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God Has an Affiliate Program

Posted By: Randy GageApril 5, 2021

People sometimes ask why I agreed to be interviewed for a YouTube channel that has four subscribers, or a podcast that hasn’t yet cracked the top ten million.  The reason is because I used to have a YouTube channel and podcast that met those qualifications.  And the host probably impressed me as someone who doesn’t just need a break – but they’re also worthy of the support. 

It’s a hectic world and easy to get caught up into all the daily distractions, alerts, and other white noise, and keep all the plates spinning for survival.  But that leads to a place you won’t want to end up. 

The antidote is generosity. 

I got a tearful message of gratitude from Paula Zaragoza over the weekend.  She was expressing her deep appreciation because I was telling people to grab her new book and even posted a blog about it and some other new books out.  I didn’t do this angling for any return and didn’t even bother to set up Amazon affiliate links.  I did this because she’s a single mom raising three kids, one with special needs, and doing amazing work.  (My own mom also raised three kids by herself and we can certainly make the case that one in particular, had special needs!)  People like Paula and my mom are superheroes and even superheroes need a plug now and then. I was just trying to model the principles of prosperity, free enterprise and generosity I talk about in my prosperity ministry.  (Just like I did what I was retweeting an inspirational moment, or promoting the Kodō drummers, Allen Klein’s recent book, or Jedi Burg’s sexy new Go-Giver Success community.)

If we want a more abundant world, it starts with our own generosity. 

That doesn’t mean dropping money by helicopter, creating welfare programs that keep people down, or fostering entitlement.  It’s really as simple as being a generous person.

There are people who won’t recommend a product or service unless there is an affiliate program to compensate them.  There are people who won’t retweet something they like but will cut and paste the comment and send it out as their own.  Just like there are people who will never offer a favor without negotiating a future price in return.  In one sense, everything in the universe is transactional.  (Cause and effect, ripple effects, karma, etc.)  But that doesn’t mean you have to live your life monitoring everything in your ledger.

You don’t need to keep score because there is a cosmic scorekeeper in the sky who runs the most lucrative, well-managed affiliate program ever administered. 

Some people call this scorekeeper God, others label it as nature, karma, infinite intelligence, divine order, reaping what we sow, or the natural way in which energy is attracted or repelled. The labels don’t matter because the results are real. 

Every thought you have, statement you make, or act you perform will bring about a result in exact accordance with its nature.  It works that way all the time, with no exceptions.  When you live your life with generosity, love, and prosperity – you will attract equal (or greater) levels of generosity, love, and prosperity back to you.  Because this is universal law.


- RG

Previous post: Great Reads for April

10 comments on “God Has an Affiliate Program”

  1. Hi Randy!
    Ty for confirming what I am doing to help other business owners whichis giving about puts.

    Could you please give my IG page a shout? I sell fashions for men and women. It is called Opulent57chic.
    Go to Instagram for more @opulent57chic.


  2. Dear Randy! I wish You a happy and joyful birthday! May this spring bring You spiritual revival, new powers, clarity of the vision of the world and the path to true love, happiness and full prosperity!
    May the Heavenly Father Jehovah and the Lord Jesus Christ be your stronghold for a clean and happy life and bless your salvation!

  3. This is a great Post Randy, and very relevant to my Wealth Wednesday theme, so I intend to repost it (giving you praise and recognition for the content of course).
    Thanks for all you do for the Prosperity Tribe. I will continue to stay-tuned to your Podcasts and Livestreams, if you will continue to Post like this.
    I appreciate you - keep up the good work.
    p.s. I love your new book Radical Rebirth (I am reading it for the second time) IMPACTFUL and INSPIRING.

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  • 10 comments on “God Has an Affiliate Program”

    1. Hi Randy!
      Ty for confirming what I am doing to help other business owners whichis giving about puts.

      Could you please give my IG page a shout? I sell fashions for men and women. It is called Opulent57chic.
      Go to Instagram for more @opulent57chic.


    2. Dear Randy! I wish You a happy and joyful birthday! May this spring bring You spiritual revival, new powers, clarity of the vision of the world and the path to true love, happiness and full prosperity!
      May the Heavenly Father Jehovah and the Lord Jesus Christ be your stronghold for a clean and happy life and bless your salvation!

    3. This is a great Post Randy, and very relevant to my Wealth Wednesday theme, so I intend to repost it (giving you praise and recognition for the content of course).
      Thanks for all you do for the Prosperity Tribe. I will continue to stay-tuned to your Podcasts and Livestreams, if you will continue to Post like this.
      I appreciate you - keep up the good work.
      p.s. I love your new book Radical Rebirth (I am reading it for the second time) IMPACTFUL and INSPIRING.

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