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Government Provided Prosperity

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 1, 2008

So can the government really provide prosperity for their citizens?  Certainly.  But not by artificially propping up markets and providing bailouts to private companies.

The only way a government can create true prosperity is to let the free enterprise system work.  And provide an army to defend the borders, a police force for security, and a court system to adjudicate disputes.  Everything else would do better if run by the private sector.

Last posting I talked about the socialistic tendencies of the U.S. government and the dangers they create.  In the comments, Jose said I should, “keep your mouth shut when you don’t know something rather than claim the scholarly expertise you don’t have.”

Alrighty then, thanks for bringing your academic expertise to elevate the discussion to such an intellectual level!

In his post he also mentions a discussion he had with me a few years back when he asked if I had studied Karl Marx’s manifesto of 1844.  I do remember that conversation with Jose.  He spoke to me after I conducted a prosperity workshop, trying to deny that Objectivism was a philosophy.

I’m not sure if he actually buys into Marx’s bullshit about how capitalism has a degenerative impact on our sense of self and creative potential, or he’s still upset because I can manifest such prosperity without the academic dogma he clutches so dearly.

Communism flat out doesn’t work.  It’s one of those noble things that sounds good on the surface, but doesn’t actually work in the real world.  It didn’t work in Russia, and it’s not working in Cuba or China.

Here in the States, and many other places like the UK, Norway, and Denmark, they’re marching down the path toward socialism.  The current economic meltdown is driving many other countries down this dangerous slope as well.  And socialism is simply communism with lipstick.

In my last “Randy’s Rants” newsletter, I suggested that metals like gold, silver and platinum are the only real form of money in the world, and everything else is a promissory note.   Money is how we determine value and overcome the challenges of exchanging goods, since it was getting hard to trade ten coconuts for half of a cow.

Of course Marx felt that money evolved into an actual good itself, since money could purchase pretty much everything, as long as quantities are sufficiently available.  But his real problem seemed to be that money isn’t just used for exchange, but can be invested to make a profit.   Gasp!  (Which in his eyes, can only be created by exploiting labor.)

Marx (like Castro) would rather have everyone be worker drones in the collective.  When you have traveled as much as I have, and seen the Soviet era housing, the infrastructure in Macedonia, and the other breakdowns in the communistic and socialistic systems you realize that these utopian ideals are really just means of enslaving the masses into lives of lack and mediocrity.

The academics spend countless hours pontificating Marx’s market principle formula of Money-Commodity-Profit (M-C-M1), versus the traditional formula Commodity-Money-Commodity (C-M-C).  Since I’m just an ignorant high school dropout, I spend my time on the issue of providing value to the universe, which in turn produces prosperity for me.

And that’s what you must know to manifest prosperity in your life…

All real prosperity comes as a result of providing value, and the greater value you provide, the greater prosperity you will manifest.

It’s interesting that Jose would bring up the manuscripts of 1844, because many historians and academics have ignored Marx’s early works because they thought them too philosophical and humanistic.  Which is hysterical, because while the work is certainly philosophical, his ideas are simply anti-human.  They limit man’s creativity, steal the reward of his labors, and are the antithesis of prosperity.

This topic is a fascinating one, and very relevant to manifesting abundance in your life, so we’ll explore it deeper in some other posts.  Meanwhile check in and share your thoughts with the group, even if you think I should just shut my mouth.  Because we get to do that in a free enterprise country!


P.S. Please don’t think I’m demeaning academics and study.  While my education has been mostly self-taught, I admire those that dedicate themselves to scholarly endeavor.   I actually took the GED course so that I could enroll and take some college courses.   The problem comes from the many that confuse memorizing data with actual critical thinking, which is what’s required for real wisdom.

91 comments on “Government Provided Prosperity”

  1. Randy,
    I would be interested in your thoughts concerning how well your prosperity manifestation principles can be expected to function in a socialist environment. Are capitalism and free enterprise necessary for prosperity? I realize that prosperity can be thought of as relative, but beyond that would like to believe that what we now think of as abundance, in today's perspective, will still be attainable in the (likely) coming socialism.
    Appreciate your work.

  2. Hey Randy-
    I am so with you on so many points, but curious about your thoughts on the health care/insurance mess in the US, from a free enterprise/market stand point?

    I have been a cash customer for health care for years...and really don't want health care in the hands of the Gov't., but as a world traveler also, have found myself jeoulous of the services provided by "socialized medicine" countries....and often think I would be very willing to pay my share to make consistent health care simpler and more accessable. (just like good roads)

    So, what is the danger (in your mind) or benifit of having health care services provided as a public service like the police force or roads.
    Your thoughts?
    PS. Thanks for keeping things lively...

  3. Hi,sir Gage
    i'm member of palinure international financial company that you attend at their seminar at dubai at Emirate and you speech for palinure leaderships ,i have a really question of you please assist me ,i want to know palinure international really exist or not ,certainly,before you accept palinure invit to attend thier seminar you search about them that palinure is on shore and really exist or they are scam site ,pardon me about this question ,because i want to extend myself investors team but they are have an many objection about existence of palinure company and my leader don't have real information and couldn't answer me,please help me ,because you are only my reliable information source .please assest me ,because i want to progress at network industry.
    Thanks & Best Regards

    1. Dear Randy
      I'm wondering to ask whether there is any physical existance of the company under the name of Palinure International.
      I would be grateful then

  4. Wow Randy- so right, and yet SO FUCKING WRONG.

    You are correct- pure communism doesn't work, because it's anti-ambition and incentive.


    Here's the very simple, very OBVIOUS reason why:


    A monopoly will ALWAYS be the end result of capitalism without balances and checks. And after a little while, the monopoly will buy OTHER monopolies, until- just like the game- everyone is out but one person.

    And since you're an MLM guru, you know that there are businesses that are skewed towards the "heavy hitter" and leaves everyone else to be suckers, and there are businesses that are for the "new guy", but have no real uber-wealth attached for the hard worker. There needs to be BALANCE.

