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Have an EPIC 2013!

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 1, 2013

Every year at New Years, there’s lots of talk about change, resolutions, and making the next year better than the last.  You have the opportunity to co-create the life you really want to live. 

So how exactly do you make that transformation?

I think the hardest part for a lot of people is creating a vacuum: Letting go.  Letting go of the past, letting go of limiting beliefs, and letting go of situations (and sometimes people) that no longer serve them.

The New Year holds all the promise and potential of manifesting all your dreams.  But if you’re focusing on what went wrong last year, the goals you didn’t reach, and beating yourself up for your shortcomings - you’re sabotaging the New Year before you ever even get started.  To manifest your dream life, you must learn from the past, accept the present and intend the future.

So here are my suggestions for making 2013 the most absolutely, wildly, madly, overwhelmingly, freakin’ awesome, exhilarating, and EPIC year you’ve ever had!

1) Forgive Yourself 

No one accomplished everything they wanted to in 2012, unless they’re dead.  Give yourself a break.   Let go of shame, and resolve to do better.

2) Get Your PhD in Prosperity

Now this step isn’t easy and I don’t expect many of you to do it.  But if you’re totally and completely committed to changing your mindset, this will give you the real world equivalent of a PhD in Prosperity.  There are 108 videos (and counting) on my Prosperity TV channel.  Go back to the first one and watch five a week until you’ve gone through them all.  I guarantee you that your mindset and prosperity consciousness will grow exponentially and you’ll start recognizing and acting on many more lucrative and rewarding projects.

3) Upgrade Your Board of Directors

Who are the people you mastermind with, get advice from, and hang out with when you let your guard down?  If you want a better 2013, you have to upgrade the influence you’re dialing into.  And with the Internet today, you have the chance to plug into some of the most amazing people on earth.  Make the most of this.

4) Work on Yourself Everyday

Your prosperity grows exactly as fast as you do:  No faster, no slower.  The only way to really increase your wealth is to increase the value you provide the universe.  And that means growing yourself.  Watching Prosperity TV regularly will help.  But you still need daily self-development time, to work on your body, mind and soul.  You have to be learning new knowledge and developing new wisdom.  I believe this is best done in the morning, so you set your intention and create your consciousness for the whole day.

5) Get Healthy

I learned a long time ago that if my body couldn’t keep up with my mind, I’d never achieve the audacious goals I set for myself.  Eat better.  Get enough sleep.  Carve out relaxation time.  Only an idiot would say they are too busy to be healthy.  Find 30 minutes a day for exercise, or find 24 hours a day to be fat, sick and dead.

6) Do a “Burning Bowl Ceremony”

I do this every year, and sometimes more.   This is a ceremony where you release the things that no longer serve you, literally burn them, and substitute them with new things you want in your life.  Example: you might release vengeance and replace it with forgiveness.  Here’s a Prosperity TV show that explains how to do it:

7) Do Epic Shit!

Please.  Stop playing small.  Be bold.  Be daring.  Be willing to go for it.  Make sure your dreams are big, bold, and daring enough to be worthy of the new person you’re becoming.  So whatever you decide to do this year, make it EPIC!

Here’s my mantra for 2013 – I invite you to make it yours:

My vices are property of my learning, my virtues belong to truth, my wisdom comes from my mistakes, and my challenges create my victories.

Happy New You!

- RG

P.S.  I had some wonderful vacation time to relax, recharge and get ready for 2013.  I spent time in Hong Kong, Bali and of course South Beach, and now I’m heading to Hawaii.  I want to thank my amazing friends who filled in for me here and on Prosperity TV: Lisa Jimenez, Bob Burg, JB Glossinger, Terry Brock, and Joachim de Posada.  Mad love, you guys are the best!

50 comments on “Have an EPIC 2013!”

  1. Welcome ba k and I absolutely LOVE this post and I'm ready to do EPIC shot this year!! Thanks for for guidance You guest writers were fantastic and thanks for having them keep the blog going Happy New Year!'

  2. Welcome ba k and I absolutely LOVE this post and I'm ready to do EPIC shot this year!! Thanks for for guidance You guest writers were fantastic and thanks for having them keep the blog going Happy New Year!'

  3. Thanks, Randy! You are always on the right track! Year 2013 - the best ever for those, who take the risky actions, which are the new safe!...

  4. Thanks, Randy! You are always on the right track! Year 2013 - the best ever for those, who take the risky actions, which are the new safe!...

  5. This is so important ! I will do the 7 steps you recommend to make 2013 the best year ever !
    Btw : Welcome back !

  6. This is so important ! I will do the 7 steps you recommend to make 2013 the best year ever !
    Btw : Welcome back !

  7. This is right on. Stay a little uncomfortable. It will call you to action. The magic word DO. I follow  you Randy. and a few others. You are the epitome of my 2013 theme "Live to Give...Give to Live". The best to you and yours in the coming year.

