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Goal Getting

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 26, 2010

Well October is now almost over.  Where did the month go?  And the first three quarters of the year?

Ten months of the 12 are now almost history.  How you doing on the plans, goals and dreams you had for 2010?  Did you make some New Year’s resolutions?  Set some goals for the year?

Today would be a great day to spend some time in review.  Are you just doing goal setting, or are you practicing some goal getting?

Think about the goals you set, and maybe haven’t made much progress on.  Oftentimes the hardest part is getting started.  Then once you begin, fears drop away, momentum is built, and excitement takes over.

How you end 2010 is how you will start 2011.  So what are the beginning steps you can take today towards getting some of your goals?


19 comments on “Goal Getting”

  1. Goal Getting indeed, Randy. I too have started reflecting on what this year had brought and what I want to begin to prepare for next year. I hit some high marks this year. In preparation for 2011 and to keep the momentum going, I hired a business coach just a week ago. I don't know if I know all that I need to have the same success as next year. I do know that by believing in myself, taking action and having people 'in the know' in my circle gives me every opportunity at duplicating and going way beyond this year’s success.

  2. After so many years in the M.L.M. industry I am finally realizing I will be successful.. It's been a long hard road, but I expect great happenings with my knowledge for the future.


  3. Tell us more about media marketing Randy!
    I am willingly want to know about your great idea about marketing my friend.
    sincerely yours,
    Mr. Ayat Mahmoodi, Iran.

  4. Thank you for this brain-storming post, Randy! I think, it's time to get my written plans and make some overview!
    It's not too late to correct some things.

  5. I feel pretty good about my progress this year, though I did not plan the goals until after Jan 1st. And that's because I wasn't clear about the direction I wanted to go!

    That said, I've developed a compelling concept for the new company, retained a top tier business strategist and corporate/securities attorney, formed a C corporation in DE, finalizing the company overview and will be reviewing the final draft of the offering documents this week to raise our seed round. I'm also learning a video editing program since the platform we will launch is multimedia video! All of this in about 7 months +/- !!

    The steps I can take now is being more focused and continuing the creative process, while developing my presentation for investors!

    Thanks Randy!

  6. Ever since I got into personal development I can say I'm really doing well on following my goals and meeting my deadlines. I'm currently trying to lose weight and so far I'm doing well. Have loss a little weight but still keeping on and trying my best not to slack. Even if I slack, I'll get back on track. The more times I'm able to get back on track, the stronger I'll be in facing the problem guy called slacking and the more stronger I'll be in keeping focused with my goals and meeting them :).

    How about you, Randy? How're you keeping on with your goals and deadlines? Have you been able to meet most of your new year resolutions :)?

  7. 2010 has been the year where my life made a dramatic turn, both in my personal life and business life. I didn't reach the goals I set in neither of these parts of my life, but I am heading toward them with hugh and determined steps!
    Now I just need to get the skills right... So today (tonight:) I will continue working on my skills in social media!

  8. I love the rush I get towards the end of the year! I review my goals often and a few projects are coming to fruition after lots of work this year. I celebrate along the way but will surely be celebrating reaching some great goals this New Year's Eve. 🙂

  9. I have to admit, I've sort of given up on goals. Here's why:

    It's been an odd year. All the plans I made didn't happen. But four completely unplanned for, yet insanely lucrative, things just literally "fell" into my lap.

    First, out of the blue I had a large training/consulting firm approach me about buying my business and my training products. (In a bad economy, no less!) When their rep called the first time I hung up on him because I thought it was a crank call. I thought, "Yeah. Right. NO ONE is going to buy a company in THIS bad economy! But, I was wrong. Fortunately, the company's lawyer called me back, I referred him to my lawyer, and they drafted an agreement. Got a great deal for the company!!