    I wrote all about Barack Obama, Socialism, and MLM here:

    Get off the high horse of the "free market"- it's running unchecked is why we're in this mess. Duh. Fuckin' duh.

  5. Randy:

    Well informed and thoughtful as you always are. I am appalled at the blatant ignorance of reality that some people like Jose display. Marx was an idiot. He definitely was anti-humanity and he regarded people as garbage, to put it bluntly.

    Are these government "bailouts" or something else? They are not bailouts. They are government takeover of banking and finance worldwide. As the markets drop, the US dollar is gaining value. Rapidly. The US Treasuries are a HOT commodity. So hot, in fact, they are being purchased by people at break even or a loss. The government is ending up with all of the money being pulled out of the markets. The government is the one getting paid when you buy a treasury. People do not understand this at all.

    The government will at some point, be able to virtually dictate all business in the US (and elsewhere) if this keeps up. He who has the loot, has the power and control.

    Enough of MY ranting! Keep up the good work Randy!!!

    TopHat (from Breakthrough U 🙂 )

  6. Hi Akbar,

    I don't endorse individual companies, as I really can't keep up with them all. But Palinure is a real company headquartered in the States, and I was impressed by the Leadership Conference they hosted and I spoke at.


  7. Ah, Bones, Bones, Bones...

    Actually I don't buy that monopoly argument. I'll talk about that in a future post. And you can't say the capitalistic system in the U.S. doesn't work, because we haven't tried it yet!


  8. haha- Randy, Randy, Randy...

    The "Monopoly argument" is where the end of capitalism ends- the "best product, best price equals winner" idea leads to there being ONE of everything- and that's pretty much what happens. Look at the banks these days.

    So much of the competition idea.

    Like I was saying, pure capitalism (and you're right, we haven't tried it yet) is IMPOSSIBLE.

    The concept of a "special sale" breaks the rules of captalism, as does "I bought it 'cuz he's my cousin". Marketing breaks the rules, and we all know we can't do without marketing.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I believe we're better off LEANING towards Capitalism as opposed to Communism, and this buzz word of "socialism" the angry republicans keep throwing around isn't quite the deal either.

    I ALSO agree that the automakers, and the airline industry fucked it all up for themselves, so we shouldn't punish the companies that DID do well- however, there IS something to be said for those companies being entrenched in our society, and if they just crashed we'd be up the creek.

    So what's the answer? It would seem to be some sort of BALANCE, which is somewhere BETWEEN Capitalism and Communism. Sometimes we'll go too far right, sometimes too far left, but the BALANCE needs to be maintained.

  9. Hi Randy,

    Boy some people really get up a head of steam, guess this is good. I understand where TopHat is coming from we do need balance but I think things will always be slightly out of Balance no matter how hard we try and thats not a bad thing if everyone had the same and no one strived for more then things would be come very stagnant.

    We really need to get the prosperity consciousness out to everyone and to the person who asked would it work in communist/socialist countries yes I believe it does everyone has the instinct to strive for something better than they have and this does not just apply to people living in so called capitalistic(is that a word) countries but to every human being on the planet. These days people everywhere know more about what is going on and why has socialism started to break down in these countries because peoople want more their prosperity consciousness is starting to take hold and they are reaching out and grabbing a better life for themselves and their families.

    No system is perfect but that does not mean we should stop trying to find one, you know one day we will find our Utopia, I know I will.

    O.K. I will get of my soapbox now, just thought I would put my two bob's worth in.

    And Randy about the education levels a lot of us have made good without going to far in school and I have nothing against a good education gave my kids one and they are doing O.K.

    Love and Light
    Colleen The Crystal Dragon

  10. The government wants to provide everything - even your mind! That is the point. Some call it conspiracy, but now it's even in the latest Financial Times editorial. I think it's about time people wake up to what is REALLY going on... Remember George Orwell? Is it prosperity to live under such conditions?

    'The Financial Times, one of the most respected and widely read newspapers on the planet, features an editorial today that openly admits the agenda to create a world government based on anti-democratic principles and concedes that the term “global governance” is merely a euphemism for the move towards a centralized global government. For years we were called paranoid nutcases for warning about the elite’s plans to centralize global power and destroy American sovereignty. Throughout the 1990’s people who talked about the alarming move towards global government were smeared as right-wing lunatics by popular culture and the media. Now the agenda is out in the open and in our faces, the debunkers have no more ammunition with which to deride us.

    A jaw-dropping editorial written by the Financial Times chief foreign affairs commentator Gideon Rachman, titled 'And Now For A World Government', lays out the plan for global government and how it is being pushed with deceptive language and euphemisms in order to prevent people from becoming alarmed.'

  11. The ultimate government is no government at all or at the most voluntary and occasional. This is when people are so respectful of themselves and all others that no overseeing is necessary. In effect, this is actually true Communism. Despite what history says, true Communism never existed. It was instead a form of totalitarianism, where Communistic ideas were mutilated, then military enforced against the people's will.

  12. I know it's not comfortable to think there is a conspiracy going on since eons of time actually, but nevertheless, ABC News is now an example of a debunk attempt on something that is already official, such as stated in the latest Financial Times editorial (see my post above). So what has this got to do with it? Well, so now, anyone who does not accept the words and explanations of ABC, CNN and FOX are considered insane?

  13. I know it's not comfortable to think there is a conspiracy going on since eons of time actually, but nevertheless, ABC News is now an example of a debunk attempt on something that is already official, such as stated in the latest Financial Times editorial (see my post above). So what has this got to do with it? Well, so now, anyone who does not accept the words and explanations of ABC, CNN and FOX are considered insane?

  14. Dear Randy,

    Thank you very much for your attention to comments.

