late than never!

      I intend to buy the biggest yacht and load family and friends and go around the world. Take as long as it takes. Hitting lots of ports and shopping. Lordy, That will be great, I can hardly wait!

      P.S. AFTER, I pay off mama's house.

    42. Thought provoking for sure...

      1st run... buy the boat in Hawaii... 3 bedroom apt closer to the airport in Edmonton here... 4 car garage and office at our country place...

      Travel more... cruises, do writing, more GSF events like PSA Holland... spoil my wife more... visit our daughter in Australia more often...perhaps get a 'flat' down under,

      hire out some of the activities needed to run and expand our business...

      And have more fun... altho' we have lots now...

      thanks for making me think... tell you more in Amsterdam in two weeks... see you there

    43. Randy, I have a question to which I haven't found a logical answer yet... if everyone developed his prosperity consciousness on a high level and lived the potential he has, who would work in the restaurant you have your dinner in, if he had the possibility to own the restaurant or much more? Who would serve you in the airplane or sell you a fresh, home-made marmalade? I'm following your blog and like your ideas very much, but at that point I always come to question on how the whole system would work if everyone lived this life os luxury... hope you could give some thoughts or comments on that...

    44. How would I live if I had more money? I might travel more. I might convince my wife to retire someplace warm. Not much would really change, we would probably live very similar lives. We would probably pay off our mortgage and other debts but we'd still try to be down to earth.

      There are many people hurting out there in today's economy, many are our friends. I would hate to be living "high on the hog" when everyone else is hurting.

    45. If I made 30 million in a year, I'd get to keep about 17 million after taxes. Regardless, I see Randy threw in such a big number to get us thinking again which is good. I would build a nice big house on acreage property about an hour east of Toronto. That way we're still close to friends and family. It would be so well built and insulated , it would have southern exposure to take advantage of the sun for passive heating when able. It would be a 5000 square foot bungalow with a big 2000 sqaure foot garage attached (I'm a car hobbyist) via a breezeway. Now this only accounts for about 750 grand. I would also schedule a 2 month time out so I can oversee the construction of it because I don't fully trust any contractor or tradeperson. Another good portion of it would be invested in Real Estate. I would buy up all kinds of acreage at prices I think reasonable because a great many city folk are moving out there for retirement. I may even build a few rental properties.
      The rest goes in the bank so that even when interest rates are low, there would still be sufficient income from it and it would be a safety net. My parents don't need my help because they were prudent with their money throughout their life and retired well. If I get them anything, it will have to be useful or they'll scorn me for being foolish with money- I know, I'll get them a 20 foot powerboat and an easy to use docking system for it - they will have realized the necessity of that soon enough. Anybody asking for hand - outs will be told to get lost. Their is an Orphanage in Eastern Europe I reglarily give toiletries to (they're not getting any money they can mis-appropriate) but that's all they will get. I will also get some big boys toys as well. No charity for anybody. I don't feel guilty about that and why should I?

    46. Good question. Not everyone has the ability to get rich. Ever since the world began there have always been a small percentage of rich people. Getting rich also depends upon the innate abilities you were born with. Some people have it, some people don't. You could have all the prosperity conciousness in the world, but if you don't have any product or service to sell to someone, you're SOL. In order to get rich, you have to ask yourself 3 questions - 1. What product or servie can I sell, 2. Who will I sell it to, 3. Why should they buy from me rather than the competition. Nothing happens until you sell something.

    47. I just wanted to add that Randy is trying to deprogram our lack thinking. He would like us to think and behave in ways that are more conducive to creating more wealth than what we currently have. Not only that, he is teaching us to think in ways that we can enjoy our life more. Like I said, not everyone can get rich. The only people who really have that oppourtunity are business owners who have the economics to sell more of what they make or service they provide. If you currently work for someone and have debt - it's not likely you're going to run off, start your own company and get rich.

    48. "So here’s the million-dollar question for you: How many of these things could you be doing right now with your current level of wealth?" RG

      =>I need to change what I have been doing to achieve these things.

      “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten.” Jim Rohn

      So I am stepping out of my comfort zone. What pushed me out of my comfort zone wasn't to improve my business, but to help me get a message out to people that I think is important. It will help me in all areas in my life. My business is an important message to get out to people but I think I had conflicted feelings about sharing that message. (bad meme/negative programming that I need to replace.)

    49. RG,

      I've just had an aha moment...

      One of my bigger goals for why I'm doing everything is for my own family (yet to have).

      One big thing is school fees. I've been very proud of this flag! School fees have gone up big time since I was at boarding school. I want to be able to do the same and more for my children. Yet even the most expensive schools can be paid for in an hour, if business is good.

      No matter how far we have come I still think man provides for his family: house (cave) , women has babies etc. Is Germaine Greer reading this?

