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How Steve Jobs Changed the Story

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 7, 2011

It’s been simply astonishing to see the heartfelt response to the death of Steve Jobs.  Here was a successful businessman and CEO: a billionaire no less.  Not the kind of positions that usually produce such public affection. 

But he touched many lives and many hearts in a profound and powerful way…

The story didn’t start so promising:  He was born to an unwed mother and put up for adoption.  Dropped out of college.  Got fired from the company he founded.  Yet he recognized that the way his life began, didn’t have to be the way it ended.

He changed the story…

And changed the world in ways both small and majestic. Steve revolutionized computers, music, and movies.  But most of all he revolutionized himself.  Became the comeback story of the century, and an inspiration to millions along the way.

He had belief.  Belief enough to change the story.  Which changed our stories.  And demonstrated the power you have to change your story…

Your story up to this point doesn’t have to be how the book ends.  You can always change it in the next chapter, the next paragraph, or even the next sentence…

You get a new beginning in life by becoming a new you.  It has nothing to do with your boss, job, profession, the stock market, interest rates, your spouse, or the economy.  It has everything to do with the thoughts you give precedence to, and the choices you make.

You have the power to create your destiny.  There is always a choice; there is always a chance…

There is a new you locked inside you at this very moment.  A you that is continually evolving.  Every cell in your body is in a constant state of renewal.  And those thoughts you give precedence to, and the choices you make, can greatly accelerate the process.

Steve changed the story because he was an innovator and a visionary.  But mostly because he was a dreamer.

One thing is certain:  If your life is boring, it is not the life you are meant to live.

If Steve Jobs touched your life like he did mine, do his memory justice. Be bold.  Dream Big.  Change the story. That's the legacy he would want.

- RG



41 comments on “How Steve Jobs Changed the Story”

  1. I recieve this post in a special moment of my life. Thinking in the past two days about Steve Jobs's life and the things you mentioned before, I think to make a break in my life and to take serius decisions to change my way.

    In the lasts days I had been feeling lost in my heart and sometimes in my life too, instead of the personal development I had been working on.

    Maybe I haven't identified
    my really big dream yet.

    Thanks for this moment.

  2. Steve Jobs was an incredibly brilliant man. His presence on Earth will be sorely missed.

    If your life is boring then you are not living the life you were meant to be living. Love it, I need to tweet that.

  3. I watched this speach again yesterday several more times and just love it. He is a true manifestatio of all the you teach everyday RG. I also really loved how he said each day he decides if he would like to do what he's doing if the end was tomorrow and when the answer is no too many days in a row, it's time to change that. He also inspired me don't live someone elses life or someone elses thoughts....remarkable man and good reminder of the course I am on and want to continue to be one - thank you!!!

  4. thank you for posting this today randy... very well said...

    steve jobs was one of our most beloved visionaries and he will be soooo sadly missed... :o(

    tho' i have been totally inspired with his message(s) he has left for all of us and... thank you for your message today as well... blessings, weaver (((o)))

  5. Thanks Randy for your tribute to the late Steve Jobs.

    So inspiring that he did'nt live to satisfy the expectations of others!

  6. We See Genius... Thank You Steve
    Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

    Tanx Randy.

  7. Hi Randy,

    thanks for sharing your thoughts about an awe-inspiring personality and sharing his Stanford speech. It's admirable how he packed everything you need to know about life and personal development in a 15 minute speech, just like he packed the entire world in everybody's pocket.

    Take care


  8. When I saw this the first time I reflected on my own life as there are many parallels. When Steve talks about '..connecting the dots looking backward..' I see that I've been doing this for the past year or more.

    Without people like Steve Jobs the world could never be what it is today. And now that he's gone, the question surfaces, "Who will be the next person to change the world?". It can be any of us. We just have to believe and connect the dots.