    You know what, there are very rumors about the Palinure International company.
    After your speech in their Leadership Conference, leaders use it as their legitimation and legal capacity in USA.

    This company have 2 kinds of activities: one, Investment (In more than five markets) and Second, Entertainment (Such as Betting & ... ).
    How do you know this company? Do you confirm it's both kinds of activities? Do you confirm the legal capacity of it's investing system?
    Did you know we couldn't find any legal footsteps of companies investing part in anywhere in USA.
    Yes, there is some legal points about it's Entertainment activities but not about companies investment system!
    The point is that, the leaders started the network system by investing claim...
    And the last question, can you determinately claim that the Palinure International's investing system is NOT a HYIP ? and it is a real investment company?

    we have thousands of Dollars in their investing system and this is vital for us to hear the truth from you.

    Please help us,
    Thank you in advance,

  15. Hi,sir Gage
    i make a network team in palinure interest in iran,
    i am active for my organization,my team is very active for first month,but for three month team is very weak.
    please help me.
    all with love,

    I have watched so many movies of you and i really love your seminars…
    I am one of the investors of palinure international,and have a fantastic team..but i think palinure is not an international company..somebody tells that palinure is an iranian company..when you wanted to attend their leadership seminar who did you talked to? is David Gardner its real chairman?
    i trust to you,please help me

  17. bache ha sade nabashid
    akhe har kasi ke ba name Randy Gage inja matlab nevesht ke nemishe khode Randy Gage bashe !
    man khodam be Randy Gage email zadam va on aslan tayid nakard ke palinure company hast
    har kasi to palinure invest karde polesh rafte har kasiam ke invest nakarde bikhiale in kar beshe

  18. ba salam
    man randy gage hastam , hamatoon ro too dubai KIR karde boodam va faghat bekhatere poool dashtam behetoon kose sher migoftam .

    hamatoon pooool dar mishid

  19. Dear Randy,
    i have watched so many movies of you and i really love your seminars…
    I am one of the investors of palinure international,and have a fantastic team..but i think palinure is not an international company..somebody tells that palinure is an iranian company..when you wanted to attend their leadership seminar who did you talked to? is David Gardner its real chairman?
    i trust to you,please help me

  20. Bache ha man dige kam kam daram mitarsam, dige nemikham kar konam , in ham mesle baghiye kolah bardariye ,


  21. hey Randy!
    can you just send me an empty email, to ensure me that palinure componey is a real componey!?
    i trust you.
    thanks a lot.

  22. Hi Dear Akbar,

    I don’t endorse individual companies, as I really can’t keep up with them all. But Palinure is a SCAM company headquartered in the States,

    you lose dolar in palinure. ha ha ha ha


  23. سلام دوستان پالنوری
    من رندی گیج هستم واقعا پولی که بابت سمینار دبی به من دادید کیف کردم شنیدم که پوینتهای پالینر نقد نمیشه و کسانی که کار کنن در واقع خودشون نقد می کنن خب باید زحمت بکشن تا پول در بیارن مگه پول علف خرسه که پالینر بیاد و به شماها بده من خیلی خوشحالم که پوینت مجموعه ها رو نقد نکردن و پولشو دادن به من و مقداری هم خرج عیاشی خودشون تو دبی کردن حالا شماها باید بیشتر کار کنین تا پوینتهای بیشتری نقد بشه خوب وظیفه شماست.
    البته من فارسی بلد نیستم اینو دادم به یکی از پالینرهایی که اومده بود دبی براتون تایپ کنه پول خوبی بهش دادم چون می خواست پوینت مجموعه خودشو نقد کنه بیچاره

    اگر بازم خواستید حاضرم بیام براتون صحبت کنم. بای
    دوست دارم پالینر


  24. Hi Randy ,
    we trust in your words
    thanks about your comment on palinure company
    but there is 2 different answers from you
    please which one is the right ?

    #Comment by RANDY GAGE
    2009-01-02 17:09:33
    palinure is a true company in USA.

    #Comment by Randy Gage
    2009-01-14 00:54:20
    palinure is not a true company in USA.

  25. salam randy jan
    khoobi azizam? elahi ghroboone oon kaleye kachalet besham
    dadash man mikhastam beram too palinure,beram ya na.
    faghat lab tar kon

  26. salam Robert jan

    halet khobe che khabar nisti, na baba ehtiaji nist pol bezri to palinure chon onja dolar hash arzeshi nadare dadash khasti boro ye jav bede va mesle man pol khobi giret miad.

    taze age khasti yeki az palinuri ha ham be man koli point afer mide bish az 1000000 dolar mikhai kar kony man point bedam naghd kon.


  27. salam randy jan
    haji in palinure rooze akhar maro servis kard, mikhamet jigar
    az khodet khabar bede
    dela tangetam

  28. Dear Randy
    my name is arash
    I am one of the investors of palinure international,and i love my palinure,and i love my leader,and i love my team
    tank's alot from sha.n & aha.m

  29. Thank you alot Mr.Gage about your opanion ,moreover I joined palinure since more than 1 year and I advice all the people to think alot about this huge opportunity to change their life and start this big network marketing prospect and get the opportunity to bring their dreams facts,thank you again.

  30. hich kodoom az in commentha be name randy gage vagheiat nadare mage bikare biad vase shomaha ba oon company dalepit ke aslan hoviat nadare comment bezare?
    kheili in companie mashkooke khoda akhar aghebatesho bekheir kone!
    with regards

  31. Cause yr team and yr upline or yr downline get many new member, so u have a cash flow in yr team that's why u love it, cause u get money. Whenever u don't have new one, no way to get money. U will be dead for sure. Cause Palinure don't pay u any money. Just let u play games with yr new member.

    It is different from Agel networking company that Randy Gage joins. They sell the product and company get profit from selling product so they can share those profit with members who joins and build network as marketing plan. Member get money from company directly. NOt a games like Palinure. Maybe all of u r still young so don't understand anything.