      Yet, once school fees are paid, I can see past that i.e. the farm house, 1 week off in 4. weekly massage. Lobb Shoes etc. My vision board rocks!

      Is it better to concentrate on my needs or those of providing for my family as a getting things done? I know I'll have no greater thrill than sending my children to a certain school.

      I guess it comes down to when you have reached goal X, then what do you want.

      Do you still do your coaching program?

      Happy Travels


    50. Me again...

      Then just had another my goal too small. I've not reached it yet, but is it too small.

      I know what it will look like and feel like. I'm on the road too it, but is it too small.

      I have this conflict between what I want and what I/others believe is realistic. I don't agree with being told oh be realistic.

      When others say that they are comparing me to there very own small realistic scale.

      Everything is possible otherwise you wouldn't have the desire to fulfil it.

      Happy Travels


    51. Great question, as always, Randy!

      There are 5 out of 10 I am already doing, just a matter of expanding them as my income and assets grow.

      There is one can do but which I have not - got me there!

      The remaining 4 are things on which I gravitating towards by doing things which are similar which are moving me in the correct direction.


    52. I am def not RG, but...I will add my opinion. Take it for just that. I had a friend say the same thing to me last week when I mentioned everyone needed my biz. She asked the same exact quesiton about what would happen if everyone happened became financially free and job less. Who would work in the gas stations, who would fix our vehicles, who would wait on us at resturants?
      My answer was simple. Not everyone will choose to become financially free. There are people that choose to remain in their world of poverty or never choose to develop a mentality that they truly deserve the best God has to offer them. They will continue in low self esteem, lack of self confidence---not b/c they are bad people. Just b/c they will make that choice.
      I have made the choice to live life to the fullest in complete abundance.

    53. Please do not judge my intelligence according to my typos!!! I proof books, mags, & everthing I read! I despise typos!!!

    54. When I earn 30 million a year I will get a home by the sea, a personal trainer, weekly massages, beautiful clothes and shoes to die for. My home will be stocked with gorgeous food and have an open it is now.
      Our parents will be cared for, our children will be provided for, we would travel where we wanted, when we wanted.
      I would give money to WSPA and start our purpose of decreasing the appalling child abuse rates in NZ, working to open peoples mind to the possibilities in their lives too.
      Keep up the great work RG, you are an inspiration.

      I have what may seem like a basic question but one I have struggled with for the last year - and hence my NM has not gained any traction. When you began in NM or even after some experience what did you respond with when asked - "what do you do"? Even the thought of this question paralyses me with fear before I even am asked it.
      Your perspective and advise is greatly appreciated.

    55. But that's the thing: Everyone doesn't have that consciousness. Although most of us are born with it, the education system and the datasphere programs it out of us. So it is only the people that make a conscious choice to re-program themselves.


    56. Would be some interesting critical thinking to see the connotations you put in your mind for "down to earth" and "high on the hog" to examine if that programming would cause you to reject prosperity.


    57. My needs are quite different from most. I have been rich before and actually didn't like it much. I don't mind other people spending money on all kinds of things but me???? Give me a palmtree, some nice food and drink and a backpack and I am happy as Larry (to be honest....I don't know if Larry was happy....but I sure am). Does this mean I am not prosperity conscious?????
      Mind you, I don't mind other people going for these kind of things but it just ain't my thing. I was happy when I saw one of the customers of a former boss of mine spend $250.000 on a few palmtrees for his driveway but me....just a little shack on the beach will do.

    58. RG,

      What I would do if I was a $30 million dollar woman:

      FOR ME!

      -A penthouse built to my specs with top of the line appliances, stereo equipment & custom built furniture
      -A Personal trainer
      -A Personal chef
      -A top of the line Private plane on 24/7/365 standby
      -A suite always ready for me at George V hotel in Paris
      -Investments in stocks, bonds, cd's & gold
      -Bank accounts in the millions
      -Audi A8 top of the line in Red
      -Designer shoes, purses and clothes
      -Fine jewelry in gold, silver & platinum
      -An on call top of the line spa
      -Travel 4 times a year to USA & abroad such as Beverly Hills, South Beach, London, Paris, Dubai, et al
      -Front row seat at NY & Paris Fashion Week
      -A Peekapoo dog with its own groomer


      -Charities such as Make A Wish, CARE, et al
      -Tithe to my church
      -A foundation in my name to help people start & maintain their own businesses while building an excellent money consciousness
      -Take care of my mother

    59. how would my life be different if i made $30,000,000.00 this year? after taxes of course....

      i'd flight private more often that is for sure....

      get the place in Singapore i have my eye on.

      i might be persuaded to take the next year and live aboard a luxury cruise liner and just travel and chill, work less and hire a team to replace me... (last time i took a few years off work i didn't recognize the market place when i returned.)

      great post again....

      love ya, peace out

    60. Hey Randy great posts. Well with your help I am on my way to creating income like you spoke of. When I do make $30 million a year, I will help many like my church, my daughter's school and many non-profits around the world. However, I have discovered that I must meet my needs as well and I will do so. I have always dreamed of having a yacht and sailing around the Caribbean with my wife, just island hopping and running my Internet businesses from my laptop. I would also like to have a helicopter on deck to wisk us over to our jet at the nearest airport to fly to wherever our kids are living and enjoy seeing them. I would continue to work because business is a game to me and I am very competitive and enjoy winning by building productive companies. Randy keep up the great work. I look forward to the next Blog.

