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Happy New You

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 1, 2011

As we segue from an old year to a new one, it’s a great time for new beginnings.  And contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to beat yourself up for the last year…

Everything that took place: the good, the bad and the ugly, served a purpose for you.

Yes the triumphs and victories are great.  But remember they come from the lessons we learned from the things that didn’t work out along the way.   The opposite of success is not failure.  It is mediocrity.  Failure is part of the success process.  The challenges you face are the stepping-stones that build character, develop skills and correct courses.   So try this belief on for size…

If you didn’t have a huge failure in 2010, maybe you’re not thinking big enough!  And if you did try something big and it didn’t work out – congratulations!  You’ve got guts, you dream, and are becoming a better you.

So seal off 2010 with gratitude, and step forward into 2011 with faith.   Get ready to face some more challenges, make some more mistakes, and have some more failures.  Because as long as you’re willing to learn from them, they will lead you to even greater success.

You have a wonderful, blank white canvas in front of you, waiting for you to paint the scene. If you have it, today would be a great time to re-read my Accept Your Abundance book, or some of the other books in the series. Because it’s not really about Happy New Year, as it is about Happy New You.

And it gets to start today.  Ain’t it great!


50 comments on “Happy New You”


      * Fear that you will accomplish all that you set out to, but that you still won't be happy, content or satisfied once you reach your goal.
      * Fear that your accomplishments can self-destruct at anytime.
      * Fear that there are others out there who are better than you, who will replace or displace you if you do not maintain your performance record.


      * A lack of effort to achieve goals you have set for yourself in school, on the job, at home, in relationships, or in your personal growth.
      * Chronic underachievement.
      * Feeling guilt, confusion and anxiety when you do achieve success--this leads you to falter, waver and eventually lose your momentum.


      * I have worked so hard to get this far, yet I need to keep on working hard; I'm not sure the effort is worth it.
      * I know people care about me when I am down and out, but will they like me when I am on top and successful?
      * Everyone is out to shoot down the head man.
      * No one really likes a winner.


      * Accepting yourself as being healthy, "together,'' happy, successful, prosperous and accomplished.
      * Giving others in your life permission to give you honest, open, candid feedback when they see you self-destructing or backsliding.
      * Avoiding watching movies like "The Family Man" which are filled with negative memes about success.
      * Not using softeners when appraising your level of achievement, success and accomplishment.
      * Reading all of Randy Gage's blog posts and watching all of his Youtube video recordings.

      1. Love this! And it is SO TRUE!
        What do you do when family members YOU LOVE actually are NICER TO YOU when you are down?
        I realize that when I am really up, feeling on top of challenges & just being super happy, my closest family seems threatened or jealous or something... Help!
        They start criticizing or finding faults in my plans.. You know, like the dream stealers!
        I would really appreciate some feedback on this, since it is hard for me to block these closest people out of my life... What would you do? What do you think?
        Monica Sancio

        1. When family members are nicer to us when we are down, it isn't love; it's an obligation! Think about it! For example; when we visit a family member who is hospitalized, it isn't love; it's an obligation. Here is my advice to you: Love your family, choose your peer group. Again: Love your family, choose your peer group. We can't change what family we were born into; however, can choose whom we surround ourselves. I have multiple family members who radiate negative energy. As a consequence, I have limited my time with them to a few family/holiday gatherings throughout the year. Also I have limited my communication with them over the phone/e-mail to when I decide is necessary.

          You have to understand that negative people
          that you don't vibrate with are unhealthy and not good to be around for your progress. You have to know that this is a fact, because if you don't believe this, then you wouldn't have enough reason to follow through on this. Your life is precious and you want positive lasting progress and change. A person either follows your positive energy, or resists and pulls away. It is crucial that you find other like minded positive people that are progressing towards their goals that you want to emulate. This allows you to be strong and convinced that what you are doing is the right thing for you.