    As I know all of u from the age 18-30 and from Iran and Lebanon only not other country. I hope all of u have the brain to think about it carefully.

    I don't care who is Palinure, what palinure do, what people say about Palinure. Only one thing I care if Palinure pay me. But I never get money from Palinure for 14 months.

  32. People who get money from network say it is good, but people who don't have network say it is bad cause they lost their money for 1000usd in minimum. So what is the standard system of Palinure? Palinure no have payment system.

    As I know many DR., Engineer and biz owner join. Never know that those people r washed the brain ealily, or they like to deceive people in this point.

    Pls don't be brainwashed people.

  33. I don't know anything about Palinure and I don't care about it.
    But only one thing is very true that is Palinure don't to pay me for 14 months and other member too. They just said if I want money so I must get new member for my money.

    Pls don't ask Randy, he does not know anything about Palinure. He just was hired to speak as he is a reputed and famous person in networking and just to give u an engergy in building networks.

  34. I don't know the back ground of Palinure and other things. But I am sure that it was started by Iranian and Lebanese and spread network among Iranian and Lebanese in other countries.

    If I am an investigator, I will be the best investigator. hahaha

  35. Hey Hani,

    Randy is not the owner of Palinure so I don't think he will know about it. He just was hired by Palinure to speak in the event for energizing leaders in building their network more and more.

    As u have put yr money in Palinure, or gave yr money to yr introducer. It will be lose if u have no new member join in yr team or no have many new members join in yr introducer team.

    Remember that it is just electronic points which is worthless if Palinure don't have payment system.

  36. سلام
    به تمام کسانی که دنبال نتورک هستند
    بالاخص پالینوریها
    خواهش میکنم سرتون رو مثل کبک زیر برف نکنید
    فقط یه نگاه به دوروبرتان بندازید
    این همه حجم پوینتها که رو دست مردم مونده کافی نیست
    تو رو خدا با این قمار با زندگی مردم بازی نکنین

  37. salam reza gambit

    chetori mikhai biam baraie gambit shoma ham sohbat konam shenidam ke gambit be bad bakhti khorde age mikhai biam albate esm nemibaram on 2 ta ke system zadan bego sare kisa ro shol konan va pol khobi bedan biam

    rasti reza omadi inja vorodi begiri onam az inja boro az daire nofoz khodet estefade kon mage behet yad nadadan.!!!

    ghorbon pol haie shoma irany ha makhsosan system haie dare pit ke mikhan khodi neshon bedan


  38. Dear Randy,
    I heard that you had a trip to Dubai and had a lecture in the Palinure general meeting. Kindly be informed that palinure is not a well known network here in Iran and they failed to pay their investors for more than 6 months. Unfortunately your attending at the meeting gave another chance to Palinure top leaders to deceive the investors bye using your name. It was just for your information. Please be informed that this company has no investment and it is alive only by the money of new investors and it doesn't have any income from any market.
    Best regards,
    Ramin Ghajar

  39. Dear Hani,
    you wre supposed to ask these questions before investment.Unfortunately it is not an investing company.It is a true company and finish.nobody earns money from the company.the company is just for cheating you. the website is a very simple can compare it with other investing and brooking websites.
    please stop working with it and refer to the court in your country.
    best regards,Ramin

  40. kiram dahane hamatun.palinure hame tazmin kafi nist:ssl 256.enterprise dolatie australia.systeme omt.antofagasta.filing in oregan va...

  41. Palninre benet sharmouta neket albna w ma 5allet ma3na wala eresh.

    yea yea i can talk arabic, i learned it from the lebanese group in dubai. ayre bil OMT.


  42. Plz amir ta3a l3able fee shway enta wel nassabeen as7abak pz.
    ah ah amir, ah ah OMT, ah ah Palinure.


  43. wla 3akrrooot 2ayri fik kamena, wa7ad manyak 2inta ya randy. 5alli 2ahlak yrabok. Palinure 2a7la company 3al earth ya earth.
    W ana robert t2alamit 3arabi mnil lebanese honi bil USA.

  44. Some times you get sad and demotivated, but surprizes will soon astonish all those who disbelieve.

  45. وای خدای من
    یعنی هنوز اینقدر خر پیدا میشه که دنبال این گنده
    پس من میتونم امید وار باشم که همینا بیان بهم رای بدن....

  46. Accept success by making the effort instead of making excuses. Take responsibility instead of expecting someone else to do it for you. With each word, each thought, each action, choose to accept success instead of letting it pass you by.

    some will
    some wont
    some what?
    some one else is waiting

    I am grateful that I am the brilliam conscious creator of my life and therfore all things in my life can be created or changed through my conscious direction.

    ... is for us all
    Who can mack risk come with us.
    The successful people are riskful peoples.


  47. ba eftekhar dar companie motabare palinure kar mikonim va be tamame mardom yari miresanim ke behtarin bashand.

    arash az time agha pedram hastam

  48. Hi randy jooon(love) we are you lover
    We are not KOS kHOL BUT Hastim Mongooool!!!!!
    whow is very iranian comment in there
    چقدر ایرایا اینجا زیادند

  49. hi mr.gage.
    i a m iranian.please help me. i ask a question of you.
    Do the palinure company have a legation in iran?
    please help me. thank you very much. good luck.