    Thanks for posting Randy. We will all miss Steve Jobs and as I look at the photo of him on my vision board along side Richard Branson, Steve Spielberg, George Lucas, His Holiness the Dalia Lama, and Bill Gates, I feel sad and happy at the same time. He's finally at peace now and no longer will have to suffer and he has left a legacy that will always be remembered..

  9. I miss Steve greatly.

    His story proves that there is no magical one right path to success; that the path to success lies in following our heart and learning to use the inevitable roadblocks in life to our advantage.

    Loads of education and going for that "safe" career are no longer guarantees of success.

    I am a college dropout, but so are a lot of other successful business people and artists. And many people fail before they reach the stars.

    It's time to stop looking at the statistics and realize that most people are not bold enough to take their life into their own hands.

  10. Bravo, Randy! I just shared this on my Facebook wall: "Marlyn and I both love that THIS excellent, short, insightful post by our friend and mentor, Randy Gage, provides lots of important perspective and encouragement for us all. Its well worth sharing widely ~ THANKS Randy...and THANKS, Steve Jobs..."

    Marlyn and I appreciate you, Randy

  11. Steve Jobs said, "Follow your heart, dream big, ... Stay hungry, stay foolish."

    Network marketers give people a vehicle to do this: we teach them how to dream again, we provide training and an empowerment community, we teach them the mindset and the skill set required to manifest their vision.

    This is how we continue Steve's legacy ... and the legacy of all the great dreamers and visionaries who have come before us.

  12. Hi all,

    I'm so saddened by Steve Jobs' passing. One tribute mentioned that there are 3 great visionary CEOs in American history: Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeler, and Steve Jobs. I'm inclined to agree.

    Who's next?

  13. I think this sets the bar for us, "Obama said in a statement that Jobs was brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it. "

  14. Randy,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Steve's legacy. There have been many people sharing all over the net. Even Google had a tribute on their page. But what gets me the most is Steve's determination to make an impact no matter what the outcome.

    Being bold and pushing the envelope to see what can be done is the epitome of a leader. Every couple years the media would question if Steve was right for apple. This was due to his health. It appears the critics were always questioning and the loyal fans knew better.

    Ken Pickard
    The Network dad

  15. Thank you so much Randy for this post. Very true, very touching. I definitely needed this today. My mind has been working overtime this past week and now is the time for me to dream big and change my life.
    Heartfelt thanks.

  16. Hi RG,

    His changing the story IS the story.

    I focus on his humble beginnings, and life shifts. For his amazing accomplishments, how he achieved inspires me. He hit goals which nobody else aimed during real adversity. Being fired, running into massive resistance.

    What some fail to realize is that encountering resistance like this is the exact sign you are on the right track. Do not pull back. Push forward. If your heart is into something, hitting massive resistance says "keep going, for spectacular things are being set up in the background". That's how the Universe communicates future greatness to us.



  17. Hi Randy
    Excellent post... I often use that same analogy when talking to people about changing their lives. Be the author of the story of your life; you have the control to change your destiny. The choices necessary may not always be the easy ones, but if that is what it takes and you choose not to go that route, you must take responsibility for where you are now and the fact that it is you and only you keeping yourself there. Every moment is a choice and all it takes is one decision in one moment in time to move towards the life you really want. Again, great really resonated with me and my beliefs.

  18. So Beautiful! Brings a tear to my eyes every time I see this video. What an amazing message and heartfelt wish Steve Jobs has for his fellow human beings.

  19. No hay excusas de ningun tipo para conseguir nuestros suenos!!!

    There are not excuses in order to accomplish our dreams and live the life we deserve.

    Sharing with my teens kids!!

    Thanks Randy

  20. Thank you Mr Gage.

    My thoughts goes to Mr Jobs family.

    Mr Jobs thought us like other honorable humans such as Mr Jim Rohn, Mr Michael Jackson, Mr Andrew Carnegie and so many others, that each person has the power in himself to change the world and touch the life's of billions. This show us how great each of us can be, but at the same time it also show us how many of us waste this precious gift named life.