          Blocking out negative people is actually easier than you think. The negative person that doesn't want you to do well is actually just fearful of their own capabilities. They are insecure and worried about their own life to the point where they want others to drown with them. The reason it is easy to block out negative people is because you will understand their fears and worries are not yours. You can allow them to be yours, or allow your own positive thoughts be yours. Their fears and worries have nothing to do with what you want to be in life. Continue on your new path of progression of positivity and joy, and move towards your dreams, the negative person will slowly diminish, and you will have successfully escaped this negative person. This is how you successfully block out negative people in your life.

          Rx: Watch Randy's latest video titled "Letting Go of Negative People" once a day for 7 days. Here is the link,

  1. "Failure" really means "successful re-direction".

    2011, a 4 Universal Year, is about laying down physical and spiritual roots.

    ALL your thoughts will take root with a speed that will surprise you with its electrical intensity. You will see how powerful your mind – and all group minds - really are.

    You will create whatever you envision. So watch your thoughts. Watch external influences closely too, as they will influence you instantly.

    Walk through the 11 gateway of Truth and manifest your dreams into reality.

    1. Dude, you fascinate me. 🙂 Blessed New Year to you!

      And rocksta, thanks for the post. I'm gonna study your prosperity work in-depth this year. xoxo

  2. "If you didn’t have a huge failure in 2010, maybe you’re not thinking big enough!"

    Love it! Thanks, Randy, for putting "failure" in the proper perspective. What a great way to start the new year!

  3. "Invent problems that are big enough to be worthy of your life."

    Absolutely, Randy, if we don't try large then we don't live large.

  4. i believe there is a life beyond success and failures and its the love we feel for what we do everyday and with whom we are everyday and the world we live in. please guide me if im wrong.

  5. oh i forgot to mention that i loved your version of thinking. thank you randy sir and have an amazing year with ever growing prosperity to you all. thanks

  6. Randy,

    I always look at everything as a lesson and try to look at the other person's perspective and though I don't always agree with the way someone did something, I can learn something by being humble and setting my ego aside.

    Wishing you and your family the best in 2011 also!!!


    1. Hi Karen!

      Happy New Year to you & your loved ones!

      I wish you the best in success & healthy blessings!

      Keep seeing you online & hopefully in person in 2011

      Monica Sancio.

  7. Randy,
    Between you and Eric I have learned so much in the past year that it excites me to think about how great 2011 will be if I do as Eric said and GET OFF MY A??. God Bless.

  8. Randy, thank you!

    Last night I could have been at Times Square watching the ball drop (and that is FUN), but instead I chose to open and read a little book with powerful ingredients called "The Abundance BOOK" by John Randolph Price.

    I know that in 2010 I learned not to be afraid of success.
    It was a year to learn about Prosperity and me, and 2011 is to prosper in all areas of my life.

    Again, thank you for all you do for this community!

    Peace and prosperity be with you all,

      1. Randy, it is much more of the dropping of the ball. It is a
        potent synergy of the human spirit coming together. Perhaps, many experiencing a letting go of the old and the belief of new beginnings all at the same moment. A feeling that we are not alone and we can keep going no matter what. It is almost like your fire burning ritual.

        Just a thought.

  9. 2010 for me was a year of revelation and evolution. For the first time in my Life I set out to live my dream and create a life and company based on my Life purpose. Much has been learned and the quest continues to evolve.

    THIS year will be THE year my Life takes off in all areas. As I sit here about to write the goals in all areas of my Life, I embrace the possibilities, show my gratitude for all that has been achieved and am excited about what's coming!

    Thanks Randy and Happy New Year!!

  10. Ahh, just what the doctor ordered! And how did you know this was what I needed, you crazy universe, you? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that I've attracted you and your work to me Randy!

