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How to Create Your Dream Life!

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 28, 2012

Message from RG:  I’m lounging under a palm tree on a much-needed vacation for a few weeks.  So to fill your insatiable need for brilliant and helpful self-development info each morning, I’ve asked some of my clever friends to sit in for me during my absence.  Today’s guest blogger is Lisa Jimenez:

We’ve been talking about tapping into the power of thoughts and emotions to manifest your ideal life.

In Day One we talked about the power of the brain and how to program your Reticular Activating System (RAS) to attract what you want and filter out the rest. In Day Two we talked about the power of imagination and how to program your emotions to fuel the process.

Today, on our final day, I want to share WHY this process works.

Programming your brain and emotions transforms your SELF-VIEW; and when you change your Self-View you can transform any area of your life!

Everything you’ve experienced in your life so far comes from the view you have of yourself.  Every goal you’ve achieved (or haven’t achieved) came from your Self-View.

You can never “out succeed” your Self-View...

Your Self-View gets created through the meaning you give to what happens in your life.  The circumstances you’ve experienced have programmed you to see yourself as that circumstance. But…

You are not your circumstances!

You are not divorce, foreclosure or financial challenge. You are not bankruptcy, DUI conviction, health challenge or getting fired. Do not collapse “what happened” with “who you are.”  YOU are not your circumstances.

Circumstances are just what happened. They are just what there is to deal with. Stop giving them so much power.  When you train yourself to distinguish the difference between what happened to you and you – you are free to create whatever you want because you are free to create an empowering Self-View NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES!

Create the self-view you’ll need to overcome those circumstances!  Who you really are is pure possibility, more than a conqueror, infinite wisdom, abundance and prosperity.

You have all you need to create success right now just the way your life is and just the way your life is not. Your access to creating your best life is in your “Self-View”.

Believe it!

It’s time to dream big again! It’s time to program your RAS with thoughts of opportunity, love, innovation, abundance and prosperity. It’s time to tap into your imagination and program your emotions with pictures of your success. It’s time to believe in this process for it will change your Self-View and transform your life!

Thank you for reading these posts and being a part of the conversation, “How to Create Your Dream Life!”

Have a miraculous day,

- Lisa Jimenez M.Ed.

For more information on Lisa’s books, Speaking Programs and Mastermind Retreats, go to

32 comments on “How to Create Your Dream Life!”

  1. Lisa.. Am deeply grateful for your insights.. very powerful indeed.. Life is about the choices and thoughts we hold.. So we must choose wisely and think the best thoughts!

  2. Lisa.. Am deeply grateful for your insights.. very powerful indeed.. Life is about the choices and thoughts we hold.. So we must choose wisely and think the best thoughts!

  3. Interesting perception, about our "self-view".  I wonder what others in this conversation are doing to change & up-grade their self-view? 
    I strongly believe that our circumstances are the expression of our 'self-view'; I am not 100% complacent about my circumstances, although they are about a gazillion times better than what they used to be! so for me, "changing my self-view" is a priority, and has been for some years. 
    Just now, I am studying the book NOW Discover Your Strengths (Buckingham, M & Clifton, D) which is helping me refine my self-view.
    What are you doing to change your self-view?

  4. Interesting perception, about our "self-view".  I wonder what others in this conversation are doing to change & up-grade their self-view? 
    I strongly believe that our circumstances are the expression of our 'self-view'; I am not 100% complacent about my circumstances, although they are about a gazillion times better than what they used to be! so for me, "changing my self-view" is a priority, and has been for some years. 
    Just now, I am studying the book NOW Discover Your Strengths (Buckingham, M & Clifton, D) which is helping me refine my self-view.
    What are you doing to change your self-view?

  5. Great Post and Very True... Our Circumstances are WHAT they ARE... it is how you deal with them and view them that either MAKES You or BREAKS You... Thanks for the Great Post and Many Blessings to You and Your in this New Year...

  6. Great Post and Very True... Our Circumstances are WHAT they ARE... it is how you deal with them and view them that either MAKES You or BREAKS You... Thanks for the Great Post and Many Blessings to You and Your in this New Year...

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  • 32 comments on “How to Create Your Dream Life!”

    1. Lisa.. Am deeply grateful for your insights.. very powerful indeed.. Life is about the choices and thoughts we hold.. So we must choose wisely and think the best thoughts!

    2. Lisa.. Am deeply grateful for your insights.. very powerful indeed.. Life is about the choices and thoughts we hold.. So we must choose wisely and think the best thoughts!

    3. Interesting perception, about our "self-view".  I wonder what others in this conversation are doing to change & up-grade their self-view? 
      I strongly believe that our circumstances are the expression of our 'self-view'; I am not 100% complacent about my circumstances, although they are about a gazillion times better than what they used to be! so for me, "changing my self-view" is a priority, and has been for some years. 
      Just now, I am studying the book NOW Discover Your Strengths (Buckingham, M & Clifton, D) which is helping me refine my self-view.
      What are you doing to change your self-view?

    4. Interesting perception, about our "self-view".  I wonder what others in this conversation are doing to change & up-grade their self-view? 
      I strongly believe that our circumstances are the expression of our 'self-view'; I am not 100% complacent about my circumstances, although they are about a gazillion times better than what they used to be! so for me, "changing my self-view" is a priority, and has been for some years. 
      Just now, I am studying the book NOW Discover Your Strengths (Buckingham, M & Clifton, D) which is helping me refine my self-view.
      What are you doing to change your self-view?

    5. Great Post and Very True... Our Circumstances are WHAT they ARE... it is how you deal with them and view them that either MAKES You or BREAKS You... Thanks for the Great Post and Many Blessings to You and Your in this New Year...

    6. Great Post and Very True... Our Circumstances are WHAT they ARE... it is how you deal with them and view them that either MAKES You or BREAKS You... Thanks for the Great Post and Many Blessings to You and Your in this New Year...

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