  50. سلام به همه دوستان
    می خواهم جوابی به سوال های شما بدهم من محمدم نه رندی
    1_ همه می دونیم که رندی جز 50 فرد پولدار دنیاست پس نیازی به پول پالینوری ها نداره که حالا واسه ما بیاد سمینار بزاره و خودشو واسه کمپانی که قراره بسته بشه کوچیک کنه
    2- اگر می گویید که او برای پالینور سمینار برگزار نکرده فیلمش رو از طریق ایمیل براتون میفرستم که لوگوی سمینار پالینور توش پشت سر رندی پیداست
    3-می خواستید وارد یک تیم سالم شوید تا پوینت هایتان نقد شود تازه مگه خدا حساب ارضی رو ازتون گرفته
    4- خواهش می کنم که یک سر به سایت رسمی دولت اورگان و کایفرنیا یا فلوریدا بزنید تا بینید که سایت از رو هوا نیومده در ضمن اگر میگید که سایت و کمپانی نیست یه سر به این سایت بزنید که لیست تمام سایت های هایپ یا کلاهبرداری خودمون توش اومده
    5- ادب هم جز نعمت های خداست ازش بهره ببر و فحش ننویس

  51. in Randy ke palinuria in hame behesh minazan kos khole baba. koon nadare biad commentaro pak kone. unvaght miagn khodaye networke!!!

  52. salam arash jon kareto bokon jigar ma ke to amrica sare mamlekato kolah mizarim shoma ham onja bezar nooshe jonet

  53. Well, dear Randy, we've believed in you as for the PALINURE COMPANY issue. You said that it is a true company and a working one.
    Actually, the company stopped working as we see.
    what happened ?

  54. همه افرادی که شخصیت خودشون رو تو این پیامها خراب کردن واقعا متاسفم براشون
    کمپانی پالینور در حال حاضر در زمینه سایبرنت به طور جدی درحال ادامه فعالیت میباشد
    میخواهید باور کنید میخواهید نکنید اما اگر یه روزی تصمیم گرفت یوادر نتورک بشی تا زمانی که به حقت نرسیی کنار نکش درغیر اینصورت خودت ضربه میخوری نه کمپانی
    با پیامهاتونم هم وجهه خودتون رو تو سایت یه نتورکر بین المللی خراب نکنید
    ارزوی موفقیت برای همه ایرانیان مخصوصا نتورکرا

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  • 91 comments on “Government Provided Prosperity”

    1. Randy,
      I would be interested in your thoughts concerning how well your prosperity manifestation principles can be expected to function in a socialist environment. Are capitalism and free enterprise necessary for prosperity? I realize that prosperity can be thought of as relative, but beyond that would like to believe that what we now think of as abundance, in today's perspective, will still be attainable in the (likely) coming socialism.
      Appreciate your work.

    2. Hey Randy-
      I am so with you on so many points, but curious about your thoughts on the health care/insurance mess in the US, from a free enterprise/market stand point?

      I have been a cash customer for health care for years...and really don't want health care in the hands of the Gov't., but as a world traveler also, have found myself jeoulous of the services provided by "socialized medicine" countries....and often think I would be very willing to pay my share to make consistent health care simpler and more accessable. (just like good roads)

      So, what is the danger (in your mind) or benifit of having health care services provided as a public service like the police force or roads.
      Your thoughts?
      PS. Thanks for keeping things lively...

    3. Hi,sir Gage
      i'm member of palinure international financial company that you attend at their seminar at dubai at Emirate and you speech for palinure leaderships ,i have a really question of you please assist me ,i want to know palinure international really exist or not ,certainly,before you accept palinure invit to attend thier seminar you search about them that palinure is on shore and really exist or they are scam site ,pardon me about this question ,because i want to extend myself investors team but they are have an many objection about existence of palinure company and my leader don't have real information and couldn't answer me,please help me ,because you are only my reliable information source .please assest me ,because i want to progress at network industry.
      Thanks & Best Regards

      1. Dear Randy
        I'm wondering to ask whether there is any physical existance of the company under the name of Palinure International.
        I would be grateful then

    4. Wow Randy- so right, and yet SO FUCKING WRONG.

      You are correct- pure communism doesn't work, because it's anti-ambition and incentive.

      BUT PURE CAPITALISM DOESN'T WORK EITHER. It's anti-human kind.

      Here's the very simple, very OBVIOUS reason why:


      A monopoly will ALWAYS be the end result of capitalism without balances and checks. And after a little while, the monopoly will buy OTHER monopolies, until- just like the game- everyone is out but one person.

      And since you're an MLM guru, you know that there are businesses that are skewed towards the "heavy hitter" and leaves everyone else to be suckers, and there are businesses that are for the "new guy", but have no real uber-wealth attached for the hard worker. There needs to be BALANCE.

      I wrote all about Barack Obama, Socialism, and MLM here:

      Get off the high horse of the "free market"- it's running unchecked is why we're in this mess. Duh. Fuckin' duh.

    5. Randy:

      Well informed and thoughtful as you always are. I am appalled at the blatant ignorance of reality that some people like Jose display. Marx was an idiot. He definitely was anti-humanity and he regarded people as garbage, to put it bluntly.

      Are these government "bailouts" or something else? They are not bailouts. They are government takeover of banking and finance worldwide. As the markets drop, the US dollar is gaining value. Rapidly. The US Treasuries are a HOT commodity. So hot, in fact, they are being purchased by people at break even or a loss. The government is ending up with all of the money being pulled out of the markets. The government is the one getting paid when you buy a treasury. People do not understand this at all.

      The government will at some point, be able to virtually dictate all business in the US (and elsewhere) if this keeps up. He who has the loot, has the power and control.

      Enough of MY ranting! Keep up the good work Randy!!!

      TopHat (from Breakthrough U 🙂 )

    6. Hi Akbar,

      I don't endorse individual companies, as I really can't keep up with them all. But Palinure is a real company headquartered in the States, and I was impressed by the Leadership Conference they hosted and I spoke at.


    7. Ah, Bones, Bones, Bones...

      Actually I don't buy that monopoly argument. I'll talk about that in a future post. And you can't say the capitalistic system in the U.S. doesn't work, because we haven't tried it yet!


    8. haha- Randy, Randy, Randy...

      The "Monopoly argument" is where the end of capitalism ends- the "best product, best price equals winner" idea leads to there being ONE of everything- and that's pretty much what happens. Look at the banks these days.

      So much of the competition idea.