    Two years ago I was making about, oh, 12,000 a year (I was valeting at a restaurant and doing music on the side), my life was a mess, my self-esteem was a disaster, I was still enjoying the fruits of being a victim and blaming everyone but myself. What a difference a community (and a couple of years of intense study, determination, and self development) makes!

    Now, I'm not quite a tycoon at this point, but I've increased my yearly income by almost 6 times, opened my own business (in the supposed worst economic climate of my lifetime), and become someone (for the first time in my life) that I'm really proud of, enjoy, appreciate, and LIKE a whole lot! And because I've discovered the real "secret", which is simply to add value to myself, my community, the planet, and the universe, things just leep exploding, and beauty in its many faces just keeps on gravitating my way. But the truth of the matter is, the only reason beauty is attracted to me now, is because I became more beautiful. Like attracts like my friends. Beauty/prosperity, she doesn't hang around much with ugly.

    I'm currently expanding my business, working on a book idea and developing a tv show as well...two years ago, I wouldn't have felt worthy of any of this, and would have either sabotaged it or not acted on it. What a difference some prosperity concsiousness makes!

    Randy, I can't thank you enough for the impact you've had on my life. You are most certainly the man!!

    I can't wait to make some big moves in 2011, and enjoy all the prosperity that is simply the reflection of who I'm becoming!


    PS, Happy New Year to all of you in RG's community who's thoughts, input, comments, and great vibes keep me expanding and growing constantly!! Love it!l

    1. Sean,

      I'm so proud of you babe!

      Having known you since I was 14, I must say my heart is overflowing with love and pride of who you've become. Awesome!


  11. So, can I start over and pretend like most of the rest of those blog postings didn't happen? I think this would be my third chance, I can't remember. Is it really possible to follow some of your message and despise some of your message all at the same time?

    1. Yes how about we pretend they never happened?

      And yes it possible to follow and despise what I'm posting. The whole point of the blog is to get a dialogue going. Anyone who agrees with everything I say has no reason to follow my work. If I only read people I agreed with, I'd never learn anything. As long as people stick to the issues, a healthy debate is great for everyone.


      1. Jung said that it takes aggression often to break through past programming - so the despising is a healthy sign of things working perfectly for transformation!

        1. Natalie, if this is the same natalie. I think it is. I wrote you back today. I replied in the wrong place. So, I hope you still get to read it! Thanks for the comments. Jung is one of my favorites, I use to be a member of the Carl Jung society here in my city. I don't know if it will apply in this instance, but it is never a bad thing to quote Jung.

  12. Oh Randy thank you SO much! I had a massive failure in 2010 near the year end and yes I was trying to go higher and bigger, thanks for the confirmation that I'm on the right track and it's worth going for! You are a Star! x

  13. Happy New Year everyone! Thank you for all your words of wisdom Randy. I'm so grateful I found this wonderful community last year.

    In the words of the late & great Ernest Holmes, "With joy I enter into the activities of the day, without regret I remember the events of yesterday, and with confidence I look forward to tomorrow, for today my heart is without fear."

    Love & Light,

  14. Life isn't about waiting to the storm to pass,it's about learning how to dance under the rain.Thank you .Live rich.

  15. yes it is great !!
    thanks again for all the optimistic words, 2011 will be the best year ever .. great story from Sean..thanks

    klaus-denmark "abundance-student"

  16. Randy, thank you as always for a thought provoking post.

    I agree - failure, and, most importantly, learning from it, is something to be celebrated.

    However I haven't got the hang of thinking big and shunning mediocrity. And I still wonder how bad mediocrity really is. There is a place for people who enjoy the things that others would see as mundane.

    I have found that if I think too big it becomes overwhelming. I have set these fabulous goals in the past which just go too far beyond what I think I am capable of. This year, I feel I am being more realistic and planning to take smaller steps. Yet if I do accomplish all I have set out, it will be more than what I did last year, and a good step in the right direction.

    Even with my somewhat less exuberant goals I notice I feel a fear of success sometimes. Francisco - your post was really great and has given me some ideas about how I can work on this.

