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Grab Some Awesome

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 29, 2012

Change of pace in the topic today.  Let’s talk about something that could be very important for your success…


No matter what kind of business you're in, nothing happens unless you practice marketing.  But not just any kind of marketing.  Awesome marketing.  And no one knows awesome marketing like “Un-Marketing.”  (It’s kinda the only-Nixon-can-go-to-China thing.)

When he's not wearing cape and tights, UnMarketing is actually mild-mannered Scott Stratten.   Scott’s an expert in Viral, Social, and Authentic Marketing which he calls Un-Marketing.  He can show you how to position yourself as a trusted expert in front of your target market, so when they have the need, they choose you.

Scott has a new book launching today and it’s delicious!  I was fortunate enough to be able to read an advance galley.  The book is brilliant and can really help you in your branding and marketing.

It’s vintage Scott:  Smart, snarky, and fun.  The book is packed with case study after case study of the right – and wrong ways to connect with your tribe and grow your business.

It’s actually a flipbook…

Really. One side is The Book Of Business Awesome: How Engaging Your Customers and Employees Can Make Your Business Thrive. It's filled with tales of Awesome.  Flip it over and you get, The Book of Business UnAwesome: The Cost of Not Listening or Being Great At What You Do.  It reads the other way with train-wrecks of Un-Awesome.  You learn what worked, what didn't, and how you can make sure the stuff you do, does.

In fact, this is the ONLY book in the world, perhaps the galaxy, that gives you the answers to some of the most important questions that have been vexing humankind for centuries.  Really.  When you read this book you will discover:

  • What happens when you eat too many cupcakes;
  • Who won the fight between the unicorn and the bear;
  • The kind of people who keep Boba Fett statues in their offices;
  • What pimping out a forklift, an epic choir video, and a snow blower that moves at light speed all have in common; and,
  • The critical lesson can you learn from Mr. Happy Crack!

So you see I wasn’t kidding.  These are the questions we’ve been pondering since Socrates.  To find the answers to these and many more, get Scott’s new book now!

It’s launching pronto and the first people who buy the book will be able to get a free copy donated to their local library, a cool poster, etc.  I’m posting this early, so you can get a shot.  So get your chubby little fingers clicking right here, right now:

And may all your marketing be awesome…

- RG

20 comments on “Grab Some Awesome”

  1. I've been read Atlas Shrugged an As a Man Think.  Now, I just to buy Un-Marketing fo my iPad.  Thanks for be my master Randy!!  Regards from Argentina.

  2. I've been read Atlas Shrugged an As a Man Think.  Now, I just to buy Un-Marketing fo my iPad.  Thanks for be my master Randy!!  Regards from Argentina.

  3. I want to share another book with you that is also important for business success: 'Inclusion: The New Competitive Business Advantage.'

  4. I want to share another book with you that is also important for business success: 'Inclusion: The New Competitive Business Advantage.'

  5. Well dang, I thought this was going to be a post about marketing & our resistance about it.  Of course, anyone who feels resistant about this post ("hmph, Randy is just trying to sell his friend's book") now has some interesting info about their own attitude towards marketing. 
    How many of us in the marketing industry (network marketing, for example) are sabatoging our own efforts because at some level, we despise the idea of "marketing"!  I've certainly been  guilty of that absurd bit of snobbery...and have been working at changing my mind about it.  Maybe Scott's book would help?

    1.  @MrsHealthandProsperity Yes Scott's book would definitely help.  Because the best marketing is never about manipulation and coercion.  It's about engagement, providing value, and presenting that value in a compelling way.

  6. Well dang, I thought this was going to be a post about marketing & our resistance about it.  Of course, anyone who feels resistant about this post ("hmph, Randy is just trying to sell his friend's book") now has some interesting info about their own attitude towards marketing. 
    How many of us in the marketing industry (network marketing, for example) are sabatoging our own efforts because at some level, we despise the idea of "marketing"!  I've certainly been  guilty of that absurd bit of snobbery...and have been working at changing my mind about it.  Maybe Scott's book would help?

  7.  @MrsHealthandProsperity Yes Scott's book would definitely help.  Because the best marketing is never about manipulation and coercion.  It's about engagement, providing value, and presenting that value in a compelling way.

