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How You Apply the Imaging Law of Prosperity

Posted By: Randy GageJune 3, 2009

Prosperity, like all forms of success is created in the mind first.  When you image things in your mind, you are actually programming your subconscious to manifest them on the physical plane. 

One of the reasons I love affirmations is because these help you program your own subconscious mind.  I also believe in goal cards, positive statements in your day planner, or even sticky notes with affirmations on your steering wheel, mirror, or refrigerator.  When you see these reminders, you think about the thing you are trying to manifest, and that emotion anchors the thought in your subconscious mind.

The more emotions you engage, the clearer the picture is in your mind.  And the clearer it is to you, the sooner you will manifest it.   Here is a short video explaining it a little deeper:


Don’t you just love Richard’s idea of writing your movie script?  Make that your project for this week.

See into the future, the day you take your company public, you make your first million, or open that new restaurant.  You want a compelling and thorough journaling of your perfect day.  Remember to involve all your senses, to make the experience seem as real as possible.  You want to see it, hear it, taste it, smell it, touch it, and FEEL it.  It is only when you experience prosperity in your mind and heart first, that you manifest it on the physical plane.

Don’t show this script to anyone, except those who support and encourage you greatly.  Share it only with those you can count on as Mastermind partners toward your success.  Keep this script in someplace like your planner, briefcase, or purse, so you have it handy every day.  Whenever you have a free five minutes, re-read your script.   When you get stressed out during your day and feeling overwhelmed, close your door, take the phone off the hook for five minutes and study your script.

The other thing you can do now is your Prosperity Manifestation Map. These are a lot of fun, and very powerful tools for manifesting your prosperity.  Here’s the deal...

Fill it with pictures, affirmations and other things you want to manifest in your life.  I like to divide mine into sections, such as work, spiritual, relationships, etc.

Then in each area, you put things on the board to represent things you want to do, have, or become.  So for a couple of weeks before you do this, you start collecting magazines, brochures and other materials in the hobbies and areas you are interested in.

There are no rules for how you put things on the Board, except that the image has to mean something to you.  It doesn’t matter if anyone else understands it.  They don’t need to.  But you have to know what it means every time you see it.  It’s a powerful resource to program your subconscious mind and a lot of fun to do.

BTW, those of you that have done movie scripts, affirmations and prosperity maps with success, please share your experience below, to encourage the rest of our community to do this.  Thanks!


P.S. I'm heading off to San Diego.  I'll check in on the other side.

16 comments on “How You Apply the Imaging Law of Prosperity”

  1. I believe this is required everyday. If you spend anytime on the net you bump into images that inspire and move you. Easy to copy and save to your pc. Collage them into backgrounds for your computer or Twitter or wherever you hang out. The more often you see what you want the sooner it will appear. It motivates me to actually do the work to have it appear and I add and grow the vision daily. Live inspired with your dreams.

    Thank you Randy for being there and making prosperity an 'of course' you can have it.

  2. I have had a "dream board" collage as a screen saver on my computer for over a year now. So every time I take a phone call, leave the office for a few moments to get a cup of coffee, or go to the bathroom, or if I'm reading or writing off of the computer, the screen saver activates, and I see these images several times per day. I used image editing software to embed photos of myself or my personal items into each photo of my "perfect" life, it makes the image that much more real and believable every time I see it. (For example, in a photo of an interior of my dream house, I embedded photos of my furniture and TV. Seeing my own furniture in my "dream house" makes it real.)

  3. The first time I got in touch with the dream board "technology" was at the end of a SyncCreation Workshop. It was around the 11th of December of 2006.

    By Christmas time I started to receive little "gifts" that were on that board. They were the sign posts along the road. I remember opening a gift from my brother and having chills runing down my spine... I'm having them now by the way.

    In 12 months, and 12 months only, I had manifested everything in that board, and some of the items were way beyond what I could only have dreamt before the workshop. It was an amazing experience that rooted me deeper into myself.

    So... it works. Do it and be open to receive.


  4. If there is a huge gap between where you are right now and where you want to be, each time you take a look at images of your dream board you feel frustrated, depressed.