    Happy new year, all! I look forward to learning loads more from you all over the coming year.

  17. Randy, Happy New Year & thank you so much for this blog. I have been involved with a mlm business for 2 years now. Just the other day I looked reflected back on 2010 & I failed. I did not reach my goals & at first was very upset. I then compared 2010 to 2009 and realized even though I did not reach my goals, I tripled my business. I then read your blog today and it all makes sense, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  18. Thank you, Randy, for being there for us.
    Upon reading your story some time ago, you certainly went through failure after failure to be where you are right now. So I believe what you are saying, from the heart.
    My uplines have quit, my downlines, too, but for some reason of BURNING DESIRE,- though I admit I have not succeeded yet in NM-, I continue to develop the skils and the daily discipline that I need to succeed and attract the right people to my network & to my life.
    Although I can´t prove it yet with my results, I think my success will come from my undying PERSISTENCE.
    Open to feedback & more GREAT TIPS!
    Monica Sancio.

  19. Huge failure and huge success in 2010 ... guess I'm playing both sides of the fence, RG. Onward through 2011, whatever it may bring (manifested or not).


  20. Hi Randy,

    I was introduced to your teachings by someone very close to me. And this was done indirectly. I entered my bedroom abd noticed a shiny green book on the corners edge of the desk table. I am not a strong reader but I picked it up and started to read it. I believe this has been and will be the turning point in my life a I turn 46 this year.

    I am stunned by your evaluated truths on society and well, how I myself very much so feel into the subconscious trappings about the evil rich. In some part I feel quite bitter about this programming however that energy will change and transfor itself into something that will become brilliant.

    I CANNOT put your books down! The book of course is Prosperity Mind !!

    I am now on the journey to my true self, creating and engaging in my FULL potential!!

    I do have a Legacy to create and I simply can't wait to get busy!! I am transforming my health foremost and its been fantastic!! My thinking is changing and I absolutely love it!

    On my 3rd day of reading your books, I was called into my bosses office and given a raise. This is truth because we cannot deceive the universe and put ourselves in karma debt Lol

    I LOVE all the wonderful sayings like that karma debt. It like all the informations in your works Randy make you act, react, think, believe all so differently...

    I am just loving it. My business ideas are going to rocket this year as I leanr how to harness my talents and let go of pre programmed rubbish and fears!!!

    Thank you SO MUCH! Of course Im subscribed and I thank my friend Bonny Brown dearly for introducing me to you!

    Best Regards


    New Zealand

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  • 50 comments on “Happy New You”


        * Fear that you will accomplish all that you set out to, but that you still won't be happy, content or satisfied once you reach your goal.
        * Fear that your accomplishments can self-destruct at anytime.
        * Fear that there are others out there who are better than you, who will replace or displace you if you do not maintain your performance record.


        * A lack of effort to achieve goals you have set for yourself in school, on the job, at home, in relationships, or in your personal growth.
        * Chronic underachievement.
        * Feeling guilt, confusion and anxiety when you do achieve success--this leads you to falter, waver and eventually lose your momentum.


        * I have worked so hard to get this far, yet I need to keep on working hard; I'm not sure the effort is worth it.
        * I know people care about me when I am down and out, but will they like me when I am on top and successful?
        * Everyone is out to shoot down the head man.
        * No one really likes a winner.


        * Accepting yourself as being healthy, "together,'' happy, successful, prosperous and accomplished.
        * Giving others in your life permission to give you honest, open, candid feedback when they see you self-destructing or backsliding.
        * Avoiding watching movies like "The Family Man" which are filled with negative memes about success.
        * Not using softeners when appraising your level of achievement, success and accomplishment.
        * Reading all of Randy Gage's blog posts and watching all of his Youtube video recordings.