  8. Hey Randy! I will definitely check that book out - as a networker - but I just want to be a little offtopic.
    Since this is probably the only place to contact you personally, what do you think about this story:
    Once a man saw a dream in the middle of the night. He saw himself walking on a beach. He also saw that he was talking to a very sober and peaceful face on the sky. After a while he realized that the face was actually God talking to him. He quickly changed the topic of whatever they were talking and asked the God, "I pray to you day and night, but still I face so many problems in my life. Do you not love your children?" The God replied, "My child, I love all my children. they are very precious to me and that is why I have to make them go through difficult times so that they understand and relish the good and happy things in life. You get difficult times but I also provide you with inner power to overcome them."
    Satisfied with the answer, the man felt content and asked God to show him the past events of his life. He saw images flashing on the sky. He saw all his past times where he was happy and enjoying with his friends and family. He also saw those times when he was sad, alone and disappointed. He noticed that during the happy times two sets of footprints were shown. He asked God about it. God told him that he always walk with his children and show them the way, even if they do not realize it. Suddenly getting very angry and dejected, he asked God, "If that is so, then why did you leave me alone during my bad times when I was so depressed and alone, for I see only one set of footprints for those times?" God smiled peacefully and said, "Dear son, those times when you were sad and alone, you see only one set of footprints which are mine, for I CARRIED YOU IN MY ARMS DURING YOUR TIMES OF DIFFICULTY."
    Do you think it is a victimhood programming story?
    Since I am really, really down in my life right now and as I read this story it resonates with me, but I am also aware of the fact that I do not want to see myself as a victim. I am one responsible for my stuff. (As "they" say you chose your parents, country, whatever (cicumstances) you are born into.)
    I am almost 23 right now, aproximatelly 3000$ in debt (most of it - 2000$ - is a mandatory health & social insurance I owe to our country as a entrepreneur) . I have no job (and I never ever want to - it's just a slavery), I am just building two networkmarketing bussineses. In one I have 17 people in second just 1 and me. I am doing it in BB way - or at leaset I am trying to - using your techniques.
    The thing is I am very very healthy - thanks God!! I have been through some solid stuff - physically, so the products we distribute in our network do not effect me at all ...
    ... on the other hand more I read and develop, more I realize how sick I was mentaly and probably still am, and how terrible our home, my parents and not to mention my grandparents (which we live with) habits are ...
    My whole family is soooo soooo sick, in debt, with poor consciousness ... it's just scary!
    And even looking arround - I do not know if it is really just in my mind, but it seems to me that no body cares about the healthy stuff - people eats at McDonald's, smoke ciggarrets, gossip, try to manipulate you, telling you what you should & shouldn't do ...
    I am feeling hopeless, useless ...
    I just want to live in some peaceful place - like some monk temple in Himalayor in some other peaceful uncivilized natural place - eating only fresh fruit, vegetables, seeds & nuts our comunity here produce.
    I just want to live!! Free!! (from taxes, mandatory insurances, and all this ... sorry to use it ... SHIT!)
    And above all I feel so lonely. My only friends remain my books from people like you, Vadim Zeland, Stephen Covey, Lao Tzu, Deepak Chopra, Napoleon Hill, Robert Kiyosaki ...
    For sure I have some friends (businessmen, investors, ... I met in my last 2 years which I spent working HARD on myself ... developing gradualy to better and better me - I started in insurance company - moved into real estate and now I occupy NWM) but I am ashamed to be with them right now as I do not feeel like I have anything to offer them ... besides I am so broke that I really sell stuff from our home just to travel ...
    Well. All the best!

    1. Hey Paul - I don't think that God-story is a victimhood story; we all have challenging times in our lives when, thank God, God carries us, so to speak.  So just now you are going through a hard time, or what my teacher Bill Harris calls "chaos".  Chaos is the part of the cycle when things are breaking down -  the old order has to fall apart so that a new order may arise.  Trust that God will carry you through this.  The term for what you are currently experiencing is "divine dissatisfaction" - divine because something better will emerge.  Go You!