    61. How's this for an oxymoron?...

      If I made $30M this year, I'd donate it to the Rothschilds, Rockafellers, Morgans, Hapsburgs, etc. (because without them, what would prosperity be?)

      Chew on that for a minute.

    62. I have a big beautiful home on several acres of land, it's totally paid for. The studio in my home has a black "Pearl" drum set with two snares, two bass's and all the percussion instruments I want. Love my percussions. One of my favorite cars, a Metallic Midnight Pearl Blue 1969 Dodge Charger, convertible stick shift with Hemi Motor is in my huge garage along with my other vehicular treasures which there are a few. I have invested $10,500,000.00 into several money making avenues. I have gone back to school and received my Bachelors in Finance. I am helping others get out of debt and grow wealth. I have gone to food banks throughout my area and gifted $100. gift cards to tens of thousands of individuals because they will be able to buy food that isn't expired or moldy and they can buy themselves shampoo and toilet paper too with the gift card. Hell they can even buy beer with the gift cards if they want.

    63. thats nice article, it does address what question but i cant find the answer for How
      I mean i have an idea but the implementation process is missing
      any way nice effort
      I come across another good blog which is more informative and idea builder blog

      it has loads of information and can help you develop ideas

    64. Sorry for my bad English, I am italian.
      Meet you, RG, in Scandik meeting, years ago. Reading your books, listening your Audio. I agree with quite all you say.
      I have not yet my 30 millions. When it will happen I will spend for making me more happy (got my dreams-board)!

      A question: as you know religions and families and schools "suggestions" are putting into people mind the idea that money is dirty! Its a loooong brain wash, expecially in the latin countries like mine. Is there any real project to start the right programming in the main schools? Or we will keep seing the same Money-Telenovelas-where-poor-people-are-happy-and-rich-are-bad?
      Have a nice day

    65. Hi Randy,

      This one really hit my wife and I right where I needed it. I read the blog with my wife last night and we sat there trying to come up with what our life would look like if we made $30 million dollars a year. The idea of visualization and really really seeing and feeling what it would be like to life that kind of life and what we would do for ourselves and others. It was a real eye opener of where we are really at compared to where we thought we were at. Time to go to work on this and get to the other side. Thanks for the inspiration and confidence to know that we can do it.

      You are a true blessing for us all.
      Make it a great day!
      God Bless,

    66. I asked my 5 year son about it in the breakfasttable.It started with talking about seeing nothing as a miracle or everything as a miracle.I looked at him intensly and said:which one would you prefer?As he is a very spontaneous boy he answered rapidly:Nothing as a miracle.Then I toled him that I don´t think it is true because when we go for a walk, for example, he always stop looking at a caravan and say Mom look at that caravan over there it´s SO BIG etc with his most exhausted voice and I told him that´s why I guess he sees EVERYTHING as a miracle.His eyes went bigger."Mom, i LOVE vehicules.When I grow up, Im gonna buy three cars and two big airplanes and many many tractors."Yes" I replied openly with a smile and then he continued:and two big boats...and a HARBOUR...and he could have continued forever if he had a time.And yes,you are true of course:Children always have dreams and they seam to be infinite.I know that if I get 30 millions I can always ask him for advice...!

    67. Well, I think everything depends on the structure of the mind.
      if you have not grown in consciousness you will be unhappy in a castle or in a small hut.
      Consciousness of abundance going from the inside out.
      I would invest in me to be completely happy, so I can help the world.

    68. Assuming I had close to a guarantee that my income would be about the same the next fiscal year, these are my plans. I would invest 15 million in Walmart and leave it alone, to pay out dividends at a current rate of about 150,000 a quarter just in case i screwed up bad. I'd open 5 McDonald's restaurants and staff them.

      I'd buy a 1968 Lamborghini miura GT, and a Ferrari 250 gto. I'd buy about a mill worth of clothes, toiletries ( I have a thing for luxury soaps, shampoos, straight razors, badger shaving brushes, etc) luggage, random electronics and gizmos.

      I'd write a few checks to square away my debt, and each of my family members' debt. Then my wife and I are off to Europe for the rest of the year with the remaining 3-4 million, I'd come back after I got paid for next year and put down 50% on a 30 million dollar mansion near home, probably Tulsa ok, the outskirts anyway. Next year I'd pay it off. I could go on for friggin ever

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