        1. Love this! And it is SO TRUE!
          What do you do when family members YOU LOVE actually are NICER TO YOU when you are down?
          I realize that when I am really up, feeling on top of challenges & just being super happy, my closest family seems threatened or jealous or something... Help!
          They start criticizing or finding faults in my plans.. You know, like the dream stealers!
          I would really appreciate some feedback on this, since it is hard for me to block these closest people out of my life... What would you do? What do you think?
          Monica Sancio

          1. When family members are nicer to us when we are down, it isn't love; it's an obligation! Think about it! For example; when we visit a family member who is hospitalized, it isn't love; it's an obligation. Here is my advice to you: Love your family, choose your peer group. Again: Love your family, choose your peer group. We can't change what family we were born into; however, can choose whom we surround ourselves. I have multiple family members who radiate negative energy. As a consequence, I have limited my time with them to a few family/holiday gatherings throughout the year. Also I have limited my communication with them over the phone/e-mail to when I decide is necessary.

            You have to understand that negative people
            that you don't vibrate with are unhealthy and not good to be around for your progress. You have to know that this is a fact, because if you don't believe this, then you wouldn't have enough reason to follow through on this. Your life is precious and you want positive lasting progress and change. A person either follows your positive energy, or resists and pulls away. It is crucial that you find other like minded positive people that are progressing towards their goals that you want to emulate. This allows you to be strong and convinced that what you are doing is the right thing for you.

            Blocking out negative people is actually easier than you think. The negative person that doesn't want you to do well is actually just fearful of their own capabilities. They are insecure and worried about their own life to the point where they want others to drown with them. The reason it is easy to block out negative people is because you will understand their fears and worries are not yours. You can allow them to be yours, or allow your own positive thoughts be yours. Their fears and worries have nothing to do with what you want to be in life. Continue on your new path of progression of positivity and joy, and move towards your dreams, the negative person will slowly diminish, and you will have successfully escaped this negative person. This is how you successfully block out negative people in your life.

            Rx: Watch Randy's latest video titled "Letting Go of Negative People" once a day for 7 days. Here is the link,

    1. "Failure" really means "successful re-direction".

      2011, a 4 Universal Year, is about laying down physical and spiritual roots.

      ALL your thoughts will take root with a speed that will surprise you with its electrical intensity. You will see how powerful your mind – and all group minds - really are.

      You will create whatever you envision. So watch your thoughts. Watch external influences closely too, as they will influence you instantly.

      Walk through the 11 gateway of Truth and manifest your dreams into reality.

      1. Dude, you fascinate me. 🙂 Blessed New Year to you!

        And rocksta, thanks for the post. I'm gonna study your prosperity work in-depth this year. xoxo

    2. "If you didn’t have a huge failure in 2010, maybe you’re not thinking big enough!"

      Love it! Thanks, Randy, for putting "failure" in the proper perspective. What a great way to start the new year!

    3. "Invent problems that are big enough to be worthy of your life."

      Absolutely, Randy, if we don't try large then we don't live large.

    4. i believe there is a life beyond success and failures and its the love we feel for what we do everyday and with whom we are everyday and the world we live in. please guide me if im wrong.

    5. oh i forgot to mention that i loved your version of thinking. thank you randy sir and have an amazing year with ever growing prosperity to you all. thanks

    6. Randy,

      I always look at everything as a lesson and try to look at the other person's perspective and though I don't always agree with the way someone did something, I can learn something by being humble and setting my ego aside.

      Wishing you and your family the best in 2011 also!!!


      1. Hi Karen!

        Happy New Year to you & your loved ones!

        I wish you the best in success & healthy blessings!

        Keep seeing you online & hopefully in person in 2011

        Monica Sancio.

    7. Randy,
      Between you and Eric I have learned so much in the past year that it excites me to think about how great 2011 will be if I do as Eric said and GET OFF MY A??. God Bless.