  9. Hey Randy! I will definitely check that book out - as a networker - but I just want to be a little offtopic.
    Since this is probably the only place to contact you personally, what do you think about this story:
    Once a man saw a dream in the middle of the night. He saw himself walking on a beach. He also saw that he was talking to a very sober and peaceful face on the sky. After a while he realized that the face was actually God talking to him. He quickly changed the topic of whatever they were talking and asked the God, "I pray to you day and night, but still I face so many problems in my life. Do you not love your children?" The God replied, "My child, I love all my children. they are very precious to me and that is why I have to make them go through difficult times so that they understand and relish the good and happy things in life. You get difficult times but I also provide you with inner power to overcome them."
    Satisfied with the answer, the man felt content and asked God to show him the past events of his life. He saw images flashing on the sky. He saw all his past times where he was happy and enjoying with his friends and family. He also saw those times when he was sad, alone and disappointed. He noticed that during the happy times two sets of footprints were shown. He asked God about it. God told him that he always walk with his children and show them the way, even if they do not realize it. Suddenly getting very angry and dejected, he asked God, "If that is so, then why did you leave me alone during my bad times when I was so depressed and alone, for I see only one set of footprints for those times?" God smiled peacefully and said, "Dear son, those times when you were sad and alone, you see only one set of footprints which are mine, for I CARRIED YOU IN MY ARMS DURING YOUR TIMES OF DIFFICULTY."
    Do you think it is a victimhood programming story?
    Since I am really, really down in my life right now and as I read this story it resonates with me, but I am also aware of the fact that I do not want to see myself as a victim. I am one responsible for my stuff. (As "they" say you chose your parents, country, whatever (cicumstances) you are born into.)
    I am almost 23 right now, aproximatelly 3000$ in debt (most of it - 2000$ - is a mandatory health & social insurance I owe to our country as a entrepreneur) . I have no job (and I never ever want to - it's just a slavery), I am just building two networkmarketing bussineses. In one I have 17 people in second just 1 and me. I am doing it in BB way - or at leaset I am trying to - using your techniques.
    The thing is I am very very healthy - thanks God!! I have been through some solid stuff - physically, so the products we distribute in our network do not effect me at all ...
    ... on the other hand more I read and develop, more I realize how sick I was mentaly and probably still am, and how terrible our home, my parents and not to mention my grandparents (which we live with) habits are ...
    My whole family is soooo soooo sick, in debt, with poor consciousness ... it's just scary!
    And even looking arround - I do not know if it is really just in my mind, but it seems to me that no body cares about the healthy stuff - people eats at McDonald's, smoke ciggarrets, gossip, try to manipulate you, telling you what you should & shouldn't do ...
    I am feeling hopeless, useless ...
    I just want to live in some peaceful place - like some monk temple in Himalayor in some other peaceful uncivilized natural place - eating only fresh fruit, vegetables, seeds & nuts our comunity here produce.
    I just want to live!! Free!! (from taxes, mandatory insurances, and all this ... sorry to use it ... SHIT!)
    And above all I feel so lonely. My only friends remain my books from people like you, Vadim Zeland, Stephen Covey, Lao Tzu, Deepak Chopra, Napoleon Hill, Robert Kiyosaki ...
    For sure I have some friends (businessmen, investors, ... I met in my last 2 years which I spent working HARD on myself ... developing gradualy to better and better me - I started in insurance company - moved into real estate and now I occupy NWM) but I am ashamed to be with them right now as I do not feeel like I have anything to offer them ... besides I am so broke that I really sell stuff from our home just to travel ...
    Well. All the best!

  10. Hey Paul - I don't think that God-story is a victimhood story; we all have challenging times in our lives when, thank God, God carries us, so to speak.  So just now you are going through a hard time, or what my teacher Bill Harris calls "chaos".  Chaos is the part of the cycle when things are breaking down -  the old order has to fall apart so that a new order may arise.  Trust that God will carry you through this.  The term for what you are currently experiencing is "divine dissatisfaction" - divine because something better will emerge.  Go You!

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  • 20 comments on “Grab Some Awesome”

    1. I've been read Atlas Shrugged an As a Man Think.  Now, I just to buy Un-Marketing fo my iPad.  Thanks for be my master Randy!!  Regards from Argentina.

    2. I've been read Atlas Shrugged an As a Man Think.  Now, I just to buy Un-Marketing fo my iPad.  Thanks for be my master Randy!!  Regards from Argentina.

    3. I want to share another book with you that is also important for business success: 'Inclusion: The New Competitive Business Advantage.'

    4. I want to share another book with you that is also important for business success: 'Inclusion: The New Competitive Business Advantage.'

    5. Well dang, I thought this was going to be a post about marketing & our resistance about it.  Of course, anyone who feels resistant about this post ("hmph, Randy is just trying to sell his friend's book") now has some interesting info about their own attitude towards marketing. 
      How many of us in the marketing industry (network marketing, for example) are sabatoging our own efforts because at some level, we despise the idea of "marketing"!  I've certainly been  guilty of that absurd bit of snobbery...and have been working at changing my mind about it.  Maybe Scott's book would help?