    Second, something that I had given up on more than five years ago -- getting $10,000 for one keynote -- happened not only once, but three times this year! (The same company paid me--in advance--to give the keynote at their industry convention for the next three years, and they are paying me $10,000 per speech. )

    Third, after I sold the biz, I was working my tail off trying to make my "real" dreams and goals come true, when a rep from a local company called, said she heard I had sold my company, and wondered if I would be willing to work for them full time. I wasn't, but I did negotiate a six-month contract with the possibility of an extension.

    So...all wonderful things happening to me. All unplanned. All completely happenstance. Yet all my wonderfully detailed plans, work, networking, and marketing to do what I have always wanted to do -- start a publishing company -- have failed. Miserably. And there are no signs of anything good coming of that anytime soon.

    My point? Sometimes you can plan and work your a$$ off, but the Universe has other plans. Sometimes, you just have to go with the flow.

    I still don't know the reason why my "real" dreams aren't working out--despite all my hard work and efforts. But for right now I am just believing that some universal force has something else in mind for me, and I stopped banging my head against the wall. And--although I am not doing what I really love--I am eternally grateful for the gifts that have been given to me this year. I know how very lucky I am compared to many folks, and I don't want to pooh-pooh that or take it for granted. Not having my "goals" met is small potatoes when you look at the big picture.

    1. This is a great comment. I am glad you posted it. I have a business that's doing real well and it has been completely unplanned. Well, not completely, my customers prefer me to others because I do a good job - that's the cause and effect part of it.
      I plan many things in my mind but it looks as if doing what I do now is what is meant to be at the moment.

    2. Ah, but Vicki ... what if your 'real goals' ARE being constructed by the Universe behind the scenes - just where you can't quite see them yet? What if the connections you are making right now doing other things land the opportunities and opening doors in your lap that you need to create the most amazing publishing company you could ever have imagined?

      What if? What if?

      I'm willing to bet that your dreams are still quite tangible ~ maybe a little less attachment to 'how' they need to come and a little more faith in how exciting it will feel when they do come would shift something?

      I, for one, am going to believe in it for you! 😉


  10. Thanks for this post. We are being taught that we can be co-creators in our lives. We actually can be pro active in determining our fate. Many of these latest posts may likely mirror exercises in your upcoming workshop.

  11. I'm on track with some of my goals, but there's one big one that I've been working on consistently all year but the results just aren't there. It's frustrating!

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  • 19 comments on “Goal Getting”

    1. Goal Getting indeed, Randy. I too have started reflecting on what this year had brought and what I want to begin to prepare for next year. I hit some high marks this year. In preparation for 2011 and to keep the momentum going, I hired a business coach just a week ago. I don't know if I know all that I need to have the same success as next year. I do know that by believing in myself, taking action and having people 'in the know' in my circle gives me every opportunity at duplicating and going way beyond this year’s success.

    2. After so many years in the M.L.M. industry I am finally realizing I will be successful.. It's been a long hard road, but I expect great happenings with my knowledge for the future.


    3. Tell us more about media marketing Randy!
      I am willingly want to know about your great idea about marketing my friend.
      sincerely yours,
      Mr. Ayat Mahmoodi, Iran.

    4. Thank you for this brain-storming post, Randy! I think, it's time to get my written plans and make some overview!
      It's not too late to correct some things.

    5. I feel pretty good about my progress this year, though I did not plan the goals until after Jan 1st. And that's because I wasn't clear about the direction I wanted to go!

      That said, I've developed a compelling concept for the new company, retained a top tier business strategist and corporate/securities attorney, formed a C corporation in DE, finalizing the company overview and will be reviewing the final draft of the offering documents this week to raise our seed round. I'm also learning a video editing program since the platform we will launch is multimedia video! All of this in about 7 months +/- !!

      The steps I can take now is being more focused and continuing the creative process, while developing my presentation for investors!

      Thanks Randy!