  21. Hi, Randy

    I Loved these video also. Have seen you a few times
    It was one of the 1st think that come to my mind when we know he died
    we have written a great post about it also at our site


  22. Woh...........really Ballistic and mind blowing. Promising here at this point of time to make it. Yes you are right Randy Sir, DREAM BIG, yes DREAM BIG......Thank you sir

  23. Steve Jobs- fairwell. Determination of human spirit unmarched. Only shared with the giants, likes of Gates, Branson N that the strong massage is success is failure turned insideout.

  24. Just think of...

    how many people had a job because of his engagement

    how many people had fun with his products because of his ideas and talent

    for how many entrepreneurs he was an role model

    For me Steve Jobs is man who changed the world forever!

  25. I learned to connect the dots. Whatever happened, happened for a reason. Whenever I look back, I see that I wouldn't be where I am if I didn't go through the adversity.

    Steve Job put it nicely here.

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  • 41 comments on “How Steve Jobs Changed the Story”

    1. I recieve this post in a special moment of my life. Thinking in the past two days about Steve Jobs's life and the things you mentioned before, I think to make a break in my life and to take serius decisions to change my way.

      In the lasts days I had been feeling lost in my heart and sometimes in my life too, instead of the personal development I had been working on.

      Maybe I haven't identified
      my really big dream yet.

      Thanks for this moment.

    2. Steve Jobs was an incredibly brilliant man. His presence on Earth will be sorely missed.

      If your life is boring then you are not living the life you were meant to be living. Love it, I need to tweet that.

    3. I watched this speach again yesterday several more times and just love it. He is a true manifestatio of all the you teach everyday RG. I also really loved how he said each day he decides if he would like to do what he's doing if the end was tomorrow and when the answer is no too many days in a row, it's time to change that. He also inspired me don't live someone elses life or someone elses thoughts....remarkable man and good reminder of the course I am on and want to continue to be one - thank you!!!

    4. thank you for posting this today randy... very well said...

      steve jobs was one of our most beloved visionaries and he will be soooo sadly missed... :o(

      tho' i have been totally inspired with his message(s) he has left for all of us and... thank you for your message today as well... blessings, weaver (((o)))

    5. Thanks Randy for your tribute to the late Steve Jobs.

      So inspiring that he did'nt live to satisfy the expectations of others!

    6. We See Genius... Thank You Steve
      Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

      Tanx Randy.

    7. Hi Randy,

      thanks for sharing your thoughts about an awe-inspiring personality and sharing his Stanford speech. It's admirable how he packed everything you need to know about life and personal development in a 15 minute speech, just like he packed the entire world in everybody's pocket.

      Take care


    8. When I saw this the first time I reflected on my own life as there are many parallels. When Steve talks about '..connecting the dots looking backward..' I see that I've been doing this for the past year or more.

      Without people like Steve Jobs the world could never be what it is today. And now that he's gone, the question surfaces, "Who will be the next person to change the world?". It can be any of us. We just have to believe and connect the dots.

      Thanks for posting Randy. We will all miss Steve Jobs and as I look at the photo of him on my vision board along side Richard Branson, Steve Spielberg, George Lucas, His Holiness the Dalia Lama, and Bill Gates, I feel sad and happy at the same time. He's finally at peace now and no longer will have to suffer and he has left a legacy that will always be remembered..

    9. I miss Steve greatly.

      His story proves that there is no magical one right path to success; that the path to success lies in following our heart and learning to use the inevitable roadblocks in life to our advantage.

      Loads of education and going for that "safe" career are no longer guarantees of success.

      I am a college dropout, but so are a lot of other successful business people and artists. And many people fail before they reach the stars.

      It's time to stop looking at the statistics and realize that most people are not bold enough to take their life into their own hands.

    10. Bravo, Randy! I just shared this on my Facebook wall: "Marlyn and I both love that THIS excellent, short, insightful post by our friend and mentor, Randy Gage, provides lots of important perspective and encouragement for us all. Its well worth sharing widely ~ THANKS Randy...and THANKS, Steve Jobs..."