      1.  @MrsHealthandProsperity Yes Scott's book would definitely help.  Because the best marketing is never about manipulation and coercion.  It's about engagement, providing value, and presenting that value in a compelling way.

    6. Well dang, I thought this was going to be a post about marketing & our resistance about it.  Of course, anyone who feels resistant about this post ("hmph, Randy is just trying to sell his friend's book") now has some interesting info about their own attitude towards marketing. 
      How many of us in the marketing industry (network marketing, for example) are sabatoging our own efforts because at some level, we despise the idea of "marketing"!  I've certainly been  guilty of that absurd bit of snobbery...and have been working at changing my mind about it.  Maybe Scott's book would help?

    7.  @MrsHealthandProsperity Yes Scott's book would definitely help.  Because the best marketing is never about manipulation and coercion.  It's about engagement, providing value, and presenting that value in a compelling way.

    8. Hey Randy! I will definitely check that book out - as a networker - but I just want to be a little offtopic.
      Since this is probably the only place to contact you personally, what do you think about this story:
      Once a man saw a dream in the middle of the night. He saw himself walking on a beach. He also saw that he was talking to a very sober and peaceful face on the sky. After a while he realized that the face was actually God talking to him. He quickly changed the topic of whatever they were talking and asked the God, "I pray to you day and night, but still I face so many problems in my life. Do you not love your children?" The God replied, "My child, I love all my children. they are very precious to me and that is why I have to make them go through difficult times so that they understand and relish the good and happy things in life. You get difficult times but I also provide you with inner power to overcome them."
      Satisfied with the answer, the man felt content and asked God to show him the past events of his life. He saw images flashing on the sky. He saw all his past times where he was happy and enjoying with his friends and family. He also saw those times when he was sad, alone and disappointed. He noticed that during the happy times two sets of footprints were shown. He asked God about it. God told him that he always walk with his children and show them the way, even if they do not realize it. Suddenly getting very angry and dejected, he asked God, "If that is so, then why did you leave me alone during my bad times when I was so depressed and alone, for I see only one set of footprints for those times?" God smiled peacefully and said, "Dear son, those times when you were sad and alone, you see only one set of footprints which are mine, for I CARRIED YOU IN MY ARMS DURING YOUR TIMES OF DIFFICULTY."
      Do you think it is a victimhood programming story?
      Since I am really, really down in my life right now and as I read this story it resonates with me, but I am also aware of the fact that I do not want to see myself as a victim. I am one responsible for my stuff. (As "they" say you chose your parents, country, whatever (cicumstances) you are born into.)
      I am almost 23 right now, aproximatelly 3000$ in debt (most of it - 2000$ - is a mandatory health & social insurance I owe to our country as a entrepreneur) . I have no job (and I never ever want to - it's just a slavery), I am just building two networkmarketing bussineses. In one I have 17 people in second just 1 and me. I am doing it in BB way - or at leaset I am trying to - using your techniques.
      The thing is I am very very healthy - thanks God!! I have been through some solid stuff - physically, so the products we distribute in our network do not effect me at all ...
      ... on the other hand more I read and develop, more I realize how sick I was mentaly and probably still am, and how terrible our home, my parents and not to mention my grandparents (which we live with) habits are ...
      My whole family is soooo soooo sick, in debt, with poor consciousness ... it's just scary!
      And even looking arround - I do not know if it is really just in my mind, but it seems to me that no body cares about the healthy stuff - people eats at McDonald's, smoke ciggarrets, gossip, try to manipulate you, telling you what you should & shouldn't do ...
      I am feeling hopeless, useless ...
      I just want to live in some peaceful place - like some monk temple in Himalayor in some other peaceful uncivilized natural place - eating only fresh fruit, vegetables, seeds & nuts our comunity here produce.
      I just want to live!! Free!! (from taxes, mandatory insurances, and all this ... sorry to use it ... SHIT!)
      And above all I feel so lonely. My only friends remain my books from people like you, Vadim Zeland, Stephen Covey, Lao Tzu, Deepak Chopra, Napoleon Hill, Robert Kiyosaki ...
      For sure I have some friends (businessmen, investors, ... I met in my last 2 years which I spent working HARD on myself ... developing gradualy to better and better me - I started in insurance company - moved into real estate and now I occupy NWM) but I am ashamed to be with them right now as I do not feeel like I have anything to offer them ... besides I am so broke that I really sell stuff from our home just to travel ...
      Well. All the best!

