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Grow Your Talents and Gifts

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 11, 2018

Prosperity is infinite, but it cannot be contained.  When you try to hoard it, you choke off the supply.  When you circulate it, you increase its supply.

Everything that is true prosperity is infinite.  For example, things like hugs, empathy, and love aren’t finite.  They’re boundless.  The more you give away, the more you receive back.

This same principle applies to your talents and gifts.  When you share them, they expand and become stronger.  So write, sculpt, dance, compose, or whatever your gift is.

You’ll only increase the creative genius you possess.

- RG

P.S.  There is a very SEXY topic on the new podcast exclusive coming out Wednesday morning.  And I mean very sexy, because the topic is prosperity and sex.  Download it here.


2 comments on “Grow Your Talents and Gifts”

    1. Definitely a lot of overlap between the two. Personally I see talents more as something you can develop, whereas gifts as something you were fortunate to be blessed with.

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  • 2 comments on “Grow Your Talents and Gifts”

      1. Definitely a lot of overlap between the two. Personally I see talents more as something you can develop, whereas gifts as something you were fortunate to be blessed with.

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