  8. This is right on. Stay a little uncomfortable. It will call you to action. The magic word DO. I follow  you Randy. and a few others. You are the epitome of my 2013 theme "Live to Give...Give to Live". The best to you and yours in the coming year.

  9. I Love, love, love the 2013 Mantra.. Most excellent Randy.. Glad you're re-charged and ready to go.. I'm excited about the New Year and am focusing on Letting Go and Letting God.. and MOST importantly NO MORE EXCUSES!! 
    Happy New Year everyone!

  10. I Love, love, love the 2013 Mantra.. Most excellent Randy.. Glad you're re-charged and ready to go.. I'm excited about the New Year and am focusing on Letting Go and Letting God.. and MOST importantly NO MORE EXCUSES!! 
    Happy New Year everyone!

  11. Hey Randy! I did the burning exercise already! I had a huge list and I loved watching it burn into nothingness. Thanks again for sharing!

  12. Hey Randy! I did the burning exercise already! I had a huge list and I loved watching it burn into nothingness. Thanks again for sharing!

  13. A valuable prosperity consciousness tip RG, thanks!  I thank and appreciate divine intelligence; infinite wisdom for bringing these awesome prosperity consciousness insights to my awareness. There are a some very keen and cool people out there to connect and interact with; fellow students of prosperity to share profound conversation with.. thakyou, thankyou, thankyou!

  14. A valuable prosperity consciousness tip RG, thanks!  I thank and appreciate divine intelligence; infinite wisdom for bringing these awesome prosperity consciousness insights to my awareness. There are a some very keen and cool people out there to connect and interact with; fellow students of prosperity to share profound conversation with.. thakyou, thankyou, thankyou!

  15. Oh Randy!  I am so glad your back!  I missed you, I really did. Love your post.  I am going to do all those things!  Well, okay most of them.

  16. Oh Randy!  I am so glad your back!  I missed you, I really did. Love your post.  I am going to do all those things!  Well, okay most of them.

  17. hapi new yr randy. your stuff is like fresh dew of the morning. soul lifting. i am sure good for an epic 2013 lol.
    thanks a millionh

  18. hapi new yr randy. your stuff is like fresh dew of the morning. soul lifting. i am sure good for an epic 2013 lol.
    thanks a millionh

  19. Welcome back Randy!
    As you know, I have begun my journey to be me. I will thank Steve Jobs and Bill Gates for having helped perfect the Internet, and Randy Gage  for having used it to share the prosperity consciousness. Humanity has never got a better chance to seat on the high pedestal of divine existence. And I think for myself that happiness is possible in this world today. Your lessons are my starting point.
    Many thanks and Happy New  Year!

  20. Welcome back Randy!
    As you know, I have begun my journey to be me. I will thank Steve Jobs and Bill Gates for having helped perfect the Internet, and Randy Gage  for having used it to share the prosperity consciousness. Humanity has never got a better chance to seat on the high pedestal of divine existence. And I think for myself that happiness is possible in this world today. Your lessons are my starting point.
    Many thanks and Happy New  Year!

  21. I love your weekly "rants"!  I love seeing my team as followers and fan of you.  
    My life grows more abundant everyday in all aspects and it is simply amazing~ do in part to
    your working with me/us :).
    SO looking forward to seeing you again in the GOLDEN shirt.
    ~Be well,

  22. I love your weekly "rants"!  I love seeing my team as followers and fan of you.  
    My life grows more abundant everyday in all aspects and it is simply amazing~ do in part to
    your working with me/us :).
    SO looking forward to seeing you again in the GOLDEN shirt.
    ~Be well,

  23. 2)  it was video N° 10X.... 
    --> there it was: "safe is the new risky" ....appeared as a spoken sentence in one of your early video messages. It wasn´t probably even an idea to become a product yet, back then.
    THAT´s interesting!!
    The things you do very much go hand in hand with classic ART.

  24. 2)  it was video N° 10X.... 
    --> there it was: "safe is the new risky" ....appeared as a spoken sentence in one of your early video messages. It wasn´t probably even an idea to become a product yet, back then.
    THAT´s interesting!!
    The things you do very much go hand in hand with classic ART.

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  • 50 comments on “Have an EPIC 2013!”

    1. Welcome ba k and I absolutely LOVE this post and I'm ready to do EPIC shot this year!! Thanks for for guidance You guest writers were fantastic and thanks for having them keep the blog going Happy New Year!'

    2. Welcome ba k and I absolutely LOVE this post and I'm ready to do EPIC shot this year!! Thanks for for guidance You guest writers were fantastic and thanks for having them keep the blog going Happy New Year!'

    3. Thanks, Randy! You are always on the right track! Year 2013 - the best ever for those, who take the risky actions, which are the new safe!...

