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How You Relate to Money

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 7, 2019

Got some great feedback from a podcast I did last week about your relationship with money.  So let’s explore that some more…

If we find the world’s smartest physicist and asked her the nature of all things, she would say energy or energy vibrations.  That would include money as well.  So if money is energy, we know money can be attracted or repelled.

Now think back to when you first developed any emotion or relationship to money.  The odds are very high that you did this through your parents – how they felt and talked about money.  So try and remember the things they said to you as a child.  Were they things like:

“We may not be rich.  But at least we’re honest.”

“Do you think money grows on trees?”

“We don’t have money for that.”

Next, reflect on how they felt about rich people.  Most families have one “rich uncle” or other wealthy person in it.  How are they viewed and spoken about by the rest of the family?  Did your parents talk about wealthy people with jealousy or in a disdainful way?

Here’s another interesting thought.  Even kids raised in wealthy families can feel guilty about that, because of the anti-rich programming in popular culture.

Here are some vital questions to ponder…

How has the way you first felt about money as a child influenced the way you live your life today?

Did it effect what college you went to, the jobs you went after, the person you married, and other major life decisions?

Please share your thoughts below, and we’ll continue this thread tomorrow.

- RG

4 comments on “How You Relate to Money”

  1. Even though my family was working class I grew up having all I wanted.I was sent to private school and that was the first time I realized that there were people who had more money than we did. It didn’t bother me as I was part of the class and I was and still am ambitious. I often had to wear hand me downs which I enjoyed as they fired my imagination. I was a driven spirit and still get what I want and need for myself and my family. I don’t see money as an obstacle. In fact I’d say most times I don’t see it.

  2. Undoubtedly. And after 30 years in business watching heaps of money turn up and then disappear, I'm now actually remembering the childhood occasions when being poor meant more love. I've done a lot of work on this and I'm finding the issues are still there, deep and powerful.

  3. Pretty much in every bad way.

    My father is a car mechanic. They never had a working car. My car have the exact same problem, as his. He also could not make a normal family, nor me.

    And of course, all of my family is blessed physical work and condemned mental work. The biggest kick was the deep-rooted Christianity, which say that loving other people's work (money, the blood of the market) is the root of all evil, God loves more the pathetic idiots than the achievers, etc.

  4. oh yes, I felt I had to go to college to get a degree because "making money is hard and only special people can do it," and I, "needed a college degree to get a job," etc when really most of my interests were music and girls, which do not equate to doing well in class for me.

    Looking back and forwards to where I'm at now, just getting my own apartment, figuring that out, and pursuing a self education bill gates style is what I like and enjoy the most. thanks for your books. I rewatched some of Spiderman Homecoming and Frozen with the family for 4th of july and could start to see what you're talking about with all the memes.

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  • 4 comments on “How You Relate to Money”

    1. Even though my family was working class I grew up having all I wanted.I was sent to private school and that was the first time I realized that there were people who had more money than we did. It didn’t bother me as I was part of the class and I was and still am ambitious. I often had to wear hand me downs which I enjoyed as they fired my imagination. I was a driven spirit and still get what I want and need for myself and my family. I don’t see money as an obstacle. In fact I’d say most times I don’t see it.

    2. Undoubtedly. And after 30 years in business watching heaps of money turn up and then disappear, I'm now actually remembering the childhood occasions when being poor meant more love. I've done a lot of work on this and I'm finding the issues are still there, deep and powerful.

    3. Pretty much in every bad way.

      My father is a car mechanic. They never had a working car. My car have the exact same problem, as his. He also could not make a normal family, nor me.

      And of course, all of my family is blessed physical work and condemned mental work. The biggest kick was the deep-rooted Christianity, which say that loving other people's work (money, the blood of the market) is the root of all evil, God loves more the pathetic idiots than the achievers, etc.

    4. oh yes, I felt I had to go to college to get a degree because "making money is hard and only special people can do it," and I, "needed a college degree to get a job," etc when really most of my interests were music and girls, which do not equate to doing well in class for me.

      Looking back and forwards to where I'm at now, just getting my own apartment, figuring that out, and pursuing a self education bill gates style is what I like and enjoy the most. thanks for your books. I rewatched some of Spiderman Homecoming and Frozen with the family for 4th of july and could start to see what you're talking about with all the memes.

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