      Like I was saying, pure capitalism (and you're right, we haven't tried it yet) is IMPOSSIBLE.

      The concept of a "special sale" breaks the rules of captalism, as does "I bought it 'cuz he's my cousin". Marketing breaks the rules, and we all know we can't do without marketing.

      Now, don't get me wrong, I believe we're better off LEANING towards Capitalism as opposed to Communism, and this buzz word of "socialism" the angry republicans keep throwing around isn't quite the deal either.

      I ALSO agree that the automakers, and the airline industry fucked it all up for themselves, so we shouldn't punish the companies that DID do well- however, there IS something to be said for those companies being entrenched in our society, and if they just crashed we'd be up the creek.

      So what's the answer? It would seem to be some sort of BALANCE, which is somewhere BETWEEN Capitalism and Communism. Sometimes we'll go too far right, sometimes too far left, but the BALANCE needs to be maintained.

    9. Hi Randy,

      Boy some people really get up a head of steam, guess this is good. I understand where TopHat is coming from we do need balance but I think things will always be slightly out of Balance no matter how hard we try and thats not a bad thing if everyone had the same and no one strived for more then things would be come very stagnant.

      We really need to get the prosperity consciousness out to everyone and to the person who asked would it work in communist/socialist countries yes I believe it does everyone has the instinct to strive for something better than they have and this does not just apply to people living in so called capitalistic(is that a word) countries but to every human being on the planet. These days people everywhere know more about what is going on and why has socialism started to break down in these countries because peoople want more their prosperity consciousness is starting to take hold and they are reaching out and grabbing a better life for themselves and their families.

      No system is perfect but that does not mean we should stop trying to find one, you know one day we will find our Utopia, I know I will.

      O.K. I will get of my soapbox now, just thought I would put my two bob's worth in.

      And Randy about the education levels a lot of us have made good without going to far in school and I have nothing against a good education gave my kids one and they are doing O.K.

      Love and Light
      Colleen The Crystal Dragon

    10. The government wants to provide everything - even your mind! That is the point. Some call it conspiracy, but now it's even in the latest Financial Times editorial. I think it's about time people wake up to what is REALLY going on... Remember George Orwell? Is it prosperity to live under such conditions?

      'The Financial Times, one of the most respected and widely read newspapers on the planet, features an editorial today that openly admits the agenda to create a world government based on anti-democratic principles and concedes that the term “global governance” is merely a euphemism for the move towards a centralized global government. For years we were called paranoid nutcases for warning about the elite’s plans to centralize global power and destroy American sovereignty. Throughout the 1990’s people who talked about the alarming move towards global government were smeared as right-wing lunatics by popular culture and the media. Now the agenda is out in the open and in our faces, the debunkers have no more ammunition with which to deride us.

      A jaw-dropping editorial written by the Financial Times chief foreign affairs commentator Gideon Rachman, titled 'And Now For A World Government', lays out the plan for global government and how it is being pushed with deceptive language and euphemisms in order to prevent people from becoming alarmed.'

    11. The ultimate government is no government at all or at the most voluntary and occasional. This is when people are so respectful of themselves and all others that no overseeing is necessary. In effect, this is actually true Communism. Despite what history says, true Communism never existed. It was instead a form of totalitarianism, where Communistic ideas were mutilated, then military enforced against the people's will.

    12. I know it's not comfortable to think there is a conspiracy going on since eons of time actually, but nevertheless, ABC News is now an example of a debunk attempt on something that is already official, such as stated in the latest Financial Times editorial (see my post above). So what has this got to do with it? Well, so now, anyone who does not accept the words and explanations of ABC, CNN and FOX are considered insane?

    13. I know it's not comfortable to think there is a conspiracy going on since eons of time actually, but nevertheless, ABC News is now an example of a debunk attempt on something that is already official, such as stated in the latest Financial Times editorial (see my post above). So what has this got to do with it? Well, so now, anyone who does not accept the words and explanations of ABC, CNN and FOX are considered insane?

    14. Dear Randy,

      Thank you very much for your attention to comments.

      You know what, there are very rumors about the Palinure International company.
      After your speech in their Leadership Conference, leaders use it as their legitimation and legal capacity in USA.

      This company have 2 kinds of activities: one, Investment (In more than five markets) and Second, Entertainment (Such as Betting & ... ).
      How do you know this company? Do you confirm it's both kinds of activities? Do you confirm the legal capacity of it's investing system?
      Did you know we couldn't find any legal footsteps of companies investing part in anywhere in USA.
      Yes, there is some legal points about it's Entertainment activities but not about companies investment system!
      The point is that, the leaders started the network system by investing claim...
      And the last question, can you determinately claim that the Palinure International's investing system is NOT a HYIP ? and it is a real investment company?

      we have thousands of Dollars in their investing system and this is vital for us to hear the truth from you.

      Please help us,
      Thank you in advance,

    15. Hi,sir Gage
      i make a network team in palinure interest in iran,
      i am active for my organization,my team is very active for first month,but for three month team is very weak.
      please help me.
      all with love,

    16. DEAR RANDY,
      I have watched so many movies of you and i really love your seminars…
      I am one of the investors of palinure international,and have a fantastic team..but i think palinure is not an international company..somebody tells that palinure is an iranian company..when you wanted to attend their leadership seminar who did you talked to? is David Gardner its real chairman?
      i trust to you,please help me

    17. bache ha sade nabashid
      akhe har kasi ke ba name Randy Gage inja matlab nevesht ke nemishe khode Randy Gage bashe !
      man khodam be Randy Gage email zadam va on aslan tayid nakard ke palinure company hast
      har kasi to palinure invest karde polesh rafte har kasiam ke invest nakarde bikhiale in kar beshe

    18. ba salam
      man randy gage hastam , hamatoon ro too dubai KIR karde boodam va faghat bekhatere poool dashtam behetoon kose sher migoftam .

      hamatoon pooool dar mishid

    19. Dear Randy,
      i have watched so many movies of you and i really love your seminars…
      I am one of the investors of palinure international,and have a fantastic team..but i think palinure is not an international company..somebody tells that palinure is an iranian company..when you wanted to attend their leadership seminar who did you talked to? is David Gardner its real chairman?
      i trust to you,please help me

    20. Bache ha man dige kam kam daram mitarsam, dige nemikham kar konam , in ham mesle baghiye kolah bardariye ,


    21. hey Randy!
      can you just send me an empty email, to ensure me that palinure componey is a real componey!?
      i trust you.
      thanks a lot.