    4. Thanks, Randy! You are always on the right track! Year 2013 - the best ever for those, who take the risky actions, which are the new safe!...

    5. This is so important ! I will do the 7 steps you recommend to make 2013 the best year ever !
      Btw : Welcome back !

    6. This is so important ! I will do the 7 steps you recommend to make 2013 the best year ever !
      Btw : Welcome back !

    7. This is right on. Stay a little uncomfortable. It will call you to action. The magic word DO. I follow  you Randy. and a few others. You are the epitome of my 2013 theme "Live to Give...Give to Live". The best to you and yours in the coming year.

    8. This is right on. Stay a little uncomfortable. It will call you to action. The magic word DO. I follow  you Randy. and a few others. You are the epitome of my 2013 theme "Live to Give...Give to Live". The best to you and yours in the coming year.

    9. I Love, love, love the 2013 Mantra.. Most excellent Randy.. Glad you're re-charged and ready to go.. I'm excited about the New Year and am focusing on Letting Go and Letting God.. and MOST importantly NO MORE EXCUSES!! 
      Happy New Year everyone!

    10. I Love, love, love the 2013 Mantra.. Most excellent Randy.. Glad you're re-charged and ready to go.. I'm excited about the New Year and am focusing on Letting Go and Letting God.. and MOST importantly NO MORE EXCUSES!! 
      Happy New Year everyone!

    11. Hey Randy! I did the burning exercise already! I had a huge list and I loved watching it burn into nothingness. Thanks again for sharing!

    12. Hey Randy! I did the burning exercise already! I had a huge list and I loved watching it burn into nothingness. Thanks again for sharing!

    13. A valuable prosperity consciousness tip RG, thanks!  I thank and appreciate divine intelligence; infinite wisdom for bringing these awesome prosperity consciousness insights to my awareness. There are a some very keen and cool people out there to connect and interact with; fellow students of prosperity to share profound conversation with.. thakyou, thankyou, thankyou!

    14. A valuable prosperity consciousness tip RG, thanks!  I thank and appreciate divine intelligence; infinite wisdom for bringing these awesome prosperity consciousness insights to my awareness. There are a some very keen and cool people out there to connect and interact with; fellow students of prosperity to share profound conversation with.. thakyou, thankyou, thankyou!

    15. Oh Randy!  I am so glad your back!  I missed you, I really did. Love your post.  I am going to do all those things!  Well, okay most of them.

    16. Oh Randy!  I am so glad your back!  I missed you, I really did. Love your post.  I am going to do all those things!  Well, okay most of them.

    17. hapi new yr randy. your stuff is like fresh dew of the morning. soul lifting. i am sure good for an epic 2013 lol.
      thanks a millionh

    18. hapi new yr randy. your stuff is like fresh dew of the morning. soul lifting. i am sure good for an epic 2013 lol.
      thanks a millionh

    19. Welcome back Randy!
      As you know, I have begun my journey to be me. I will thank Steve Jobs and Bill Gates for having helped perfect the Internet, and Randy Gage  for having used it to share the prosperity consciousness. Humanity has never got a better chance to seat on the high pedestal of divine existence. And I think for myself that happiness is possible in this world today. Your lessons are my starting point.
      Many thanks and Happy New  Year!

    20. Welcome back Randy!
      As you know, I have begun my journey to be me. I will thank Steve Jobs and Bill Gates for having helped perfect the Internet, and Randy Gage  for having used it to share the prosperity consciousness. Humanity has never got a better chance to seat on the high pedestal of divine existence. And I think for myself that happiness is possible in this world today. Your lessons are my starting point.
      Many thanks and Happy New  Year!

    21. I love your weekly "rants"!  I love seeing my team as followers and fan of you.  
      My life grows more abundant everyday in all aspects and it is simply amazing~ do in part to
      your working with me/us :).
      SO looking forward to seeing you again in the GOLDEN shirt.
      ~Be well,

    22. I love your weekly "rants"!  I love seeing my team as followers and fan of you.  
      My life grows more abundant everyday in all aspects and it is simply amazing~ do in part to
      your working with me/us :).
      SO looking forward to seeing you again in the GOLDEN shirt.
      ~Be well,

    23. 2)  it was video N° 10X.... 
      --> there it was: "safe is the new risky" ....appeared as a spoken sentence in one of your early video messages. It wasn´t probably even an idea to become a product yet, back then.
      THAT´s interesting!!
      The things you do very much go hand in hand with classic ART.

    24. 2)  it was video N° 10X.... 
      --> there it was: "safe is the new risky" ....appeared as a spoken sentence in one of your early video messages. It wasn´t probably even an idea to become a product yet, back then.
      THAT´s interesting!!
      The things you do very much go hand in hand with classic ART.

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