    8. Randy, thank you!

      Last night I could have been at Times Square watching the ball drop (and that is FUN), but instead I chose to open and read a little book with powerful ingredients called "The Abundance BOOK" by John Randolph Price.

      I know that in 2010 I learned not to be afraid of success.
      It was a year to learn about Prosperity and me, and 2011 is to prosper in all areas of my life.

      Again, thank you for all you do for this community!

      Peace and prosperity be with you all,

        1. Randy, it is much more of the dropping of the ball. It is a
          potent synergy of the human spirit coming together. Perhaps, many experiencing a letting go of the old and the belief of new beginnings all at the same moment. A feeling that we are not alone and we can keep going no matter what. It is almost like your fire burning ritual.

          Just a thought.

    9. 2010 for me was a year of revelation and evolution. For the first time in my Life I set out to live my dream and create a life and company based on my Life purpose. Much has been learned and the quest continues to evolve.

      THIS year will be THE year my Life takes off in all areas. As I sit here about to write the goals in all areas of my Life, I embrace the possibilities, show my gratitude for all that has been achieved and am excited about what's coming!

      Thanks Randy and Happy New Year!!

    10. Ahh, just what the doctor ordered! And how did you know this was what I needed, you crazy universe, you? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that I've attracted you and your work to me Randy!

      Two years ago I was making about, oh, 12,000 a year (I was valeting at a restaurant and doing music on the side), my life was a mess, my self-esteem was a disaster, I was still enjoying the fruits of being a victim and blaming everyone but myself. What a difference a community (and a couple of years of intense study, determination, and self development) makes!

      Now, I'm not quite a tycoon at this point, but I've increased my yearly income by almost 6 times, opened my own business (in the supposed worst economic climate of my lifetime), and become someone (for the first time in my life) that I'm really proud of, enjoy, appreciate, and LIKE a whole lot! And because I've discovered the real "secret", which is simply to add value to myself, my community, the planet, and the universe, things just leep exploding, and beauty in its many faces just keeps on gravitating my way. But the truth of the matter is, the only reason beauty is attracted to me now, is because I became more beautiful. Like attracts like my friends. Beauty/prosperity, she doesn't hang around much with ugly.

      I'm currently expanding my business, working on a book idea and developing a tv show as well...two years ago, I wouldn't have felt worthy of any of this, and would have either sabotaged it or not acted on it. What a difference some prosperity concsiousness makes!

      Randy, I can't thank you enough for the impact you've had on my life. You are most certainly the man!!

      I can't wait to make some big moves in 2011, and enjoy all the prosperity that is simply the reflection of who I'm becoming!


      PS, Happy New Year to all of you in RG's community who's thoughts, input, comments, and great vibes keep me expanding and growing constantly!! Love it!l

      1. Sean,

        I'm so proud of you babe!

        Having known you since I was 14, I must say my heart is overflowing with love and pride of who you've become. Awesome!


    11. So, can I start over and pretend like most of the rest of those blog postings didn't happen? I think this would be my third chance, I can't remember. Is it really possible to follow some of your message and despise some of your message all at the same time?

      1. Yes how about we pretend they never happened?

        And yes it possible to follow and despise what I'm posting. The whole point of the blog is to get a dialogue going. Anyone who agrees with everything I say has no reason to follow my work. If I only read people I agreed with, I'd never learn anything. As long as people stick to the issues, a healthy debate is great for everyone.


        1. Jung said that it takes aggression often to break through past programming - so the despising is a healthy sign of things working perfectly for transformation!

          1. Natalie, if this is the same natalie. I think it is. I wrote you back today. I replied in the wrong place. So, I hope you still get to read it! Thanks for the comments. Jung is one of my favorites, I use to be a member of the Carl Jung society here in my city. I don't know if it will apply in this instance, but it is never a bad thing to quote Jung.