    It’s crazy to put in your dream board a picture of a luxury villa when you don’t even own a room in a flat you live in. There is no reason to wish to be a famous singer when you earless and have no voice. It’s impossible to attract some categories of people like celebrities, so it’s not wise to put pictures of them and pray to meet them onetime.

    Are there any rules for putting images in a dream board? Should I start with small things?

  5. I started using the imagination in law of prosperity some time ago and it helped me a lot... I still can't get use to use it everyday but i must try to do that. Thanks for all the good information you provide and i hope you will come once in Romania and hold a conference too.

  6. One of the things that I've realised about having a dream board is that it's important to feel positive about it when I look at it. I think that the reason so many of the things on my board are still a work in progress many years later is because for a long while I felt bad when I looked at those things. I've noticed that when I don't take things so seriously and just focus on feeling good, wonderful things come into my life, dream board or not.

  7. I too have tried the dreambook/ board without much success in the past. I believe in the principle (or should I say 'Law'...) but have run into difficulties:

    1. Persistence/ Discipline: Keeping focused on one thing when my attention is always being drawn in different directions. I would focus on the board for a month everyday but then go away for a few days and forget/ lose the momentum once I'm back. How do you manage this?

    2. Positive emotion: To Carmens point above, it is often hard when you are stuck in a mindset of scarcity (some might call this reality) to feel positive when you look at these objects of desire. Instead, it's all too easy to focus on the 'lack' of these things e.g. I 'wish' I had a Viper (but I know I don't have one), rather than the feeling associated with owning these objects.

    One of my dreams is to buy a house for my family (I have a wife and 3 boys) and I have done alot of work to remove the 'lack' of a house in my mind - and to put myself in a positive place about what it would feel like when I own my home (I have a picture of it etc). Seeing Randy's videos and reading some of your comments reinforces my belief that it is possible for me to archieve my dream with the right amount of positive focus (and, of course, inspired action in that direction).

    Any thoughts, encouragement, feedback on the above much appreciated.

    Big love - Jason J

  8. I was avoiding writing a movie script of my perfect day because there are some things in my life that would not be in my perfect day. There are also some better things that would be in my perfect day. I realize I won't have my perfect day if I don't let go of some things. It is never easy.

  9. I wrote my perfect day about 2 months ago and edited it a few times since . I was pleasantly surprised to find out that i really dream big, good for me !!! I never thought that my dreams were that big, and after rereading my script every day, i made it even bigger when i edited it.
    Now im working on keeping my mind and subconcious mind in a positive environment , watching mindmovies several times a day, reading positive things, self development books ,stopped watching the news and tv al toghether ,instead started to learn spanish and have more me time , started meditating and if somebody in my surrounding starts to talk negative ,i just change the subject or am really busy and take off.
    Some points in this lesson i can bring in to my life also, so thanks Randy for the great advice!

  10. -RG,
    Please keep telling the folks that you did theses things way before you became prosperous.

    Some people think "wow it's OK now for him to be all esoteric, now that he has what he wants"


  11. I have built a prosperity manifestation map on my MAC. I look at it daily and am starting to not only see results, but feel them as well. I BELIEVE I WILL ACHIEVE EVERYTHING ON MY MAP. THAT is the secret!!

  12. Great! Just today I was going to create my own Dream Board. And now I see this article in facebook... Coincidence? I don´t think so. 🙂

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  • 16 comments on “How You Apply the Imaging Law of Prosperity”

    1. I believe this is required everyday. If you spend anytime on the net you bump into images that inspire and move you. Easy to copy and save to your pc. Collage them into backgrounds for your computer or Twitter or wherever you hang out. The more often you see what you want the sooner it will appear. It motivates me to actually do the work to have it appear and I add and grow the vision daily. Live inspired with your dreams.

      Thank you Randy for being there and making prosperity an 'of course' you can have it.

    2. I have had a "dream board" collage as a screen saver on my computer for over a year now. So every time I take a phone call, leave the office for a few moments to get a cup of coffee, or go to the bathroom, or if I'm reading or writing off of the computer, the screen saver activates, and I see these images several times per day. I used image editing software to embed photos of myself or my personal items into each photo of my "perfect" life, it makes the image that much more real and believable every time I see it. (For example, in a photo of an interior of my dream house, I embedded photos of my furniture and TV. Seeing my own furniture in my "dream house" makes it real.)