    6. Ever since I got into personal development I can say I'm really doing well on following my goals and meeting my deadlines. I'm currently trying to lose weight and so far I'm doing well. Have loss a little weight but still keeping on and trying my best not to slack. Even if I slack, I'll get back on track. The more times I'm able to get back on track, the stronger I'll be in facing the problem guy called slacking and the more stronger I'll be in keeping focused with my goals and meeting them :).

      How about you, Randy? How're you keeping on with your goals and deadlines? Have you been able to meet most of your new year resolutions :)?

    7. 2010 has been the year where my life made a dramatic turn, both in my personal life and business life. I didn't reach the goals I set in neither of these parts of my life, but I am heading toward them with hugh and determined steps!
      Now I just need to get the skills right... So today (tonight:) I will continue working on my skills in social media!

    8. I love the rush I get towards the end of the year! I review my goals often and a few projects are coming to fruition after lots of work this year. I celebrate along the way but will surely be celebrating reaching some great goals this New Year's Eve. 🙂

    9. I have to admit, I've sort of given up on goals. Here's why:

      It's been an odd year. All the plans I made didn't happen. But four completely unplanned for, yet insanely lucrative, things just literally "fell" into my lap.

      First, out of the blue I had a large training/consulting firm approach me about buying my business and my training products. (In a bad economy, no less!) When their rep called the first time I hung up on him because I thought it was a crank call. I thought, "Yeah. Right. NO ONE is going to buy a company in THIS bad economy! But, I was wrong. Fortunately, the company's lawyer called me back, I referred him to my lawyer, and they drafted an agreement. Got a great deal for the company!!

      Second, something that I had given up on more than five years ago -- getting $10,000 for one keynote -- happened not only once, but three times this year! (The same company paid me--in advance--to give the keynote at their industry convention for the next three years, and they are paying me $10,000 per speech. )

      Third, after I sold the biz, I was working my tail off trying to make my "real" dreams and goals come true, when a rep from a local company called, said she heard I had sold my company, and wondered if I would be willing to work for them full time. I wasn't, but I did negotiate a six-month contract with the possibility of an extension.

      So...all wonderful things happening to me. All unplanned. All completely happenstance. Yet all my wonderfully detailed plans, work, networking, and marketing to do what I have always wanted to do -- start a publishing company -- have failed. Miserably. And there are no signs of anything good coming of that anytime soon.

      My point? Sometimes you can plan and work your a$$ off, but the Universe has other plans. Sometimes, you just have to go with the flow.

      I still don't know the reason why my "real" dreams aren't working out--despite all my hard work and efforts. But for right now I am just believing that some universal force has something else in mind for me, and I stopped banging my head against the wall. And--although I am not doing what I really love--I am eternally grateful for the gifts that have been given to me this year. I know how very lucky I am compared to many folks, and I don't want to pooh-pooh that or take it for granted. Not having my "goals" met is small potatoes when you look at the big picture.

      1. This is a great comment. I am glad you posted it. I have a business that's doing real well and it has been completely unplanned. Well, not completely, my customers prefer me to others because I do a good job - that's the cause and effect part of it.
        I plan many things in my mind but it looks as if doing what I do now is what is meant to be at the moment.

      2. Ah, but Vicki ... what if your 'real goals' ARE being constructed by the Universe behind the scenes - just where you can't quite see them yet? What if the connections you are making right now doing other things land the opportunities and opening doors in your lap that you need to create the most amazing publishing company you could ever have imagined?

        What if? What if?

        I'm willing to bet that your dreams are still quite tangible ~ maybe a little less attachment to 'how' they need to come and a little more faith in how exciting it will feel when they do come would shift something?

        I, for one, am going to believe in it for you! 😉


    10. Thanks for this post. We are being taught that we can be co-creators in our lives. We actually can be pro active in determining our fate. Many of these latest posts may likely mirror exercises in your upcoming workshop.

    11. I'm on track with some of my goals, but there's one big one that I've been working on consistently all year but the results just aren't there. It's frustrating!

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