    22. Hi Dear Akbar,

      I don’t endorse individual companies, as I really can’t keep up with them all. But Palinure is a SCAM company headquartered in the States,

      you lose dolar in palinure. ha ha ha ha


    23. سلام دوستان پالنوری
      من رندی گیج هستم واقعا پولی که بابت سمینار دبی به من دادید کیف کردم شنیدم که پوینتهای پالینر نقد نمیشه و کسانی که کار کنن در واقع خودشون نقد می کنن خب باید زحمت بکشن تا پول در بیارن مگه پول علف خرسه که پالینر بیاد و به شماها بده من خیلی خوشحالم که پوینت مجموعه ها رو نقد نکردن و پولشو دادن به من و مقداری هم خرج عیاشی خودشون تو دبی کردن حالا شماها باید بیشتر کار کنین تا پوینتهای بیشتری نقد بشه خوب وظیفه شماست.
      البته من فارسی بلد نیستم اینو دادم به یکی از پالینرهایی که اومده بود دبی براتون تایپ کنه پول خوبی بهش دادم چون می خواست پوینت مجموعه خودشو نقد کنه بیچاره

      اگر بازم خواستید حاضرم بیام براتون صحبت کنم. بای
      دوست دارم پالینر


    24. Hi Randy ,
      we trust in your words
      thanks about your comment on palinure company
      but there is 2 different answers from you
      please which one is the right ?

      #Comment by RANDY GAGE
      2009-01-02 17:09:33
      palinure is a true company in USA.

      #Comment by Randy Gage
      2009-01-14 00:54:20
      palinure is not a true company in USA.

    25. salam randy jan
      khoobi azizam? elahi ghroboone oon kaleye kachalet besham
      dadash man mikhastam beram too palinure,beram ya na.
      faghat lab tar kon

    26. salam Robert jan

      halet khobe che khabar nisti, na baba ehtiaji nist pol bezri to palinure chon onja dolar hash arzeshi nadare dadash khasti boro ye jav bede va mesle man pol khobi giret miad.

      taze age khasti yeki az palinuri ha ham be man koli point afer mide bish az 1000000 dolar mikhai kar kony man point bedam naghd kon.


    27. salam randy jan
      haji in palinure rooze akhar maro servis kard, mikhamet jigar
      az khodet khabar bede
      dela tangetam

    28. Dear Randy
      my name is arash
      I am one of the investors of palinure international,and i love my palinure,and i love my leader,and i love my team
      tank's alot from sha.n & aha.m

    29. Thank you alot Mr.Gage about your opanion ,moreover I joined palinure since more than 1 year and I advice all the people to think alot about this huge opportunity to change their life and start this big network marketing prospect and get the opportunity to bring their dreams facts,thank you again.

    30. hich kodoom az in commentha be name randy gage vagheiat nadare mage bikare biad vase shomaha ba oon company dalepit ke aslan hoviat nadare comment bezare?
      kheili in companie mashkooke khoda akhar aghebatesho bekheir kone!
      with regards

    31. Cause yr team and yr upline or yr downline get many new member, so u have a cash flow in yr team that's why u love it, cause u get money. Whenever u don't have new one, no way to get money. U will be dead for sure. Cause Palinure don't pay u any money. Just let u play games with yr new member.

      It is different from Agel networking company that Randy Gage joins. They sell the product and company get profit from selling product so they can share those profit with members who joins and build network as marketing plan. Member get money from company directly. NOt a games like Palinure. Maybe all of u r still young so don't understand anything.

      As I know all of u from the age 18-30 and from Iran and Lebanon only not other country. I hope all of u have the brain to think about it carefully.

      I don't care who is Palinure, what palinure do, what people say about Palinure. Only one thing I care if Palinure pay me. But I never get money from Palinure for 14 months.

    32. People who get money from network say it is good, but people who don't have network say it is bad cause they lost their money for 1000usd in minimum. So what is the standard system of Palinure? Palinure no have payment system.

      As I know many DR., Engineer and biz owner join. Never know that those people r washed the brain ealily, or they like to deceive people in this point.

      Pls don't be brainwashed people.

    33. I don't know anything about Palinure and I don't care about it.
      But only one thing is very true that is Palinure don't to pay me for 14 months and other member too. They just said if I want money so I must get new member for my money.

      Pls don't ask Randy, he does not know anything about Palinure. He just was hired to speak as he is a reputed and famous person in networking and just to give u an engergy in building networks.

    34. I don't know the back ground of Palinure and other things. But I am sure that it was started by Iranian and Lebanese and spread network among Iranian and Lebanese in other countries.

      If I am an investigator, I will be the best investigator. hahaha

    35. Hey Hani,

      Randy is not the owner of Palinure so I don't think he will know about it. He just was hired by Palinure to speak in the event for energizing leaders in building their network more and more.

      As u have put yr money in Palinure, or gave yr money to yr introducer. It will be lose if u have no new member join in yr team or no have many new members join in yr introducer team.

      Remember that it is just electronic points which is worthless if Palinure don't have payment system.