    3. The first time I got in touch with the dream board "technology" was at the end of a SyncCreation Workshop. It was around the 11th of December of 2006.

      By Christmas time I started to receive little "gifts" that were on that board. They were the sign posts along the road. I remember opening a gift from my brother and having chills runing down my spine... I'm having them now by the way.

      In 12 months, and 12 months only, I had manifested everything in that board, and some of the items were way beyond what I could only have dreamt before the workshop. It was an amazing experience that rooted me deeper into myself.

      So... it works. Do it and be open to receive.


    4. If there is a huge gap between where you are right now and where you want to be, each time you take a look at images of your dream board you feel frustrated, depressed.

      It’s crazy to put in your dream board a picture of a luxury villa when you don’t even own a room in a flat you live in. There is no reason to wish to be a famous singer when you earless and have no voice. It’s impossible to attract some categories of people like celebrities, so it’s not wise to put pictures of them and pray to meet them onetime.

      Are there any rules for putting images in a dream board? Should I start with small things?

    5. I started using the imagination in law of prosperity some time ago and it helped me a lot... I still can't get use to use it everyday but i must try to do that. Thanks for all the good information you provide and i hope you will come once in Romania and hold a conference too.

    6. One of the things that I've realised about having a dream board is that it's important to feel positive about it when I look at it. I think that the reason so many of the things on my board are still a work in progress many years later is because for a long while I felt bad when I looked at those things. I've noticed that when I don't take things so seriously and just focus on feeling good, wonderful things come into my life, dream board or not.

    7. I too have tried the dreambook/ board without much success in the past. I believe in the principle (or should I say 'Law'...) but have run into difficulties:

      1. Persistence/ Discipline: Keeping focused on one thing when my attention is always being drawn in different directions. I would focus on the board for a month everyday but then go away for a few days and forget/ lose the momentum once I'm back. How do you manage this?

      2. Positive emotion: To Carmens point above, it is often hard when you are stuck in a mindset of scarcity (some might call this reality) to feel positive when you look at these objects of desire. Instead, it's all too easy to focus on the 'lack' of these things e.g. I 'wish' I had a Viper (but I know I don't have one), rather than the feeling associated with owning these objects.

      One of my dreams is to buy a house for my family (I have a wife and 3 boys) and I have done alot of work to remove the 'lack' of a house in my mind - and to put myself in a positive place about what it would feel like when I own my home (I have a picture of it etc). Seeing Randy's videos and reading some of your comments reinforces my belief that it is possible for me to archieve my dream with the right amount of positive focus (and, of course, inspired action in that direction).

      Any thoughts, encouragement, feedback on the above much appreciated.

      Big love - Jason J

    8. I was avoiding writing a movie script of my perfect day because there are some things in my life that would not be in my perfect day. There are also some better things that would be in my perfect day. I realize I won't have my perfect day if I don't let go of some things. It is never easy.

    9. I wrote my perfect day about 2 months ago and edited it a few times since . I was pleasantly surprised to find out that i really dream big, good for me !!! I never thought that my dreams were that big, and after rereading my script every day, i made it even bigger when i edited it.
      Now im working on keeping my mind and subconcious mind in a positive environment , watching mindmovies several times a day, reading positive things, self development books ,stopped watching the news and tv al toghether ,instead started to learn spanish and have more me time , started meditating and if somebody in my surrounding starts to talk negative ,i just change the subject or am really busy and take off.
      Some points in this lesson i can bring in to my life also, so thanks Randy for the great advice!

    10. -RG,
      Please keep telling the folks that you did theses things way before you became prosperous.

      Some people think "wow it's OK now for him to be all esoteric, now that he has what he wants"


    11. I have built a prosperity manifestation map on my MAC. I look at it daily and am starting to not only see results, but feel them as well. I BELIEVE I WILL ACHIEVE EVERYTHING ON MY MAP. THAT is the secret!!

    12. Great! Just today I was going to create my own Dream Board. And now I see this article in facebook... Coincidence? I don´t think so. 🙂

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