      1. Hey Paul - I don't think that God-story is a victimhood story; we all have challenging times in our lives when, thank God, God carries us, so to speak.  So just now you are going through a hard time, or what my teacher Bill Harris calls "chaos".  Chaos is the part of the cycle when things are breaking down -  the old order has to fall apart so that a new order may arise.  Trust that God will carry you through this.  The term for what you are currently experiencing is "divine dissatisfaction" - divine because something better will emerge.  Go You!

    9. Hey Randy! I will definitely check that book out - as a networker - but I just want to be a little offtopic.
      Since this is probably the only place to contact you personally, what do you think about this story:
      Once a man saw a dream in the middle of the night. He saw himself walking on a beach. He also saw that he was talking to a very sober and peaceful face on the sky. After a while he realized that the face was actually God talking to him. He quickly changed the topic of whatever they were talking and asked the God, "I pray to you day and night, but still I face so many problems in my life. Do you not love your children?" The God replied, "My child, I love all my children. they are very precious to me and that is why I have to make them go through difficult times so that they understand and relish the good and happy things in life. You get difficult times but I also provide you with inner power to overcome them."
      Satisfied with the answer, the man felt content and asked God to show him the past events of his life. He saw images flashing on the sky. He saw all his past times where he was happy and enjoying with his friends and family. He also saw those times when he was sad, alone and disappointed. He noticed that during the happy times two sets of footprints were shown. He asked God about it. God told him that he always walk with his children and show them the way, even if they do not realize it. Suddenly getting very angry and dejected, he asked God, "If that is so, then why did you leave me alone during my bad times when I was so depressed and alone, for I see only one set of footprints for those times?" God smiled peacefully and said, "Dear son, those times when you were sad and alone, you see only one set of footprints which are mine, for I CARRIED YOU IN MY ARMS DURING YOUR TIMES OF DIFFICULTY."
      Do you think it is a victimhood programming story?
      Since I am really, really down in my life right now and as I read this story it resonates with me, but I am also aware of the fact that I do not want to see myself as a victim. I am one responsible for my stuff. (As "they" say you chose your parents, country, whatever (cicumstances) you are born into.)
      I am almost 23 right now, aproximatelly 3000$ in debt (most of it - 2000$ - is a mandatory health & social insurance I owe to our country as a entrepreneur) . I have no job (and I never ever want to - it's just a slavery), I am just building two networkmarketing bussineses. In one I have 17 people in second just 1 and me. I am doing it in BB way - or at leaset I am trying to - using your techniques.
      The thing is I am very very healthy - thanks God!! I have been through some solid stuff - physically, so the products we distribute in our network do not effect me at all ...
      ... on the other hand more I read and develop, more I realize how sick I was mentaly and probably still am, and how terrible our home, my parents and not to mention my grandparents (which we live with) habits are ...
      My whole family is soooo soooo sick, in debt, with poor consciousness ... it's just scary!
      And even looking arround - I do not know if it is really just in my mind, but it seems to me that no body cares about the healthy stuff - people eats at McDonald's, smoke ciggarrets, gossip, try to manipulate you, telling you what you should & shouldn't do ...
      I am feeling hopeless, useless ...
      I just want to live in some peaceful place - like some monk temple in Himalayor in some other peaceful uncivilized natural place - eating only fresh fruit, vegetables, seeds & nuts our comunity here produce.
      I just want to live!! Free!! (from taxes, mandatory insurances, and all this ... sorry to use it ... SHIT!)
      And above all I feel so lonely. My only friends remain my books from people like you, Vadim Zeland, Stephen Covey, Lao Tzu, Deepak Chopra, Napoleon Hill, Robert Kiyosaki ...
      For sure I have some friends (businessmen, investors, ... I met in my last 2 years which I spent working HARD on myself ... developing gradualy to better and better me - I started in insurance company - moved into real estate and now I occupy NWM) but I am ashamed to be with them right now as I do not feeel like I have anything to offer them ... besides I am so broke that I really sell stuff from our home just to travel ...
      Well. All the best!

    10. Hey Paul - I don't think that God-story is a victimhood story; we all have challenging times in our lives when, thank God, God carries us, so to speak.  So just now you are going through a hard time, or what my teacher Bill Harris calls "chaos".  Chaos is the part of the cycle when things are breaking down -  the old order has to fall apart so that a new order may arise.  Trust that God will carry you through this.  The term for what you are currently experiencing is "divine dissatisfaction" - divine because something better will emerge.  Go You!

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