    36. سلام
      به تمام کسانی که دنبال نتورک هستند
      بالاخص پالینوریها
      خواهش میکنم سرتون رو مثل کبک زیر برف نکنید
      فقط یه نگاه به دوروبرتان بندازید
      این همه حجم پوینتها که رو دست مردم مونده کافی نیست
      تو رو خدا با این قمار با زندگی مردم بازی نکنین

    37. salam reza gambit

      chetori mikhai biam baraie gambit shoma ham sohbat konam shenidam ke gambit be bad bakhti khorde age mikhai biam albate esm nemibaram on 2 ta ke system zadan bego sare kisa ro shol konan va pol khobi bedan biam

      rasti reza omadi inja vorodi begiri onam az inja boro az daire nofoz khodet estefade kon mage behet yad nadadan.!!!

      ghorbon pol haie shoma irany ha makhsosan system haie dare pit ke mikhan khodi neshon bedan


    38. Dear Randy,
      I heard that you had a trip to Dubai and had a lecture in the Palinure general meeting. Kindly be informed that palinure is not a well known network here in Iran and they failed to pay their investors for more than 6 months. Unfortunately your attending at the meeting gave another chance to Palinure top leaders to deceive the investors bye using your name. It was just for your information. Please be informed that this company has no investment and it is alive only by the money of new investors and it doesn't have any income from any market.
      Best regards,
      Ramin Ghajar

    39. Dear Hani,
      you wre supposed to ask these questions before investment.Unfortunately it is not an investing company.It is a true company and finish.nobody earns money from the company.the company is just for cheating you. the website is a very simple can compare it with other investing and brooking websites.
      please stop working with it and refer to the court in your country.
      best regards,Ramin

    40. kiram dahane hamatun.palinure hame tazmin kafi nist:ssl 256.enterprise dolatie australia.systeme omt.antofagasta.filing in oregan va...

    41. Palninre benet sharmouta neket albna w ma 5allet ma3na wala eresh.

      yea yea i can talk arabic, i learned it from the lebanese group in dubai. ayre bil OMT.


    42. Plz amir ta3a l3able fee shway enta wel nassabeen as7abak pz.
      ah ah amir, ah ah OMT, ah ah Palinure.


    43. wla 3akrrooot 2ayri fik kamena, wa7ad manyak 2inta ya randy. 5alli 2ahlak yrabok. Palinure 2a7la company 3al earth ya earth.
      W ana robert t2alamit 3arabi mnil lebanese honi bil USA.

    44. Some times you get sad and demotivated, but surprizes will soon astonish all those who disbelieve.

    45. وای خدای من
      یعنی هنوز اینقدر خر پیدا میشه که دنبال این گنده
      پس من میتونم امید وار باشم که همینا بیان بهم رای بدن....

    46. Accept success by making the effort instead of making excuses. Take responsibility instead of expecting someone else to do it for you. With each word, each thought, each action, choose to accept success instead of letting it pass you by.

      some will
      some wont
      some what?
      some one else is waiting

      I am grateful that I am the brilliam conscious creator of my life and therfore all things in my life can be created or changed through my conscious direction.

      ... is for us all
      Who can mack risk come with us.
      The successful people are riskful peoples.


    47. ba eftekhar dar companie motabare palinure kar mikonim va be tamame mardom yari miresanim ke behtarin bashand.

      arash az time agha pedram hastam

    48. Hi randy jooon(love) we are you lover
      We are not KOS kHOL BUT Hastim Mongooool!!!!!
      whow is very iranian comment in there
      چقدر ایرایا اینجا زیادند

    49. hi mr.gage.
      i a m iranian.please help me. i ask a question of you.
      Do the palinure company have a legation in iran?
      please help me. thank you very much. good luck.

    50. سلام به همه دوستان
      می خواهم جوابی به سوال های شما بدهم من محمدم نه رندی
      1_ همه می دونیم که رندی جز 50 فرد پولدار دنیاست پس نیازی به پول پالینوری ها نداره که حالا واسه ما بیاد سمینار بزاره و خودشو واسه کمپانی که قراره بسته بشه کوچیک کنه
      2- اگر می گویید که او برای پالینور سمینار برگزار نکرده فیلمش رو از طریق ایمیل براتون میفرستم که لوگوی سمینار پالینور توش پشت سر رندی پیداست
      3-می خواستید وارد یک تیم سالم شوید تا پوینت هایتان نقد شود تازه مگه خدا حساب ارضی رو ازتون گرفته
      4- خواهش می کنم که یک سر به سایت رسمی دولت اورگان و کایفرنیا یا فلوریدا بزنید تا بینید که سایت از رو هوا نیومده در ضمن اگر میگید که سایت و کمپانی نیست یه سر به این سایت بزنید که لیست تمام سایت های هایپ یا کلاهبرداری خودمون توش اومده
      5- ادب هم جز نعمت های خداست ازش بهره ببر و فحش ننویس

    51. in Randy ke palinuria in hame behesh minazan kos khole baba. koon nadare biad commentaro pak kone. unvaght miagn khodaye networke!!!

    52. salam arash jon kareto bokon jigar ma ke to amrica sare mamlekato kolah mizarim shoma ham onja bezar nooshe jonet

    53. Well, dear Randy, we've believed in you as for the PALINURE COMPANY issue. You said that it is a true company and a working one.
      Actually, the company stopped working as we see.
      what happened ?

    54. همه افرادی که شخصیت خودشون رو تو این پیامها خراب کردن واقعا متاسفم براشون
      کمپانی پالینور در حال حاضر در زمینه سایبرنت به طور جدی درحال ادامه فعالیت میباشد
      میخواهید باور کنید میخواهید نکنید اما اگر یه روزی تصمیم گرفت یوادر نتورک بشی تا زمانی که به حقت نرسیی کنار نکش درغیر اینصورت خودت ضربه میخوری نه کمپانی
      با پیامهاتونم هم وجهه خودتون رو تو سایت یه نتورکر بین المللی خراب نکنید
      ارزوی موفقیت برای همه ایرانیان مخصوصا نتورکرا

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