      Marlyn and I appreciate you, Randy

    11. Steve Jobs said, "Follow your heart, dream big, ... Stay hungry, stay foolish."

      Network marketers give people a vehicle to do this: we teach them how to dream again, we provide training and an empowerment community, we teach them the mindset and the skill set required to manifest their vision.

      This is how we continue Steve's legacy ... and the legacy of all the great dreamers and visionaries who have come before us.

    12. Hi all,

      I'm so saddened by Steve Jobs' passing. One tribute mentioned that there are 3 great visionary CEOs in American history: Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeler, and Steve Jobs. I'm inclined to agree.

      Who's next?

    13. I think this sets the bar for us, "Obama said in a statement that Jobs was brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it. "

    14. Randy,

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Steve's legacy. There have been many people sharing all over the net. Even Google had a tribute on their page. But what gets me the most is Steve's determination to make an impact no matter what the outcome.

      Being bold and pushing the envelope to see what can be done is the epitome of a leader. Every couple years the media would question if Steve was right for apple. This was due to his health. It appears the critics were always questioning and the loyal fans knew better.

      Ken Pickard
      The Network dad

    15. Thank you so much Randy for this post. Very true, very touching. I definitely needed this today. My mind has been working overtime this past week and now is the time for me to dream big and change my life.
      Heartfelt thanks.

    16. Hi RG,

      His changing the story IS the story.

      I focus on his humble beginnings, and life shifts. For his amazing accomplishments, how he achieved inspires me. He hit goals which nobody else aimed during real adversity. Being fired, running into massive resistance.

      What some fail to realize is that encountering resistance like this is the exact sign you are on the right track. Do not pull back. Push forward. If your heart is into something, hitting massive resistance says "keep going, for spectacular things are being set up in the background". That's how the Universe communicates future greatness to us.



    17. Hi Randy
      Excellent post... I often use that same analogy when talking to people about changing their lives. Be the author of the story of your life; you have the control to change your destiny. The choices necessary may not always be the easy ones, but if that is what it takes and you choose not to go that route, you must take responsibility for where you are now and the fact that it is you and only you keeping yourself there. Every moment is a choice and all it takes is one decision in one moment in time to move towards the life you really want. Again, great really resonated with me and my beliefs.

    18. So Beautiful! Brings a tear to my eyes every time I see this video. What an amazing message and heartfelt wish Steve Jobs has for his fellow human beings.

    19. No hay excusas de ningun tipo para conseguir nuestros suenos!!!

      There are not excuses in order to accomplish our dreams and live the life we deserve.

      Sharing with my teens kids!!

      Thanks Randy

    20. Thank you Mr Gage.

      My thoughts goes to Mr Jobs family.

      Mr Jobs thought us like other honorable humans such as Mr Jim Rohn, Mr Michael Jackson, Mr Andrew Carnegie and so many others, that each person has the power in himself to change the world and touch the life's of billions. This show us how great each of us can be, but at the same time it also show us how many of us waste this precious gift named life.

    21. Hi, Randy

      I Loved these video also. Have seen you a few times
      It was one of the 1st think that come to my mind when we know he died
      we have written a great post about it also at our site


    22. Woh...........really Ballistic and mind blowing. Promising here at this point of time to make it. Yes you are right Randy Sir, DREAM BIG, yes DREAM BIG......Thank you sir

    23. Steve Jobs- fairwell. Determination of human spirit unmarched. Only shared with the giants, likes of Gates, Branson N that the strong massage is success is failure turned insideout.

    24. Just think of...

      how many people had a job because of his engagement

      how many people had fun with his products because of his ideas and talent

      for how many entrepreneurs he was an role model

      For me Steve Jobs is man who changed the world forever!

    25. I learned to connect the dots. Whatever happened, happened for a reason. Whenever I look back, I see that I wouldn't be where I am if I didn't go through the adversity.

      Steve Job put it nicely here.

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