    12. Oh Randy thank you SO much! I had a massive failure in 2010 near the year end and yes I was trying to go higher and bigger, thanks for the confirmation that I'm on the right track and it's worth going for! You are a Star! x

    13. Happy New Year everyone! Thank you for all your words of wisdom Randy. I'm so grateful I found this wonderful community last year.

      In the words of the late & great Ernest Holmes, "With joy I enter into the activities of the day, without regret I remember the events of yesterday, and with confidence I look forward to tomorrow, for today my heart is without fear."

      Love & Light,

    14. Life isn't about waiting to the storm to pass,it's about learning how to dance under the rain.Thank you .Live rich.

    15. yes it is great !!
      thanks again for all the optimistic words, 2011 will be the best year ever .. great story from Sean..thanks

      klaus-denmark "abundance-student"

    16. Randy, thank you as always for a thought provoking post.

      I agree - failure, and, most importantly, learning from it, is something to be celebrated.

      However I haven't got the hang of thinking big and shunning mediocrity. And I still wonder how bad mediocrity really is. There is a place for people who enjoy the things that others would see as mundane.

      I have found that if I think too big it becomes overwhelming. I have set these fabulous goals in the past which just go too far beyond what I think I am capable of. This year, I feel I am being more realistic and planning to take smaller steps. Yet if I do accomplish all I have set out, it will be more than what I did last year, and a good step in the right direction.

      Even with my somewhat less exuberant goals I notice I feel a fear of success sometimes. Francisco - your post was really great and has given me some ideas about how I can work on this.

      Happy new year, all! I look forward to learning loads more from you all over the coming year.

    17. Randy, Happy New Year & thank you so much for this blog. I have been involved with a mlm business for 2 years now. Just the other day I looked reflected back on 2010 & I failed. I did not reach my goals & at first was very upset. I then compared 2010 to 2009 and realized even though I did not reach my goals, I tripled my business. I then read your blog today and it all makes sense, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    18. Thank you, Randy, for being there for us.
      Upon reading your story some time ago, you certainly went through failure after failure to be where you are right now. So I believe what you are saying, from the heart.
      My uplines have quit, my downlines, too, but for some reason of BURNING DESIRE,- though I admit I have not succeeded yet in NM-, I continue to develop the skils and the daily discipline that I need to succeed and attract the right people to my network & to my life.
      Although I can´t prove it yet with my results, I think my success will come from my undying PERSISTENCE.
      Open to feedback & more GREAT TIPS!
      Monica Sancio.

    19. Huge failure and huge success in 2010 ... guess I'm playing both sides of the fence, RG. Onward through 2011, whatever it may bring (manifested or not).


    20. Hi Randy,

      I was introduced to your teachings by someone very close to me. And this was done indirectly. I entered my bedroom abd noticed a shiny green book on the corners edge of the desk table. I am not a strong reader but I picked it up and started to read it. I believe this has been and will be the turning point in my life a I turn 46 this year.

      I am stunned by your evaluated truths on society and well, how I myself very much so feel into the subconscious trappings about the evil rich. In some part I feel quite bitter about this programming however that energy will change and transfor itself into something that will become brilliant.

      I CANNOT put your books down! The book of course is Prosperity Mind !!

      I am now on the journey to my true self, creating and engaging in my FULL potential!!

      I do have a Legacy to create and I simply can't wait to get busy!! I am transforming my health foremost and its been fantastic!! My thinking is changing and I absolutely love it!

      On my 3rd day of reading your books, I was called into my bosses office and given a raise. This is truth because we cannot deceive the universe and put ourselves in karma debt Lol

      I LOVE all the wonderful sayings like that karma debt. It like all the informations in your works Randy make you act, react, think, believe all so differently...

      I am just loving it. My business ideas are going to rocket this year as I leanr how to harness my talents and let go of pre programmed rubbish and fears!!!

      Thank you SO MUCH! Of course Im subscribed and I thank my friend Bonny Brown dearly for introducing me to you!

      Best Regards


      New Zealand

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