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How You Respond to Adversity

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 9, 2022

(Friday Filosophy 9/09/22)

Happy Freakin’ Friday!

This is my weekly postcard to share something I’m thinking about – that you may want to think about as well. And today the subject of my fascination is how we deal with adversity.

Last week I wrote you from Dallas, where Mother Nature played havoc with our softball World Series.  That upset me.  Just like the sloppy operations of American Airlines on the way home upset me.  But if we take an honest and rational look at the situation, what really upset me?

Was it the rain?  Of course not.  Was it American Airlines?  Of course not. I’ve allowed myself to be conditioned to become upset when things don’t go the way I want.  So when this happens, I am choosing to be upset.

It’s been raining for millennia before I was born and will be raining for millennia after I’m gone. The rain wasn’t trying to upset me.  In fact, it doesn’t even know or care I exist, nor that I had only made one out in the first four games.

American Airlines is not a sentient being who cares about my existence.  It’s a collection of interwoven but conflicting stakeholders: owners seeking profits, executives seeking bonuses, employees seeking job security, vendors seeking contracts, and a bunch of computer algorithms – and you and I are simply the collateral damage that occurs when they all seek what they’re seeking.

For you or me to get upset with any airline is as foolish as getting upset with a thunderstorm, earthquake, or tsunami.  None of those things have the power to upset us.  We choose to upset ourselves. Certainly, we’ve been trained and conditioned to become upset at situations (even people).  But that doesn’t make it any less stupid.

I recorded a new podcast on the subject of self-discipline: Why it's critical for success and how you build it.




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Thought of the day: Speaking of self-discipline, its purpose is to build positive, productive habits.  Victors do daily what victims do only occasionally.


- RG

P.S. Tim Shurr and I conducted a Manifesting Prosperity Master Class.  If you’re interested, check it out here.

Previous Post: The Need for Seeking Challenges

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